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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Some not so casual vidya discussion. For shame, random blackboxed name. Makes the rest of us look even more derp than we already do.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, I'm thinking about going back and actually doing all of the vanilla quests and such in Oblivion and Skyrim, since I played them before but never really finished anything. I'm also looking to mod them up a bit. Not to insane amounts, mind you, and nothing that adds any lengthy quests and such until after everything else is done, but I am looking to add nudie and possibly sex mods.
Now, with Skyrim, I have experience with the UNP and CBBE mods, but if anyone has their own two cents to add, or another suggestion that they're happy with, I'm all ears. The only sex mod I'm familiar with is a tentacle one that I forget the name of... Estrus, I think? As for Oblivion, never actually modded it, so any input for nudie and possible sex mods would be appreciated.
Also, if you have suggestions for 'necessary' mods, I'm all ears as well. It's not that hard to find lists on the internet for 'necessary' mods for these games, yes, but it never hurts to have input from others.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, I'm thinking about going back and actually doing all of the vanilla quests and such in Oblivion and Skyrim, since I played them before but never really finished anything. I'm also looking to mod them up a bit. Not to insane amounts, mind you, and nothing that adds any lengthy quests and such until after everything else is done, but I am looking to add nudie and possibly sex mods.
Now, with Skyrim, I have experience with the UNP and CBBE mods, but if anyone has their own two cents to add, or another suggestion that they're happy with, I'm all ears. The only sex mod I'm familiar with is a tentacle one that I forget the name of... Estrus, I think? As for Oblivion, never actually modded it, so any input for nudie and possible sex mods would be appreciated.
Also, if you have suggestions for 'necessary' mods, I'm all ears as well. It's not that hard to find lists on the internet for 'necessary' mods for these games, yes, but it never hurts to have input from others.

Estrus is available for Oblivion as well (it was originally for Oblivion). There's also a mod for Oblivion called BU Framework (break undies) that allows for progressive armor degeneration, which you would probably be interested in... there's likely a ton of lore friendly sets that use it now, but most of them from when I played it were custom outfits made from hentai characters' wardrobes, etc.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, I'm thinking about going back and actually doing all of the vanilla quests and such in Oblivion and Skyrim, since I played them before but never really finished anything. I'm also looking to mod them up a bit. Not to insane amounts, mind you, and nothing that adds any lengthy quests and such until after everything else is done, but I am looking to add nudie and possibly sex mods.
Now, with Skyrim, I have experience with the UNP and CBBE mods, but if anyone has their own two cents to add, or another suggestion that they're happy with, I'm all ears. The only sex mod I'm familiar with is a tentacle one that I forget the name of... Estrus, I think? As for Oblivion, never actually modded it, so any input for nudie and possible sex mods would be appreciated.
Also, if you have suggestions for 'necessary' mods, I'm all ears as well. It's not that hard to find lists on the internet for 'necessary' mods for these games, yes, but it never hurts to have input from others.

I'd say some of the 'necessary' mods for Skyrim would be the unofficial patches, they fix a ton of shit and generally makes the game a much more enjoyable and less glitchy experience. Other mods I'd recommend for Skyrim (and aren't lore breaking);

'Lanterns of Skyrim' which adds lantern posts all over the world (though mostly in settlements and along roads)
'Wearable Lanterns' which are exactly as it says
'Bandolier - Bags and Pouches' which adds a load of different accessories that both increase your carrying capacity and look pretty badass ( my current character wearing some of the items from Bandolier)
'Cloaks of Skyrim' which adds a ton of different cloaks
'Skyrim Redone' or as it's more commonly known as SkyRe, which does some major changes to perks and general features, perfect if you've put a fuckton of hours into vanilla Skyrim
'Perks Unbound' which gives you the ability to choose any perk so long as you're the right level for it instead of having to climb through the perk tree to get to it (several perks are exempt from it though)
'Skyrim Community - Uncapper' which removes the level 100 cap for skill trees
'Character Creation Overhaul' which changes character creation to something that resembles the previous Elder Scrolls games (class system, pick your star sign etc...)
'Live Another Life' which allows you to pick where you start (for those sick of the Helgen experience)
'Amazing Follower Tweaks' a massive overhaul of how followers are handled, giving you an insanely large control over them as well as having a feature with them allow you to fence off any items you find but for half the selling price.

These are just a handful of the mods I use, but they should see you through for a while if you decide to use them.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Thank you both for the ideas ^.^ Will definitely have to look into the Creation Overhaul and the Perks Unbound. And yeah, that Bandolier mod is probably one of the first I ever got for Skyrim, I am a massive hoarder >.>
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The man behind Giants: Citizen Kabuto and the original MDK has decided he wants to make games the way he used to make them, and that today's games publishers are no help in doing that.

It's even set on Planet Majorca! ^_^

Only discovered this because Total Biscuit just did a, "This is why we can't have nice things" video about Giants:CK. It's one of those critically acclaimed and uniquely innovative games that somehow did terribly when it came to sales, and got resigned to that tragic "cult status" zone.

TB's vid. He rambles a bit, but I love that game so much. -

So, I'm thinking about going back and actually doing all of the vanilla quests and such in Oblivion and Skyrim, since I played them before but never really finished anything. I'm also looking to mod them up a bit. Not to insane amounts, mind you, and nothing that adds any lengthy quests and such until after everything else is done, but I am looking to add nudie and possibly sex mods.
Now, with Skyrim, I have experience with the UNP and CBBE mods, but if anyone has their own two cents to add, or another suggestion that they're happy with, I'm all ears. The only sex mod I'm familiar with is a tentacle one that I forget the name of... Estrus, I think? As for Oblivion, never actually modded it, so any input for nudie and possible sex mods would be appreciated.
Also, if you have suggestions for 'necessary' mods, I'm all ears as well. It's not that hard to find lists on the internet for 'necessary' mods for these games, yes, but it never hurts to have input from others.

I've recently been doing the same thing in Skyrim myself.

For general enhancing mods, I can also recommend most all of the ones Oni mentioned. The subtle combat changes that SkyRe's combat module makes in particular I very much like. The races module from it I didn't care for, and chose not to use, but it's a fairly small detail really.

Other mods I'd recommend might be...

Immersive Weapons -
Immersive Armours - Both of these packs have got a very nice extended selection of additional gear they add and distribute through the game. Also makes bandits and miscellaneous npcs much more varied and interesting with what they're equipped with. If used with SkyRe, be sure to used the "ReProccer" program that SkyRe provides to adjust their items stats to match.

Dragon Combat Overhaul - Significantly improves dragon AI, and somehow makes fighting them actually exciting rather than staring at the sky followed by beating on a dumb tank. (The mod is better made than it's awful description page. You'll have to trust me there.)
Deadly Dragons - Adds some pretty cool additional dragon varieties and tweaks their stats and powers. Includes a handy difficulty adjusting feature that applies specifically to dragons only.
Dragon Soul Relinquishment - A small mod really, but quite nice for any play-through where you want the "Dragonborn" element of your character to feel like a central theme. Allows you an in game method to relinquish surplus dragon souls to slightly boost a few abilities such as shout recovery time or shout power.

Interesting NPCs - Scatters a whole bunch of extra NPCs and curious characters around the place. Surprisingly actually teaches you things about the setting lore occasionally. Happens to include a few of the best followers I've seen.
Inconsequential NPCs - Adds a numerous bunch of forgettable and unimportant people with nothing special to say to the world. Servants, farmers, beggars, labourers, and tavern patrons. Is simply nice for making the towns look less empty.
Immersive Creatures - Adds a buttload of cool extra creatures, that overall manage to feel like they fit the lore and vanilla themes very well. You can of course toggle any of the creatures off, if you feel any particular one doesn't fit. (be sure to read the comparability notes on the website they link to.)

If planning to do the DawnGuard expansion playing as a vampire, then Better Vampires by Brehanin, is absolutely essential. Improves playing as a vampire dramatically, allowing for a far more interesting experience, and also gives very good control to the player of how they think vampires should be in the game. Fear the sun. Rule the night.

Apocalypse Spell Pack
- A sizeable and very nicely made collection of additional spells. Essential for a mage character, but also pretty cool for non mages too due to a number of interesting utility spells. Some of them can actually lead to fairly creative gameplay.
SoulFire - Gives you a new toggle-able power that allows you to gradually charge enchanted weapons from your magicka pool.
Acquisitive Soul Gems - Makes it so that gems will only accept souls appropriate to their capacity. You'll never accidentally get another wolf or elk soul stuck in a grand gem, and won't need to worry about precisely counting them ever again.

Bass Cannons of Skyrim - Adds a selection of magic staves that brutally murder your foes with dubstep. I found this fit the lore very well, and was the natural evolution to shouting things to death. (Sarcasm poppet! :V )

Can't really give any tips on sexy mods, since the one (popular) mod I did try out from LL, I found to be cripplingly buggy, and just too clunky and forced to feel right.

You might happen to like the fairly recent "Sofia" follower though. She's cheeky, well voiced, amusing, and seems a little lewd.

Never played Oblivion on PC.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Only discovered this because Total Biscuit just did a, "This is why we can't have nice things" video about Giants:CK. It's one of those critically acclaimed and uniquely innovative games that somehow did terribly when it came to sales, and got resigned to that tragic "cult status" zone.

What rock have you been living under? every time a studio makes a game that is innovative and critically acclaimed it sinks the entire studio. Shadow of the Colossus, Okami, God Hand all killed their studios because innovative doesn't sell. CoD sells, madden sells, the same old shit in a new sparkly wrapper sells.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

That's why I said, "It's one of those..." games. But yup. '-'
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, I'm thinking about going back and actually doing all of the vanilla quests and such in Oblivion and Skyrim, since I played them before but never really finished anything. I'm also looking to mod them up a bit. Not to insane amounts, mind you, and nothing that adds any lengthy quests and such until after everything else is done, but I am looking to add nudie and possibly sex mods.
Now, with Skyrim, I have experience with the UNP and CBBE mods, but if anyone has their own two cents to add, or another suggestion that they're happy with, I'm all ears. The only sex mod I'm familiar with is a tentacle one that I forget the name of... Estrus, I think? As for Oblivion, never actually modded it, so any input for nudie and possible sex mods would be appreciated.
Also, if you have suggestions for 'necessary' mods, I'm all ears as well. It's not that hard to find lists on the internet for 'necessary' mods for these games, yes, but it never hurts to have input from others.

Remember something that adds cliff racers.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, I've managed to only install about 70 mods. Much better than the 200 I had installed before >.>

Remember something that adds cliff racers.

Aww hell naw.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

For those who already know


For those that don't know yet
Are you ready for Freddy?
One of the finest games I've seen in 2014
Re: Games Discussion Thread

For those that don't know yet
Are you ready for Freddy?
One of the finest games I've seen in 2014

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Going to put out a warning for a game scam here

"Rebel game jam" by a person called "Zoe Quinn"(More on that later) has donations going directly to their personal paypal account and does not show any sign of attempting to deliver and is using underhanded tactics to remove their competition.
There was a similar thing by The Fine Young Capitalists ( ) which she took the idea from, and then took for herself to apparently take the money from

It's a bit of a big deal at the moment because she literally had sex with people who are with games 'journalism' sites in exchange for publicizing her version(Rebel game jam), while ignoring, and even completely removing all reference to the original The Fine Young Capitalists version. At the moment she is suspected of tax fraud (Paypal donations) and is confirmed to use bribery and manipulation to get rid of people she disagrees with and her competition.

She has also faked being harassed by mean old internet bullies to get her game more publicity, but as most of you know from the internet, if you keep crying about being harassed when there is no such thing, you end up getting actual harassment as people look into it. When the issue exploded on social media, including forums, tumblr, reddit and 4chan the main response was censorship.
And if there is anything the internet doesn't like, it's censorship
So now there is this post, to make sure nobody loses their money to that scam

The key things in this issue are the games 'journalists' flat out having sex with people in the industry in exchange for services, censorship, the destruction of fair competition, corruption, and the project designed to help women become game devs being nearly completely destroyed by one insane woman on a power trip. I'll probably make a post detailing the actual events(If it can be found with all the censorship going on) in the news thread at some point, but for now, here's a post for the games thread

Edit: Latest news is that this whole thing is that 4chan has started to donate to TFYC, at the same time donating to people who wish to further actual women's equality and to charities at the same time
Another edit: TFYC actually has some pretty good concepts up there, I'd recommend giving them a look and at the least voting on one
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

For those that enjoy games like Harvest Moon and Rune Factory there's an MMO being kickstarted called which could do with your help.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Big post, but it's full of information on this stuff, brought by internet detectives, of course.
Messed up situation and a lot of stuff is missing from here still, but this is the most recent stuff
On that earlier stuff with games journalists being corrupt:

TFYC is at almost 33k funded, or 51% of their goal. Most likely would not have been possible without the outrage at the attempts to destroy them

A quick overview of those who are the most obvious offenders in nepotism and corruption in the games media:

A few bits on people who are in games media and very obviously biased and personally involved in the creators of the games they are supposed to critically review

(Not by a native english speaker)

More on the 'in'-clique who bully new indies into changing their opinions to be like them - Or else...

How to deal with this and make it work out for the better:

(Basically: Avoid gaming journalism sites that are confirmed to be corrupt shitholes)

Actual female in games development speaks out on it:

And someone random who figured this out, interesting read but not entirely relevant

In addition, from what I heard recently the game jam that they wrecked just before Zoe started hers (While taking all the money personally) was apparently a contracted thing and Pepsi is looking into legal ways to get their money out of it as it appears to be almost entirely set-up to fail and give Zoe the idea(And scam the money out of it). It is unknown if Microsoft or other sponsors are doing the same at this time. Estimated losses by Pepsi are between 200k and 400k

Edit: Also, a protest at PAX

And the thing that started this mess

That said, games!
New Civ, looking good, and expensive

Sucks for Australia, but it's looking to be a pretty good SMAC like game so far. I'm skeptical but would like to see where they're taking it

And Amazon getting Twitch

Might be good, might be bad. Lets see what happens to it
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

The more I'm looking at this chick, the more I'm reminded of something a FB friend posted at least a year or two ago. Part of me wants to try and hunt it down and see if this is the same person, but another part of me doesn't want to dredge up something so shitty. I know this is vague, but anybody know if Quinn was involved in developing games *before* this shitstorm?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

She made but I don't know if was it's before everything. To be honest I've never heard of her until "Steroids Smorton & Scrabbles" mentioned it in one opf their videos.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

From what the internet found out, she went by "Chelsea" and a different last name becoming "Zoe Quinn". Sources on this are kinda sketchy though so I'll just keep it at that.
You may have heard about 'wizardchan' raiding her and sending threats, an incident most likely faked to get get game as mentioned about through steam greenlight. There was a small social media thing going on at the time to stop/help their game get through. (Saying wizardchan raids is pretty much like saying a buddhist monk is a serial killer. Wizardchan is a place for 30+ year old male virgins, often shut-ins with anxiety issues)

I've not really searched more on that though, it could be that she did stuff before under that name, or even under a different one. But that's not really a point

Here's a post by her ex about what it's about, and how he's been dealing with this though
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I dunno. Maybe it's not her. And cannot find the link that I'm looking for to confirm one way or another. I just remember one of my friends posting on his page to stop supporting this one chick who was working to get a game developed (though I think it was either a CCG or TTG) because she was involved in a rape scandal. And it was her doing the deed, I guess, to a trans guy. Maybe my brain is just equating one horrible game developer with another because I have nothing to help confirm this but every time I see Quinn pop up, that's where my mind goes.

Don't mind me, mostly, just rambling.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I vaguely recall hearing about that, but I can't really find anything on it

Anyway, some more games news

Australian consumer watchdog sues Valve over their returns policy
Which is to say, Valve doesn't do returns.

Edit: Here's a free game
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