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Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

The red headed fairy nuzzled against Alex's chest, seeming to enjoy his hold around her. She let out a content hum, before replying, "... Cherry..." she said softly.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

"Cherry, huh? Thats a cute name," Alex replies, his voice quiet. He continues to sit there with the girl, his arms wrapped around her.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

After a moment, Cherry, the red headed fairy lifts her head up, and looks at Alex with a smile, "Hey... Can I ask you something... Alex?" she said slowly, "Can I stay with you, so we can have sex again?" she asked shyly.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

"Sex, huh? So thats what we did is called?" Alex says to himself before turning back to Cherry. "And sure, I don't see why we cant. And it'll be fun to be with someone I actually know instead of wandering around this place on my own."
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Cherry let out a loud, "Yay!" and flew up using her wings, so she could wrap her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly, and happily. "I'm so glad!" she announced. And while her arms squeezed him tightly, she didn't nearly possess nearly enough strength to cause any kind of discomfort, and simply let him know that the little fairy coveted him.

And a moment longer, a passing cloud, thick, and black enough to block out the sun for a moment, casting the whole area in a much darker shade for only a moment made everyone look to the skies above. And when Alex did, he noticed it was getting late in the day, which, by force of habit, reminded him that bed time was very soon...
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Alex smiles and ruffles Cherry's hair as she hugs him, chuckling slightly. Alex looks up as the clouds pass over, realising that it was going to get dark soon.

"It's that time already?" He says, more of a statement than a question. "Wow, I didn't realise that the time flew by so fast. Would there be anywhere that I could sleep? Well, somewhere safe at least." Alex asks Cherry.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Cherry cocks her head for a moment, before smiling, "Yeah! There's a small town where people like you go when they arrive off the beach!" she announced, "And there's my kingdom of fairies, that's my home!"
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

"Hrm....which one is closer? Or would you prefer to go back to your kingdom?" Alex asks her, not sure which place would be the best to go though. "Though if you will be travelling with me I guess you'd have to tell your parents at some point."
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Cherry blinked at Alex, "Parents?" she asked simply, as if she didn't quite understand what Alex was talking about.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

"Uh...er...Your mother and father? Surely you have one of those?" Alex asks her, confused as to why she doesn't know what parents are.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Cherry slowly shakes her head, "No... Should I have one? How do I get one?" she asked obliviously.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

"Uh...." Alex was shocked and confused by how this girl didn't know what a parent was and that she didn't have one, though thinking on it now he didn't have any either what with them having been murdered.

"Nah, you don't really need one, parent's aren't useful all the time. And besides, we're more alike than I first thought. I don't have any parents either." Alex replied to Cherry, playfully ruffling her hair. "Well, where are we headed to so we can rest? I guess I'd need to dress again?" He asked whilst laughing a little.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

The fairy giggled, "Wanna come to my kingdom?" she asked him innocently, before frowning, "This place can sometimes be bad, sometimes demons and other mean monsters pick on us, and rape us."
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

"Yeah, that sounds best," Alex says before getting up and slowly redresses himself. "Pick on you? That's not a very nice thing to do. And rape you? Uh...what does that mean?" He asks, again confused by a new term he had never heard whilst his parents were still alive. Now fully dressed Alex waits for Cherry to lead him to her kingdom.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

The fairy doesn't hesitate to explain it to him quickly, "It's like having sex, but not asking the other person's permission first... It's when you just kinda... Force sex on them..." she told him.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

"Forced?" Alex repeats, knowing that this word never means anything good. A look of anger appears on his face, though only for a brief second, he then reverts back to his normal, calm demeanor. "They shouldn't do that, that's wrong. No one should force anyone to do anything." Alex pauses for a minute, to compose himself before turning back to Cherry. "Sorry about that. Should we head to your kingdom now?"
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Cherry nodded, "Sure!" Then, she held up a finger, "But, first we have to play one more game! Do you remember the game we were playing before we met? Well, that's the game we play that opens a magical portal to our world!" she announced to him, "Only through innocence of heart, and purity of soul, can you unlock the gates to our perfect, happy home! It's a magic that protects us from those demons I mentioned, who just want to make victims out of us..." Cherry trailed off in thought, likely about what she'd said, and the memories that came with it.

But, after a moment, Cherry looked up at Alex with a renewed smile, "Okay, just stand over there-" she pointed at a rather open spot, a clearing in the woods with her index finger, "-and we'll do the rest! It's easy!" she told him.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

"Well, okay. If you're sure," Alex replies, walking up to the clearing and stopping in the center of it. "Is here fine?"
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

"Perfect!" Cherry announced, quickly flying over to him, and silently gesturing with her hand at the other fairies to come with her. "Gather hands!" she directed, and all of the fairies gathered at Alex's feet, grabbing each other's hands to form a circle around him. Then they all started to dance, as the circle of fairies moved, and rotated around him. They began to sing, 'Ring Around the Rosie' as they danced. And about halfway into the cute song, a strange thing occurred beneath Alex. Some kind of disc of light began to form under him, engulfing him in the warm radiance of the light. And right near the end of the song, which was not very long at all, suddenly the light bursted forth from the ground, and consumed Alex, and the fairies in one clear, beautiful moment...

Alex was lost in a sea of what looked like the colors of the rainbow. He felt strange, in such a way that could hardly be explained. He could see, but did not have eyes. He could breathe, but didn't feel his mouth was there. He felt warm, and happy somehow, but could not think. This place, which might be called a type of Heaven, or purgatory by others, was all Alex knew. Time didn't have meaning. Nothing did. He could not think, or wonder, or even realize what was happening. All that there was... Was pure bliss.

Then, the light started to fade, and his senses started to return to him. He could think once more, think about that strange place he was in. He could smile, a smile that came on it's own, happy from how gentle that strange plain of existence was. He could breathe, and found the air that greeted his lungs to smell wonderful, and pure. He could see, and what greeted his eyes was a large castle, the likes of which he'd never seen before in his life, even the place he grew up in was put to shame by the magnificent structure.

Alex was standing in very green, very healthy grass, with various colors of flowers all around him. No imperfection could be found no matter how hard one looked. No dead grass, and even the few trees that were about the field had little leaves to speak of. The only word that could barely be used to describe this new world, was beautiful.

There were women with wings, flying in the sky, mermaids playing, and socializing off in the distant ocean, Harpies occasionally flying from windows, and some perched in trees. Not to mention, similar little girls to the fairies playing just as the ones Alex met were, just enjoying themselves, without a care in the world.

And as Alex's eyes searched the world before him, suddenly, Cherry was right in front of him, flying so she didn't have to look up at him, and smiling at him warmly. "Welcome to our kingdom!" she said happily, "It's beautiful, isn't it?"
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

As Alex rematerialised into the kingdom he stared at his surroundings in wonder, letting the beauty wash over him before speaking.

"This...this is you kingdom? It's so beautiful.." Alex stares at everything, absorbing it all in, nothing in any book he had read compared to what he was currently seeing. "I...I could get used to living here.." He said quietly, more to himself than to anyone in particular.