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Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Turns out housing half a dozen wacky mamonos costs a load of money. Who knew

Has anyone read this yet? I thought it was rather good. Not quite sure if it counts as monster girl or not, but it has a goblin girl in it if that counts~

I haven't given it a read yet. Looks to be more of a serious type. I'm more of a comedy enthusiast.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I haven't given it a read yet. Looks to be more of a serious type. I'm more of a comedy enthusiast.

It does have a comedy element to it. I can agree its a little serious at points, but its more of a fantasy 'level up' story with dark points once in a while and comedy in others. Lets not forget a overprotective fem-goblin. But you won't see that side of her till later on when the other gobs do something rather silly~.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Another variant that doesn't really care if what you have a clam or a sausage and two eggs. She'll 'eat' you regardless.
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Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Hello everyone! Beware, a lurker has appeared from the shadows. Hurr durr.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

So are you joining the game? Or just making your presence known, because there's an app for that.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Sorry. Fell asleep, though I am gonna join the game. Just figuring some stuff out.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them here. If I'm asleep, then someone else will surely give you an answer, maybe. Unless they're asleep too.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

We all need to sleep eventually~ Welcome lion!
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

He'll fit right in.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Yes he will, but here's a basic rundown of the factions and plot.

The Plot: The named Monster Girl Island is a center point of conflict between all of the known factions of the story. A barrier created by the angels around the island prevents any force from leaving, forcing all within to struggle against one another so that they can be the ones to break the barrier and invade the rest of the world (and essentially conquer it). All factions are at war over control of the island, though all have their sights set on the angels, the ones who power the barrier to begin with.


The Order: Humans with Angelic leaders that are told to kill mamono because they are evil monsters that will lead to the extinction of humanity.

The Angels: Born from faithful humans as servants to god. Their goal is to keep mankind faithful and keep their own numbers up. Humans that mate with mamono only produce more mamono (mostly), so allowing human and monster relations is detrimental to their army. Their goal is control over Gaea (the main planet), and the eradication of all demon threat.

The Demons: Second most powerful faction. Unable to successfully conquer because they fight with each other just as much as they fight Angels and other mamono. The leader of Hell is named Persephone, a former angel. Her daughters are referred to as the seven deadly sins who act as the driving force behind Hell's lack of unity. The most they can ever agree to is to attack separate locations and stay away from one another, otherwise they will fight against each other for the sake of power.

Pandemonium: A neutral faction led by Pandora. Seeks to prevent any faction from winning at all so as to disallow the rest of the world being taken up in the conflict. Their ultimate goal is for all factions to surrender and cease combat.

The Magi: Former allies of The Order, now allies of a neutral faction belonging to the water spirit Undine. They consist of scientists who use the power of weaving (the use of magic) to power machines and conduct experiments. Their former leader, Fortmaster Cleska, mysteriously vanished and was replaced by Head Scientist Isabell Queen, who immediately announced alliance with Undine. This made them immediate enemies of the angels. Their demise is expected to occur very soon as a result of this.

Zippangu: The most powerful faction consisting of Eastern Styled Mamono and many sub-factions within, ruled by many Gods that are each extremely powerful in their own right. They are too busy squabbling amongst themselves to be anything but a neutral presence amidst the bigger picture. They are considered as a whole faction because of their tendency to form a massive temporary alliance when threatened. As a result of this, most factions, even the demons, tend to respect their power.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Sexy sexy flower conversions.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Sexy flower indeed! :D But I understand the plot. Basic plot is good to understand, and the encyclopedia cleared up the details for me.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

And I'm back! What did I miss?
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

So nothing at all really.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Awww. And here I was expecting to have missed an invasion of monster girls~

Anyone else go crazy on the steam summer sale?
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Well you missed the Dullahan taking the field, to run away from it immediatly after.

And nah, I bought like, two things.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Well, I am still waiting to step up to the plate too. :p

Oh, and I splurged a bit on the sale. I am ashamed of myself.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

aka the umbrella that loves to surprise and scare people.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Pretty. Huh evidently drama has struck the world of MGE. Go figure.