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Re: Waterfall

Gabriel listens idly to the conversation, nearly jumping out of his skin but keeping his cool when Siphon shifts his appearance, then moves to make a comment on himself. "Gabriel Gray. I'm supposed to start teaching here tomorrow. As for what I can do...........nothing fancy. I can take someone's kinetic energy from their strikes and use it against them. Quite efficiently I might add." he states, crossing his arms.
Re: Waterfall

Siphon nodded slowly.

"Gabriel, your abilities may come in handy against him then, so long as he doesn't change to ranged weapons. As far as I know Johnathan, no earth bound blade should be able to harm you if what you say is accurate. Perhaps an Alveran electo-blade would have, but they don't work in this dimension as far as I know."

He paused for a moment, considering options.

"If it isn't strong, then never mind. It has to have enough juice behind it for what I had in mind. Suffice it to say I can directly feed off of electrical currents, or I can manipulate them to a certain degree. Unfortunately, I can't generate a current of my own, I have to tap into a pre-existing one."

If he saw Emily's reaction, he gave no indication, however he did change back just a moment later to normal.

"Harrel ... it was mentioned to me you detected our quarry as being similar in sense to my own signature, but different somehow? Can you explain what you sensed in layman's terms? And if you think our readings are interesting, wait til you meet Aya. Hers will blow you away I'm sure."
Re: Waterfall

Sho listens as the others comment about their various abilities and after each one, she seems to have this calculating look on her face, obviously coming up with ways they might be able to counter whatever Merphok threw at them. They had stealth, they had combat, they had protection. They just might have a chance.

"Speakin' of Aya, she checked in with ya?" Ian puts his attention more on Sho, who gives him a curious look and shakes her head.

"Haven't seen her since yesterday. Thought you two had a date." There's a bit of tease in her voice.

He scratches the back of his neck. "Well, yeah. But we pahted ways this mornin'. Figured it'd be easier slippin' back onta the grounds singly rather than as a pair. Don't think she'd still be at the springs. Could go check."
Re: Waterfall

Jackson relaxed as everyone decided speak openly about their powers. All of the powers seemed to be all over the place with countless amounts of ways to use them. With everyone else having spoken out it seemed to be his turn.

"Jackson Cougar. My own power is different from most of you. Complete and utter control of Electromagnetism. I can magnetize other living thing or and type of metal that can be magnetize. Once done I push and pull the target controlling the distance. I can also "super-charge" machines to maxamize it's output. Just don't plan on the machine surviving. He spoke in a relaxed tone until he reached the last part, as if he had some very bad first hand experience.
Re: Waterfall

As Jackson finished, Siphon's eyes took on a thoughtful look.

"Jackson ... how far can you extend that electro-magnetic field? Is it possible for you to, say ... extend an electro-magnetic barrier around you that would interfere with scanning equipment?"
Re: Waterfall

Responding to Siphon's query on what he sensed, Harrel speaks up, "Yeah. Basically every soul has a certain unique kind of shape to it, a base signature we call it, that's specific to it's origins or race. Beyond that any number of quirks, features, modifications and unique differences can detail it, but to the trained eye, the base signature is nearly always still apparent underneath. Like someone wearing different outfits, you can still recognise them. As I said to Ellisia I can't confirm it 100%, since I'm basing this off only three samples, but you Alveran guys are pretty distinctive. It's kind of my speciality within the trade as it were." The young man explains. "As for the specific "difference" in this guy though, I can't actually elaborate on it without getting a closer look. A good bird watcher can tell the difference between two exotic birds he's never seen before, but he can't tell you more about them without studying them first. If you get what I mean."

Checking the time, Grace looks out to sea, then back to the group, "I think we should move soon. We don't know how far this bastard will be travelling."

Ellisia nods, "We have said most of what can be said for now. There will be time to iron things out on the trip. I imagine some of us may still need to quickly prepare before leaving."
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Re: Waterfall

Jonathan spent most of the discussion hanging back and listening to explanations. He was a bit calmer than he was at first because of three things. First, Siphon returned to human form. Second, he confirmed that Jonathan was indeed impossible to damage with blades - not that it'd help much if someone had a different weapon, but then again... Quite a few kinds of ranged weapons wouldn't be any more helpful either. The third and probably most important thing that reassured him was that Harrel couldn't sense him. This meant that if their enemy had a similiar method of detecting others, Jonathan was relatively safe. The boy was quite interested in what Harrel said, though. He acted as if he recognized what Jonathan was just by seeing his alternate form. Perhaps questioning the mysterious visitor could help the young man uncover something about himself.
Re: Waterfall

"I have never tried anything like that but with how the energy builds up in my body... it might very well all ready. If not Then it shouldn't be all that hard to do due to all the build up I haven't let off since the last... "incident". But I'm with Grace... We need get moving... The farther away Isabella gets the harder she'll be to find." Jackson said with a relaxed cold tone.

He started to wonder the real reason Isa was kidnapped. Maybe she was only a victim of chance. Whatever the reason they all needed to get moving and soon.
Re: Waterfall

"I'm ready to leave whenever, I've got everything I need here," Emily says, pounding a fist into the palm of her hand once. "A friend of Art's is a friend of mine. We'll teach this jerk to mess around with a student of this school."
Re: Waterfall

That statement actually makes Sho laugh, but it's a pleasant sound. She's not mocking Emily in the least. "Outside of someone keeping me past breakfast," she pokes Siphon in the arm, "I'm pretty much good to go."

Ian chuckles as well. "Bastard's not goin' ta know what hit him. And if we need ta get goin', Ah can make due. If anyone's headin' back, then Ah'll go with, but should be all right as is. And hey, we even have a chaparone." He nods his head in Gabriel's direction.
Re: Waterfall

Jonathan cracked his knuckles slowly. "I don't really have anything to pick up... Count me ready." He was nervous - after all, he was about to pursue a dangerous madman. His mother would not approve of that, but curiosity and a bizzare sense that this is something he was made for convinced the boy.
Re: Waterfall

The look on Siphon's face said it before his words confirmed it.

"Then if you can extend briefly, we may be able to hide from any sensors he'd have. Oh, I'm ready ... This one is personal. No one, and I mean NO ONE messes with people I consider to be family. Let's find us something large enough to carry us in one shot, quickly, and silently."
Re: Waterfall

"Very well then lets get moving. Perhaps Gabriel can help wrangle us a rental boat on a cover story of a field trip. I do want to pick something up myself, but it won't take more than a few minutes, so I'll meet you down at the docks." Ellisia says, performing a few simple ankle stretches as she stands. "I'll get right on that now then. See you all soon." said as she steps out of the group and begins a fast jog back to the school.

Grace watches and considers, "I'll stay with you guys. I'm fine to go now." She says, moving to start off on heading to the town and motioning to invite the others to follow. Harrel does so and falls in line.
Re: Waterfall

"C'mon, lets go," Emily says quietly to Jonathan as Grace heads off to town, deciding to stay with the only other person she actually knows.
Re: Waterfall

"Yeah." Jonathan didn't mind sticking with Emily. She seemed to be someone he could get along with, in spite of what happened earlier. He followed Grace and Harrel, as the meeting seemed to come to an end.
Re: Waterfall

Al, not really knowing any of the party, follows the rest by himself.
Re: Waterfall

Siphon moved onwards, not at the head of the group, but not far behind it. To those around him, he seemed to move with an air of purpose, one borne not completely for just one thing. No, it was obvious he was angered greatly by the prospect that someone he considered to be 'family', for whatever reason, had been abducted, and possibly harmed by someone from HIS past. There was definitely the air of revenge about him, and some of the others might begin to wonder if there was a bit more to that past than the new vampire was wanting to remember.
Re: Waterfall

Jackson quickly followed the other, not wanting to hold the group up any more then was needed. He started to toy around with his power to see if he could tell if his power could do what Siphon wanted of him. They wore far away from anything that could be damaged by his power so it was a perfect time to test it out as they walked.
Re: Waterfall

Sho and Ian follow along with the others, the Aussie simply walking along with his hands stuffed in the pockets of his jacket. He's fallen into a quiet thoughtfulness, peripherally paying attention to the others, his attention more on the path than anything else, but he seems to know where the others are most of the time.

Sho, on the other hand, does her best to keep pace with Siphon. She knows that aura around him, though it's likely clear this isn't the best time to talk about what's running through his head. Still, it's a quiet show of support. She's got a look on her face as well, but the frown says she doesn't have all the information she'd like out of this situation. At least they had a few surprises on their side, which might make all the difference.