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Scary movies

Re: Scary movies

Ah, the mutated hillbilly subgenre. I never got into that. They're in an "uncanny valley" of horror somehow. They're strange, but not strange enough to count as monsters. They're human, but not human enough to allow a comparison. I'm not all that big on Leatherface either. His killer weapon is iconic, of course, but his entire backstory kinda ruins it for me.
Re: Scary movies

Leatherface iconic yet bleh, I much prefer the Hannibal interpretation of Ed Gein.
Re: Scary movies

The Birds... Psycho... Vertigo... pretty much anything by Mr. Alfred Hitchcock is awesome. I love that he uses suspense instead of violence to set the mood... sure, there IS violence, as it IS a Horror movie, but it's not what he relies on to make it a good horror movie.

I saw the first 'Saw', and I instantly hated it, and had no desire to see any of the sub-sequent ones. If I wanted to see blood and gore, I would have gone and seen a movie about a surgeon.

I've only seen a few Freddy/Jason movies, but the ones I have seen, I've liked.

Oh, and can't forget 'Halloween' with Michael Myers... the original one, that is.
Re: Scary movies

No, no Lucas actual horror movies not just frightening movies.
Re: Scary movies

Saw and Hostel to me just seem like... Well, snuff films, really... Whereas The Thing is a real scary movie. I'm still not able to watch It, which is the pretty big reason why clowns scare the piss out of me to this day.
Re: Scary movies

I think you mean It. The Thing was the Kurt Russel film, which in itself was kinda scary too, but not so much because it was hard to relate.

But yeah, I saw It during a sleep over, and we had to take the bathroom break as a group. I was afraid to shit for the next few days, cuz I'd think I'd see a white glove just reaching up out of the toilet.
Re: Scary movies

It was just bizarre. They're remaking it for the big screen, by the way. Or so I've heard.
EDIT: Toxic, he capitalized the it in his post. He did mean the Stephen King movie :p
Re: Scary movies

SAW's okay just because I like to see the traps, but it's not really my favorite as a horror movie either. Didn't like Hostel at all.

Penywise is definately a great villain though, no wonder everyone's afraid of clowns. Well him and JW Gacy.
Re: Scary movies

Oh, wow, I read that as I cant watch it. I'm just a big ol' stupidface
Re: Scary movies

I actually like the remake of Halloween by Rob Zombie. I've been a huge Michael Myers fan (the only Halloween movie I haven't seen was Halloween III: Season of the Witch, because Michael wasn't in it. I also haven't seen H2, which is currently in theaters. I want to badly though), and I really like Rob Zombie's interpretation of the universe.

I also liked "The Devil's Rejects"... not so much "House of a Thousand Corpses" which was a little too weird. But it wasn't bad.
Re: Scary movies

The Blair Witch Project (a hit or miss for people though)

Hellraiser and Hellraiser 2


Alien and Aliens
Re: Scary movies

Scary movies are, for me at least, either frightening or hilarious. I thought It was hilarious, having read the book some time prior and having a better version in my head. Freddy Krueger freaked me out. Jason films were popcorn flicks. Many older films surprise me, and I was spooked at the end of the original Night of the Living Dead. I enjoy psych horror (suspense) over gore horror (gorror?) because, when done well, I end up doing most of the scaring entirely on my own.
Re: Scary movies

Thats what I'd like to see more. Ambiguous horror. If its ambiguous, not in your face, you scare yourself. Good horror authors know when to be ambiguous, and when to be in-your-face. Directors need to do the same.
Re: Scary movies

Indeed. James Cameron talks about that technique on the DVD commentary for Aliens. He says that his decision for very quick shots and darkened/minimal shots of the Alien Queen are to increase the tension with the scene; less is more.

The same can be said about the Blair Witch Project, where pretty much everything concerning the appearance of the witch is left to the viewers imagination.
Re: Scary movies

I like "The Thing". While the 50's version was okay, John Carpenter did an awesome job with his 80's remake. It is actually one of my favorite movies. I keep thinking that new "Whiteout" movie is a remake of The Thing, but I'm not sure.

I'm pretty sure it's a prequel to the Thing.



lol, that's the only film that had me freaked for awhile. I never liked dark corners in my room =/

Aliens was fairly scary, but too much of a combat flick to scare me. Darn you James. A lot of the scary scenes were more of quick jump scenes.. D=

In Alien, the tension stayed with me as it grew through the progress of the film. Ridley had better make this new Alien prequel a horror flick like his first or I'll be massively pissed.

and killer Gorilla's freak me out too... so Congo had scared me in the sense of a gray killer gorilla being in my room... lol
Re: Scary movies

Why does nobody like those wonderfully sick Saw movies? They're my favourites, at least in the "serious horror" genre, but generally, I prefer horror comedies/parodies, like Shaun of the Dead or Army of Darkness... but the Scary Movie movies are a bit overdone.
Otherwise, I also quite like "normal" horror movies, but I don't frequently watch them (I normally watch Comedy Central or MTV when watching TV at the time when horror movies are usually shown). Let me think what I've watched so far... Saw 1-3 (as I've already mentioned), Scream (great stuff), Resident Evil (I think I also watched part 2 or 3, but I didn't really like them), Dawn of the Dead, From Dusk Till Dawn, The Hills Have Eyes 2 (the one from 2007), Alien, Predator (quite a typical Schwarzenegger), Alien vs Predator, The Exorcist (boring)... That should be all, except for some vampire movies of which I don't remember the names (but I'd bet half of them had "Dracula" in them).
Re: Scary movies

Time to play catch up...

I keep thinking that new "Whiteout" movie is a remake of The Thing, but I'm not sure.

Whiteout is *not* The Thing. It's apparently serial killer on ice, so says my friend as we spoke about "misleading movie trailers." I don't think we were considering the "prequel" option when discussing that, though, but that just goes back to Hollywood having no orginal ideas...

Yes, and pretty much the same opinion regarding Johnny Depp, though I do like Secret Garden, though I count that as a thriller not horror.

I think you mean "Secret Window" if you're talking about Johnny Depp movies. If you are talking about "Secret Garden" wtf version did you see? *laughs*

Ah, the mutated hillbilly subgenre. I never got into that.

Maybe Rule can settle this urban legend for me. Friend claims that Deliverance (while we're on the subject of hillbillies and horror) was edited over in Germany so as to take out the references to homosexual nonconsensual so the basic plot of the movie appeared to be rafters slaughtering hillbillies. Truth?

Thats what I'd like to see more. Ambiguous horror. If its ambiguous, not in your face, you scare yourself. Good horror authors know when to be ambiguous, and when to be in-your-face. Directors need to do the same.

Indeed. James Cameron talks about that technique on the DVD commentary for Aliens. He says that his decision for very quick shots and darkened/minimal shots of the Alien Queen are to increase the tension with the scene; less is more.

The same can be said about the Blair Witch Project, where pretty much everything concerning the appearance of the witch is left to the viewers imagination.

I agree. I much prefer "horror" and "suspense" to "gore" and "violence." It's what made the first "Scream" movie good for me. Yeah, it had it's moments, but it was more "omg who's the killer?!" and less "Omg was that his spleen?" It's also what made Jaws such a raving success when it first came out. If I remember correctly, they never actually wanted to show the shark at all or at least until the very very very end which is how it played out. I'm actually a wuss when it comes to scary movies and I find it amusing that of my gaming group (two girls, two guys), me and one of the guys are the wusses of the group and the other two are "We need to go see *insert newest horror movie here*!" That being said, I have managed to get through a good few horror movies, mostly with the help of having a nice boyfriend shoulder to hide in and one who would *honestly* tell me when it was okay to look. Surprisingly enough, I can usually do anything with vampires without problems (and I've seen too many of those to list, but let's just say they run the gambit from horror to just plain horrific.)

Jaws tops out as my top favorite, as it's the only one I can really watch by myself *laughs* And yes, I've seen all 4, although I *cannot* get through Revenge without falling asleep. Every time! Pretty sure I'm overlooking stuff, but off the top of my head, I've seen Sleepy Hollow, Doom, Resident Evil, Night of the Comet, the Alien Quadrilogy, the Scream Trilogy, Event Horizon, Deep Rising, Mimic, Relic, and a surprising amount of Stephen King movies (Shining, Dreamcatcher, Salem's Lot, Maximum Overdrive, and Carrie, holy shit I watched that when I was home sick one day and I got to the end of the movie and about jumped out of my f'ing skin and had to call my mother before I freaked out any more.)

Salem's Lot brings up an interesting discussion that I've had with my mother (who watches cheesy SciFi horror and reads King, Koontz, Straub, and Saul before bed...to RELAX) was how back when Salem's Lot first came out and she saw it, it was a SCARY ASS MOVIE. She rented it for me and we watched it together and it actually made me *laugh* and go "That's not scary!" Just a sign of the times, I guess, considering I'd seen all of the later stuff and was watching worse than they had in there on primetime cable.
Re: Scary movies

Whiteout as a prequel to The Thing? Could be interesting, but having looked over it a bit, it does seem as if its just a serial killer in the Antarctic (and for some reason that has me a little bummed out about it).

Aliens was great. Not only as horror but also action too. The movie is still a classic to this day for so many reasons. Funny how both Ridley Scott and James Cameron went different routes after their respective entries into the Alien franchise. (Cameron : Titanic (though Avatar is finally coming out) Scott: Gladiator and such)

Salem's Lot... while I haven't seen the original, I like the made for TV remake they did. It was actually quite well done. James Cromwell (I had called him Farmer Hogat for ears after watching Babe) is a alcoholic priest in it.

Exorcist, that seems to be scarier to those who have a more religious back ground. My mother is terrified by the movie, while a lot of agnostics and atheists I know shrug their shoulders. Definitely a specific target audience. I still enjoyed the movie though.

For vampires, 30 Days of Night was brilliant in my opinion. Vicious and gory yes, but also enough suspense to make it creepy, and the leader saying "No God" in that twisted voice of his made me shudder.
Re: Scary movies

Maybe Rule can settle this urban legend for me. Friend claims that Deliverance (while we're on the subject of hillbillies and horror) was edited over in Germany so as to take out the references to homosexual nonconsensual so the basic plot of the movie appeared to be rafters slaughtering hillbillies. Truth?

I don't even know what movie you're talking about, sorry :/