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Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

"The Fey have no names. But you can call me Rick." The kobold replies. The room upstairs seemed to be clear, as far as she could tell, and Mina couldn't hear anything unusual.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

"Very well, I'll lead the way. Be careful I have a feeling that theres even more dangerous creatures than what you met lurking in the shadows here." Mina climbs up and exits onto the street glancing about.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

The street seemed to be clear, and the kobold follows Mina wordlessly up the ladder to stand beside her. The area was quite, and Rick looked around uncertainly, not sure where to start looking.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

"Let us continue further into town. We may run into more powerful fey for you to join." Mine idly places a hand on her new sword. "If things should look grim for me do not hesitate to flee."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

"Flee? You're kiddin right?" The kobold whispers, and he follows along after Mina.

Perception: Success.

Mina holds up a hand to stop only moments later, however, as she hears something moving in one of the nearby shacks. It sounds like claws dragging across the ground, and it comes from three houses ahead and on the right, about thirty feet away.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Mine slowly draws her new blade and crouches to see if it comes in view deciding the best course of action would be to surprise it than risk it hearing her running up to it.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

She hears the scratching a few more times over the next couple of moments, still coming from the same house. It doesn't come out of the house over the next few minutes, however, and the kobold behind her whispers; "What is it?" After a minute or so of remaining stationary.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

"I believe it is a demon....remain here." Mina stays crouched trying to sneak over to the shack before kicking the door open blade at the ready.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

Stealth: Success.

Mina creeps up to the door, the occasional sound from within the house letting her know that she hadn't yet been detected. Kicking the door open, Mina immediately spots the massive, white, hairy spider that she'd startled by barging into the room. It didn't make any aggressive move toward her, but rather backed away from her toward one of its webs.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

"What the hell?" Mina motions for the kobold to stay away before calmly walking towards the spider blade still up. "What are you?" She raises an eyebrow in confusion as to why such a monster wouldn't attack.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

The spider chitters to itself for a moment, its mandibles moving quickly, before it chitters; "I'm a spider silly!" It's voice is very high pitched, and moderately annoying. The creature doesn't seem hostile, however, quite the opposite in fact.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

If it was uncovered her mouth would have hit the floor. "I....see. I was not aware there were....friendly talking spiders." Mina lowers her swords and seems dumbstruck. "This is a very confusing morning...." She places a hand to her head.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

The spider, apparently figuring that Mina was no longer afraid of it, sidles up to her and looks up at her for a moment through its eight golfball sized eyes, before raising one of its legs and gently poking her in the shin. "You're cute!" It chirps happily.

The kobold, wondering what was going on, peeks around the door, and immediately groans.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

"I'm very confused, do you know what this is?" Points at the giant spider currently rubbing against her. I only know of giant spiders that try to kill people.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

"It's a talking spider. Damned things never shut up, and they're always... Touching things." The kobold replies, though he seems to indicate that the creature before her was more an annoyance than a threat. The spider, meanwhile, prodded her again, emitting a sound that Mina could only surmize was a giggle.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Mina tilts her head and raises an eyebrow, "Well it is not emitting darkness or wielding tentacles so it is fine by my standards. Very well then we'll leave you to your web covered home....uh....sir or madam." Mina gives a small bow and turns to leave.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

The spider chitters in disappointment, but doesn't try to stop her as she leaves the small house. It does shout; "Come back some time!" in its annoyingly high voice at her as she gets to the door, however. The area outside is much the same is it was when she went in to the house, a bunch of small houses along the road, with an occasional alley or side street splitting off.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

"While the main road would be faster it would make my job of escorting you harder if we were attacked en masse." Mina makes her way off of the road and begins navigating the maze of tight alleys and side streets.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Minas Status: HP = 43, P = 36, EP = 43

Perception: Success.

Mina creeps through a few alleys, the kobold in tow, before she suddenly spins to her side and spots the demon that had been attempting to creep up on them from behind a large bush. It had gray skin and long, sharp claws on its hands. It seemed to be alone, and halted as she spotted it, seemingly panicking and looking for an avenue of retreat. She could easily get in the first strike against the demon if she so chose.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer)

Mina drew her second blade and quickly thrust them into the demon not saying a word except a barely audible. "Shhhhhhh....."