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Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

(Only if she's used magic for something, and therefore used energy. Otherwise, it's just for fun.)

Lara hesitantly hugs Luna back, seemingly still uncomfortable but at least a little less so than before. "Hungry?"
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

When asked if she was hungry Luna replied, " Ah, yes, I am. " saying that, she loosened her hug on Lara before letting go. Once Lara had let go of her she'd walk over to the table where the dried fruit sat and start eating her fill.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

The fruit, while not the best meal she'd ever had, was decent and fairly filling. Lara has some to eat as well, and the pair quickly eat until they've had enough. Lara pulls back from the table, and says; "Well, what shall we do with ourselves now, little morsel?"
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

The girl took Lara's question into consideration, thinking of what they could both do. It didn't take long for her to think of something that interested her. " Lara, do you have any friends of family in this town?" she asked, her voice curious. " If you do, I'd love to meet them. " Luna would rather meet her new lovers possible family and friends then have sex right away. She'd been naked and sleeping for a while now and wanted to get out of this house for a bit, while wearing her clothing.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

Laras face goes blank, and she replies; "Well, yes. Though I'm not sure that it's such a good idea to go out and look for them, there are many who'd think nothing of attacking us on sight. Still, if that is truly what you'd like to do..."
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Luna wasn't exactly afraid of getting into a fight. She'd managed to take out three wolves on her own earlier, thus building her confidence in combat. If they risked running into a bit of trouble Luna didn't mind, meeting Lara's family and friends sounded worth the risk. Even though she herself was fine with it, it seemed Lara wasn't. She seemed hesitant of going out. " If you don't want to take the risk we can just stay here. It's alright. " Luna said in a plain voice, leaning against a kitchen wall. She'd stay inside if Lara was afraid of taking the risk and heading out, however she hoped there would be something of interest to do.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

Lara shakes her head, and replies; "No, we can't stay in here forever. I suppose now is as good a time as any to go out for a while."

She stands and heads toward the door; "Shall we get going then?"
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

"Before we go, I need to get my things on. Ill need them if we run into any trouble. " With that Luna left the kitchen and headed to the bedroom she'd been in for so long. Once in, she'd proceed to put on her armor, her sword, and her shield. Then, she would return to Lara and leave the house with her.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

Lara waits for Luna to redress and prepare herself, a slight complication occurring when Luna tries to put her armor on over her tail. She pokes a hole in the back of her pants with her sword, allowing her new appendage to stick out, and finishes dressing on short order. She and Lara step out into the early afternoon sun, and Lara starts heading left, further into the city.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Luna followed Lara, following right behind her. Her tail seemed to lightly swish back and forth as walked, and she didn't notice.

For Luna, it felt nice to be dressed and outside once more, after being naked and inside for as long as she was. Being outdoors, she couldn't help but look at the condition of the place she was in, how trashed some places were. She was curious as to why the city was like this, she was also curious about a lot of other things, but she decided they didn't really matter. She should just enjoy her new home and not ask a bunch of pointless questions about it or other things.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

The shacks slowly begin to increase in size and quality as the pair travels further into town, though they all look just as abandoned as the ones before. Lara keeps glancing around as though afraid that someone or something is going to pop out at her from one of the shacks or the alleys in between them. At one point she stops, and holds up her hand for Luna to stop also, but after a moment of silence she shrugs, and continues on.

After walking for about half an hour, weaving between the alleys of shacks and shanties, the pair comes to a paved road. Lara pauses and glances both ways, as if unsure of which way she should go.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

When the pair arrived to the paved road Luna remained silent, just like she had been this entire time, however after a moment of waiting she spoke up, " Lara, do you know which way we should go?", she asked in a soft voice. Luna could only hope that she did and wouldn't end up just picking a direction not knowing where it would lead, although from the looks of things, it seemed that Lara didn't know which way to go and would end up just picking a random direction.
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Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

"Not particularly. I've only been here for three days, and I just sort of wandered aimlessly until I reached that hut. Still, the gate's to our right, so that way leads towards the heart of town. I'm just wondering if there's closer." Lara replies, no shame in her voice at admitting that she wasn't sure which way to go.

"We might as well go right, rather than search around, I suppose." Lara says after a moment. She turns right, and starts heading down the road.
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Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

It was a bit nerve racking to hear that her guide hadn't known where she was going and had been just wandering around for the past half hour. Still she didn't let it get to her, surly it wouldn't ultimately matter. Luna simply shrugs, and follows behind Lara. She didn't bother to ask about it, however, she was curious as to Lara came to this town in the first place and where she had come from.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

Lara continues on for a while, following the main road deeper into town, and the signs of battle begin to become obvious to Luna as they travel. Corpses of strange creatures or the occasional strangely deformed person are evident, some littering the streets while others hang from the doors or windows of the buildings on either side of the street. Lara seems unbothered by them, right up until she suddenly halts, her eyes wide, as she stares down at the body of a black armored figure, still clutching a heavy looking mace. The armor has several small holes in it, from which a good amount of blood has leaked out onto the road. The corpse seems to be fairly fresh.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

' What are with all of these dead body's? What happened in this town? ' Luna wondered to herself as the walk continued. She was shocked at the dead around her and that was physically visible. Luna had kept quiet, however when the pair reached the fresh, dead body of a person in armor Luna couldn't help but let small gasp out, almost horrified at the fresh blood that had leaked. " Lara, why are there so many dead body's in this town? What happened here?" Luna finally asked. After keeping her questions to herself for so long, her desire to know and ask forced to ask Lara something.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

Lara snaps her head to glare at Luna, her eyes glowing an ominous red. "This is a war zone. What do you expect?" She snaps, apparently very upset.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Luna flinched, not expecting such an angry response from Lara. Hearing that this was a "war zone" was also not something she expected to hear. She didn't know anything of this town and only learned of it's existence when she stumbled upon it by accident a day or so ago. " I... Sorry, I didn't know this was a war zone..." she mumbled out, feeling somewhat intimidated. Her eyes looked away for a moment, however went back on the woman before Luna spoke up. " Are... You going to be alright?" Luna's had noticed Lara was upset, and even though she was feeling uncomfortable at the moment she was still concerned about the woman.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

Lara turns away, looking down once more at the corpse lying on the ground. After a moment, she replies; "Yes, so long as we do not run into whoever or whatever did this. Beings such as these are not easily defeated, and this one looks like he fell without even managing to attack one of his assailants. We should move on, and quickly." Luna isn't sure, but she believes that she can detect a hint of shame mixed in with her fear and anger, suggesting that she hadn't meant to snap at Luna in such a manner.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

" Yes, let us move on..." Luna said, ready to leave. Glancing down at the dead body, she looked back at Lara, waiting for her to lead on. ' Seeking out Lara's family like this... It's risky, although I'm sure it will be worth it. There's safety in numbers... ' Luna's thoughts were worrisome, she couldn't help but be concerned, and afraid, of being found by something that wanted nothing more then to kill her and Lara. She couldn't wait to make it to the woman's family.