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FGT Scat Loli Ryona Guro [Eluku] Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

John: Excuses are a helpless need to weaken your cause of stupidiy and self-irony to the wrong side of a mirror. Your inability to understand yourself is mocking yourself for the reason you cannot add to the next referred "E" situation. You may as well give up both trolling, excusing and proving yourself wrong in the fact you weren't there when you said it. Jackass.

I don't really care about being called this and and that when i try to express a point, but this time i didn't really say anything to anyone aside from making a play on words of Rin's reference to tengen toppa, so i didn't expect this kind of reaction, actually i didn't expect any reaction at all.
Most of all because i didn't say anything bad about anyone, i wasn't sarcastic for a change and i'm pretty sure my abuse of the words was grammatically correct.
I find it funny that you think i should find an excuse for something i don't think i did, and since you seem to refuse to let me know what i did that made you post raging comments in this thread, i can only guess that you either misunderstood something or had a lot of pent up hatred toward me that didn't manage to release in other threads(where i might have had a reason to defend myself), that you just had an emotional breakdown, in this case i'm sorry for causing you such distress, but no one forces you to read my posts.
I don't get the troll thing either, i didn't attack anyone in this thread and you're the one flaming, how comes i get to be the troll?
I thought i had been pretty clear in my last post(jokes aside) that i don't understand the reason of your rage here and now, if you really don't want to answer at least send me a PM or something, i'm curious.

Btw, this is a common saying in my country, might lose some meaning in translation, but i though it pretty obvious i wasn't being serious:

i wasn't even here when it happend, and if i was here i was sleeping, and if i was sleeping i was dreaming of being somewhere else!!!

I made this post as clear as possible, refraining from making jokes or being ambiguos, if i get more rage as an answer from you, i'll tag you as an idiot and be done with it, if you won't answer i'll just have to live with the doubt.;)

Eluku is advertising toffi's new game, and since he is talking about it and about how he decided to make a fighting game himself in the same paragraph, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that toffi's work gave him the idea for fairy fighting, people are just enjoying messing around with each other about commas and minor things, but in the end all translations bring to the same answer.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

One translation I had put a comma in the wrong place and threw in a question mark, making it sound like eluku was questioning it Fairy War 2 was supposed to be a sequel of his own game, so no it didn't translate the same, and that was the entirety of my asking, as I had mentioned already and asked about already.

Now everyone may proceed to being literal assholes again and argue linguistic semantics.
Re: Fairy Fighting

No interest in him, Toxic. Just ignore the troller. He has made his decision.

Now, don't ask Eluku would question Toffi's copying him. Eluku was inspired by Toffi's work to create Fairy Fighting. Get it? Fairy War > Fairy Fighting.

Thats where the name comes from. Eluku's more newly arrived then Toffi. He have been inspired by Toffi to work on his project. And Eluku, as always. Deliver the ultimate bomb. We should be satisfied and show gratitude of his work. Same goes for Toffi. May as well work on your own project and be inspired by these two masters for their talented works. Don't you think?

Its all so very exciting. Don't ya think?
Re: Fairy Fighting

Please believe in me who (tries to) believe in herself.

Yay!! A girl... a real girl!!
*suddenly sprouts testicles and starts trolling because the first hairs have grown on his chest and wants to sound important to the girl*

Oh other than that, I would like to have an update of the game pretty please, if you could send the link in a PM or something that would be very nice.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Fine then. Don't wonder what will be a quarrel and a vote to start a war for next...jeez...people can't get at least something more then a cold mind and body.

Go the the First Page. All the way on the top. Click the first link shown on the top links. Then its on your own where you find Eluku's link.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

Go the the First Page. All the way on the top. Click the first link shown on the top links. Then its on your own where you find Eluku's link.

I figured it out, but thanks for pointing me in the right direction. That was nice of you. Can I please make fun of the troll some more? I like making fun of trolls... maybe one day I will have a bridge of my own that I can hide under.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Oh and Toxic Shock is cool... Why can't we all be more like him, or RaptorJesus (they're my favorites)
Re: Fairy Fighting

Oh and Toxic Shock is cool... Why can't we all be more like him, or RaptorJesus (they're my favorites)

Vault-Tec loves you too. Enjoy your homely ammenities and continue to praise our wonderful staff.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Vault-Tec loves you too. Enjoy your homely ammenities and continue to praise our wonderful staff.

OMG!!! I want an ULMF pip-boy of my very own! Signed by the Three-dog of the forum!
Re: Fairy Fighting

Magus. No offense...but...

First: Don't double post, Edit a post if you want to add something.
Second: Don't be so formal or praising much. We do it, because we want to.
Third: Make fun of trolls, and others. If accepted by the amount of votes
Fourth: Careful what you want and say, you may end up getting banned
Fifth: If you keep to the rules and don't cross one, you'll be fine.

This is all i can tell you to ensure you're on cool ice, man. Follow em, and you'll be thankful later on when you find out why. There may be exceptions, but that depends on the majority of rules and your famous rank that will justify your excuse. Sometimes, it may end up in dust, and sometimes...its worse. Else so, you may be excused if you cross a line, and you'll be warned by the staff members.

Keep this in mind. I don't want people taking blindfold and run into a wall with the head first. If you know what i mean?
Re: Fairy Fighting

Can't we all be friends? If someone gets banned their banned, rules are there for them to read, therefor I see no reason to state them to one another, we do learn from our mistakes.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Hey, Dragoon! Where's my Daisy?

oh darn..
sorry i forgot..

daisy was really nice i forgot a lot of things *smile*
here ya go*goes to abyss*

*comes back*

Re: Fairy Fighting

Of course. I just wanted to make sure she didn't get broken or something. Anytime ya want one, lemme know.
Re: Fairy Fighting


I still want to rape you somehow..
you cute thing you....

Re: Fairy Fighting

True, Mr. Pyro. We don't need to be friends, but we can stay on low profile and be polite at least. I'm just stating the obvius, as usually. But ah we well...i'll calm down a bit.

Re: Fairy Fighting

One translation I had put a comma in the wrong place and threw in a question mark, making it sound like eluku was questioning it Fairy War 2 was supposed to be a sequel of his own game, so no it didn't translate the same, and that was the entirety of my asking, as I had mentioned already and asked about already.

Now everyone may proceed to being literal assholes again and argue linguistic semantics.

It's not about semantic, it's about logic, your statement is very unlikely, Eluku has made many reference to Toffi's games in the past, this means he/she/it had knowledge about toffi's game for a while, this was already said in my previous investigation, which can be found in the thread: List Of Run Or Rape Games. That being said, reason tells that fairy war 1 was known to him from a while back, possibly since the beginning of his blog(not verified entirely in my previous investigation). If this was true he/she/it would never say that FW2 is his own game, but even if he didn't know before, just by visiting toffi's blog he would easily notice FW1 links, since he/she/it has shown to understand english to some extent. Since FW1 came out before fairy fighting your interrogative version of eluku's post is very unlikely, and since it came out from an alteration you caused it(as you yourself stated) becomes fairly unreasonable as japanese use very strict grammatical forms based on whole sentences, where every little alteration of the components completely alters the meaning. As all goggle/babelfish users should know, truth is beyond your grasp, interpretation is based on multiple tries, most of the possible translations don't give interrogative forms, the best interpretation comes from him saying that FW2 is the sequel of the game that made him decide to make a fighting game, this is not just because of the translations, but because all other options don't fit in the whole picture, as this is the only one that correctly fit.

He wouldn't be making a sequel to FF since he isn't finished with the first one and has shown many ideas for future updates.
He wouldn't be saying FW2 is a sequel to FF because that would be plain stupid on his side, and we don't want to imply that eluku might be stupid, right? RIGHT???

I might not have great knowledge of japanese(since i barely have slight grammar knowledge for now), but i've played enough games and scanned enough blogs and sites with translation aggregator, to be able to crack the code.

News about the game, he made some adjustment to the difficulty it seems.
Added an ability to the bee(nothing sexual i think).
Changed the grasping time of snake girl, alraune and the bee.
Addea a secret to the snake girl, probably stage background, not sure.
Some corrections to the bee's finish.

The result of the poll is the victory of the slime for the happiness of many and the sadness of many more, as for me, whatever he does is well appreciated. :)
Now he is making a new poll for the slime techniques, it seems like we'll see many more of these in the future...

Changed from loda to megaupload cause the file was getting too big it seems.

We might not see much progress in the near future since he's playing Monster hunter(damn, i can't wait for portable 3 to come out XD) and fans know what i mean.

That's all, enjoy.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

We might not see much progress in the near future since he's playing Monster hunter(damn, i can't wait for portable 3 to come out XD) and fans know what i mean.

No! Damn! So the next character isn't due for a long, long time. Well at least it's MonHan. Why are you waiting? I can't read moonroones and I have no trouble with all the wikis around. When(or if) the US version will come out they will cut out most of the dlc's and cut down the blood.
Re: Fairy Fighting

No! Damn! So the next character isn't due for a long, long time. Well at least it's MonHan. Why are you waiting? I can't read moonroones and I have no trouble with all the wikis around. When(or if) the US version will come out they will cut out most of the dlc's and cut down the blood.

Well, it's a pain having to recognize the materials and items from moonrunes, it's a pain handling my stocks in english, i don't want to make the game even harder than it already is.:)