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Club Grounds

Re: Club Grounds

Suzy was walking towards the grounds, having eaten her lunch already. She walked past Harrel seemingly without even noticing him, apparently lost in her iPod. When she got into the club, she almost walked straight into Ellisia, before she blinked. Looking around as if taking note of her surroundings for the first time, Suzy slipped off the headphones and pulled the iPod out of her pocket. "Hey, Ellisia, somewhere I can leave my stuff?" she said, slinging the music player into her bag, and holding it up to show her point.

Another thing Suzy failed to notice entirely as she was walking was the tall albino girl lying alone on a bench not far from the club. Currently, Michelle's eyes were closed, and she appeared to be napping, basking in the sunlight coming across her white skin. Harrel, however, would have been able to see her just fine, and if not, sense the turbulent presence of her spirit. She was spread eagled across the bench, not particularly caring who saw her. She had eaten plenty for the day earlier, after she'd encountered Siphon, and so had skipped going to the lunch hall. Hatred for the man boiled furiously within her, but was suppressed slightly by her respect for his great power, and the possibility that he could get her back to her birthland.
Re: Club Grounds

"Hi Suzy. The corner over there should be good." Ellisia answers.

Harrel's eyes casually follow Suzy as he continues his way out, then stepping outside and glancing around. He considers heading off towards the cafeteria and is about to move when he notices Michelle's looming presence. A quick visual check and he notices that she seems to be asleep, or at least resting and hadn't seen him. Changing his mind about food right now he back pedals to the martial arts club, slipping in and taking a seat on the bench near the entrance. With Suzy looking away for the moment he does a bit of improvised signing to Ellisia. Motioning outside, then griping his own throat, making some finger horns and pointing outside again, before sitting normally and smiling.

Ellisia tries not to grimace at his display, and continues with Suzy, "So what do you feel like? A bit of weapon practice, or some unarmed sparring?"
Re: Club Grounds

As Harrel noticed Michelle, she stirred, and rolled over a bit, now facing away from him.

Suzy slung her bag in the corner, not noticing Harrel's gestures, and turned back to Ellisia just as he finished. She pulled a grey bandanna out of her pocket and with a flick of her head, tied her hair back with it. As she was doing this, she noticed Harrel sitting on the bench for the first time, and stared confusedly at him for a few seconds. Turning back to Ellisia, she said "Depends what's down here. Is there a spear or staff I can use? If not, I'd rather go unarmed. Uh, who's he? A friend?" she finished, motioning at Harrel.
Re: Club Grounds

"Yeah, I was just getting all that out." Ellisia says stepping over to one side where a small array of practice weaponry rested, both a selection of staves and a set of rubber tipped spears among it. "As I said in the woods, it's a surprisingly well stocked club. Oh, and that's just Harrel. Yeah, old friend."

Harrel sits silently, smiling and waving. He was concerned about Mirchell lurking outside, but didn't mind having an excuse to watch two girls do some training.
Re: Club Grounds

Suzy nodded, and looked at Harrel with a slightly nervous sparkle in her eyes, and walked to the weapon collection. After a minute pondering, she picked up one of the spears, and whirled it around her hand. Dissatisfied, she picked up another, and repeated the procedure. Happy, she then span it around her back, and slipped it into a defensive stance. Again, apparently satisfied, she straightened up, and planted the butt on the ground. "I like this one." she said simply, walking towards Ellisia again. "Have you got one picked out?"

Suzy didn't notice it, but the other two, most likely Harrel, may be able to hear some small cracking sounds, like cracking knuckles, and a slight creaking of wood outside. If they were very perceptive, they may even pick up a yawn. Apparently Michelle was waking up.
Re: Club Grounds

"Ok then. I'll go with a light boken then. Make it a mixed styles match." She says stepping over and picking up a wooden training sword." She wonders what criteria Suzy had made her pick on, not knowing the specifics of spears as well herself, other than fighting against them. "Right then. Ready?" She says stepping to a clear space and taking a stance. She focuses her mind for a moment, communing with her sword spirit. Not for guidance but to ask it not to assist her in this fight. She'd be relying purely on her naturaly learnt skills. Plenty formidable enough regardless.

Harrel simply sits and watches. He was keeping the outside in mind, but doesn't hear Michelle's stirring yet.
Re: Club Grounds

Suzy nodded, and followed Ellisia to the clear space. She brought the spear up to a light-footed stance, resting very little weight on her front foot, ready to shift at any time. "Yeah. I haven't practised against an opponent in ages, it'll be good to see how well I can hold up." she said cooly, going back to ignoring Harrel. She would wait for Ellisia to make the first move, instead Suzy took a step back, knowing her best chance was keeping Ellisia at range.

Outside, Michelle slowly stood up, giving off a little groan, which she quickly got control of. She cast her gaze around, ignoring the wierd looks from the few other students, and was about to stalk off to have a flight or simply go looking for the ginger girl to pick a fight with, when she noticed the sounds of combat in the martial arts club. Looking over, she saw a flash of bright orange, and grinned. She'd now get to see the bitch in action. She wandered over to the entrance, walking into a young male who was foolish enough to not wait for her to pass, and got shoved aside for his foolishness. She approached the entrance, and leaned against a nearby post, watching the fight with interest. The other girl had been there this morning too, and... Oh, this was interesting. He hadn't seen her yet, but Michelle's gaze fixed on Harrel, and she grinned. This ought to be interesting.
Re: Club Grounds

"Ok then, here goes!" Ellisia declares as she springs forward. She starts out making testing strikes, and keeping clear of any counter attacks, moving on to giving Suzy a few unusual attacks to defend. Not quite going fully offensive yet, and just trading technique. "Ah, good save.."

Harrel was enjoying the light hearted fight so far. He'd always liked to visit the Etherian accademy from time to time whilst back home. The way everyone kind of hopped back and forth during this sparring stuff always caught his interest. Though right at the moment, something else caught his attention. The demon lady had moved, no, infact...

'Oh shit... She's right there watching us...'
Harrel thought turning his head to the door to see Michelle grinning at him from short way outside. He quickly covers up his breifly nervous expression, and changes it to a nervous smile and a thumbs up.
Re: Club Grounds

Suzy nearly fumbles the first few blocks, but quickly gets into her rhythm, sending the boken sliding off of the wooden shaft easily each time Ellisia tests her guard, seemingly quite content to move as little as possible, despite her light-looking stance. Suzy never made any attempt to counterstrike, each time simply lifting her spear to make Ellisia get out of range again. "Come then, Ellisia, you must have more than that!" Suzy laughed, still only keeping her at spears reach, and not attacking.

Michelle continued to look at Harrel for a few seconds, then turned to watch the fight. "Hello again. I don't believe we were properly introduced. I am Michelle." she said happily, the seductive sweetness back in her voice from when he'd first met her, though her kinder words were belied by the wicked grin on her beautiful face. She was leaning nonchalantly, arms folded under her hardly lacking bust as she watched, seemingly not overly fussed by Harrel for the moment.
Re: Club Grounds

"True..." Ellisia say's with a simple smile, upping her pace. She makes a few more false strikes to set up, and suddenly shoots forward, expertly sliding the spear along her sword and breaking past it's point. She allows her sword to continue, though anticipating it will be blocked, her actual intention is a trip attack as she closes quickly on Suzy.

Harrel remains sitting on his bench, a little tense, but playing calm, "Oh, well it's a pleasure to meet you again so soon Michelle. Name's Harrel." He says, a little less forwardly than he had before in the early morning that day. His face an uncertain mix of caution and casualness, "So what happened to the other fellow that interrupted earlier?" He says looking somewhere between the sparring and up at Michelle.

Ellisia takes note of Michelle's entrance, but for now continues the sparring, being quite competent at concentrating on a fight as well as her surroundings.
Re: Club Grounds

Suzy grins happily as the fight ups the pace, and she twisted the spear in her grasp, sending the boken off at an angle, away from her body, and quick as a flash, jumped, meaning that Ellisia's trip missed, the butt of the spear whirling round towards Ellisia's head unless she could get out of the way. As she finished her move, regardless of outcome, Suzy finally became aware of Michelle's presence, narrowing her eyes disdainfully, but quickly turning her attention back to Ellisia.

Nearby, Michelle glanced back to Harrel, and stood straight, facing him properly now. "Charmed, I'm sure." she said, her smile only widening. "Siphon? We talked. There's nothing wrong now. How are you?" she continued, sounding overly friendly. She leaned forward, and placed her hands on her hips, pushing her chest out between her arms, bust squeezing outwards, likely catching Harrel's eye as she openly flirted with him.
Re: Club Grounds

Ellisia twists on the spot, veering left and slipping away from the swooping butt of the spear. Not backing away she wastes no time in bringing her boken back towards Suzy and keeping the pressure up. Whilst the club room had a tall ceiling, Suzy might find her manoeuvring space would start to feel small with Ellisia closely following her movements.

"Is that so? I suppose that's good to hear." Harrel replies, not sure what to make of her attitude right now. Evidently finally treating her with a level of caution he perhaps should have exercised a bit more of earlier. "Me, I'm fine. Still trying to get a feel for the place. Just relaxing at the moment..." He says then looking to the side she was standing, and holding in a startled cough and a light chuckle as he regards her sideways. 'Man she's good at that...' He thinks admiring the view with a slight smirk on his face knowing he was being toyed with. Not that he minded. He just wished he understood this Michelle's motives a bit better, still being a little on edge. He didn't know what she might have intended to do had this Siphon character not intervened. "Enjoying the island and campus so far then?" He says Sitting there he subconsciously inhales, as if smelling something pleasant. To him a vibrant and exotic soul was something of beauty, even belonging to someone as dubious as Michelle.

Ellisia continued to pay attention to the conversation as much as was possible over the clacking wood.
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Re: Club Grounds

Suzy's face contorted in effort as the staff whirled about as fast as she could make it, batting aside the boken as best she could, but being forced to step backwards. Sweat started to bead on her face, but Suzy didn't give up, and with a ducking sweep, started her own counter offensive, swinging and thrusting the spear to keep Ellisia at bay, before lunging forwards, dropping the spear in the process, and tackling Ellisia, grabbing her sword arm to stop her counter.

At the side, Michelle paid little heed to the fight except a brief glance at the human-on-human *fwump* at Suzy's tackle attempt, instead playing with Harrel. "Oh, yes. It's far different to any place I've been before, makes me wish I'd come here sooner, hmm?" she said, wiggling her chest just a little more, the slight gap at the top of her shirt giving Harrel a decent view of her cleavage. With a winning smile, though growling in disgust at herself inwardly, Michelle released a little bit of her mothers power, a fraction of her succubus magic being transferred through her eyes, sinking into Harrel, just enough to set him a little more at ease with the demoness.
Re: Club Grounds

Ellisia doesn't show as much visible effort or strain as Suzy, but the look of concentration on her face hasn't wavered since the pace of the fight had increased. She expertly deflects the incoming counter offensive, maintaining her cool, right up until Suzy's unexpected lunge. Her solid focus on the armed fighting works against her as Suzy's tackle takes her by surprise. Letting out a slightly less dignified but very quickly silence squeal as Suzy hits. She tries to maintain control of her sword for a moment, before being forced to relinquish it.

Harrel can't seem to help but find himself staring for a few seconds. This Michelle was certainly dangerous, in a captivating way. "Indeed, ah but where are my manners, would you care to sit?" He says gesturing a spot on the bench. Whether she accepts or not he continues, though quieter now so that it would be hard to hear over the tussle of the fight. "So you arrived here recently too? Where might a creature as lovely as you have travelled from? And for the "prestigious educational facilities", or other reasons perhaps?"
Re: Club Grounds

Suzy's face returned to its normal state, the embodiment of calm, as she found herself on top of a disarmed Ellisia. She leant down, pushing Ellisia's arm to the floor, and pushed the boken away. She knelt on the arm, and grabbed at Ellisia's other, twisting it through a figure-of-four lock, but only put slight pressure on it, enough that it would be difficult for Ellisia to move that arm much without causing the sensation her arm was breaking.

Michelle grinned now at how her trick had pulled off, even if it had cost her a little bit of her twisted form of honour. It was worth it to be able to have a bit of fun without incurring Siphon's wrath. "You're too kind." she said, her voice dripping with honey, as she moved over to settle on the bench, curling her legs up so that they were resting near Harrel's. "I wouldn't know where to start. My birthland has no suitable name in your tongue. Approximations are there, but nothing exact. I am here, as you say, for education. I am... How to say... I have not received the best education so far, and my... family... believes it best I attend somewhere regarded so highly as this. But that doesn't mean I can't have some fun on the side does it, hmm?" she continued, the chime in her voice subsiding briefly as she mentioned her family, but piping up again immediately, while her honey-laden tones quite easily covered up the malice underlying her mention of fun, at which point she slid a hand down her leg enticingly, eyeing Harrel hungrily.
Re: Club Grounds

Ellisia grunts a little at the sudden and well executed lock, resting for a moment as she re-evaluated. 'I can still get out of this' she thinks to herself, breaking into movement again to roll back some and try to kick Suzy off of her whilst pushing up with the one kneeled on arm to try and unbalance her opponent before she could strengthen the pin.

Harrel was starting to have a really hard time here. He normally liked to light heartedly toy with girls left right and centre, but he couldn't quite relax with this one. Michelle here had him hooked. As she sat down he once again felt her aura wash over him. Recovering again he continued, "Is that so. I didn't realise that this institutes reputation spread so far. But of course. There's always room for a bit of fun in anything." He says in a tone of friendly conversation, though swallowing as he realises he was accidentally salivating. The fact that his effective boss was sparring just across the room only made things more awkward for him.

As Ellisia went about trying to get out of her lock, she couldn't help wondering what she was missing, just catching some of the other pair out of the corner of her eye, and vaguely hearing the hushed honey laced voice. She trusted Harrel little more than the other.
Re: Club Grounds

Suzy gasped at the sudden kick, rolling easily over Ellisia's head, the lock tightening for a second before she lost her grab, causing Ellisia a jolt of sharp pain before she could move her arm again. Suzy put her hand down, and crumpled onto it, rolling over to stand again. The boken was about the same distance from both of them, so Suzy went for that, dashing across and sweeping it from the floor while Ellisia was still getting up. Knowing that it was about useless to her, Suzy tossed it gently over her shoulder, way out of Ellisia's reach, where it landed just on the edge of the cleared space, and instead adopted a fighting stance, similar to her first one, but with the fists raised in front of her face.

While Harrel was having a hard time, Michelle was finding this rather easy, it must have been something subconscious from her mothers side... At the very least, she was finding it enjoyable that he was getting awkward, figuring she could wrap him around her finger in an instant should she choose, even if it needed her to feed him a little more. "Aha, it wasn't that far. I was sent to the country south of here by my parents nineteen years ago, and was adopted by another family in a village, so it isn't too far fetched that they knew of this place. And, ah, I'm sure I could find my entertainment, maybe someone here will be able to help me with it." she said, though Michelle made no further seductive movements, simply opening her legs and resting her hand on her raised knee, flicking a glance at the combatants, still utilising her natural sweet-talking voice.
Re: Club Grounds

Ellisia grits and bears the pain as she finishes escaping Suzy, having bared far worse in the sake of training before. Quickly as she can she kicks to her feet, seeing Suzy clearing the boken as she does so. She grins a little, enjoying the fight. The tall girl takes a stance of her own, nods to Suzy approvingly and then springs forward to engage again. Seemingly using a mix of styles, or something unrecognised.

Harrel is silent for a short moment as a lull in the action removes the background noise helping to keep the conversation from leaking to Suzy. Though it helps him anyway, being kind of uncertain on how to continue. "Uhm, yes of course." He replies awkwardly. Whilst he usually loved to be the centre of attention, this was difficult, so he tries to steer the conversation slightly away from notions of 'fun' for once, "I imagine living secretly among humans like this must be difficult? Or at least frustrating at times?"
Re: Club Grounds

Suzy grins as Ellisia swings into the unarmed combat, blocking the first punch, and swinging around to block the kick that came afterwards, twisting over the limb, and right into another punch. Gasping, Suzy brought her fists up, blocking it with both arms, and grabbed it, throwing a punch at Ellisia's sternum, but missed as Ellisia moved away, causing her to stumble, and enable Ellisia to throw her to the floor, hit her, whatever. She couldn't block anything right now except a kick from below.

Michelle grins happily at the sight of Harrel's awkwardness, though she restrains herself from giggling in joy. This was turning out to be much better than she'd have expected. She noticed that the man was trying to steer her away from discussing her fun further, and she did hope that he hadn't got the wrong idea about her entertainment. He'd squirm all the more, even with her seductive magic calming him down. "Oh, you have no idea how hard it is, but I know you're... Something more. Tell me though, about yourself. You are not here to learn, at least not in the same way as the rest of the people here. I would like to know more about you..." she said, licking her lips, before putting on her best smile, showing the white teeth, though tinted with a little darker colouring, perfect bar the sharpened canines. She tilted her head, looking deep into his eyes with her own blood red ones, closing them slightly to give a slightly flirtatious look to them.
Re: Club Grounds

Spotting the opening Ellisia wastes no time in going for the finish, throwing Suzy to the floor in a way that she lands on her back, and then crouching over Suzy going into a powerful fake punch to the head, stopping short and freezing there. After a second or two she smiles and stands back up, offering Suzy a hand to help her up. "That, was pretty good." She says catching her breath. Also taking a brief glance towards Harrel and Michelle. She was getting apprehensive about what he had been talking about all this time, especially considering the honey laced tones she'd been hearing from Michelle.

Harrel scratches the back of his head, now it was getting to things he could potentially get in trouble for saying. "Well no, I'm not exactly from around here either. I'm here working, in fact. Um... you know how I said I can sense spirits? That's actually my job. I'm here looking for something." He pauses as Suzy hits the floor, and the room goes quiet again, "Er... I'm not meant to be talking about it..." He says hushed as posible without seeming too strange.