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Dark Gate OOC Thread


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

My question for this discussion: what lies beyond the jungle/Amazonian border to the East? If that hasn't been fleshed out then I say grant it Great Plains/Grasslands status so some of the other race/fetish combos can be addressed without the section of the world we play in realizing it. Dog race for pack hunting, maybe include some centaurs with all the places to gidyap.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Stock answer for anything Dark Gate.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Needs more dwarves.


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Yes, dog people could be added and could be made to fit with the lore and could be interesting mechanically. But the specific race of dog-people suggested by Flayer is a heaping pile of faeces that we are being asked to sort through on his behalf, because he doesn't want to put in the effort to fix his own race suggestion.

I'm fine with someone adding a race, I'm fine with someone adding some decent start-lore, or even just setting up the race and playing it and figuring out the lore later. I'm not happy to find steaming turds being left in the middle of the OOC thread, and then the perpetrator telling everyone else to clean up after him.

Well I did say everything was subject to change about it, so anything that would make it fit in better is on the table, I just personally thought that since we have cat people that we needed wolf people.
There is potentially not a better reason to -not- create a race than 'well we had cats, so lets add dogs'. Symmetry is an element that primarily appears to appeal to a child's sensibilities, and gets used to the extent that it becomes trite. Lacking symmetry therefore has more appeal. Again, I'm not saying that a dog-race shouldn't exist. I'm saying that symmetry is a fucking terrible reason for a dog-race to be created.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I never said I wasn't going to put forth the effort to try and make it a playable race Host so cool your horses, I was just looking for suggestions that could be used to make it so, suggestions that I could use in order to work on it some more before seeing what everyone thought on my second attempt at it. I didn't expect I would get such hostility just from posting a concept for something to add to DG to try and make it more fun, jeez.

If everyone is against it then I'll drop the subject right here and now and won't try again.
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Tentacle God
Aug 16, 2010
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I like the concept, myself. Some of the lore and mechanical details need hammering out (I like several of plmnko's points, for example), but I'm in no way opposed.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

My question for this discussion: what lies beyond the jungle/Amazonian border to the East? If that hasn't been fleshed out then I say grant it Great Plains/Grasslands status so some of the other race/fetish combos can be addressed without the section of the world we play in realizing it. Dog race for pack hunting, maybe include some centaurs with all the places to gidyap.
It's just more jungle. The Amazon and Crolia run all the out to the coast some ways past the edge of the drawn map.

Host's initial reply to Flayer's race suggestion and Hafnium's comments on the mechanics!
Hafnium is correct about the racial bits, and Host, while I don't necessarily disagree with any one point, I would greatly appreciate it if you could calm down. Remember how much we had to fiddle with the concept when you wanted to import Shadow Demons into DG. MAF is correct when he repeats something that I say regularly, that I get a lot of DG's lore ideas from people's characters and ideas. The Academy exists because of DeMatt's DG1 character, Angels exist because I made Nadia and have been fleshed out heavily because of stuff that happened in Termite's and MAF's threads, Vampire lore was created almost entirely in Phoenix's thread, and Karkastans were created by an idea thought up by maikochan to name but a few of the other things I've added to the setting via stuff suggested by other players. I make up the structure and make sure that the pieces fit together nicely, and leave you lot to help fill in the meat.

Most of the concepts that I get tend to be altered from what they were when initially suggested anyway, so there's no need to be so aggressive in putting Flayer's idea down.

Well, to being a little more serious. I think than an Okami could fit really well at DG.

To make it an special race we could add her the wolf special ability who is get a +2 bonnus per each wolf and Okami, as wolf attack usually in herds. This dont put in mind than an Okami character cant fight alone, but work in team a good option for them. Another plus could be being able to comunicate with any canine and after give birth she could put her babies at a wolf den where all the wolf will take care of the baby, as if this were of a high rank (Okami)

Like penalty she could be a little more affected at the heat status and the many wolves at the zone could get close her to mate, what could be a good or bad thing. Also in horny and heat status she could have a reduction to her mind resistance. You could also add submisive feat here.

About her Lore this race could come from hibrids from female breeders and mutated wolves. Or some demons loved the idea to change humans to pets using mutation then they escape and mate.

Sorry, im out of time to work so i can put all these ideas in order, i will try to do it later.
These are actually some very interesting suggestions, which I may use in figuring out a smooth way to introduce ye wolf people.

Man what

...Plausible, given the culture predominant in their new territory. Though it is somewhat counteracted by them fucking way the hell off away from errbody. I can't recall how old they are as a 'culture' - a culture and biological shift would take some time, after all. Aren't catmans are moderately young themselves?

AFAIK the jungle is not a place you normally find wolves. When I think wolves, I think... forests, tundra, plains. Not jungles.

Wolfgirls can be done easily with templating and mutations, as well. I don't think it needs to be a thing - not with that fluff and stuff, at any rate.

Just saying, though, there's no Aztec culture yet. Gotta have dudes that practice hymen-regenerating magic for their blood sacrifices n' shit.
All goods points. And there IS an Aztec-ish culture already. It's what the Night Elves ended up becoming when they moved into the Pfitherian Jungle and were big into demon worship, I just haven't gotten around to adequately fluffing that out. Long term contact with the more moderate culture of the Amazonian humans resulted in them becoming more moderate courtesy of cultural exchange.

As for the wolf idea as a whole, I've got ideas about introducing them now, so I'll stew on them a bit and get at it when I've had more time to think.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Make the dog girls tribe!

DO IT!!!!!


Tentacle God
Jan 10, 2012
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Hey question is there any parasitic or symbotic enemies/monsters/allies that NEED hosts to survive in dark gate?

I have read quite a bit of the stories and have yet to read about any such creatures except a Demonic arm.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I made creatures based off the monsters in Slither, more to prove a point than anything. dunno if they're still in the monster lists, but they used to be there, at least. XD


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

They exist. Haven't thought up a good place to use them yet.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Oh I had planned for them to be tribal most likely Plm, separated into clans of so many, with the stronger clans having more and the weaker ones less obviously, and with one clan elder being the grand elder or some such title over all of the clans maybe, and they would also have the alpha, beta and so on structure in families or clans. Been bouncing ideas around in my head also from what I talked with Hafnom and some others in the Shoutbox earlier about them maybe being further north and harassing the orcs from the north or east or something like that perhaps. I agree that wolves/wolf people don't seem like the jungle type, but I thought that was the only area left open for them to be placed really.

My main reason in even pitching the concept of it and whatnot was to see where I could improve it since there are others that know DG's system a helluva lot better than I do, and I thought that they might be able to help me to flesh the Okami out a little better with some constructive criticism.
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Sure no problem, lets see where this race end.

Anyway, changuing of topic, i talked with Tass about this possible new mutation than suddenly come at my mind as i went to my work. But i have many things to remember it all.

Corruptive Heritage

The corruption on the persons with this mutation has passed toward her/his reproduction core making them be unable of pass some of the abnormalities to the newborns. Each baby from the character can earn until three different mutations from his father or mother, these mutations cant come from shapeshifter and only warped and supernatural characters can adquire it.

This mutation can be chosen a time more to give a 50% to pass this mutation to the baby.


RP Moderator
May 25, 2009
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

If you need a place to put wolf-people... a greenland-style island in the frozen sea, just off the map. Or if you want to go full ripoff... Codex Alera had tribal wolf-people, and stuck them on a separate continent to the West of the humans. :p


Tentacle God
Jan 10, 2012
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Or you can say they were DEEP in the jungles fleeing from ENEMY X and add a few other things to DG.

Also Latest Lore post is a bit Grim lots of nasty things that can kill ya slow... I Like the Names though!


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Realized that the Demonsummoner Aptitude gave no bonus to Fell Might, fixed that.


Tentacle God
Jan 10, 2012
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Random Question.

But is it possible to fuck someone to death/KO via HP damage from sex?