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The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Evas Status HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

(Story time. Be prepared for giant wall of text.)

A set of stone steps leading up to the platform she had been held on were a convenient place for her to rest, so Eva sat on them to wait for a moment. As she sits, Eva actually feels a bit cold, as there was little warmth in this place. The spirit replies; 'I don't know if she'll be by here any time soon, she's probably going to be out of it for quite a while. Still, taking a rest isn't too bad of an idea, so long as no demons come by.'

When she continues, the spirit waits a moment before responding, in a grave and somber voice;
'No, I suppose it's not, except for the hordes of demons that live here. I haven't been around long enough to know, but, from what other beings have told me, this place was once not so different from our own world. But some ancient evil god twisted the creatures and peoples that lived here into a reflection of its own dark image, turning them into the demons. Then, he began sending them out to invade other lands, so that it could consume the souls of those he conquered, until the whole of this world was like this, a barren, lifeless, wasteland. When this world was devoid of souls for it to devour other than those of its followers, it went to sleep until life rose anew. But, something went wrong, and when it awoke, it found only its followers, still alive through the centuries it'd hibernated, and knew that if it were to find more souls to feed on, it would have to go to other worlds. At the time, their entire world was a desert yes, but was still lightened and warm.'

'And so, the demons came to our world, through the first of the dark gates, in the midst of the desert, in the place now inhabited by the early Su-Ku-Ta tribes. It took nearly a decade, during which the humans there were forever changed into the cat-like people that they are now, but the demons were eventually pushed back after a group of knights from early Crolia came to aid them at the head of a small army, but at great cost. The tribes were tainted forevermore, and of the knights and their followers, only one man returned home. It is said that the only knight who survived that war, and made it back to Crolia, committed suicide shortly after telling his tale. He was entombed there, but his name was forgotten long ago.'

'Anyway, centuries later, another gate opened, this time in the heart of Crolia. There were many wars already going on at the time in Crolia, and so the place they initially invaded was quickly overwhelmed, and it seemed that another decade of war, while the vile demons twisted the lands and consumed the souls of thousands was upon us. But then, it is said, the spirit of the knight rose from beyond the grave as a daemon, filled with righteous rage. Angered by the gods of this worlds refusal to do anything to aid their mortal followers against the demons, he destroyed all of Old Gods, and in so doing, consumed their strength. Then, he purified the area around the new gate with fire, and stepped through the gate. There, he destroyed their world even further, going so far as to take the sun from their sky. But, realizing that, in doing so, he would be committing genocide, the knight filled the sky with a new light, the aurora that you see above you. Then, he returned to our world, and closed the gate.'

'But, the dark god remained, and so did the demons, despite how many had been killed. When their numbers returned to enough strength, another dark gate opened, only for the knight, now a being of unimaginable power to rival the dark gods own, but without his insatiable hunger, forced them back once more. He has tried again several times since then, each time to be forced back beyond the gate and have it closed.'

'The woman I came here with, she says she once met a powerful daemon that claims to have been fighting the demons since they first invaded our world, but if he is the spirit of the knight of legend, I do not know. Perhaps all of this is just a story, and events truly went in a completely different manner, but this is what the High court of the Fey believes to be the truth of the matter.'

Having finished his tale, the spirit then says, in a much more light hearted tone; 'It's possible for you to find a spirit like me to tag along with you, I guess. You need to find one that's just right though. One that isn't malicious and spiteful of the living, hasn't gotten eaten by a daemon but isn't yet strong enough to become one themselves. Not easy to find, especially since the demons devour the souls of those they kill, leaving few that can become spirits.'

(I'll let you guess who the knight is. Though, you haven't met him yet. :) )
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

When the spirit finished it's tale of this place, the demon's and their unholy leader, how the old gods had been basically killed by the mighty knight of legend, and everything else Eva's face was practically snow white and she seemed to be rather on edge. All of this seemed to be a bit for her to take in. She sat in silence for a moment, not even hearing what the spirit said about getting her own spirit friend. Finally, after a bit, she finally spoke up, or rather began thinking, sounding rather meek. ' So... T-the old gods are all dead? And this ancient evil one is still alive, t-trying to devour my world?" she asked, her mind voice trembling. ' it was really shocking, and scary, to think of all the things the spirit said to be true. Especially the old gods being gone. This meant that now, a lot of churches were truly praying to nothing. It was sad really. It was also mysterious how they had refused to help everyone, the followers and inhabitants of the world. Perhaps they just did not care...
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Evas Status HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

'I don't know if they're all gone. But no one, not even the High Fey, or the gods most devoted followers, have heard from the gods since that time. either they are gone, or in hiding. All I know for certain is that, if the daemon truly did devour the old gods, he must be one of the most powerful beings in existence. If he still opposes this dark god, I don't see how the evil one can win. Although, if this daemon killed all the gods, I'm not sure that he's such a good guy either. And again, I don't know how much, if any, of this story is true.' The spirit replies, seemingly unsure of itself.

Eva noticed that the strange sky of the demons world had begun to grow darker, and the massive band of color more pronounced. Though Eva couldn't tell, night was falling in the demons world.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Eva forces herself to calm down as she sits there listening to the spirit. All this thinking of of gods made a a certain question pop up, one that she hadn't ever thought of before. ' Spirit, if the gods created all the worlds and such then what created them? Some sort of ultimate god? If that's the case then what created the ultimate god? ' Eva suddenly blinks as these weird questions came up, her blue eyes staring at the twilight of the world. ' Umm... Never mind, forget I said anything. I'm over thinking things. ' she thinks as she settles in on the ground, the long wait for the spirits owner now beginning.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Evas Status HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

The spirit hesitates for a moment, not sure how to reply, but when Eva continues, it instead replies; 'I don't know that myself.'

Settling down to wait, Eva only sits on her laurels for a minute before the spirit pipes up again; 'I'm sorry to leave you so suddenly, but my master has awakened. She's heading toward the gate as we speak. If I'm away from her for too much longer, I'll start to fade out of existence. So, I have to go now.' Then, he waits a moment for Eva to respond.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

' Wait, can I not come with you?! I-I know it sounds pathetic, but I don't want to be alone in this place... ' She suddenly pleas, standing up from her spot. Suddenly thinking, she realizes that the spirit likely must hurry before it just goes away. It likely couldn't be slowed down by her. She didn't want to be separated by her new friend but it had to be done. ' Um... Never mind. Ill be alright spirit. Thank you for all your help, and give your master my thanks. Ill miss you...' Eva suddenly seems to wipe away something from her eyes as an almost silent sniffle sound is heard.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Evas Status HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

'Just head toward the gate. The path looks pretty clear at the moment, and then you can meet my master! You'll be fine, so long as you're careful along the way, and there isn't anywhere safer than by my masters side. And don't fret, we'll meet again I'm sure. Farewell for now, Eva.' The spirit replies, and Eva feels its presence leave her thoughts. While it was depressing, the spirits idea was a good one. It was probably much safer on the other side of the gate, and if she got back to her own world, perhaps she could return home, and alert her father to the presence of the demons in such strength.

Just as she is about to get up, Eva is forced to close her eyes as a massive flash lights the sky. Once she pries her eyes open once more, she looks to her right to see a massive column of fire reaching up into the sky. It is incredibly far away, but form the hill she is on, Eva can watch as a wave of flame stretches out around it, consuming the buildings on other hills and blowing their dust and debris along with it. Luckily, it ends well before it reaches her, but she is suddenly knocked off her feat a moment later by a wave of pressure, which is followed a second later by a massive thunderous boom.

She had no idea what was going on exactly, but Eva could tell that the gate had also been consumed in the blast, and she could only hope that the spirit and its master were alright. Meanwhile, the wave of fire had left the region even more barren than before, with puddles of molten sand forming puddles of glass in certain places. It seemed to be cooling quickly, however, and Eva couldn't help but wonder what exactly had caused the massive explosion. The column of flame remained, shooting up into the sky, but no further waves of fire went out from its source. Another good side was that any demons in the radius of the blast had almost certainly been killed, so she would likely find nothing hostile on the way there.

(I completely forgot where you were. Don't worry, you've got your story hook now.)
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

After the massive blast had ended and the great pillar of flames stood there looming over the desolated land the young Eva sat on her bottom as her eyes remained wide open, her jaw open. She remained like this, trembling slightly as she just looked at the flames. After her mind collected itself as managed to bring itself somewhat out of it's state of total shock the squire slowly got back onto her feet. " Wh-what happened..? " she whispered, having no idea what on earth just happened. This was truly unlike anything she had ever seen. Just as amazing as it was terrifying. As afraid as she was, she was also curious. She wanted to get closer and observe what caused that to happen. She doubted anything within the radius of the blast was still alive so she figured it would be safe to investigate a little.

Having collected herself she cautiously begins heading toward the pillar of flames.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Evas Status HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

It took Eva a while to work up the courage, but she eventually went to investigate the source of the column of flame. She had to trek across unstable ground, the hot sand sometimes burning her even through her boots and clothing. She had to avoid numerous pits of molten sand, which was swiftly forming into glass, so the journey took her well over an hour. In that hour, she saw not a sigh of demons, not even charred bones, which made her relax a little. Eventually, she found herself ascending a hill, at the top of which stood a massive stone structure that was somehow still standing. The rock looked like it was extremely hot around the top, but the sides looked as though they were untouched by the flames, despite the fact that Eva was sweating heavily from the heat radiating from the massive burning pillar. She couldn't see any doors in, meaning that they must be on a different side of the building.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Eva's journey through the burning desert of hell was easily the most difficult trial she had ever faced. Eva's entire body, from head to toe, was covered in sweat. Her body was desperately trying to cool her down, and the results made her feel disgusting. This was the first time the girl wanted a cold glass of water and an ice cold bath at the same time. Her thirst was so bad that she wanted to cry, then drink her tears. It got to the point where she wanted to strip off all of her armor in an attempt to cool herself off a little. She of course did no such thing.

" What... Is that..? " She said between her exhausted pants when she finally came up to the massive stone structure, another amazing yet frightening thing. Eva then looked at her surroundings. There was only glass and sand. She wouldn't last like this forever. Soon she would die from dehydration. This hour of walking through heat had taken its toll on the girl. This stone type building was likely the only thing that might have something to help her live. She had no choice but to try and enter it. Carefully, and slowly, she began trudging around the heat radiating building, trying to find some way to enter it.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Evas Status HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

Moving around the edge of the building, Eva found herself growing more and more exhausted as the heat took its toll. The building had no obvious entrance, no doors or windows of any kind, which was very strange to Maria. She was about to give up when she spotted a massive hole in one of the walls. It was the only way into the building, so she headed in. The place was entirely dark, but the light of a fire coming from provided enough illumination for her to see the floor that was covered in chunks of smoldering metal. The floor was searingly hot, but not so much that it would burn through her boots.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

" Oh spirit... If only you were here with me... " she said longingly, wishing her guardian angel was here to watch over her. Likely the ghost could of told her where to go and she wouldn't of ended up in this flat out bizarre building. Even though it felt like there was nothing in this building besides heat Eva cautiously continued to search. She would do her best to keep her footing. The last thing she wanted want to trip and fall, then burn herself against the smoldering hot metal floor!
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Evas Status HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

(He was hardly a guardian angel. More like an annoying voice in the back of your head.)

Proceeding through the hole in the wall, Eva found herself at the source of the column of flame. It shot up into the ceiling, but Eva could just barely make out a dark human-like figure standing in the center of the column of flame. She stared into the flame, mesmerized by it, as she ponders on where it might be originating from. She is snapped out of her wondering a moment later, when the column of fire suddenly disappears. The room goes dark except for a few patches of molten steel and stone, right up until a dark red glow appears from where the column had been. The glow was small, and when she looked closer, Eva could tell that there were actually two red glows, coming from about seven feet off the ground. Between them and the molten rock, the room was bathed in a mix of red and orange light that just barely made it navigable.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

( Not to Eva he wasn't! to Eva he was a caring a gentle soul who watched over her! He only seems like an annoying twit to Ivy. )

The blond girl was quickly taken in by the dancing flames, her blue eyes getting lost in the view. The effect ended after the piller of flames finally went away, mysteriously disappearing." Hmm..? " Eva went as she snapped out of it and got a hold of herself. This was all very strange, almost scary. However Eva had nowhere else to go, nowhere she had much chance of surviving, and decided to investigate a bit more. ' At least I can see in this damn place... ' she thinks to herself. Cautiously she proceeds to walk toward the glowing red lights, figuring that was the best place to start.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Evas Status HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30


The red lights seem to turn toward her, as though they were focusing on her like a pair of eyes, as she steps toward them. Suddenly, dark red flames erupt from the ground below the strange lights, revealing that they are, in fact, eyes. Sort of.

A man, or at least a man-like figure, stands in front of her, surrounded now by the red, evil-looking fire, which seems to be emanating from him. He is huge, at least seven feet tall and fairly broad, though he is more towards the lean side than the heavily muscled. He has not even an inch of exposed skin, as he is covered in heavy looking black clothes, including a shirt and pants, as well as a long black coat that reaches just past his knees. A mask covers his face, all black, with two dark reflective pieces of glass at the eye pieces, and a wide-brimmed hat sits atop his head. A sword hangs from his belt, long and curved with the pommel a carving of a gargoyles snarling visage, and held within a battered green scabbard that looked fairly cheap. His gaze lowers from her down to one of his hands, which he flexes experimentally, as though testing it out for the first time. Then, he looks back up to her, and says, in a low gravelly voice; "Who are you? And what in the voids name are you doing here? You clearly aren't a demon."
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)


Eva watched in awe and fear at the figure looked at her. For a few moments she just looked at the whatever, even after it spoke to her. Though she did work up the nerve to finally speak to him. Nervously, she said; "I-I was... B-beat up by demon, then was dragged here to be raped... Since then I've been wandering around, trying to find a way to get out of here..." She stands there in a nervous silence for another moment, observing the being she stood before. Suddenly, she blurts out, "What in gods name are you!?" Her mind quickly catches up with what she said,making her gasp and cover her mouth in futility.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Evas Status HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

The room suddenly brightens with a pure white light as Eva blurts out her question, and the figure appears, for only a moment, as a tall but plain looking man, his dark hair graying, before reverting back to his original appearance. "I am called Matthias, and what I am is a daemon. It is not safe here. Would you mind if I got you out of here? I can take both of us back to the world you are familiar with." The figure says, its voice still harsh, but less angry than it had been a moment ago.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

'I need to learn how to keep my big mouth shut...'

At Matthias asks his question Eva will slowly nod, literally shaking in her boots at what she just saw. It being something that the novice adventurer was certainly not use to seeing. "Umm..." Eva, even as terrified as she was of the daemon, felt she had to say something. "My apologizes for what I said. Forgive me!" She does a slight apologetic bow.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Evas Status HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

As Eva nods, Matthias steps forward, and grasps her shoulder before she can protest in any way. His grasp is hot enough to feel through her armor, and so strong that she wonders if her shoulder will survive it without shattering under his touch. Then, before she can even begin to speak, the words only just forming in her mind, she feels a sudden sense of weightlessness, and for a second all of her senses are blacked out, as though they'd been shut off.

Then, as quickly as it come, the strange unfeeling was gone, and Eva found herself in the middle of a large room with plain, worn wooden walls. Unable to stop herself, she says what she'd wanted to say back in the other place, at which Matthias only replies; "Not necessary. What were you doing there? A girl such as yourself has no place in that realm." His voice is now flat and emotionless, lacking completely the anger she'd detected before.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Eva rubs the back of her head, recovering from the sudden teleportation.

"What was I doing there? As I said... A demon had beaten me then dragged me there."

The girl will sigh, sounding obviously sad.

"I hadn't ever been to a place like this, nor faced opponents such a demons. I wasn't ready for what I faced. I'm honestly lucky to be alive..."

Her depression will then fade from her voice as she speaks.

"I... You have my thanks for helping me escape that place though. Had you not helped I would of perished for certain."