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Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

(Good movies.)

There didn't seem to be anything creeping along the ceiling.

Perception: Success.

There did, however, seem to be scuff marks on the floor near the single rug which was splayed across the floor. It looked like the rug had recently been moved.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Mina grinned quietly and tosses the rug out of the way along with the trapdoor surely hidden beneath. "Show yourself now or I will decend and cleave you in two!" She tried to intimidate or lure whatever it was to her rather than going into the mysterious space beneath.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

There was indeed a trap door beneath the rug, and Mina found it closed. There was a scrambling beneath it, and then silence.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

"Whatever it is is running scared therefore not hostile....or using itself as bait....." She takes a deep breath before hopping down into the trapdoor landing softly weapon at the ready.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

Pulling the trapdoor open and descending a ladder, Mina finds herself in a tiny room with a stone floor and stone ceilings and walls. It's barely ten feet in any direction, and she notices the good number of strange objects scattered about, as well as the short, yellow skinned, humanoid huddled in the corner. It shivers in fear and sobs in terror as it realizes that Mina has spotted it and is holding a weapon.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

She sighs and twirls her weapon before sheathing it behind her. "Are you one of the fey who was in the group I found outside?" She stretches her hand out trying to calm down the creature after scaring the crap out of it.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

The kobold recoils in terror from her offered hand, and begins to gibber wildly as Mina gets closer and closer.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

"I apologize for my hostility, I assumed there wasn't anything non hostile left here. My name is Mina, I am a mercenary from the desert." She stops her advance and kneels on the ground pulling the mask down from in front of her mouth.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

The kobold emits a high pitched scream of absolute terror, and tries to cower further in the corner. As she pulls her mask down it seems to calm somewhat, its shivers stop and it stops gibbering, at least for the moment.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

"I apologize, I'm afraid I'm not very fluent in fey or kobold." Mina pulls out a small piece of tough bread and begins eating, pulling out a second piece from her bag and holding it in her free palm. "A shame there are no translators available."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

The kobold stops gibbering and stares at the offered food for a moment, before reaching out with a trembling hand and grasping it. His hand quickly retracts holding the piece of bread, which he shoves into his mouth almost faster than Mina can follow. He seems to have calmed a great deal, and after another moment he says; "You don't need one."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

"I'm glad to meet another living being that is not hostile. Were those your comrades out on the street? Did the wolves catch you off guard?" Mina quietly finishes off her half of the bread.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

"Wolves? I don't know about any wolves." The kobold replies, speaking slowly. "Aye, those were my kin. We came here to fight the demons. But we were ambushed, and all were killed, except for me. The demon threw me into this building, and I found this room to hide in." He continues, seemingly ashamed.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

"There is no shame in what you did, it appears your group was badly outmatched, you may be able to help someone later who would have perished otherwise if you died in the fight." Mina rises to her feet and stretches her neck a bit. "I'll escort you to the outskirts of town if you want, this hiding space might not last forever."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

"I can find my own way back to my remaining kin, who are likely scattered about the city. You might be interested in what I saw in that box over there though. It's the least I could do for the aid you've given me." The kobold replies, and points to a large cabinet in the corner of the small room, which Mina realizes must be a workshop of some kind.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Mina turns her head towards the cabinet and walks to it. "I do not doubt your skill, however I doubt a single kobold would be able to handle much of what lurks in this city." She carefully opens the door shifting to see inside better with the low light.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

Mina gasps as the cabinet opens to reveal an assortment of weapons. Some of them are the strange Badarian ranged weapons, while others are blades and axes and maces. Her eyes rest on a weapon very similar to the one she already carried, a curved sword like the ones her people used. It was heavily decorated, with a golden guard piece and a jewel encrusted hilt and scabbard.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Mina's eyes widened in shock, "Normally I would not loot someone's beautiful work but having a spare weapon may come in handy." She secures the jeweled scimitar to her side and turns back to the Kobold. "I will escort you back to your comrades now if you wish company." Mina pulls her mask back up apparently ready to get back to work.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

(Gain Masterwork Scimitar: Curved blade, +2 to to-hit and damage.)

"Very well, though I know not where any of them might be. We could be searching for a while." The kobold replies.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

"Just as well, I came here to collect some bounties and help whoever was left alive here. I believe a kobold counts as the latter." Her smirk is visible under her mask before she goes back to the trapdoor and pokes her head up to make sure nothing is lurking. "I don't believe I ever caught your name small one."