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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

For the benefit of people who don't use shoutbox and aren't in the ULMF skypegroup, I thought I'd mention this here as well. So I'm going to run a DG game about founding of a knightly order. I'll take at least a few players, so poke me if you're interested. The game will start in a single thread, but if there's too many players, I'll probably branch it into two or three to keep it manageable. Poke me if you're interested via your medium of choice.

Current list of players:
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

That sounds... interesting. I'd like to hear more about the proposed composition, general goals, and planned methodology of said knightly order before I write a bio or anything, but assuming they're reasonable I'll probably want to join. I'll be designing a paladin-esque character in terms of build, sword/armor for combat with magic to smite, buff, or heal.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

That sounds... interesting. I'd like to hear more about the proposed composition, general goals, and planned methodology of said knightly order before I write a bio or anything, but assuming they're reasonable I'll probably want to join. I'll be designing a paladin-esque character in terms of build, sword/armor for combat with magic to smite, buff, or heal.

Since the PCs will be among the founders, a large part of the composition, goals and methodology will be up to them. I'd like to encourage heroic as opposed to villainous behaviour, however.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I am interested in ye knight thread, but I am also me, so if it fills up with other people then I don't NEED to be in it.

Edit: Also changed Reflector and Grandmaster, as I'd originally intended to when doing dat rules edit, but forgot cuz I'm derp.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I'm interested, and if you'll have me I was thinking of running with a tanky raging oni.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Thera is a mercenary, i don't think she will like to stay put somewhere.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

For the benefit of people who don't use shoutbox and aren't in the ULMF skypegroup, I thought I'd mention this here as well. So I'm going to run a DG game about founding of a knightly order. I'll take at least a few players, so poke me if you're interested. The game will start in a single thread, but if there's too many players, I'll probably branch it into two or three to keep it manageable. Poke me if you're interested via your medium of choice.

Current list of players:

I would consider putting Ananha in your knight order or something, but I know i would never get posts out fast enough. It sounds like a great idea, though, and I wish the entire group lots of fun!
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

General Rules: Elemental damages now do stuff. Fall Damage was changed. Ranged sneak attacks don't auto-hit anymore and instead give a +10 bonus to attack. Changed some status effects. Item use now takes a move action.

"Changed some status effects" is pretty vague. Also, by "item use" do you mean specifically drawing a weapon like it says in the rules post, or should that also include other things?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

"Changed some status effects" is pretty vague. Also, by "item use" do you mean specifically drawing a weapon like it says in the rules post, or should that also include other things?

I think it was chugging a potion that inspired the change originally.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread


Horny: The character needs to get laid. They cannot do anything that would prevent them from being satisfied, which includes killing or crippling any potential "partners." They cannot attack in a way that would deal damage, cast Spells or use Powers. All of their previously active effects remain active unless they require concentration of any kind, however. Wears off after 20 rounds of rest, 5 consistent rounds of sex, or they pass out for any reason. And, no, masturbation is not enough.
Aroused: The character takes a -10 penalty on attack rolls as they are distracted by their lust. In addition, they can no longer attempt to resist pleasure damage.
Since Aroused is sort of an intermediary to Horny, does it's penalties stack if one is Horny? If one becomes Horny without first becoming Aroused, do you acquire yon penalties - and if you go from Aroused to Horny, do those penalties just vanish, mechanically having the horndog in question suddenly become more adept in the art of divesting something of it's trousers and j-j-j-j-jamming it in?


Also, suggesting a Mage Feat.

Exsanguis Magia - You are now more capable in the Arts of Blood Magic, and may now substitute the HP Cost of Blood Magic with damage dealt to an enemy, at a rate of 5 HP Damage to 1 of your own HP. This does not deal the damage; the target must be wounded normally. The damage must be dealt such that the target bleeds (i.e. a cutting or piercing weapon, probably not Fire/Electrical damage), and the target must actually have blood (fancy that). Alternatively, a person taking damage from the Hemophiliac flaw may be substituted, in which case the rate is 2 damage to 1 HP. Being magically healed does NOT invalidate Exsanguis Magia, as the blood is probably still on the floor or something, and not magically vacuumed up and crammed back in the hole where it came out of.

The blood must be fresh; you may use Exsanguis Magia in the same turn as the wound is inflicted (probably via ally or Hasteabuse) without penalty. You may also use it the turn following inflicting the damage, in which case increases the Base Casting difficulty by a further +6 (total +16 BC).

Requires Blood Magic.

I am unsure as to how balanced this is, something something highlighting thingies:
I didn't include a resistance check because the rest of the conditions are really specific and make this already pretty super-niche. Totally not specifically for a character I am pondering that is totally a ghoast bound to a sword.

Alternatively, a person taking damage from the Hemophiliac flaw may be substituted, in which case the rate is 2 damage to 1 HP.
Since Hemophiliac is 2d4 (I think?) 5 damage would be silly. At the same time, it'd be difficult to use that, since the Hemophiliac damage IS rolled, and not set, or necessarily known to the player. The alternative I imagine would be to roll resistance vs that guy, and just use yon Blood Magic as written, inflicting the HP damage on them.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Since the PCs will be among the founders, a large part of the composition, goals and methodology will be up to them. I'd like to encourage heroic as opposed to villainous behaviour, however.

Second sheet of this post, reporting for duty!
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

General talent suggestion.

Study: Gain one mage feat you qualify for.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Here to remind Tass with things:
"Taki, if you would be so kind, could you remind me that I changed the wording of the Reanimator Mage Feat, and that I intend to change the Black Dragon power to cost 4 + X EP and 2 + X HP instead of what it costs now."
Good / bad idea?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Here to remind Tass with things:
"Taki, if you would be so kind, could you remind me that I changed the wording of the Reanimator Mage Feat, and that I intend to change the Black Dragon power to cost 4 + X EP and 2 + X HP instead of what it costs now."
Good / bad idea?

Will do this. Also, change Transformation so that it only adds Stat/4 to Dodge instead of Stat/2, cuz it's pretty OP right now. Correct the fire portion of the Wrath of the Elements power so that it includes the correct AoE. Make it explicit in Web Shot that the Grapple/20 is rounded down rather than naturally, added Webbed to the statuses.

Change Power Gather Aptitude so that it allows a character to gain 2 EP by trading their move action. Add Evasion skill.

Evasion - If the character's Dodge exceeds the attack roll of an area of effect attack, they take no damage rather than 1/4. The character also gains a +4 bonus to Dodge.

Things to add/change about general rules! Notes: I'm trying to add all of the official rulings I've made into the rules. If there are any that you lot can think of, feel free to remind me here.

Under almost all circumstances, the PC acts first in the turn. Their actions resolve first, usually followed by the actions of their NPCs. That said, how the turn resolves itself is ultimately up to the GM, and they can rule how things go however they see fit.

If random initiative is necessary for dramatic reasons, roll d20s for each combatant and resolve it that way, having whoever rolled the highest go first and then proceeding in descending order. I prefer to do this every round, but as before however you or your GM prefers it is how they should do it.

Random Encounters
If encounters must be determined randomly, I generally make it up on the spot and go from there. Other GMs are free to handle that however they wish, but I don't have any random charts on hand. Where certain things are viable as encounters are usually fairly self explanatory if you know the lore, and a lot of the available templates have explanations on where they could potentially be.

Combat, Grappling, AoE, and you!

Combat happens. When it does, you need to know what's going on, and more importantly, what your can do so as to not be raped, enslaved, or murdered. Firstly, here is a list of the basic things that a character can do on their turn.
-Make an attack using a weapon held in the character's hand.
-Make a grapple action against a creature that the character is currently grappling.
-Attempt to start a grapple with a creature that's within range.
-Cast a Spell.
-Use a Power.
-Draw a weapon or weapons (a character can hold one two handed weapon or two one handed weapons at a time.)
-Use a Succubus Power that requires a turn.
-Move in any unblocked direction up to 2x the character's Speed stat.
-Run in a straight line up to 4x the character's Speed stat.
-Defend yourself, giving up all other actions in exchange for a +30 bonus to Dodge and Resistance and a +15 bonus to Perception for that round.
-Sit there looking silly.

A few additional things:
-Movement:A character taking any of the above actions other than Full Defense, Charging and Double Movement can move up to their Speed stat in any unblocked direction or 2x their Speed in a straight line. In addition, drawing a weapon can be done in place of movement if the character is performing another action. Some special abilities allow creatures to substitute other actions for their move or don't allow them a move at all.
-Defensive Fighting:Whenever a character would make any attack that requires an attack roll, they may fight defensively. Effectively, the character can sacrifice up to 20 points from their attack roll, gaining a bonus to Dodge for that turn equal to the number of points sacrificed. Characters may instead add the bonus to defensive fighting to their Perception or to their Resistance for the round, but this bonus only affects their Resistance when defending against effects, not for determining whether their own effects work. They may also trade their attack to grant an adjacent creature a bonus to Dodge instead. In addition, they may forsake their ability to dodge all attacks directed at an adjacent ally for the round, taking any and all attacks that would hit that ally unless they come from a direction from which the character couldn't conceivably defend them.

In addition, characters with Activated Skills or Feats may use as many as they desire and meet the requirements for, so long as those Skills/Feats do not contradict one another in some way.


Almost every attack, spell and power requires an attack roll. Those that don't have it indicated in their description somewhere. Attack rolls use the d20, and then add or subtract any appropriate modifiers. If the final number from the dice and all of the modifiers is equal to or greater than the Dodge value of the target, then the attack hits successfully and deals damage.

Area of Effect Attacks

Some powers, spells, and attacks hit multiple creatures within a given radius. The creature making the attack makes a single attack roll that is compared to every creature's Dodge score. Creatures that are in a grapple and lack the Brawler skill take full damage regardless of their Dodge score. Creatures with Brawler in a grapple and creatures not in a grapple who's Dodge score is greater than the attack roll takes 1/4 of the damage rolled for the attack, but creatures hit by the attack take full damage.


Attempting to start a grapple works slightly differently than other attacks. When a character attempts to start a grapple, the GM rolls a d20 and adds the character's Grapple stat. This is treated as an attack therefore allowing the character to use Defensive Fighting, and the character gains any bonuses applied to attack rolls to this roll even if they do not increase the character's Grapple stat. If that total is equal to or greater than the target creature's Dodge stat, the grapple attempt is successful and both creature and character get the Grappled status. Whatever action the creature that became grappled was going to take can still be attempted if it's allowed by the grapple rules. If it isn't, then the action is lost.

Things work differently for characters in a grapple. When in a grapple, the character can attempt any of the following. When 2 characters are in a grapple, both declare their actions and then a d20 is rolled for both, and then add their Grapple stat to each roll. Whichever has the higher total gets to make their action, while the other character can take no action for that turn.

A list of options while in a grapple that require that the character win their grapple check:
-Penetrate (or be penetrated by) a creature.
-Perform foreplay on an opposing creature. If that creature is wearing armor that hasn't been shifted, the amount of pleasure dealt is decreased by the armor's DU.
-Attack a creature that you are grappling with using an unarmed strike, a directed spell or power, or a one handed weapon.
-Attack a creature that is not in the grapple. Taking this action also requires that the character make an attack roll to hit their target as well win the grapple check, and they take a -10 penalty to their attack roll.
-Shift aside the armor of one opposing character, allowing foreplay and penetration without penalty.
-Remove the armor of one opposing character. Characters attempting this action take a -4 penalty to their grapple check.
-Tear an opponent’s armor. If the character wins the grapple check, the opponent’s armor takes TP damage equal to the difference between the rolls. This damage ignores the armor's DU.
-Escape the grapple.
-Force a creature into a Submission Hold.

In addition, the following actions can be done without a check or using a turn while in a grapple.
-Shift your own armor.
-Remove your own armor. An opposing creature can attempt to prevent this, in which case this action becomes Escape Grapple.
-Release a creature that you are grappling with. An opposing creature can attempt to prevent this, in which case this action becomes Escape Grapple.

Also, the following can be done without making a grapple check, but if so, the character can take no other actions.
-Cast a spell. Direct spells like Bolt and Touch spells are treated as direct attacks, but AoE spells, buffs, utility spells, and summons require no grapple check to cast.
-Use a power. Direct attacks and AoE attacks work just like spells as above.
-Use a Succubus Power that requires a turn.

A character or creature who is within a Submission Hold cannot attempt any action except for escaping or those actions that explicitly say that they can be used while in a submission hold. The same rule applies to characters with the Bound status.

Group Grapples
When multiple creatures are in a grapple, generally it will be multiple weaker creatures trying to grapple one stronger one (multiple monsters trying to grab the same PC.)
In this case, each "side" is treated as a single monster capable of multiple actions. Each monster gets a single d20 roll, but they also get a bonus to that grapple roll equal to 1/2 the grapple modifier of the creature(s) grappling the same target.
If multiple monsters attempt the same thing for that turn, then the roll becomes 1d20 + the total grapple modifier of each of the creatures.
Finally, if multiple creatures that are not allied attempts to do something, each only rolls a grapple check against the target of their action for that round.
Creatures attempting to join a grapple make their attack roll against whichever creature has the lowest Dodge value.

Range Increments
Ranged weapons (not spells or powers) have a maximum range listed beside them. Characters can fire at targets beyond this maximum range, but take penalties to their attack roll depending on the range of the targets away from them.

Range Increments:
1x < C < 2x == - 4 penalty, 2x < C < 3x == -8 penalty, 3x < C < 4x == -16 penalty, 4x < C < 5x == -32 penalty, and you can't fire farther than 5x the range increment.

Where x = the weapon's listed range and C = the current distance to the target. The penalties would apply to attack rolls only.

In words: The character takes a -4 penalty to ranged attacks for the first range increment in distance to their target, and this penalty doubled for each additional range increment.

Ranged Weapons and Positioning

Characters using a ranged weapon can choose to orient themselves such that they gain a bonus to hit, but find it more difficult to move. Kneeling or crouching gives a character a +8 bonus to attack rolls with any ranged weapon except for thrown weapons, but the character must use a move equivalent action in order to take a knee and another one when they want to stand up. Characters using guns or crossbows may also voluntarily make themselves prone, giving them a +16 bonus to attack rolls but providing all of the penalties of the Prone status save for the character being able to attack using their ranged weapon. Bows and thrown weapons cannot be easily used while Prone, and thus gain no bonus.

In addition, most ranged weapons are ill suited to use in close quarters combat. Using a ranged weapon when a hostile creature is within melee range of the character causes that character's attacks to take a -10 penalty to hit, and that character also takes a -10 penalty to Dodge.

Stealth Attacks made with ranged weapons don't automatically hit like melee sneak attacks do, and instead gain a +10 bonus to hit.

The mechanics of sex in Dark Gate are generally only called upon when your character is being raped or attempting to rape something else. In that instance, the following rules apply:

Foreplay, including the use of hands, mouth, ect; Deals 2d4 + Body/4 PP damage. Foreplay against creatures wearing armor take a penalty to damage equal to the armor's DU.
Penetrative sex deals 2d8 + Body/3 PP damage.
These are both subject to a number of potential bonuses that can be applied, some of which are circumstantial.

In addition, whenever a character takes PP damage due to another creature and attempts to resist it, that PP damage is decreased by an amount equal to their Resistance stat divided by 2. However, resisting in this manner is exhausting, and deals 1d6 + 2 HP damage to the character which ignores armor.

If, at any time, a character would take PP damage that would reduce their PP to 0 or less, they orgasm, and their PP is reset to full. Characters that have orgasmed are Stunned for their next action.

A female character who allows another creature to orgasm inside of them receives a pregnancy roll unless they are Infertile or already pregnant. The GM rolls 1d4, and the character becomes pregnant on a roll of 4. This roll is never modified by any effects. Creatures with the egg layer mutation require no roll.

If two creatures are penetrating the same character, each penetration is treated separately. This includes pleasure damage for all three, pleasure resistance, and the damage for resisting pleasure.
If one creature is somehow penetrating the same character multiple times, both the creature and the character simply have double the number of dice applied to them for all associated effects.
If one creature is somehow penetrating multiple different creatures at the same time, each creature is treated independently for how much pleasure they take, but the penetrating creature takes additional dice for each creature added to the highest modifier for pleasure damage.

Note: If a creature is penetrated, but makes a grapple check to do something else, they still take penetration PP damage even if they win that grapple check unless the result of that grapple check causes the thing penetrating them to lose consciousness.

Perception Checks, Resistance Checks, and Stealth Checks, oh my!
Perception checks are made to find things, whether they be the monsters trying to sneak up on your and conk you on the head, or the hidden doors leading to treasure, or the tripwire that sets off a landmine lying nearby.

Perception Checks made to detect a creature trying to sneak up on you are:
d20 + Perception (character) vs D20 + Stealth (creature).

Perception checks made to detect a hidden object, like some treasure or a trap, or to notice something about a particular creature or character are:
d20 + Perception vs DC, where the DC is set by the GM.

The Perception stat can also have a number of conditional modifiers, and these will be figured out when they come up. Still, reminding your GM of them OOC couldn't hurt.

In addition, a stealth check works exactly like a normal Perception check to detect a creature only in reverse.

A character's Perception stat is determined by their primary stat as determined by their class.
A character's Stealth stat is always dependent on Body.

A Resistance check made between two creatures is decided by:
d20 + Resistance of A vs d20 + Resistance of B. If a tie occurs, flip a coin to determine the winner.
If the Resistance check is made against a DC, then the check is:
d20 + Resistance of creature vs DC. The creature must at least meet the DC in order to succeed.

GMs are free to add modifiers however they see fit depending on circumstances.

Powers, Spells, and Skills
Using a Power or casting a Spell each take a turn. Unless they say otherwise, the only thing that a character using one of these can do once the Spell/Power has resolved is move up to their Speed. Most Skills, however, are only optional modifiers that can be applied to attack rolls. Unless they say otherwise, using a Skill does not take up the character's turn, and a character can use any number of skills per round so long as their requirements don't contradict each other.

A character may only have one instance of any one Spirit Power active at a time. Activating another instance of that power with a greater X value replaces the old one and takes up the character's turn, but activating another instance of that power with a lower X value doesn't take up the character's turn or count as a second activation. Effectively, lowering the X value of a power is a free action. Note that the X value must be decreased at the start of your turn, before any other actions are taken, or you will pay the full upkeep rather than the reduced upkeep for a lower X value. The only exception to this are the powers that summon creatures, multiple creatures can be summoned at once using Spirit Powers without losing the previously summoned creatures.

A character can maintain only three spells or spirit powers that remain active at any one time (these are indicated by things that appear in the status bar in your thread.) This includes both buffs and utility spells, and spells active on other characters still count towards this limit. A character can have up to 3 creatures summoned with spells and up to 5 creatures summoned with spirit powers at any one time, as well as up to 10 traps at any one time, and these have no upkeep associated with them and count towards separate limits. The wording of any spells or powers supercedes the above ruling on the limits on the number of things that one can maintain at any given time.

Buffs that increase a given stat don't stack, regardless of whether they're spells or powers. They do stack if the indirectly increase that stat, however. For example, Aspect of Spirit giving a boon to Attack wouldn't stack with the bonus from Battle Aura, but it would get the benefit from a buff spell applied to increase the subject's Body stat if they were making an attack roll that used Body. If two buffs would increase the same stat, use whichever one gives a higher bonus. Conditional modifiers, such as a bonus to Resistance against certain effects or Grapple rolls to escape, always apply even if another buff has a bonus to the stat that they conditionally increase, and those do stack.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Part one of stuff I've been working on. Part two won't fit.

Stuff in this post includes updated loot list, item effects for stuff that you harvest from monsters, and something intended for an item lore post.

Drop list. Changes listed in bold.
Alraunes/Cordyrunes - Darkheart
Angel - Angel's Feather
Big Beasts (Tier 3-4 uncorrupted wildlife like horses, boars, etc.) - Beast Hide
Black Oak/Mind Control Tree/Heart Tree - Darkbrain
Corrupted Beings (tier 1-2 warped wolves, warped, etc.) - Darkheart
Dragons – Dragon’s Scale, Dragon’s Fang, Dragon’s Claw
Duo/Trinity - Slime Amber
Elder Lord/Elder Lord Spawn - Greybrain
Full Blooded Demons - Demon's Blood
Giants - Giant Hide
Giant Wasps/Hornets - Venom Sack
Goblin/Kobold - Monster's Fang
Grabbers - Greyheart
Gruff/Satyr - Faerie Horn
Heavily Corrupted Beings (tier 3-4 warped bears, etc.) - Pulsating Darkheart
Hellhound/Warhound - Hound's Tooth
Lady Alraune/Eternal Alraune - Pulsating Darkheart
Massive Spiders (Deathwalker Queen, Darkwalker Queen) - Huge Venom Sack
Mountain Troll - Mountain Troll Hair, Mountain Troll Hide, Mountain Troll Fang
Nightmare - Nightmare's Mane
Nightmare Lord - Fiery Mantle
Ogre/Troll/Minotaur - Monster's Horn
Plant Hulk - Pulsating Darkheart
Raptor - Small Hide.
Shorn Weed - Shorn Nectar
Sidhe/Nymphs - Faerie's Blood
Skyray/Slither - Greyheart
Slimes - Slime Amber
Small Beasts (Tier 1-2 uncorrupted wildlife like wolves) - Small Hide
Spider - Venom Sack
Stalker/Hunter - Chameleon's Skin
Tentacle Horror - Horror Carapace
The Turned - Greyheart
Yeti - Beast Hide

Item list, changes listed in bold:
Greyheart/Darkheart - 25 denarii
Pulsating Greyheart/Pulsating Darkheart - 50 denarii
Greybrain/Darkbrain - 100 denarii
Slime Amber - 30 denarii
Shorn Nectar - 10 denarii
Monster's Fang - 20 denarii
Small Hide - 20 denarii.
Beast Hide - 50 denarii.
Chameleon's Skin - 15 denarii
Horror Carapace - 20 denarii
Monster's Horn - 50 denarii
Hound's Tooth - 40 denarii
Faerie's Horn - 30 denarii
Venom Sack - 25 denarii
Huge Venom Sack - 100 denarii.
Faerie's Blood/Demon's Blood - 50 denarii
Angel's Feather - 200 denarii
Nightmare's Mane - 60 denarii
Fiery Mantle - 200 denarii
Giant Hide - 50 denarii.
Dragon's Scale - 100 denarii
Dragon's Claw - 50 denarii
Dragon's Fang - 50 denarii
Mountain Troll Hide - 100 denarii.
Mountain Troll Hair - 50 denarii.
Mountain Troll Fang - 50 denarii.

Proposed Item Effects:
Greyheart/Darkheart - Gain 100 corruption on consumption.
Pulsating Greyheart/Pulsating Darkheart - Gain 200 corruption on consumption. Also may be used as a darkheart in enchantment up to 2 times and not necessarily all at once, but its value drops 25 denarii and the corruption gained from consuming it by 100 if it's used once in that manner.
Greybrain/Darkbrain - Bad news.
Slime Amber - Can be used to store up to 5 EP from the character's pool, which can be used at any time in the future. Does not consume the Amber.
Shorn Nectar - Gain 40 HP and 40 EP, lose 3d6 resistance and become aroused if reduced to 0 resistance or horny if already aroused.
Monster's Fang
Small Hide
Beast Hide
Chameleon's Skin
Horror Carapace
Monster's Horn
Hound's Tooth
Faerie's Horn
Venom Sack - Can be applied to a weapon to force an opponent struck to make a resistance check versus 25 or become paralyzed. Lasts three hits.
Huge Venom Sack - Can be used as a Venom Sack for poisoning or as a replacement for a Venom Sack in an enchantment or craft up to 4 times (both types of uses count toward this). Loses 25 denarii in value for each charge used.
Faerie's Blood/Demon's Blood - Can be consumed in order to gain a buff that lasts until the end of combat or for up to 5 minutes. Under the effects of this buff, the character's spells are considered 1 spell level higher for the purposes of determining effects and damage, and powers are considered to have 3 added to the X value at no EP cost and no effect to the spirit ceiling. Character gains 50 corruption.
Angel's Feather - If the character holding this would die, it is consumed and they are returned to life at 10 HP and 10 EP (if their current EP isn't higher). If they would be knocked unconscious, they may choose to consume the feather and return to life at full HP and EP. If a friendly character has died or been knocked unconscious within one round it may be used on them.
Nightmare's Mane - May be consumed in order to gain a fire shield that will absorb 100 heat/fire damage which lasts until dispelled or depleted.
Fiery Mantle - May be consumed in order to obtain complete heat/fire damage immunity and have any heat/fire damage that you deal doubled until the end of combat or for up to ten minutes.
Giant Hide
Dragon's Scale
Dragon's Claw
Dragon's Fang
Mountain Troll Hide
Mountain Troll Hair
Mountain Troll Fang

Greyheart/Darkheart - A small, round stone of pure magical corruption that forms inside of most warped or alien beings. It is a common misconception due to the name that these are the hearts of the creatures they reside within, but they are not. These are mostly used for minor enchantments and experiments to better understand magical corruption and the invaders as they pose little threat by themselves, so long as they're not consumed. If a character swallows one they will find themselves heavily corrupted and even mutated by the experience, although not necessarily immediately harmed. Consuming too many of the stones might have severe consequences.

Pulsating Greyheart/Darkheart - A greyheart or darkheart with more concentrated corruption within it, causing anyone holding it to feel like it's pulsating in their hand, that tends to be discovered in more powerful warped creatures. These are slightly more dangerous than the less concentrated kind, but they can be used in enchantments in lieu of their lesser variants. They're also twice as corruptive and mutative when consumed.

Greybrain/Darkbrain - A round stone the size of a normal human's head that's often found in creatures of unmatched power and magical corruption. These are incredibly dangerous, as they are powerful enough to subconsciously manipulate and corrupt an unwary bearer. Not much is known about the effects of these due to the danger of experimenting on them and their rarity, but they are usable in powerful enchantments.

Slime Amber - A hard substance that looks very much like an uncut gemstone with many layers, these layers ranging from the color of the slime it was harvested from to opaque. Not only are these very pretty and capable of being cut much like gemstones and glass, but they're very resilient in comparison to more delicate materials and they hold souls and spiritual energy very well which makes them an invaluable enchanting and crafting component because of it. Even the raw form can be fed small amounts of spiritual energy for safekeeping and later drawn from.

Monster's Fangs/Horns - These come in many different shapes and sizes, though the name is always applicable. Fangs or horns cut from a monster, usually one with some innate magical properties. These tend to be sharp or otherwise viciously shaped, making them useful for primitive and improvised weaponry, and they usually are fairly durable as such. A talented blacksmith or someone with a bit of magical talent can reinforce them and make them every bit as deadly and dangerous as metal weaponry, and their properties can be siphoned by an enchanter.

Hound's Tooth - Much like Monster's Fangs and Horns, only these are taken from Hellhounds and fey Warhounds.

Faerie's Horn - Horns removed from a satyr or gruff. They tend to be less well shaped for usage in an improvised weapon, but a creative craftsman might use them for decoration or even some practical purpose. They also have natural magics present due to their fae origins which are useful to enchanters.

Shorn Nectar - Thick, blue syrup that can be coaxed out of a shorn weed's stamen which is capable of impregnating females of most any race with alraunes. To put it simply: shorn weed cum. It's thick and incredibly sweet and has mild aphrodisiac qualities. It can be sterilized and processed in order to make a safe, aphrodisiac-free version of the stuff which is usually called shorn syrup. Great as a sweetener.

Small Hide/Beast Hide - Exactly what it says on the label. These can be harvested from the uncorrupted wildlife. The corrupted wildlife tends not to have much intact hide left, having lost most of its integrity to mutations, tumors, and other oddities, and the only thing of value likely to be found on corrupted spawn are the darkhearts within. Armor made from beast hides tends to be stronger than leather made from more domestic sources.

Chameleon's Skin - Skin harvested from a creature that has either mutated or otherwise been born with a chameleon-like ability to change colors. When carefully skinned it does not lose its effect and will continue to change colors according to its environment. Non magical efforts to refine or otherwise improve the durability of this skin for use as armor, however, do tend to irreparably damage its ability to change colors. These can be used as a reagent in an enchantment to transfer some of its capabilities to a piece of armor, and it can be refined by non-magical means enough to at least make it wearable, though a set of full armor made out of it wouldn't offer much protection from an attacker.

Horror Carapace - It's a mystery to all of us.

Venom Sack/Huge Venom Sack - A large venom sac, usually around fist-sized, from a giant, venomous creature. Though it is possible to use the venom directly from the sack on a weapon or other method of delivery, it's usually nowhere near as effective as when refined or used as an enchantment reagent. A huge venom sack, as the name implies, is a larger variant comes from an even larger venomous creature, and tends to have a greater reservoir of venom.

Faerie's Blood/Demon's Blood - Blood from a faerie or a full-blooded demon. Blood from these supernatural races is innately magical and useful for enchanting. It can also be imbibed or otherwise used as a focus to heighten a mage's spells or spirit wielder's powers for a short period of time before the effect is exhausted. Overuse can cause oddities.

Angel's Feather - Though the reason is not known to mortals, an angel, fallen or not, grows one magical feather on one of their wings. Younger, weaker angels do not always have one, which might suggest that it takes time to grow or for a preexisting feather to otherwise become magical. It's unknown how long it takes to reproduce one or if it's possible at all, and may vary from angel to angel. This lone feather is an item of great magical power, and is an incredibly powerful reagent for enchanting. When its magic is expended on mundane materials, it has the odd effect of turning the metals a silvery color and everything else a pearly white. In addition, if an individual with one of these in their possession would be killed or otherwise rendered unconscious, they may call upon its power in order to bring themselves back from the brink of defeat.

Nightmare's Mane - It's a mystery to all of us.

Fiery Mantle - It's a mystery to all of us.

Giant Hide - A giant's hide. Not innately magical, but the giants have naturally thick and durable skin. Most giant hide armor still in use was handed down from the days when giants were more prevalent. Such armor is thicker and more durable than more common types of armor, but usually heavier.

Dragon Materials (Scales, Fangs, Claws, Hide) - In appearance, these vary from dragon to dragon, but one thing that is constant is their value in enchanting and crafting. They are as durable, deadly, and magical as their wielders. The scales are naturally light and pliable while still remaining nigh impenetrable. The fangs and claws are every bit as sharp as steel and even more resistant to breaking. Most of the difficulty in creating mighty dragon weapons and armor is in procuring tools strong enough to work with the raw materials.

Mountain Troll Materials (Hide, Hair, and Fangs) - Much like dragon materials, anything harvested from a mountain troll is worth its weight in denarii to an aspiring craftsman or enchanter. Usually the hair is green and the hide is brown, but from an ancient mountain troll they're stony grey. Mountain troll hide is incredibly lightweight and yet still incredibly resistant to blows and piercing. Mountain troll hair is said to be like woven iron. Their fangs aren't quite as impressive as those of a dragon, but they still make for fine weapons.

Angelforged Metal - A silvery-looking metal with unusual properties, Angelforged metal is the result of a blacksmith using an angel's magical feather as fuel for their forge. When combined with magical fire, especially the flame of intent, any ore that's smelted with the aid of the fire takes on a silvery appearance. Weapons and armor created this way are somehow more effective in the hands of those who are pure of heart and untainted by magical corruption, and heavier and less effective on those who are corrupted. No matter what type of ore is smelted in the flame, all metal produced has the same qualities, so cheaper and more widely available ores are often used in Angelforged equipment. Because of the flame's transmutational properties and the ability to greatly extend the flame's life by feeding it magical fire, so long as a blacksmith doesn't mind smelting nothing but angelforged metal, the availability of angelforged equipment is relatively high despite the prerequisite angel's feather.

Anudorian Copper - An ore found in the deserts of Anudor that was originally believed to be copper. When smelted it takes on a redder hue than traditional copper, and is incredibly soft and almost entirely useless for crafting conventional weapons and armor. It is incredibly conductive to spiritual energy however, and as such occasionally finds usage as a mage's or spirit wielder's focus weapon. It's less popular for armor and shields, as though it's less encumbering toward a mage's magics or a spirit wielder's powers it also conducts opposing mage's and spirit wielder's attacks toward the wearer and folds like paper under blows.

Darksteel - A material found primarily in Hell that smelts into a metal as black as night. Warped by immense magical exposure, items crafted from this are innately lighter and more durable than most other materials, surpassing steel. It is difficult and expensive to obtain any item made of this material due to where it comes from.

Daemonmetal - Believed to be harvested from the very core of the world by Michael himself and used to forge the weapons of the gods, thus its name. Daemonmetal is lighter, faster, and stronger than any other material known to mortalkind. It is not known where the materials to make daemonmetal are actually harvested from, and there may not be a single blacksmith still alive capable of pulling its full potential from it. The only currently known way for a new daemonmetal object to be forged is to melt down an existing one, which usually means finding one of the rare artifacts and prying it from its owner's dead hands. Then it usually takes a team of experienced craftsmen and enchanters to reforge it into its new form, which despite being a mere shadow of what Michael might have created is still enough to shatter inferior metals. Such an item is also believed to have an innate will of its own, and will soon part ways with an wielder it believes too incompetent to use it well.

Shiversteel - An alloy forged of iron and an uncommon ore found primarily in the mountains of Crolia. It has an icy blue appearance and an unusual effect of stealing the heat from the air around it. This alloy is most commonly utilized as a means of cooling objects that might otherwise overheat or catch fire, though it is has been used to craft armor as a means of doing battle in places with hot temperatures without sacrificing protection and for weapons which suck the warmth from those it cuts.

Cold Iron - Cold Iron is created through a process that leaves the finished product as pure in iron content as possible but maintains the materials at a low temperature all throughout crafting, typically requiring that the craftsman also be capable of some magics or powers. The pureness of the iron has an increased effect against magical beings, and is even more effective against the fey than regular iron or steel. Unfortunately, it doesn't hold an edge very well and is particularly soft, making it overall less effective against non-magical opponents.

Faeriegold - Despite its name, faerie gold doesn't really originate from the fey. It has been called many names, including fool's gold, but it would end up known as faeriegold due both to the discovery of another substance that mimics gold's appearance but carries a different danger, and an old, presumably false, tale about a miner who was tempted by promises of gold to trade his wife and son to a nymph only to find fool's gold instead. Faeriegold nearly indistinguishable from true gold, but is much harder to work with. Faeriegold is also innately magical, though not in any predictable manner. Due to the innate difficulty in creating anything out of it and its fickle nature, faeriegold is not particularly popular for any sort of crafting.

Dragonglass - A.k.a. Obsidian. Usually used for the cutting edge of a weapon alone with another sturdier material as the base, and not for armor at all beyond decoration, though with magics for durability some pure dragonglass weapons and armors have been forged.

Bloodcrystal - A type of crystal found in the most magic tainted areas of the Pfthirian Jungle. It looks much like normal crystal with a hue ranging from pink to dark red. It's a popular material for amazonian spears as it's much sturdier than normal crystal, even without magics, and can penetrate even steel armor without much risk of shattering. Despite its durability, it still tends to be used as the edge on another material, much like dragonglass, as it's not easily repaired when it does chip or otherwise show wear.

Orcish Pattern Steel - An alloy created from an ore found primarily in the orc mountains, though also found sparsely in the lands stretching quite a way south of the Crolian-Badarian border. Also known as Badarian Blessed Steel, though only within the former Lich King's borders, as the Badarian legend is that the Lich King himself discovered the ore, and used it to create steel that could slice through any type of metal. Neither of these is true, of course, as the appearance of Orcish Pattern Steel in the hands of exiled clanless predates its supposed discovery by the Lich King, and though it is superior to regular steel it is far from the strongest material available for crafting weapons and armor.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Part 2. Feel free to make balance suggestions, material/customization suggestions, and constructive criticism of the sort. I intended on adding guns, primitive ranged (the sling and bow), and shields to the weapon customization list but by this point I am incapable of caring any longer and need a break from this. >.>

Oh, also, I will eventually alphabetize all this. Honest.

Enchanting vs Crafting.
Enchanting is the art of using a magical ritual in order to transfer positive qualities of an item (strength, conductivity, that sort of thing) and imbuing another item with those strengths without imbuing that item with the downsides (weight, ease of breaking). An item crafted out of such a material or a mundane modification made to an item, on the other hand, might carry downsides such as increased weight or difficulty in wielding for an average person.

An enchantment's price can also be paid over time, because enchants can be added to slowly and over time, where-as forging armor or a weapon out of a material is an all or nothing prospect.

Additionally, another downside of enchanting equipment as opposed to simply crafting equipment out of magical material is that enchantments function poorly or not at all when in areas that would naturally disrupt spellcasting and spiritual powers.

Materials - Additional Costs and Crafting - These cannot be changed. A weapon, armor, or shield made out of a material remains that material, and though its sale price is modified to reflect as much, you must buy an entirely new weapon, armor, or shield in order to gain the benefits of a new material. Also note that these prices are in addition to the base price of the weapon/armor/shield you're purchasing.
Orcish Pattern Steel - 20 denarii for a weapon/25 for armor/25 for shield.
Beast Hide - 25 denarii for armor/15 for a shield.
Giant Spidersilk - 25 denarii.
Mountain Troll - 500 denarii for armor/350 for a shield.
Giant Hide - 110 denarii.
Chameleon Skin - 35 denarii.
Darksteel - 150 for a weapon or shield/350 denarii for armor.
Dragon - 225 for a weapon or a shield/520 denarii for armor.
Daemonmetal - Special*
Cold Iron - 30 denarii for a weapon or shield/60 for armor.
Angelforged - 100 denarii for a weapon or shield/200 for armor.
Shiversteel - 50 denarii for a weapon or shield/100 for armor.
Anudorian Copper - 30 denarii for a weapon or shield/60 for armor.
Faeriegold - 25 denarii for a weapon/50 denarii for armor.
Dragonglass - 50 denarii.
Bloodcrystal - 50 denarii.

*This cannot be crafted with denarii. In order to craft a daemonmetal item, a character must first find a suitable daemonmetal item that can be melted down.
Material Effects
Material Effects - Weapons - Note, everything except Anudorian Copper and Angelforged Metal may also be used to forge throwing weapons with the same bonuses.

Mundane (Bronze, Iron, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Bone, etc.): No difference.
Orcish Pattern Steel: +1 Attack/Damage.
Darksteel: One additional damage dice, +4 attack, +4 damage.
Dragon Fang/Claw: Two additional damage dice, +6 attack, +6 damage.
Daemonmetal: Six additional damage dice, +12 attack, +12 damage.
Cold Iron: +8 damage against targets with supernatural/warped/naturally either, -8 damage against non-warped/supernatural targets.
Angelforged Metal: +8 damage if the wielder is uncorrupted, +4 damage if the wielder is naturally warped, +0 damage if the wielder is naturally supernatural, -4 damage if the wielder is warped, -8 damage if the character is supernatural, additional -2 damage if the character is corruptive.
Shiversteel: Half of damage caused by this weapon is converted to cold damage. +4 to resistance checks when using a skill or melee attack that would cause Weakened.
Anudorian Copper: Halved damage dice, modifier reduced Body/4 modifier if applicable, +4 spirit ceiling, base casting, and attack with spells and powers.
Faeriegold: Deals maximum damage dice on an attack roll of 20, deals minimum damage dice on an attack roll of 1.
Dragonglass: Ignores natural armor, non-natural armor value is doubled against it.
Bloodcrystal: Damage dice no longer add to damage, but instead reduce the target's AV by that much for the round on each attack.

Material Effects - Armor (Metal)
Mundane (Bronze, Iron, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Bone, etc.): No difference.
Orcish Pattern Steel: +1 AV
Darksteel: +2 AV, +1 DU, -2 EV.
Dragon Scale: +6 AV, +1 DU, -2 EV, armor becomes strong against fire.
Daemonmetal: +8 AV, +4 DU, Doubled TP, Halved EV, armor becomes strong against all sources of physical damage except daemonmetal.
Cold Iron: Armor is considered as strong against any physical attack made by characters that are warped/supernatural/naturally either. -2 AV, -1 DU.
Angelforged Metal: +2 AV, -2 EV if the character is uncorrupted, +1 AV, -1 EV if the character is naturally warped, no difference if the character is naturally supernatural, -1 AV, +1 EV if the character is warped, -2 AV, +2 EV if the character is supernatural, an additional -1 AV and +1 EV if the character is corruptive.
Shiversteel: Armor becomes strong against fire/heat.
Anudorian Copper: Halved AV, DU, and TP, but EV doesn't penalize spellcasting or spirit ceiling. Also becomes weak against any damage caused by spells or powers.
Faeriegold: Removes AV and instead grants DB (as per shields) equal to the original AV value. Halved TP and DU.

Material Effects - Armor (Leather)

Beast Hide: +1 AV.
Giant Hide: +6 AV, +2 DU, +2 EV.
Dragon Hide: +6 AV, +1 DU, -2 EV, armor becomes strong against fire.
Mountain Troll Hide: +8 AV, +1 DU, -2 EV
Chameleon Skin: +8 Stealth, reduces AV to 0.

Material Effects - Armor (Cloth)

Giant Spidersilk - +1 AV.
Mountain Troll Hair - +6 AV, +5 DU.

Material Effects - Shield

Mundane (Bronze, Iron, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Bone, etc.): No difference.
Beast Hide: +1 DB.
Orcish Pattern Steel: +2 shield bash damage.
Giant Hide: +4 DB.
Darksteel: +2 DB, -1 EV, +4 shield bash damage.
Angelforged: +2 DB, -1 EV, +4 shield bash damage if the wielder is uncorrupted, +1 DB, +2 shield bash damage if the wielder is naturally warped, no modifiers if the wielder is naturally supernatural, -1 DB, -2 shield bash damage if the wielder is warped, -2 DB, +1 EV, -4 shield bash damage if the wielder is supernatural, an additional -2 DB, +1 EV, and -2 shield bash damage if the wielder is corruptive.
Dragon Scale: +1d6 shield bash damage, +4 DB, -1 EV, doubled DB against fire/heat damage sources.
Mountain Troll Hide: +4 DB, -2 EV, doubled DB against piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning.
Daemonmetal: +2d6 shield bash damage, +10 DB, -4 EV, doubled DB against physical damage sources other than daemonmetal.
Shiversteel: Double DB against fire/heat damage sources.
Anudorian Copper: +2 spirit ceiling/base casting/attack with spells and powers, halved DB, EV doesn't affect casting/spirit ceiling value. Grants no DB against spirit powers or magics.

Equipment Customization - These can be added to a preexisting weapon, however they cost an additional 10 denarii over their base price when added to a preexisting weapon instead of being added upon crafting and another 10 denarii if they're replacing a customization already using that slot. Unlike enchants, a weapon has a finite number of slots with which to add customizations.

Swords - One-handed Swords, Bastard Swords, Two-handed Swords.

Sword Handle - One may be chosen.

The hilt may be constructed in such a way that the sword deals +2 bludgeoning damage at -2 attack when it's used to strike a foe for 10 denarii.

A lanyard may be added which grants +6 against resistance checks to disarm a character with this weapon for 15 denarii.

The pommel may be weighted in a way that grants the character +4 to any resistance checks to inflict stunned or prone on a target caused by a melee attack with this weapon, though they suffer a constant -2 to attack when wielding this sword, for 20 denarii.

Sword Blade - One may be chosen.

The edge may be given teeth or some other means of creating a wound profile at the price of -4 attack. Characters who take slashing HP damage from this weapon have healing effectiveness cut in half until they've been healed to full HP through some means, they also take 2d4 bleeding damage per round until they receive some form of healing or use an action to bandage themselves. This costs 25 denarii.

The sword may be crafted with a focus on the tip of the blade. Piercing attacks may be made at +2 damage, though slashing attacks are made at -2 damage. This costs 15 denarii.

The sword may be crafted with an emphasis on delivering debilitating strokes. The character gains +4 to any resistance checks to inflict weakened or paralyzed on a target caused by a melee attack with this weapon, though they suffer a constant -2 to attack when wielding this sword, for 20 denarii.

Sword Weighting - One may be chosen.

The sword may be designed with an emphasis on heavy weighting distributed largely toward the point, causing it to gain +2 damage but suffers -2 attack for 15 denarii.

The sword may be designed with an emphasis on lightness. It gains +2 attack but suffers -2 damage for 15 denarii.

The sword may be designed with a perfect balance in mind. It gains +1 attack and +1 damage for 25 denarii.

Blunt Weapons - One-handed Maces, Two-handed Maces.

Mace Shaft - One may be chosen.

The weapon may be modified to serve as a flail, which offers a few offensive advantages but is less useful when pressed. +2 attack and damage, -2 dodge. Costs 15 denarii.

The weapon's shaft may be crafted with an emphasis on allowing quick, accurate swings. It gains +2 attack but suffers -2 damage for 15 denarii.

The weapon's shaft may be crafted with an emphasis on slow, damaging swings. It gains +2 damage but suffers -2 attack for 15 denarii.

Mace Head - Two may be chosen.

The weapon may be designed to inflict additional trauma on victims with each blow. Characters receive -1 to all non-damage rolls during their turn for each 20 points of HP damage dealt by this weapon. Costs 20 denarii.

The weapon be designed with a piercing point intended to better break through armor. The character may choose to deal piercing damage with this weapon in order to ignore 2 AV. Costs 15 denarii.

The weapon be designed to better disable opponents. The character gains +4 to any resistance checks to inflict stunned or prone on a target caused by a melee attack with this weapon, though they suffer a constant -2 to attack when wielding this weapon, for 20 denarii.

The weapon may be designed for crushing through shields. The character may choose to make an attack reducing their own dodge by 10 which will also ignore their target's shield DB. Costs 25 denarii.

The weapon may be designed for softening or beating a target into submission instead of caving their head in. The weapon deals 1d6 resistance damage and suffers -2 damage. Characters reduced to 0 resistance by this weapon are knocked unconscious. Costs 20 denarii.

Polearms - Shortened Polearms, Polearms

Pole - One may be chosen.

A pole may be designed to be heavier and sturdier so that it can be used more effectively for striking. A bludgeoning attack can be made using the pole that deals +2 damage but suffers -2 attack. 10 denarii.

A pole may be designed to be longer so that it can be used to keep opponents at bay. The weapon gains +3 dodge but loses -1 attack and -1 damage. Costs 15 denarii.

A pole may be designed to be shorter for increased damage potential at the cost of its reach advantage. The weapon suffers a -2 dodge penalty, but gains +3 damage. Costs 15 denarii.

Polearm Edge - One may be chosen.

The edge may be sacrificed completely in order to improve the tip. The bonuses when using Charge are doubled and the weapon gains +2 damage when piercing, but can't cause slashing damage and takes -4 damage when using bludgeoning damage. Costs 25 denarii.

A hook or another shape excellent for bypassing shields may be added. This weapon can be used to make an attack that causes its wielder to take a -4 damage penalty for the round but ignores 1/2 of the target's shield DB.. Costs 25 denarii.

The edge may be sacrificed in exchange for a hammer or otherwise designed to stagger opponents. The character gains +4 to any resistance checks to inflict stunned or prone on a target caused by a melee attack with this weapon, but take a -2 attack penalty when wielding this weapon. This costs 20 denarii.

Polearm Tip - One may be chosen.

The tip can be designed to better pierce through armor. The character may choose to deal piercing damage with this weapon in order to ignore 2 AV. Costs 15 denarii.

The tip may be designed to better debilitate opponents. The character gains +4 to any resistance checks to inflict weakened or paralyzed on a target caused by a piercing damage melee attack with this weapon, though they suffer -2 attack when wielding this weapon. Costs 20 denarii.

The tip may be sacrificed in exchange for an improved edge. This may be used to make a slashing attack at +2 damage in exchange for -2 attack. Costs 10 denarii.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Does that "Shorn Nectar" effect apply to Alraune 'cum' as well? And if so, does that apply to PC-Alraune?