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Vengeance Denied (greatone)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Erinayes Status: HP = 42, P = 35, EP = 35

(Note: I reserve the right to involve your characters backstory in the plot.)

Erinaye walked cautiously down the road. She kept her pace slow, giving her time to remember. She was going back, back to where it had all began. She remembered her parents, how they played with her and held her when she was young. How her father had sometimes seemed sad, but she had never understood why. How they had died, her mother burned to death by a wizards fire and her father gutted not three feet in front of her while she had hid in the drawer of their pantry. They had burned the house down, and she had thought that she too would be consumed by the flames. But then, something had happened.... She didn't remember it well enough. A dark figure, clothed all in black with a curved blade. Tearing through the walls of the house, taking her through the flames to safety.

It was he who had taken her to the monks, so many miles away. But it had seemed like only moments..... That had begun the second part of her life, her training. She had wanted revenge. So, she learned to fight. But then her strange powers had begun to manifest. She had at first been delighted, and showed her instructors. They had recoiled in horror, calling her daemon-spawn and demon. She had been cast out. One family destroyed, the other guilty of betrayal. So be it. Soon, she would have her revenge. She would find out who had murdered her parents, and destroy them all. Soon.

She reached the bend around the mountain road, and saw the smoke stacks of the newly built factories. She would be in the town by early evening. A ways down the road, she heard the neighing of a horse.
Re: Vengeance Denied (greatone)

Erinaye stopped for a moment as the stacks of the factories came into view. "Couple more hours and I can get started..." she thought as she allowed her mind to wonder with images of broken arms, and shattered kneecaps.

Following along the road, she was brought back from the bloody daydream by the horses neighing and continued to walk along the path towards the town.
Re: Vengeance Denied (greatone)

Erinayes Status: HP = 42, P = 35, EP = 35

Erinaye spotted the horse charging riderless down the road a good ways away, and immediately knew that something was wrong. It quickly got closer, coming at her at a full gallop, and she suddenly felt the urge to be sick. It looked like the poor creatures intestines were swinging about under it, as beneath the beast were dozens of long rope-like things that seemed to be swaying and undulating beneath it, reaching to just below the creatures knees. It was coming right at her, and would be on top of her in a matter of seconds.
Re: Vengeance Denied (greatone)

"What...the... hell..." Erinaye thought as the beast neared. "That horse should be dead... whoever split it open really had their way with it."

She assumes a defensive stance to evade it's charge as it doesn't look to be letting up.
Re: Vengeance Denied (greatone)

Erinayes Status: HP = 42, P = 35, EP = 35

To-hit: 10 + 24 = 34 vs 36 + 14 = 50 == Miss.

Erinaye rolls aside as the horse charges past her, the beast slows and turns to face her again, thirty feet away. It paws the ground, and its glowing red eyes, and the fact that the strange ropes beneath seem to be moving of their own will clue her in on the fact that something more than violence is very wrong with the beast.
Re: Vengeance Denied (greatone)

"Guess this isn't gonna end without a fight... I don't have time to be dealing with freakish beasts like this.."

Erinaye charges at the horse on a dead run, with intentions of delivering a mighty flying kick directly to it's snout.
Re: Vengeance Denied (greatone)

Erinayes Status: HP = 42, P = 35, EP = 35

Erinaye and the beast both start moving at the same time, and Erinaye is the first to attack as she leaps and strikes out with her leg.

To-hit: 5 + 28 + 1 = 34 vs 24 = hit.
Damage: 3 + 2 + 14 = 19 damage.

Erinayes kick lands squarely on the beasts snout, striking it head on and forcing it to turn it head to the side. The strange red ropes reach for her at the same time, however, trying to ensnare her.

Grapple: 1 + 26 = 27 vs 14 + 36 = 50 == Miss.

But she twists midair, avoiding the slimy appendages. The horse stops and turns again, now only ten feet from her. It's nose is leaking blood, but the beast doesn't seem to notice.
Re: Vengeance Denied (greatone)

Erinaye focuses on the beast, waiting for it to charge, clenched fists ready hoping to deliver a blow to the front of it's neck and end the sad creature's existence.
Re: Vengeance Denied (greatone)

Erinayes Status: HP = 42, P = 35, EP = 35

To-hit: 2 + 28 + 1 = 31 vs 24 = hit.
Damage: 5 + 2 + 14 = 21 damage.

Erinaye strikes as the creature rushes her again, this time she severs the poor beasts wind pipe, causing it to collapse face first into the ground, unable to breath. It dies shortly afterward.
Re: Vengeance Denied (greatone)

With the beast now dead, Erinaye turns back along the path towards the town.

"Hopefully you are the last interruption, gotta get into town before nightfall," she says to the corpse as she turns her back on it.

What happened to that..thing? Why did it charge without provocation? I'll figure that stuff out after I find those bastards... she thinks while she moves further along the path towards the town.
Re: Vengeance Denied (greatone)

Erinayes Status: HP = 42, P = 35, EP = 35

Erinaye leaves the dead beast behind, and proceeds down the path. It is not long before she has reached the road leading into town. At the crossroads, she spots what looks like a dog feeding on a black garbed, human-looking corpse, sitting in the middle of the road. It doesn't seem to have noticed her, and she sees several lumps and oddly shaped protrusions coming from its back. She is both horrified and puzzled by the ghastly sight.
Re: Vengeance Denied (greatone)

Erinaye taking notice of th dog, attempts to sneak by it so she can get into the town.
Re: Vengeance Denied (greatone)

Erinaye taking notice of th dog, attempts to sneak by it so she can get into the town.
Re: Vengeance Denied (greatone)

Erinayes Status: HP = 42, P = 35, EP = 35

Stealth: Success

Erinaye is able to slip past the dog without it looking up from its feast, and after another ten minutes or so reaches the outskirts of the town, including the great bridge which she recognizes from her childhood. No one is about, which is surprising at this hour of day, and from where she is everything seems to be abandoned.
Re: Vengeance Denied (greatone)

Erinaye stands on the bridge surveying her hometown, noting the lack of activity which is quite different from what she was used to.

So very weird, first the monstrous horse, then the dog and the charred corpse... And now seemingly nothing in the town. Used to be busy, traders... townspeople... now just desolate. What has happened here? Either way, I came here for a reason.. Time to get started.

With that, Erinaye continues across the bridge into the town, headed towards her old home.
Re: Vengeance Denied (greatone)

Erinayes Status: HP = 42, P = 35, EP = 35

Erinaye made her solitary way into town, her mind taken into the past by her familiar surroundings, her footsteps silent on the stone-cobbled road. Suddenly, she spots a mountain lion, deformed like the dog, lying along the porch of a house. The mighty beast stirs as it sees her, and rises on four massive paws. She doesn't know what's going on here, but it seems like something else is about to attack her, putting her training to the test.
Re: Vengeance Denied (greatone)

Erinaye looks up at the Lion, and fires an energy blast at the distorted beast.

What has happened to these animals? Science? Magic...

(Fires 7 point blast at lion.)
Re: Vengeance Denied (greatone)

Erinayes Status: HP = 42, P = 35, EP = 21/35

To-hit: 17 + 14 + 3 = 34 vs 28 = hit.
Damage: 6 x 2 x 7 = 84 damage.

Erinayes blast strikes the great cat just as it is about to rise from its resting place. The ball of concentrated spirit energy practically vaporizes the beast.
Re: Vengeance Denied (greatone)

I really got to get back to my house maybe there is something there that will shed light on what is a foot here.. First find out what happened to my parents, and then find out what is going on now..

Erinaye turns from the devastated lion and heads in the direction of where she lived once more.
Re: Vengeance Denied (greatone)

Erinayes Status: HP = 42, P = 35, EP = 35

Continuing on, Erinaye eventually found the place where she would turn down the street she had once lived on. It was as deserted as the rest of the town, and she made her way past the silent buildings until she had reached her old house.