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The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

Re: The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

Grave began to move his hips to match Nillien's movements. Appearing to really enjoy the way in which the she kept rubbing against him - he put his arms around her, keeping her close to him. When Nillien began to nibble at his ear, the man shivered a little - and returned the favor, as he passionately kissed her neck a few times, then gave her ear a small lick.
Re: The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

Moaning as he licks her ear, Nillien starts to quicken her pace, gripping Grave's cock with her ass to try to further stimulate him to make him cum. Her hands soon begin to wander one stroking at his back, the other pulling his head against her body as she moans into his ear.
Re: The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

Grave realized that Nillien really liked this. He kept kissing her, letting his hands wander, caressing the girl's back. Her moans excited Cynder, and he began to move his hips faster to match the alraune's face. Soon, he felt an urge to come rising, but he decided to resist it as long as he could, as he wanted to savor the feeling.
Re: The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

Nillien continues riding Grave. After a short time the hand wandering his body grips his ass to pull him against her harder and deeper. After a few more strokes, she squeals out and arcs backwards, her breasts bouncing up around eye level as she does. Grave would immediately feel her ass clench tightly as she orgasms, her body tensing and relaxing as pleasure sweeps through her in a wave.
Re: The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

When Nillien began to ride him harder, Grave realized that he wouldn't last long. And when she reached her climax, clenching her ass around his cock, Cynder could no longer hold back. He came with her, filling the girl's ass with his sperm, moaning as he tensed. After releasing his load, he relaxed and pulled the alraune closer to him before kissing her.
Re: The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

Nillien leaned into the kiss for a while before eventually drawing back (she didn't have to breathe, but Grave probably did). She then nuzzles up against his neck, speaking with a smile, Fun and nutritious.
Re: The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

Grave smiled as well. "Fun is an understatement." He was looking quite content at the moment, smiling at Nillien warmly, seeming to get more and more used to being in her company by the minute. He simply held her, and caressed her passionately, loving on her with what now could be perceived as compassion.
Re: The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

Sighing slightly, Nillien starts to bring up her petals to cover them as she starts to move herself away from the area, forgetting to retrieve Grave's pants in the process although that may be intentional. I need to move us before any Honeybees catch scent of our fun and come to look. She explains.
Re: The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

Grave made himself comfortable, leaning against the petals and let himself think for a while. However, before Nillien managed to take him anywhere (in fact, it only took the man a few steps to realize that he was missing something), he quickly sat up straight and muttered a quiet curse. "Uh, sorry... Do you have my pants? It's kinda hard to get black pants these days, and I like my clothes..." Although Grave probably didn't notice it, the emphasis he put on the word 'black' was quite audible to Nillien, the man showing some kind of obsession with black clothing...
Re: The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

I, um, oops? Nillien says as she stops moving her flower. Do you really need me to go get them? It's not like you need them. Plus white is a much better color maybe with a hint of purple as well. She remarks, gesturing at herself and her flower.
Re: The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

For a moment, Grave seemed to be uncertain, but this only lasted a moment, as he seemed to quickly make up his mind. "Well, I was hoping I'd have a chance to see a thing or two while I'm on this island... I'd look weird without pants. Besides, is there something wrong with black?" The tone Grave used when asking the question suggested that 'no' was the only correct answer.
Re: The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

It isn't pretty like me, and the only Alraunes who have black petals are sick. Besides, if you think you'll look weird without pants, you can just remove your shirt and run around naked. Nillien says, missing the tone of voice. For her, black isn't a natural color for healthy living things, unless you're a Honeybee which is even worse, and therefore doesn't care to see it on people.
Re: The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

Grave rubbed his forehead while taking a deep breath. "Nillien... I understand that you might not like that color, but it's not too good for a human to run around naked all the time... Our bodies usually need some kind of protection. Also, altough they may look like ordinary clothes... The stuff I wear means a lot to me - they're not simple objects. They're like... Uh..." he trailed off, his tongue rinsing itself with unfinished words, and statements, as he was unable to find a somewhat proper way to put it.
Re: The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

I guess I can get them for you, Nillien starts with a pouting looking on her face as she slowly moves back to retrieve the pants, But do you really have to wear them? It's so much easier to get to your cock if you aren't wearing them.
Re: The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

Upon retrieving the pants, and his shirt, Nillien noticed that the shirt had been tossed into a puddle of mud from a recent rain, and appeared quite ruined, and stained. Which caused Grave to sigh when he looked at his shirt. "That'll need some washing..." he announced mournfully. Afterward, he turned towards Nillien. "Well... Here's the deal: I won't wear them unless I have to go somewhere, okay? Besides, I think it's nice to have something that belongs to you. And the longer you have it, the harder it is to part with it." he told her, trying to work out an agreement between her want to keep him naked, and his want to keep his coveted pants...
Re: The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

Belongs to... are you saying that your cock belongs to me now? Nillien says, hope in her eyes as she connects the dots in the wrong way. She does, however, notably keep the pants away from the pair thus avoiding putting the muddy pants into her nectar.
Re: The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

"I... Ah... Ugh..." Grave stuttered as he looked straight into Nillien's eyes, a baffled look washing over his face, "... I've witnessed many leaps of logic, but you really take the cake." he shook his head. "You know... Last time I checked, my cock was still attached to me, so there might be a problem with that..." He added, sarcasm becoming apparent in his voice.
Re: The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

Seemingly happy at how the man is complimenting her logical abilities, Nillien gets slightly confused at the last part of his statement. So? I just have to keep you around so that my cock doesn't leave and I can use it any time? She says, reaching a hand down to trace fingers along the length of his cock in emphasis.
Re: The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

Grave sighed. "Ok, ok. Just keep in mind that while I don't mind staying with you, there are some things I'd like to see and learn about. Like this island. It's inhabitants. And a place where I can wash this, perhaps." he pointed at his dirty clothes. "In fact, I'd start with washing. Is there a spring nearby? A lake? Anything?" he asked her.

And, it just so happened, that Nillien did know of a certain very special hot spring, not too far from where they were, and was a popular place for monsters to meet mates for a sort of, 'one-night-stand' with them, often having sex in the hot waters. Nillien, being a plant, found much nourishment from the soil nearby springs such as that, as well as from humans who happened to be fortunate enough to be snatched up by her. So, naturally, it's location stuck out quite clearly in her mind.
Re: The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

Well, there is the ocean, although the salt feels bad, but nearby there's also the, at this point Nillien giggles, fun place. She finishes with a smile.