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Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Did I overlook the Slime Queen giving Aiden a new task? What was it?
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Aiden's current objective is to get the mayor to meet with the Slime Queen. Nothing else, really.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

That mayor's gon get slimed.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

That's what I thought. Wanted to make sure I didn't miss something more subtle.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Nunu did a soft delete of all the threads the adbots of late have touched, so try to report to me immediately if you noticed something went missing here, so I can tell Nunu not to kaboom it.

I am a forgetful wanker and likely wouldn't notice a missing thread until it was too late, which in about 12 hours. That kind of too late.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Well, all the mainly active game threads seem in place and the bots generally were making *new* threads, so I'm pretty sure we're good. If someone else wants to double check, banner, but fairly sure we're okay.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Hey, look what I found! Dunno if what MAF's been posting has been translations, but...

Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Yeah, they're translations. Monster Musume (aka Everyday Monster Girls) is on that site Batoto that I've been linking.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

And I'm guessing they're light years ahead of the print versions, kind of like my scanslation site was for Berserk many moons ago.

God, I need to get back to reading that too, but I really don't feel like going that dark in my material right now.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Eh, it's not that far ahead. The translated ones are only up to volume three, which isn't even completed yet.

I went ahead and purchased his works anyway though, cuz support for something I enjoy.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

It's an H-game (no nsfw content in the video), but it strangely delivers better in the gameplay department than the erotic area. Isn't that odd.

If you want to try it yourself:

If you want to see the game's thread for some reason: Herp
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

It's a thing. A slime thing. A derpy slime that does not know how to make itself look hot.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Hooray for new slime types.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Glenn gets thrown into some of the most absurd situations.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

MGI Encyclopedia talks about a game played in Zippangu. I've mostly talked about it's existence, but out of laziness, I'll hold off fleshing out the rest of it in detail unless interest shows for it.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat
