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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Oh hey, flying bears.

Template: Big Beasts

Body: 50
Mind: 8
Spirit: 12

Hit Points (HP): 60
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP):39
Spirit Energy (EP): 41
Speed: 22
Dodge: 35
Armor: 8
Resistance: 25
Perception: 22
Stealth: 22
Grapple: 50

Pain Resistant x2


Monster Name: EagleBear
Monster Type: Beast
Monster Class: None
Differences from Base Creature: -8 Speed (14, 11 if warped,) +8 AV (12, 18 if warped,) +30 HP (90)

Hard Hitter
Pain Resistant x2


Greater Claws
Natural Attack
Greater Wings
(If Warped)
Odd Skin
Armored Hide x3
Razor Fingers

Unarmed: (+50) 2d12 + 30 (+35 if warped)

Bears, but with the front half covered in feathers, and the head of an eagle with great wings for flight.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Oh hey, a monster idea.

Template: The Hand

Body: 10
Mind: 6
Spirit: 0

Hit Points (HP): 13
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 11
Spirit Energy (EP): 8
Speed: 10
Dodge: 9
Armor: 0
Resistance: 5
Perception: 10
Stealth: 23
Grapple: 22
Spirit Ceiling:

Grapple Expert



Monster Name: The Hand
Monster Type: Hand
Monster Class: Warrior Hand
Differences from Base Creature: None





Pleasure Damage:
Penetration: 2d8 + 3
Foreplay: 2d4 + 3

Unarmed: (+10) 2d4 + 3

A mobile severed hand with a thirst for murder, and possibly some freaky sexy times with little regard for gender.

Gotta hand it to ya.

Oh hey, flying bears.

Template: Big Beasts

Body: 50
Mind: 8
Spirit: 12

Hit Points (HP): 60
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP):39
Spirit Energy (EP): 41
Speed: 22
Dodge: 35
Armor: 8
Resistance: 25
Perception: 22
Stealth: 22
Grapple: 50

Pain Resistant x2


Monster Name: EagleBear
Monster Type: Beast
Monster Class: None
Differences from Base Creature: -8 Speed (14, 11 if warped,) +8 AV (12, 18 if warped,) +30 HP (90)

Hard Hitter
Pain Resistant x2


Greater Claws
Natural Attack
Greater Wings
(If Warped)
Odd Skin
Armored Hide x3
Razor Fingers

Unarmed: (+50) 2d12 + 30 (+35 if warped)

Bears, but with the front half covered in feathers, and the head of an eagle with great wings for flight.

This is pretty much griffons.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

You know, I just assumed it did, but I thought I'd better ask anyway: Does the Vampiric Futanari dick benefit from tight/large and snug/stretching?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread


Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

They usually don't, or they learn it by accident when they eat someone they're humping. They can also be taught by yon mama/pappy fox, though such usually isn't done by example.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Haf gets 10 points for correct guess, or maybe he already knew. That cheater.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread


Time to play an amnesiac kitsune who keeps accidentally murdering her boy/girlfriends

Also wondering where she keeps getting tails from
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Have her mind wipe herself of the experience every night after she does it to stop herself from being traumatized by the event and to ensure that she'll never be tempted to willingly do so again.

And yes, believe it or not I've kept pretty up to date on the kitsune fluff. Who would've thunk it? >.>

Sneeeaky lore idea edits:

Faerie Assassins! I just had a derpy idea and wanted to write some quick fluff down for it, whether it remains unofficial or not. Might also stat up a monster sheet for funsies.
All of the faerie courts have their elite knights, those best of the best among the knights whom have dedicated themselves to more martial pursuits, but among the autumn court some of the elite pursue less honorable means of achieving victory over their enemies. These are faeries who resort to blades in the dark, subterfuge, poisoning, and kidnapping to achieve their goals. Unlike their more honorable cousins, they eschew heavy golden armor and gleaming weapons in favor of knives that seem to permanently drip with poison and light armor that can shift into a disguise as easily as they themselves. Unofficially, by those few who know of them, they are called Meadow Saffrons, and in many cases the group has served as the Queen of Autumn's personal guard, though the truth is that they've probably had a hand in more Autumn Queens' downfalls than they've helped to prevent. They are still used by Queen Acrasia as a hand with which to assassinate, spy on, or kidnap any that catch her attention, and woe to any who fall into that category.

POKEMON, DGPC EDITION. Another derpy idea.
There's a tale that long ago, in the deserts of Anudor, there was a tribal matriarch and her sworn sword and lover. This is a tale known by both the Anudorian humans and outsiders, but the similarities usually end after the first line. In the most common outsider version, found in Badaria, the matriarch enthralled her sworn sword through a dark ritual of magic and hedonism, and enthralled many more like him in order to gather a stable of men willing to fight and die at only her word. According to it, through her dark magics and loyal bodyguards, she led a reign of tyranny over her people until her natural death, and even then her magics claimed the lives of all those she had enthralled at the moment of her end, to serve her in the next life. In the Anudorian version, the sworn sword loved the matriarch and the two were often in battle together against foreign incursions. Their devotion to each other led to the matriarch creating a magical ritual to proclaim their love to the very gods themselves, which would later be deemed as a sword marriage, and bound the two together through bands on their body such that they were almost of a single mind, and they became nigh impossible to defeat as a team. In this version, they died together during a last stand on the battlefield.

The truth of the tale was lost, and with the alien invasion it seems unlikely to ever be recovered. Though some Anudorian tribes continued to practice sword marriages, none documented were performed with the ritual that the original matriarch used, and instead this became more a name for a marriage between a tribal matriarch and her bodyguard than a significant ceremony in itself. The legends, however, did lead several groups to try to recreate the ritual. One of the most notable successes came from a coven of witches who, seeking protection from Badarian persecution, created a ritual which would allow them to bond a willing protector to themselves, with whom they shared the ability to locate each other, feel each others pain and pleasure, and even hear each others thoughts if both willed it, which has been passed on mostly through witches and those who learn from them. A more sinister success came from a human succubus, who, for the same reason, both researched and made much use of a ritual that would enthrall protectors to her will. Though not mind or body control, this instead enforced upon them a one way bond such that she could find them at any point, they felt her every pain, this being the main reason that they were compelled to protect her, and she could peer effortlessly into their thoughts, but they gained no benefits from it beyond what was needed to keep her safe. It's unknown how many have been taught the second ritual. Ironically, the eventual creation of both variations of ritual has ended up lending credence to either side of the tale being true.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

So I came up with a herm Orc warrior that has been captured and enslaved by the Crolians. Her favorite weapon is the pickaxe (>_>). I'm currently looking for a non-derpy GM for Aust_Nailo and me. Would anybody be willing to fill that role?
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I've created a Su-Ku-Ta male stargazer (spirit wielder) named Torin who is in need of a companion PC and a willing GM.

As a plot direction, I would be interested expanding upon the Star God and his followers in the game world lore, and finding a possible place in that for Torin.

Torin is completely inexperienced in sex, having been overprotected by nomadic priests his whole life. He is submissive by nature, so a strong willed female (or herm) PC might be a good tandem for him.

I'm looking for non-derpy campaign if possible. No cervical burns need apply. ;)
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Hmm. Laurana is very fitting for that, but shamefully I don't have enough holes in my schedule to play as her for the moment. ...There's also the whole 'posts like once-a-month' problem.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

mmhmm, Posting once a month might not do it for me, but thanks for taking a look anyway.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

"No cervical burns need apply"

My heart, it is broken. ;_;
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Cervical burns: not for everyone. D:
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Dammit, stop tempting me with delicious futa-on-catman-ass. ;_;
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I'll be GMing for yon cat-man-do.

Also, in response to the legitimate criticism of some of the stealth skills, I've fiddled with them a bit. Blinding Strike and Paralyizing Strike have been combined into Guileful Strike.

Edit: New enchantments and updates! An armor one that makes it more difficult to remove, and another that gives bonuses to escape attempts. The status effect enchantment now increases by 12 for each extra instance paid for, and the poison sac one increases the DC by 14. The increased ammo capacity enchantment is now a weapon enhancement instead. The polearm and blunt weapon enchantments have been buffed slightly. Fixed the wording of the Fiery Mantle enchantment for armor and changed it a little. Added an enchantment to allow shields to block electricity damage and another repeatable one to allow it to deal more bash damage and get more DB, and a third that lets you throw it.... And a fourth that lets you add weapon enhancements onto the shield. Adding spells to items was fiddled with a bit. Marked enchantments that could only be added once different, and reordered some stuff in order to save space.
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