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Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Anyone got a download link for this game?

Been searching the usual sites i go too, but they never put it up.

Sorry, no signs on my radar either, just the usual fakes.

I have stuck it on my list and will let you know if anything shows up, but I suspect you will find it first if it does. :)



EDIT: 209 downloads in a month, so not that popular it would seem?
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Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Oni said his rogue corruption sim "Rogue like" is now free to all and can be reposted anywhere, but I can't find it. Anyone have access to it that can repost it on ULMF?

Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Hey guys,
i m looking for the full, uncensord version of this
ww w.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=786356499
or at least a name would be great, thanks in advance!
Re: The Partial Translation Link Thread

Hi there, I'm looking for a english rpg maker game, where you played as a blond women, you could adjust her hornyness and purity and innocence i think, the one event was going into a castle and rescuing a little girl and if you failed and got raped the girl got more depraved, so when you did eventually rescue her, you could take advantage of her, i remember there were orcs and a milk shed and horses lol, any help with the name would be greatly appreciated. thanks:D
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Hi there, I'm looking for a english rpg maker game, where you played as a blond women, you could adjust her hornyness and purity and innocence i think, the one event was going into a castle and rescuing a little girl and if you failed and got raped the girl got more depraved, so when you did eventually rescue her, you could take advantage of her, i remember there were orcs and a milk shed and horses lol, any help with the name would be greatly appreciated. thanks:)
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Hello everybody! I've been searching high and low for "the Secret of the Princess of Rujou" by Pink Noise and I'm coming up with nothing. I tried to buy it but the site won't accept my card and I'm honestly just irritated beyond reason. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Hi! I'm trying to remember the name of a game from years and years ago. You play as a girl who gets on some sort of quest, and along the way you encounter several "enemies." These encounters involve dialogue choices, and if you pick the wrong ones it's game over rape time. Due to the moonspeak present in the dialogue I never finished the game, but now my brain has remembered that said game exists and really wants me to finish it for some reason.

The first three enemies were a slime, a bee, and then a flower/tentacle monster of some sort (maybe a sunflower). Any suggestions?
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Hi everyone, I'm looking for this game, a bomberman h-clone: ボンバーパラダイス (Bomber Paradise) - 桃色planet/(Momoiro Planet); anyone got info on it? There is also a video on YT that unfortunately I can't link since I'm a new user... Gameplay-wise it seems better than the other bomberman game I found here (also thanks to you guys) on this board (bombergirl I think it was called)
All I could find is only old websites where it 'was' for sale, now gone.... I didn't understand if it is as part of some collection .. anyfurther info or help would be gratly appreciated, thanks !!

Update: I found they may still be selling this online, h t t p: / / w w w .doujin-para.com/dojin/07m/7056M.html, but that japanese site won't allow shipping outside Japan... again I ask for info on it or if someone did luckily by any chance manage to get the original game...
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Heya !

Anyone know where is that from ? :

I've searched everywhere, discovered a lot of things but never found this one. :rolleyes:

Cheers !

Edit: found it. "Demon Beast Resurrection"
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Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

There's a game that was posted on this forum a few months ago, that I lost track of the name/topic for.

Basically you're a cat/fox girl climbing a tower to rescue a friend. The goal is to navigate the tower while avoiding the monsters. If caught your clothes are slightly damaged and you see an animated scene.

Enemies from the demo were slimes, dick dogs (not sure what else to call them) and bipedal chameleons.

Asked this a while back. Never got a response. Anyone remember the name and/or know current status of it? Demo was of rather high quality.
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

greetings and salutations!

recently a superdeepthroat collection has been surfacing around the interwebs and i is a whopping 3.5gb.

ref link:

now if anyone has this massive pile of debauchery on hand with a non bs download link such as mega or mediafire (or anything that doesnt cap download speeds to half the speed of smell) would be appreciated.

once again,

thanks in advance
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

greetings and salutations!

recently a superdeepthroat collection has been surfacing around the interwebs and i is a whopping 3.5gb.

ref link:

now if anyone has this massive pile of debauchery on hand with a non bs download link such as mega or mediafire (or anything that doesnt cap download speeds to half the speed of smell) would be appreciated.

once again,

thanks in advance
Wow indeed, the free download takes about 20h... that's way too much :/
So I second this request !
Sexual training game

hi guys
could you recomend me sexual traning game
english translated or at least partially translated
my japanese are 0 FYI
Looking for a game...

Been awhile since I have been on here but I am looking for a game I played a long time ago.

Cannot for the life of me remember what it was called or if it was RPG Maker (although, I believe it was). Can't remember if the game was even complete but here goes...

You are a male Lord or something who is training to be a knight or something in some knight school. You are then sent to some army camp to face monster girls and then you end up being captured by them.

That's all I can remember but it's been bugging me for a while now.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)
Re: Looking for a game...

Been awhile since I have been on here but I am looking for a game I played a long time ago.

Cannot for the life of me remember what it was called or if it was RPG Maker (although, I believe it was). Can't remember if the game was even complete but here goes...

You are a male Lord or something who is training to be a knight or something in some knight school. You are then sent to some army camp to face monster girls and then you end up being captured by them.

That's all I can remember but it's been bugging me for a while now.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)

That sounds like Architect's Monster Girl Unlimited, which sadly was unfinished, but a quick search should pull it up.
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Hi all, I'm looking for some recommendations for 3D titles with gameplay, currently I'm looking into buying Monster Island and Pandemonium Slash Princess Sakura, no 3D custom girl titles, I don't really like how the cell shaded models look, thanks

RPGs or shmups or action please
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Re: Need game information

Lewd Prince 4?


Brilliant work there!

That certainly is the same cover picture,and, even better, at the bottom of the link you posted is a MEGA link to the game! :D

I haven't unpacked it, but it is 333MB, so it will be the full thing (I just checked that the link still worked).




I have unpacked the game and it is Lewd Prince 4 v5.0, and it does seem to work (only played for a couple of minutes as a test).

It is a bit slow to start so please be patient: Z, space, enter, progress it.
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