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Toonpimp's Palace


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Toonpimp's Palace consists of a set of three massive outer walls, a thick outer shell, and multiple cramped corridors that lead back to his throne room. All together, this palace looks to be impregnable.

NOD forces hammer away at the outer walls, infantry being thrown into the fray like lambs to the slaughter. Tank husks sit all around the fortress, piles of corpses, both Bot and Human, are stacked around the openings that are visible in the walls. Long range artillery chips away at the stone, not even NOD's laser technology being of much use. Multiple Vertigo Bombers fly by, dropping heavy bombs on the walls, being shot down before they can even escape to re-arm. Blood soaks the dirt, fanatics of the cause die left and right, and somewhere in the background, a charismatic voice calls out to them, inspiring them to fight harder.
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Somewhere behind the front lines, not far away from the battle, a circle of black smoke materialized in the air. Grave looked out of the portal and after confirming that it was safe enough to leave, he led the group out. The journey in darkness must have been quite a stunning experience for some - after all, they were not used to living in an enviroment composed of just one element. "Alright, seems we're here... Not quite where I wanted to drop us, but I suppose that this is the limit of my accuracy, for now."
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

"Well, where's that freak-bastard to? I wanna see how well his flesh cuts." Oni says as he steps out of the portal, seemingly indifferent to what had just taken place. Of course, thats probably due to the fact that he's travelled through it himself countless times. "Just point me in the right direction and I'll get Burrito and myself there."
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Grave scanned the surroundings with his left eye. "Hmm... Can't find him in this mess... On top of that, his spiritual strenght was unstable, just like his body, so I doubt I could recognize him... You'll have to rely on others to find him, I believe."
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

"Huh....Just means I get to slaughter more of these worthless fools. Fine by me." Oni says as he summons Gig once more. Letting go of the sword it hovers a foot in the air. Oni steps onto it and waits for Burrito to do the same.
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Burrito walks out of the portal, having recorded everything that went on inside, and completely blocked out the nasty parts, stepped towards Oni and sighs as he kneels down and grasps the ground with his left hand, then turns to the west, where the faintest sounds of battle can be heard "This way. We'll have to travel by foot or whatever we use to move, until we know the situation of Kane's troops. They'll be backing us on this assault." he says, then starts walking to the west, turning his head a full 180 degrees to look at the group "Best hurry." he says, then his head snaps back around to it's original position.
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Copper steps out of the darkness, her eyes losing their red gleam that she seemed to have kicked up as soon as they entered the portal. Whether the darkvision did her any good or not, it seemed more automatic than anything, anyway.

"Bastard's fucking huge. Once he gets going, he'll probably be hard to miss." She doesn't seem too shaken about traveling through the darkness realm but then again, vampires tend to avoid the light anyway, so it's not wholly alien to her. She does seem to be glad to be out, though.

She moves away from the portal, waiting for the others to arrive.

((For some reason, I keep picturing Meme as Omega weapon from FF3/6. Probably totally off the ball, but that's what my mind's eye sees.))
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Before the group had gone very far, a single red swirling rift formed in front of them, and suddenly Siphon was just THERE. No warning tingle, no sense of charge to the air. One second the space was empty, the next he had just appeared, the vortex gone almost as soon as he appeared.

He looked refreshed, probably he'd gone and gotten himself a meal ... or five from the looks of it. Whatever, he didn't seem to be lacking in the 'ready to go kick some ass or die trying' department. He grinned when he saw the others, especially Copper.

"Good, I'm not too late. Sorry I didn't make it here before you folks but you know how it is trying to get to those hard to reach places where ya just have to bash some skulls in before the inhabitants will listen. AH, Copper, I believe this should suit you well, a small gift from my ... lets just say she's a friend and leave it at that shall we?"

He tosses her a small vial which has a label on it.

Everlasting bottle of anime blood. Replenishes stock every twenty minutes.

"Thought that might help you a little bit, and we made sure it was rather uh ... potent. Suffice it to say that small dose should satisfy any craving you have for oh ... a day or so, provided ya don't end up riddled with holes and have to heal constantly. Either way it's a sure pick me up."

He seemed to not be too interested in saying anything more of who this mystery woman was, but it seemed logical to conclude she was the one who'd gotten him ready to go, and had obviously given him the blood.
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Copper takes the bottle and looks at the label printed on it, then looks at the man with a skewed brow. "You're kidding me, right?" She laughs. "Well, if it works, it works. If it doesn't," she holds up the bottle before seeming to tuck it into the interior of her jacket, "still looks like it'll be a good gulp in the meantime. We all present and accounted for?" She glances back to the portal.
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Re: Toonpimp's Palace

A whistling is heard from Burrito, who had his left hand up in the air and was twirling it around, his hand sign for everyone to wrap it up and hurry. He seemed dead set on fighting Supermeme, but for what reason, was known only to him.
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Grave sighed. "I do hope that TP and Meme aren't the only strong opponent's here, because I really don't like sharing good kills." He cracked his fingers, then transformed them into knife-like black claws. His arms changed completely, turning into black, spiky appendages that'd fit some kind of a hellspawn. "Oh, and if someone interferes with whatever I might end up doing today, I'll have some minced meat for dinner." For some reason, he was in a bad mood.
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Re: Toonpimp's Palace

"Well lets get going, these bastards aren't going to kill themselves after all. Well, it's not likely they'll kill themselves." Oni corrects himself as he slowly glides along on the sword. A twisted, maniacal expression of contorts across his features, eager to cut into flesh and bathe in the enemies blood. "I really do hope this will be worth it."
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Siphon shook his head.

"No Grave, the last time I was here there were a significant number of Tyrants, not to mention Thembrihkal and a few other types of B.O.W that I'd never seen before. Some of them got pretty nasty, and there was one with enough armaments to blow up half our forum single handedly. That motherfucker was a BITCH to kill, kept mutating. Hopefully it hasn't been activated yet but ... well we are nearing the cut-off of what happened last time. The only difference this time is that no outsiders will absorb TP ans SM into themselves to become a much larger threat, they've been wiped out in our time now. That's why I vanished so suddenly, I kind of got yanked across time to deal with things by the woman I mentioned earlier. When this is all done, assuming I survive, I think I'll probably spend some time with her."

He then began moving towards the entry point he wanted, producing a pair of extremely sharp swords as he moved. He seemed to be expecting resistance, and was watching even as he moved, waiting for most likely 'foot soldiers' to attack.
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

The attack never came. Instead of meeting foot soldiers, the ground began to tremble, and four large vehicles soon came out of the ground, sand falling off as two small torches were lit at the front, large red tanks in the back, leading forward to the torches in front, kept out of the sand by two sets of treads and an ant-head-like turret "Are you members of the ULMF Defense Force?" comes a voice from one of the machines, broadcasted through a speaker on the outside "Yes, we are. Show us to Kane." Burrito says calmly, as one of the machines turns and faces towards the ongoing battle "Hop on. We will take you directly to him." the tank says, as the other three turn as well, showing small platforms for the group to sit on.
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

"Siphon's got a girlfriend," the vampire sing-song-teases, completely unphased by the number and type of enemies he rattled off. She was already set for a long, hard fight and it didn't matter who or what she was going to have to carve a path through. If it bled, it could die. Some things just took a little longer to get to the dying part than others. She does hiss and scoot back a little, though, as the vehicles rumble up from below, shrugging as Burrito orders them taken to Kane. With the invitation given, she hops onto the back of one of the tanks and grips on, ready to move when they are.
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Siphon grinned half wickedly at her before replying.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Maybe I'll let ya meet her when this is all done, never can tell. No fair getting jealous though."

He chuckles, then blinks in mild surprise at the tanks.

"OK, not to self, ask to acquire one of those later for study. Right, hopping on then."

He is quickly on board, preferring to take a singular long stride and hoist himself up quickly rather than a drawn out climb or mount.
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

"Pssssh." Copper dismissively waves a clawed hand as Siphon teases her back about being jealous. "Jealousy is such a wasted emotion. Rather concentrate on vengance and rage at the moment." She sounds exceptionally calm, though, obviously saving up for the actual battle.
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Grave paid no attention to Siphon's and Copper's squabble. He focused on the tanks, admiring the design. "Hmm... Bugs aren't exactly my favorite kind of model for a weapon, but they do work... High quality material, well built construction... NOD at it's finest. Gotta appreciate the quality... And I expect that those things got some firepower as well." The darkling accepted the invitation - after all, he wondered how did the insides look.
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

"I do prefer my own way of travelling, but whatever," Oni glides towards the tanks before hopping off his sword and into it, yanking the sword by the chain connecting it to him and just as he grabs it the sword disappears.
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

"You might want to slip into something cooler, Oni. These things get pretty hot when in battle." Burrito says, hopping onto the platform on the back of one of the tanks. "Off we go!" one of the tank operators says, the four tanks taking off across the sand towards the battle. "These are NOD's infamous Flame Tanks. Armored, fast, and packing two flamethrowers each, one flame tank can take out an entire battalion of infantry. These models seem to have been modified for ambushes, being able to burrow underground and move into position." Burrito says, partly talking to himself and partly talking to the rest of the squad.

It took no more than three minutes to reach the battleground, where a horrid sight unfolded. Soldiers from NOD lay dead in piles of corpses, Adbots roamed around, and Thembrihkal sat near corpse piles, trying to find what little energy they could from the remains. NOD tanks began to move up, supplemented by Flame Tanks, these models had blue tanks mounted on the side, instead of red, and spewed blue flames out at the Thembrihkal, trying to burn them alive. The regular tanks began to open fire on the creatures, burning-hot lasers being used instead of the standard cannon. Men wearing strange packs filled with a green liquid began to move up, spraying the liquid on the creatures, it's flesh and armor being slowly melted away at a molecular level. Off in the distance, the massive walker from earlier slowly strode onto the battlefield, two large tanks mounted on its back, leading up to the two large nozzles mounted on its shoulders. Its right arm had a large box on it, three large red triangles mounted there, which began to slowly glow brighter and brighter until three massive red beams shot out and hit an unattended Thembrihkal, melting through its body and passing out the other side, completely melting anything the beams came in contact with, turning the sand into glass and killing the beast.

Burrito looks on at the sight as the flame tanks move away from the fight and towards a small base of sorts, situated about half a mile from the fighting. There, Kane stood waiting for the group to arrive, his personal guard standing with him.