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Humbid0 Games

Re: Humbid0 Games

simply amazing my friend. i cant wait to see the finished product in the upcoming year or 2 :D
Re: Humbid0 Games

Lulwut, humbirdo, that pokemon game looks pretty damn good.

(Which is surprising because i get bored of pokemon)
Re: Humbid0 Games

Yea it looks good I've always just liked the pokemon games myself and play just those I dont like the show or cards much any more.
Re: Humbid0 Games

My favorite pokemon game was always the Pokemon card game.
It had a faster pace than the regular ones and didn't require level-grinding.

To give my game a faster pace, I intend to handle experience
and leveling up the same way Paper Mario does.
Weaker enemies give you less experience,
and very weak enemies don't give you any experience at all.
This creates a level cap for each area, which means there's
limited incentive to stay there fighting the same enemies, over and over.
Repetition is boring in my opinion.
Re: Humbid0 Games

Hey, sorry I have to ask but I feel like I'm missing out here. With the two Yipe playgrounds I seem to be lacking the ability to view all the content. I understand they are incomplete and mostly testing, however I feel like I'm missing out on what is actually there. I keep reading about content that other people can see but I can't seem to get to. The pokemon section for example. People have said that it's part of the first yipe playground but when I go to play the game there's only two sections with sprites doing.... things... to eachother....

Then when I went to load I noticed I was playing an entirely different game where I was controlling a bunny.

Can anyone help walk me through all the content so I don't miss anything?
Re: Humbid0 Games

It seems to work fine when I download and try it.
Normally, when you select the game named "Pokemon",
you'll see a person standing on water, and 3 choices.
Original Scene
Return to Title

If you open the game in RPG Maker 2003, you'll be able to look at some of the maps I made.
But they won't really be playable as a pokemon game.
To make them properly playable, use RPG Maker and open the level named "pokemon".
It contains the choice menu I mentioned above.
Go to the bottom and add a 4th option,
copy the code from the "R&D" option into it,
and change the teleport to go toone of the other levels.
(I recommend somewhere on the left side of "Town 1 - Tealia")

In case it isn't set already, set your starting place to either the level named "Pokemon",
or "intro menu 2" at the very bottom.

Re: Humbid0 Games

It seems to work fine when I download and try it.
Normally, when you select the game named "Pokemon",
you'll see a person standing on water, and 3 choices.

Thanks! What I ended up doing was re-downloading and it actually worked like a charm. The first copy I had seemed to be missing the menu entirely so I only had access to the first game and any pre-saves.

You're work is amazing by the way, I appreciate all the pain staking effort and time you must put into it.
Re: Humbid0 Games

Oh! So you're the one behind these? I thought it was some mysterious circle that kept themselves shrouded in mystery.

Nice work.
Re: Humbid0 Games

Somebody upload the first babysitters club somewhere, mediafire is being a prick.
Re: Humbid0 Games

Re: Humbid0 Games

Thanks a bunch.

EDIT: Dont know if you fix these at all, I can understand if you dont. But in the minigame where you use the rope and bag to catch the animals for money, if the animal ends up just entering/exiting the look around animation it will cause rebecca to duplicate and you to fail, wether you try again or not, the screen locks up and stays that way forever. Intill you restart, anyways.
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Re: Humbid0 Games

I encountered this error before, but I couldn't figure out how to repeat it.
Re: Humbid0 Games

Pokemon Hentai Game Update

Download links:

(22.9 MB)

Move - Arrow keys
Talk / Ok - Space
Menu / Cancel = ~ (to the left of the 1 key)
(The controls can be changed in the options)

This is a demo
2 days ago, I reached a milestone: All of the game's programming is now complete.
But I still have to make all the levels and graphics. The game itself is not done yet.
So far, the game's introduction, and a feature-testing level have been finished.
And Pallet town has been built.

Here's a run-down of the game's progress over the past year:
2 months - planning & original programming
5 months - universal level editor
1 month - RPG-maker add-ons for the editor
1 month - merge original programming with level editor & RPG add-ons
A fair amount of time was spent on other projects, since I get bored if I'm working on one thing for too long.

Other projects I worked on over the past year

(It's useful for other games too)
Code-improvement for Playshapes' "Mario's Missing" (good collision, 2x performance, 1/2 file-size)

Anyway, feel free to play around with the pokemon game.
I'll keep working on it, but there's no reason you can't have fun and make your own levels for it.
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Re: Humbid0 Games

Doesn't work at all on a mac. Both new-game and test just bring it to a black screen that sits there for eternity. Doesn't freeze, just sits there doing nothing. When I save it on my windows VM and load it on the original OS, black screen. Not sure why this makes a difference, as it's Flash... may want to look into that, if you can.
Re: Humbid0 Games

Try downloading it again, I originally forgot to include an important file. database.xml
And for the windows version, try adding this EXE as well and running it instead of the SWF.
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Re: Humbid0 Games

Works fine on my windows VM. Obviously if the same files work fine on another machine, even if it is virtual, the database is there (plus I can see the xml file). It's most likely working just fine, just not drawing... why that would be, I have no idea.
Re: Humbid0 Games

How do you get past the first part where everyone is cheering on Prof. Oak's Son? or is that as far as you can go with the game?
Re: Humbid0 Games

Works fine on my windows VM. Obviously if the same files work fine on another machine, even if it is virtual, the database is there (plus I can see the xml file). It's most likely working just fine, just not drawing... why that would be, I have no idea.

Maybe your mac uses an older version of Flash?
All the maps are drawn using bitmapData commands, which weren't available until Flash version 8.
Re: Humbid0 Games

How do you get past the first part where everyone is cheering on Prof. Oak's Son? or is that as far as you can go with the game?

You don't.
I've barely even started.
I've only finished the programming side of things.
All the levels still have to be made.