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ACT 171 - The Tentacle Monster Chasing Game

Re: 171 - The Tenacle Monster Chasing Game

I didn't play this for the CGs, I played it because I found it relatively challenging and relatively fun, and I enjoyed the idea of slowly stripping a girl of her clothes as she ran for home.

I actually quite liked the gameplay, so if the H-content had been better I would have rated this highly.


That, and the fact you play as the tentacle beast for once.

Not that many games that let you play as the beast ^^
Re: 171 - The Tenacle Monster Chasing Game

Ok this game just plain sucks. Sorry don't know how anyone can enjoy this one.. most of the time when I landed on her she never got stripped.. AWEFUL GAME! Than most of the time my jump wasn't high enough to reach the turn to make her turn.. again AWEFUL DESIGN! Than not being able to touch her when she is all the way to the left.. again AWEFUL! That is the only word for this game!
Re: 171 - The Tenacle Monster Chasing Game

Ok this game just plain sucks. Sorry don't know how anyone can enjoy this one.. most of the time when I landed on her she never got stripped.. AWEFUL GAME! Than most of the time my jump wasn't high enough to reach the turn to make her turn.. again AWEFUL DESIGN! Than not being able to touch her when she is all the way to the left.. again AWEFUL! That is the only word for this game!

aweful=awe inspiring. I don't think that's the word you meant.
Re: 171 - The Tenacle Monster Chasing Game

Ok this game just plain sucks. Sorry don't know how anyone can enjoy this one.. most of the time when I landed on her she never got stripped.. AWEFUL GAME! Than most of the time my jump wasn't high enough to reach the turn to make her turn.. again AWEFUL DESIGN! Than not being able to touch her when she is all the way to the left.. again AWEFUL! That is the only word for this game!

Your biggest problem is you are probably at the left side of the screen where the girl actually goes off screen while her image stays on the edge. You may also need to press a button when you catch her to strip her.
Re: 171 - The Tenacle Monster Chasing Game

Ok this game just plain sucks. Sorry don't know how anyone can enjoy this one.. most of the time when I landed on her she never got stripped.. AWEFUL GAME! Than most of the time my jump wasn't high enough to reach the turn to make her turn.. again AWEFUL DESIGN! Than not being able to touch her when she is all the way to the left.. again AWEFUL! That is the only word for this game!

The fact that you fail to realize that you have to attack in order to strip her, fail at timing your jumps properly, and failing to realize that you have to lure her back by dropping back a bit and then rushing forward is the GAME'S fault?

For the record, I never had any trouble hitting the directional signs, and I suck at timing games. I think you just need to realize that you're not very good at this. It's certainly not a great game, but you can't demerit it just because you fail at playing it.
Re: 171 - The Tenacle Monster Chasing Game

Ok this game just plain sucks. Sorry don't know how anyone can enjoy this one.. most of the time when I landed on her she never got stripped.. AWEFUL GAME! Than most of the time my jump wasn't high enough to reach the turn to make her turn.. again AWEFUL DESIGN! Than not being able to touch her when she is all the way to the left.. again AWEFUL! That is the only word for this game!

Aweful? Like full of awe? I hate to be rude, but you sir have failed at insulting the game in which you have failed. Its one of the few examples of true irony in modern life.
Re: 171 - The Tenacle Monster Chasing Game

searched far and wide... i can't seem to find a trace of this game ANYWHERE eg. working link or screen caps

EDIT: nvm I found a screencap could anyone who has played the game clarify that this is the game?
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Re: 171 - The Tenacle Monster Chasing Game

searched far and wide... i can't seem to find a trace of this game ANYWHERE eg. working link or screen caps

EDIT: nvm I found a screencap could anyone who has played the game clarify that this is the game?

I think that's about right... yep, that is a screencap for this game.
Re: 171 - The Tenacle Monster Chasing Game

So has anyone found something yet or is this a lost game :confused::(
Re: 171 - The Tenacle Monster Chasing Game

^ Thank you for sharing, Moth.
Re: 171 - The Tenacle Monster Chasing Game

I've finally managed to find some time to play this now but what are the controls?
Because I can jump and move side to side but can't figure out how to hit her or capture her so she doesn't just run home with nothing happened to her.