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You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Walking amongst the townsfolk, Edeni was given a few side glances by the human commoners at the sight of a little girl, all on her lonesome, walking through the town, but thought nothing of it, letting her be. However, after heading down a road that, for some strange reason, had a great deal less people, Edeni caught sight of another road that seemed to be where all of the business went down. And as she went to walk down the street to investigate that area, she was suddenly grabbed from the side by an unknown hand, which managed to drag her into an alleyway before she could make such a thing as a call for help.

When she would have a chance to look, Edeni would find that it was not a hand, but some kind of strange, pink, rubber rope. And the owner of the rope, not far from Edeni, at first seemed to be another normal town woman, until Edeni would notice that the pink rope that clung to her arm, extended from the woman's abdomen.

"You... Have to run away..." the woman whimpered at Edeni, "Before it gets you to..."
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Edeni grins as she looked around, walking, so many potential food sources... now which one to pick. Her thoughts were interrupted as she was dragged rather forcefully down an alley, she smiled inwardly, whoever this was, she was going to drain them until they were dry.

Turning around to face what she assumed was her would be attacker face to face, she suddenly saw the rope, "Ew... what kind of spell is this...?" Then she looked up and saw the woman, and the rope extended from her abdomen, as well as the warning, causing her to be caught slightly off guard and feel a little confused, "Run away from what? Before what gets me?"
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Instead of responding to Edeni, the strange tendril bearing woman tensed even more, her hands clenching her own body, as if there was something wrong inside of her, before the very dress she was wearing seemed to stretch, and warp as if made of soft rubber. Her clothes warped until various parts of her attire spiked, their color turning the same color of pink as the color of the tendrils currently holding Edeni, before revealing themselves before the imp as a whole flock of new tendrils, leaving the woman naked, and Edeni completely restrained as the tentacles wasted no time in gripping almost every part of the imp's body, causing her hat to fall to the ground as she was lifted, the rest of her clothing soon following, as the tentacles removed them rather ruthlessly, tearing her small dress off of her tan body, leaving her completely naked.

The creature wasn't smart, something Edeni would immediately notice. She could have easily called for help a while ago. However, with her disguise gone, the humans in the town would likely not save her after killing the roper creature, simply leaving Edeni's demise afterwords. Although, at the sight of the woman twisting her body in a strange display of 'pleasure,' and a 'different' shaped tendril slowly sliding out from between her legs, remaining to become subject to whatever the breeding tube intended for her might not mean good news either.
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Edeni grimaced as she was suddenly pulled into the air, looking around desperately, she considered her options. Yelling would definitely be out of the question, now that she no longer had her hat or dress to hide her body. On the other hand, tossing out a blast of flame wouldn't be smart too and would probably attract the town guard just as fast, and unless she was super lucky, the knight would probably not only not be there, but even if she were there, she would likely pretend to not know she was a demon and kill her anyway.

Grunting as she struggles her best, she finally decides on the only thing she can do, and pulls her head back slightly, before lunging forward and biting down on the tendril closest to her face as hard as she could.
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

The rubber tentacles reveal that their structure was not far off from rubber itself, when Edeni bit down on one of the tendrils holding her arm, only for it to give little or no reaction. She held the thing in place, and got a good taste of 'something strange,' neither tasting good nor bad on her tongue, but did not seem to hinder the strange creature's advances. And through her struggles, overpowered the small imp by spreading her thighs apart.

Her nether regions exposed, the wet, glistening phallus that sprouted forth from the woman's crotch wriggled with anticipation, before worming it's way to Edeni's pink flesh. The organ smoothed itself along her nether lips, sliding along her sensitive skin, and pressing against her clit as it searched for her opening. And when it found a way inside the imp girl, Edeni suddenly found her insides being filled by the intrusive member, her inner flesh expanding around the tentacle inside her.
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Alexia pulled away from the bite with a small look of confusion on her face, as she found herself trying to place the flavor of the tentacle, causing her to become momentarily distracted as the creature suddenly pushed itself into her, causing her to let out a cry of surprise as she tried to close her legs desperately, looking at the woman again to try to see what the hell was wrong with her and what she was doing...
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

After closing her legs, Edeni would find that she couldn't stop the tentacles, now that one was already worming around inside of her, as the slimy appendage simply slid between her closed thighs, pushing deep, and hard enough for her stomach to bulge from it's force. Raising her legs up enough for her knees to touch her chin, the roper allowed itself full access to her ass, her closed legs no longer a problem in it's need to breed with her.

The tentacle she recently had in her teeth seemed surprisingly eager to enter her mouth again, despite her vicious bite, as the pink tendril prodded at her lips, smoothing it's odd tasting juices over her lips as it tried to worm it's way into her mouth. Meanwhile, as the tentacle in front of her tried to fuck her mouth, the woman, who was on her knees, hands clutching at the tentacles that sprouted forth, and wrapped around her naked body, gave a small moan as another tentacle sprouted from her body, wrapping around her neck, slowly ascending towards Edeni, as the Imp would feel the slimy thing poking at her ass, trying to stretch the hole of her anus wide enough for it to slip inside her intestines.
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Edeni looks at the tentacles with disgust even as she began to pant a little, shuddering in pleasure as she looks around desperately. She slowly opened her mouth to the one that was offering, gently sucking on it and using her tongue, trying to relax a little so that the one that was entering her ass wouldn't have so many problems.

In her mind, she decided the best thing to do was simply to drain the creature dry, or at least she hoped to...
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Relaxing her body, the Roper that emerged in a flurry of tentacles from the infected woman only became more relentless with it's handling of Edeni's body. It's tendrils grew thicker with the expansion of room in the imp's body thanks to her acceptance, their piston motions inside her pussy and ass pushing her skin from the inside, to form even larger 'mounds' on her stomach as the pink tentacles stabbed into her body. The length inside her pussy pushing into her womb, as well as the length inside her ass, worming it's way deep through her insides, both stretching, and expanding the petite imp's body, to make way for the seed it planned to plant within her body.

For the tentacle prodding curiously at the lips and sharp teeth of the imp, the pink rope happily swung itself around Edeni's throat a couple times, before planting itself down her throat relentlessly. From the front, her neck expanded from the thick, pink breeding tube sliding down the shaft of her esophagus. Even though it was choking her, the portion of the tentacle's body still wrapped around her throat loosened it's grip, both to avoid crushing Edeni's petite neck, and to allow it's victim to breathe, even if only a little, before thrusting deep again, throat fucking her, and giving her a perfect taste of the alien substance the tentacle was coated with.
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Edeni didn't understand what was going on, why was the beast not being drained? She looked up at the woman, wondering what was going on before she let out a loud moan, her body twitching as she felt the pleasure overwhelming her. Her juices leaked as she shuddered, feeling the invasive moments in her body. Nothing had prepared her for this, compared to this, everything up to this point was laughable...

She tried to open her mouth in protest but suddenly found herself being choked as she quietly accepted the invasive organ in her mouth, fearful for what it may accidentally do if she squirmed around too much even as she felt herself starting to enjoy the feeling... perhaps a little too much...
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

The more Edeni enjoyed the abusive treatment of the roper's tentacles, the worse it became. The tentacle in her mouth squeezed harder around her throat when it pulled back from it's thrust, causing her face to turn red, while depriving her of even more much needed oxygen. This lack of air only caused the sensations in both her holes to increase dramatically to a level that would make any normal imp want to scream.

The abuse was not limited to her mouth and throat alone. Between her legs, the tentacle in her ass kept worming a little deeper into the inner workings of her intestines. With each pump, Edeni could feel her insides squirming as the tentacle invaded the inside of her body. And just when the tentacle inside of her pussy became just another shaft, another tendril sprouted from the woman's body, just below her breasts, quickly making it's way to Edeni's pussy, pushing violently against the little bit of extra stretch her violated hole could offer, until Edeni would feel her lower flesh stretch to it's limit, as the second fat tentacle squirmed inside her, joining the other tentacle inside her womb, pushing at her flesh from inside of her.
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Alexia opened her eyes wide as she felt her body being deprived of the precious life giving air, her body trembled as she twitched, not really moving by her own rather mostly from the force of the invasive organs. She tried to raise a hand to try to pull the tendril away from her neck, but it was in vain, not only could she not lift her arm, but she doubted she could get the tendril off anyway. Not that her brain knew that at the moment, going into ration mode she finally let her arms hang loosely at her side as she felt the familiar force ripping through her body, her fluids being blocked by the tendrils as she simply hung there, her vision starting to fade...
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Just as her mind started losing itself to the abuse of the tentacles tearing her from inside, her body now quite literally filled with the tendrils slipping inside her, the tentacles suddenly fattened up at the base of where they extended from, the woman on her knees, before they began pumping their parasitic seeds through their rubbery extensions.

As the roper seemed to reach it's climax, each of the tentacles in her mouth and ass retracted from the holes they were recently invading, in favor of ramming themselves ferociously into Edeni's pussy. One by one, the four tentacles continuously pumped the tiny seeds into the imp's sexual organ, stretching her womb even when her stretched pussy couldn't hold all of the slimy eggs inside of her.

Once her belly started expand into a neatly small mound, the tentacles drew from her pussy, now that they had injected her. The tentacles around her limbs drew back as well, release the captive imp, allowing her to fall to the ground.
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Edeni falls to the ground with a dull thud as she looks up, shocked and in heavy pain. Her mind barely registering the amount of damage she had just endured, content with simply letting her mind drift for awhile as she lay there on the ground panting. The sex had definitely been satisfying, much better than anything she could even remember doing before this. She slowly moves one hand onto her stomach, patting it gently before looking at the direction she last saw the woman, whispering quietly, "What the hell... did you do to me...?"
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

The tentacles were retracted into the woman's body by the time Edeni lift her head to look at her, making it seem as if the pink tentacles had never existed in the first place, asides from the obvious evidence left inside of her. The woman herself looked down to the imp, kneeling over on her knees, cringing with one arm over her stomach. "It's too late now..." she whimpered, "You've been infected with it's seed... If you have sex with a man... You'll become... Like me..."

The clattering of footsteps was heard nearby, sounding similar to armored greaves. They were quickly approaching, hinting at the possibility that someone might've witnessed the scene of Edeni's rape, and called the Guard. With her disguise in shreds, and an otherworldly embryo in her belly, Edeni couldn't afford to be caught by the humans.
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Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Edeni moans slightly as she hears about what happened to her. She began to panic interally, not sure what to do as she quickly looks around for something that would be able to help her hide, as well as perhaps something that would help her find Jezebel...

She then realized she had a more pressing concern as the sound of the guard's boosts arrived. She quickly spreads her tiny wings and tries her best to fly away from this place, a look of fear on her face as she realized what would happen to her if she was still around when the guards arrived...
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

A flight high above the ground would likely have meant her exposure to her pursuers. And unfortunately, gunpowder had been invented, which would spell doom for an aerial monster such as she. So, her only choice being a quick retreat through the alley in the opposite way of the guards, past the head of the roper infested woman, Edeni quickly found that the guards were randomly approaching from nearly every direction. The maze-like alley always at least provided one route of escape away from the approaching sounds of metallic greaves.

Her tiny wings could only carry her so quickly. And the men in search for unwanted visitors proved that their legs held more haste than her petite wings. Turning a sharp corner, unable to stop for a moment lest she be caught, she suddenly felt herself ram into someone, via her crotch to their face.

Right in Edeni's path, a young boy, old enough to be a man, but too scrawny and pathetic to even hold a weapon, was running in pursuit of the same imp the other's chased. He wore naught but cloth and leather. His jacket was a leathery brown, the shirt under it a dark green. His pants were brown, made from similar leather, as were his boots. His brown, spiky hair waved in the wind as he charged, same color eyes looking determinedly ahead, as he dragged his longsword on the ground behind him, unable to hold the wieght of it on his own.

When something appeared from around the corner, he tried to skid to a halt, before his inevitable yelp was muffled by a face full of imp crotch. The shock of having Edeni slam into his face caused him to grab at her ass in a panic, unable to even think of removing her in his state of confusion, causing her to fall backwards with him, planting the back of his head into the concrete with a painful thud.

Adding insult to injury, he lost control of his sword, accidentally swinging it upwards as he fell, and releasing the grip. It spun around in the sky, before quickly coming back down to the ground, hilt first, and slamming into his stomach. He gave a muffled cry, still thanks to the imp on top of him, eyes squinting as he pathetically groaned over the pain and shock, before widening with sudden fear as he realized just what had collided into him. His face paled upon seeing the demon Edeni, immediately realizing the dangerous monster they were hunting was right in front of him.
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Edeni lets out a cry as she smashes into the boy, looking down at the male lustfully she shakes her head with an audible groan, "You're fucking kidding me... why... of all things I could've crashed into..." She peels herself off and pulls down the boy's lower garments. Roughly playing with the boy's crotch area as she shudders, pushing one hand against the boy's mouth so that he could not scream.

She knew she was doomed if she did this, and at the same time, she couldn't even stop herself if she wanted to. The drive to do it was too strong...
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

The young man began panicking and squirming when Edeni went for his trousers, arcing his back when she began to roughly handle his dick. His hands reached desperately to fight with her, grabbing onto her, and trying to lift her, even with his weak little arms. Flipping over, he managed into a sitting position, with Edeni upside down, facing him, her face in his lower area, with her butt in his face. "No! Stop it!" he cried as he was lifting her off of him. "I-I'm not that kinda guy!"

As he held her in such a lewd position, the guard was soon around the corner, gasping at the sight. "She's charmed him!" one immediately exclaimed, "Look! He was about to pleasure her!"

"W-what!?" the young man exclaimed.

"Poor kid! Lets put him out of his misery!" another soldier announced, before the group charged at them both to kill them.

The young human responded by immediately screaming in fear, before picking himself up, forgetting to drop Edeni as he carried her with him, while displaying a rather uncanny ability to run away, as the guards slowly fell behind them.

Ducking into a warehouse, the man collapsed to the wall, sliding down until he was sitting, with the imp's face still in his crotch, "Whew..." he breathed a sigh of relief, "That was close..."
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

She makes soft lewd noises even as the boy was discovered, some part of her, likely the new part of her, wanting nothing more than to suck the boy dry, in more ways than one. As she was suddenly pulled away from the scene, she could do nothing but hold on tightly to the boy, closing her eyes and shaking her head, trying to get the lewd thoughts out of her head. Well, the ones that wanted to fill herself with the virile young man's white juices anyway.

"Y..you saved me... I guess I'm indebted to you..."