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Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

(...............VERY BAD THINGS!!! Namely, an instant 100 corruption. And a very unpleasant half hour in the bathroom where you'll puke it out because it's covered in wolf gore.)

Luna sees a glowing red thing beneath the hide of one wolf, and manages to dig another stone out of the beast. The second has a similar growth, and she pulls another stone out of the beast.

(Gain 2x Darkhearts.)
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

( The 100 corruption doesn't bother me too much. In fact, I wouldn't mind getting an instant 100 to pick out a mutation for Luna. Anyway to gain to gain the corruption without the half hour throwing up session?)

Luna smiled lightly now that she had three rare looking and pretty red stones. Now that they were safe with Luna's other things in her leather bag she went on her way, leaving the lead body's of the wolves to rot as she continued on to freedom. She sheathed her blade as she moved on, keeping an eye out for a place to stay for the night.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

(Clean it off I guess. Though, she's going to pass out when she eats it. Other than that, you can find a demon to fool around with if you want corruption.)

Moving along, Luna spotted one of the huts the empire kept to provide shelter to travelers.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

( Can it be a female demon that she runs into? )

Spotting one of the huts along the road Luna smiled, relieved that she had a place to stay for the night. Quickening her pace, she headed for the road side hut, eager to take her equipment off and rest for the night.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

(.....Maybe. :p )

Upon entering the hut, Luna found it empty, and the cold ashes of a fire that had been there not long ago. There was firewood and kindling stacked in the corner, along with trail rations in a chest and a bunch of cots scattered around the room.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Luna stretched her arms after she shut the door and had a short look around the room. She proceeded to take her shield off, along with her leather sack and sword. Taking the pile of equipment she left it under the cot she planned to sleep on. Not a moment later she went to the chest with the trail rations in it, taking a fair amount of the food out as she then headed to her cot, the laid down it. Luna would proceed to eat the food she had gotten, then go to sleep.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

The food is bland, but edible. Her belly full, Luna quickly falls asleep, though it is somewhat cold without a fire.

She wakes up in the morning, refreshed and undisturbed.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Once Luna awakened she would simply get up from her bed and equip the things she had taken off and left under her cot the night before, then head out the front door of the hut, ready and a little eager to continue her adventure out of these lands and to a new one, one where she could be free. She would leave her sword in it's sheath, feeling safe enough to walk around without it drawn out.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

The area was quiet as Luna headed out and toward the town. There didn't seem to be anyone or anything about, and the morning was slightly damp after the rain from the previous night, so the going through the mud was slow. Still, she made good progress and soon found herself on the edge of the town. She had arrived into a poor district, as she hadn't used a main road, and the houses around her were in poor shape and seemingly deserted.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Luna scratched her head in confusion upon seeing the empty town. It's non existent population and bad condition was very strange. After a moment of thought, Luna simply shrugged as she entered the town. She didn't think there could be anything dangerous in an empty town, so she doubted there would be any problems passing through and moving on. As she walked along she looked around the town, her curious eyes looking at the houses.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

Striding down the muddy road into the town, Luna goes past only a few houses before she hears a soft, female voice behind her; "Well, what are we doing here, little morsel?"
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

"Hmm..?" Luna goes. Hearing the voice suddenly speak to her she turned around to face whoever had just spoken to her. If the sight wasn't too shocking she'd say to the person, " I'm just passing through..."
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

When she turns around, Luna immediately spots a woman in skimpy, dark red clothing standing against the door post of a nearby hut. She must have been inside when Luna passed. "Just passing through? But why? There are so many wonderful things here...."
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

(What's the woman's skin, eye, and hair color?)

Luna felt interested after hearing what this woman had to say about this place. Her naive mind couldn't help but wonder what the "wonderful things" in this town were. She didn't feel safe here though, she knew her former master had men tracking her. She didn't want to stick around unless she knew she was safe. Suddenly taking a step forward towards the woman Luna responded, " What kind of wonderful things? I'd like to see them, but I'm not sure I'd be safe sticking around here..."
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

The womans golden blond hair sways against her sides, and Luna notes that it falls almost to her waist, going along perfectly with her moonlight pale skin. She smiles as Luna steps closer, her red eyes seemingly lighting up and captivating the runaway slave. She too takes a step closer, the fabric of her red dress undulating around her lithe form and showing off her curves perfectly. "Why, you're staring at one of them right now, little morsel..... But you're going to know that, soon enough...." She says, her voice low and sultry, and Luna finds herself practically paralyzed, unable to resist holding the gaze of the strange woman.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

She took a better look at the woman, noticing she had very pale skin. She was about to say something, however when the woman's eyes seemed to light up she stopped. Luna's face seemed to blush as she stood still, her red eyes keeping fixed on the woman's own red eyes. Her eyes almost seemed hypnotized from looking into the strange red eyes of the stranger before her. Something in the back of her mind was saying that she was dangerous as too run, but she ignored it. When the woman spoke Luna just seemed to nod a little, mumbling out "Yes..." as another response. Slowly, Luna began to walk over to the woman, her eyes not breaking contact with the woman's.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

"Excellent. Let's go inside, shall we?" The woman says as she reaches out and wraps an arm around Lunas waist. A little voice in Lunas mind says that perhaps going along with the woman wasn't such a good idea, but so far she hasn't seemed hostile, so she ignored it. The blond woman led Luna into one of the huts, to a room with a single bed in it. The bed was surprisingly clean, considering the conditions of the rest of the house, and it stood off the dirt floor on steel feet.

"Are you ready for me to show you what I was talking about?" The woman says, looking once more into Lunas eyes and smiling.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

" Y-yes... " Luna said in response to the strange woman, her face seeming to blush slightly more as they looked into each others eyes. So far Luna had just gone along with everything, the woman wrapping her arm around her then leading her away into this hut. She wasn't sispicious , and that little voice had been completely ignored. Luna simply waited silently for the woman so "show her" what she was talking about. She wasn't scared or alerted at all about the fact that this woman had brought her to a bedroom so she remained calm and captivated by the woman.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

Suddenly, the little voice in Lunas head became a roar, and she pulled her eyes away from the strange womans for a second, realizing that something was most definitely wrong here. Looking back up, she sees the womans clothing drop to the floor, and her red eyes glowing brightly, bathing the shadowy room in a sinister crimson glow.

"Oh, don't leave just yet, little morsel. I have so much to show you...." The woman says, and places her hands on Lunas hips, drawing closer with every passing second, getting so close that Luna can feel the womans hot breath against her lips.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

She trembled at the demonic woman's sight, not believing this woman's eyes were glowing so brightly. She started trying to get away from her, only to back up into a wall. Her face blushed madly upon seeing the nude woman drawing closer to her, her heart pounding. ' What is she...? ' Luna thought fearfully, having never seen anything like a woman with glowing eyes. She seemed to let a small squeak of surprise out right when the woman placed her hands onto the girls hips, this being right after the woman spoken. As she felt the woman's hot breath touch her lips the girl felt her strength slowly starting to fade, her eyes closing halfway as the woman's lips got closer to her own...