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Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

((Heh, I kinda wanted to have Ellisia say something to get on Michelle's bad side there, but it didn't quite fit. :p ))

"Hmm. I don't think I've got anything special going on today. Heading off soon to pick up some notes from somebody, and I've got some free periods later today because a teachers doing something else, but that's it really. You?"
Ellisia replies as casually as ever, nearly finished with her cereal now.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Oh, you know, working... Do you want to do something after lessons? Go down to the clubs or something? I haven't had any sparring for a while. I don't want to get out of form. Or if you want to do something earlier, I have a free immediately after lunch." Suzy replied, waving her arm in an arc, for no apparent reason.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Sure, that sounds good. My free's are both after lunch as well, so that fit's nicely. I'm always up for a bit of sparring." Ellisia says warmly finishing her breakfast. She makes a glance at the clock, and stands, picking up her things. "About time I get going. Got to get these notes before class. So I'll see you at the club latter then yes?" She says slinging her bag on her shoulder and making a single step towards the door.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Yeah, sure, want me to bring my stuff or use the stuff down at the club?" Suzy said, giving a small wave to Ellisia.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"There should be everything we might need at the club house, but bring whatever you like. See you latter." She calls back with her own small wave as she heads out the door. Her destination being the tennis courts.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Isabella had been watching the two girls during their conversation, noticing that one of them had been in the battle last night though she didn't really know who she was besides being someone who knew Grace. Grace. That name caused a pang of guilt to rush through Isabella, though she wasn't sure why exactly.

Getting up Isabella washed up her plates and headed out to the Courtyard, she wanted to make the most of her morning free periods before her afternoon classes started.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Whatever students hadn't already left for classes would hear a hurried patter of footsteps rattling down the stairs, followed by Grace entering the room. She quickly grabs some kind of mobile breakfast and continues out the door.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Grace steps into the communal room, having been thinking a lot about the recent events along the way. She'd always wanted something more fantastic and action packed to happen in her life, but now she'd seen it, it scared her. It was still admittedly kind of exciting too, but overall she found herself more than anything else wanting to protect what she already had. But she could do that right? With her family's speciality magic, she could really use it here. She needed practice though. She had to be able to cast any type of barrier on a moments notice. There'd be no time to get her books out in the middle of a fight like today's. Next time the chance came, she would be able to protect against anything! Except perhaps hurtful words...

Thinking back to Isabella running in tears from the courtyard. She didn't know what to do about that at all. As she comes to the stair well she decides to take a look at the room map. "Dangit what's her surname anyway... ah, Greenway, 109... here it is. Oh, it's right there then." Grace mutters to herself tracing a finger down the name list, and then looking down the corridor as she realises she's only four doors down the hall from her current spot anyway. She stands uncertainly for a few seconds, looking to and fro, before remembering how she still has one of Isabella's other sketch pads in her bag. Pulling out the pad, and then her booklet of paper charms she writes a very simple note. Sticking the note onto the cover of the pad, she walks down the hall, pausing at the door for a moment noticing how it wasn't even locked, before carefully sliding it under the door. Then going back to the stairs, and up to her own room.
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Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Wandering into the commons, Sho looks much, much too pleased with herself. Draping her blazer over the back of the chair, she commences to sacking the fridge for something for breakfast.

"Morning, Ellisia." She waves to the blonde, staying out of her way while she's prepping her food, though a little bit curious as to what it is she's putting together.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Ah, morning Shoni." Ellisia replies turning briefly to wave back as she drops a pack of plain instant rice in the microwave, and then going back to mixing some eggs in a jug. Some chopped veg waiting to one side, and a few sausages and mushrooms sizzling in a pan at the back. "A good morning even?" She adds, noting her apparent good mood.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Much more simplier fare for the other girl: cereal, toast, and juice.

"Depends on whom you ask," is her reply with a chuckle. "I'm just amusing myself by implying someone had a good night, actually." She fills a glass with orange juice, grabbing a second down and tipping it toward the blonde in a "You too?" kind of gesture. "One of these days, I'm going to try Aya's last nerve." She snickers.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

(I wonder, do other countries use the term "twig on/twigging on" as well?)

Ellisia expression remains somewhat plain for a moment, seeming to not catch onto Sho's meaning right away, but finally twigging on. "Ooh, hehe." She says with a chuckle and a rare awkward smile, quickly moving onto the juice to divert from her slow reaction, "Sure, thanks." She nods, continuing with her full cooked breakfast. It was actually Grace that paid for most of the extra ingredients, but Ellisia that was happy to regularly run down to the town to buy them, and then wake up in time to cook. It was a strange casual agreement the two had fell into some how and stuck.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

(Not familiar, but I can gather it from context. Just 'catching on' for us here in the States. *tries to think of any slang for it but is a step above unconsciousness atm*)

She fills another glass for the other girl and will do one for Grace, as well as Aya, if Ellissia asks. "Not that I really think anything happened, mind you, but it's fun teasing the hell out of her." She chuckles with a smile that would do any imp proud. On something of the opposite end of the spectrum, Sho does most of the shopping of the two girls and she usually picks up things for them and things that are easily shared among the dorm. She's got no qualms about someone else getting into stuff she brings back, so long as the favor is returned now and again.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Isabella is the first of the two girls to arrive, and those who pay attention to her will notice that she is in a far happier mood than she normally is.

"Morning," She greets both Ellisia and Sho as she enters the communal room and walks over to the toaster and puts in some bread. Once it has popped she butters it lightly then sits down to eat it.

About halfway through her toast Emily walks into the communal room, and while she isn't as angry as she was yesterday she still seems pretty riled up to the point that she simply glares at Ellisia as she enters and seemingly doesn't notice the other two girls. She too opts for toast for breakfast, or at least thats what it would seem at first, but instead of putting the bread in the toaster Emily instead simply grabs a plate and puts the bread on it before choosing a seat where her back is to the rest of the girls. A few moments later and the scent of freshly cooked toast can be smelt and a second later the sound of toast crunching can be heard.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Enough juice there for Grace? She won't tolerate being left out." Ellisia asks, smiling jokingly about the last part, also adding a morning in reply to Isabella. With the cooking practically done now, Grace arrives right on time, strolling into the common room not far behind Emily, sniffing the air as she goes. "Mmm..." she hums coming up behind Ellisia and leaning round her shoulder to spy at the food. "You see this?" said looking to nearby Sho, and pointing with each hand at the food and her room mate. "This is the reason I can get up in the mornings." Grace says happily with a typical big grin.

"That's nice. Plates or bowls now please." Ellisia says plainly, shaking her shoulder a little in an attempt to dislodge the girl hanging on her and hindering her work. Grace complies, choosing bowls. The fancy breakfast is served, and Grace snatches up her bowl to take to a table. Turning to spot Isabella, she makes her way over and sets down next to her. "Good morning." She chimes, though suddenly acyually feeling just a little guilty noticing the contrast in the breakfasts. Ellisia simply follows Grace's lead and sits down opposite. She does note Emily a short way off, who she wanted to apologise to, though leaves it just for now.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Stella emits a low moan as she stumbles towards the stairs going into the common area, her feet feeling like stiff pieces of wood as she shuffled to the edge of the stairs. She was hungry, the cravings were not satisfied by animal matter, nor the food substitutes. She didn't have a physical need for it, after all, she had survived so long without consuming any, but the psychological aspects of it were driving her crazy.

She reaches out slowly for the handrail, only to find her arms as stiff as her legs, and the extra weight of her arms being in the forward causing her to suddenly lurch forward; her entire weight being thrown forward as she fell past the first few steps, then hit the next with a crunch and continued to roll forward until she slammed into the wall with a thud. She starting thinking about how she was going to get up, when she discovered her legs were mobile again and slowly picked herself up.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Plenty. And still some left over." She pours out the fourth glass and then puts the carton back into the fridge, grabbing more butter so she can add it to the toast now that that's done as well. As Isabella makes to use the toaster, she slides out of the way and keeps up with her work. "Morning," she replies just as cheerily.

Grace makes the other girl giggle a little. "Nice to have someone around that can do some cooking. I may not be able to do much of it myself, but I can appreciate it, that's for certain." For the time being, she just leans against one of the counters, out of the way, and spoons cereal into her mouth, now and then taking a bite of toast and watching for her roomie to come downstairs. That, of course, gives her a prime view of Stella's tumble.

Letting out a startled noise that's half-choked because of her food, she sets her bowl down quickly, the sloshing of the contents going unnoticed as she hurries over. Swallowing hard, she fusses for a moment before snapping out of her surprise.

"Are you okay?" She moves to help Stella get up, looking first to make sure if that's a good idea or not.

((That is, she's looking for anything that looks broken or if she might have hit her head or anything. Making sure it's safe to move Stella before trying.))
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Stella shakes her head a little as she slowly gets up, groping around for something to hold onto as she rights herself up. She looks at Sho as she approaches, a small amount of drool coming down her face as she mentally could taste the brain that was coming towards her. The delicious gray matter that was getting ever closer to her...

She shook her head and quickly wiped at her mouth, only to feel herself rubbing at her flu mask. She looks up at Sho and smiles to the best of her ability, "Yeah... I'm okay, just a little tired is all, guess I wasn't fully awake when I tried to go down the stairs." She laughs briefly as she fully stands up, "So... uh... what's for breakfast?"
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Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Morning, Grace," Isabella greeted the girl as she sat down, a smile on her face which Grace may or may not notice as a new addition to Isabella.

At the sound of Stella taking a tumble down the stairs Isabella was just about to get up before Sho moved to help the girl. While it seemed that the situation was under control she still looked over to see if everything was really alright.

Emily on the other hand simply deposited her plate in the sink, glared at the group of girls, Ellisia in particular, and left for class, seemingingly not noticing or not caring that someone had just fallen down the stairs.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

((Sho, not Copper, but s'cool.))

She catches the smile, or at least the appearance of one, behind the mask, seeing the cloth curve. She still hovers a little as Stella gets herself to her feet, making sure that she is, actually, all right after a tumble like that.

"Well, toaster's free. Cereal. Dunno if Grace and Ellisia have any leftovers. You'll have to ask them." She chuckles. "Help yourself to anything not labeled, I suppose."