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FGT Scat Loli Ryona Guro [Eluku] Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

Safe zone? If there's a safe zone, I have a feeling that it'll be removed and replaced with something that could probably OHKO you.

Its not perfect. If you stop attacking, you stop clipping into the boss and that pushes you back far enough for the boss to hit you. Also the boss has a lottttttt of HP. It took me about 3 minutes of non-stop attacking to kill it. Either eluku needs to nerf it or it'll be nigh impossible to kill if the safe zone is removed.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I seem to recall that Eluku stated that he's trying to think of 1 more way for the boss to expose its weakness.

It's probably safe to assume that will be the case for the completed final boss.
Re: Fairy Fighting

The current way to win against the final enemy is to let Tiki get grabbed by the tentacles, so that it pummels her anus and vagina with his eyestalk-tentacles and then puts her into his cocoon to leech her juices and regenerate its health.
You then wriggle Tiki free (don't push any direction button while she's on the ground, as Tiki will always jump towards the right and then get the egg inserted), and if your SP gauge is full, you then simply breath on the cocoon, retreat, make Tiki heal by masturbating, and then get caught by the tentacles again.

It takes three such attempts to defeat the final enemy (unless you let the boss restore its health to full).
The latest update that introduced the flesh wall on the left and added the futa-fairy's game over animation however makes it that it takes a while until the boss swipes at Tiki.
Re: Fairy Fighting

It seems Tiki has got a new move. I accidentally spotted it in watch mode and tried to reproduce it, but had no luck. The move looks like this: Tiki stands straight, raises hands above her head and blue fires start around her on the floor. I don't know what happens after because at this moment the boss killed her. Does anyone know how to perform this?
Re: Fairy Fighting

It seems Tiki has got a new move. I accidentally spotted it in watch mode and tried to reproduce it, but had no luck. The move looks like this: Tiki stands straight, raises hands above her head and blue fires start around her on the floor. I don't know what happens after because at this moment the boss killed her. Does anyone know how to perform this?

Eluku did said there's a new move for her,good for fighting multiple enemies probably?but never mention how to do it,because the moves takes too long to charge and tiki will easilly get grab during the charging(seems to be usable only at BOSS stage) if i am not wrong
Re: Fairy Fighting

Actually he did say how to use it on his blog, it was just kind of hard too read through the translated moonspeak.

Its hold down+mash strong punch.

See if that works for you.
Re: Fairy Fighting

its an aoe SP move that uses the SP like the mash weak punch breath one (forgot name) its pretty good i found it randomly fighting another fairy in training the range is not good but will hit anything near on both sides and above
Re: Fairy Fighting

Actually he did say how to use it on his blog, it was just kind of hard too read through the translated moonspeak.

Its hold down+mash strong punch.

See if that works for you.

Yup, that works, thank you. A useful move, I guess, even though kinda slow.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I like how the final boss has progressed.
I reckon it's turned out very well in terms of mechanics and assorted hazards.

I might of played too much oneshota but I'm assuming that the fairy zombie/mind control thrall to be Tiki's mother. It makes sense in the context Tiki has literally gone through hell, into hell.
Re: Fairy Fighting

When Eluku gets around to making the new game, I hope that game's protagonist has the same voice/voice actress as Tiki.. She sounded cute as heck x3

New Update available
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Re: Fairy Fighting

In the final stage, the ground tentacle has been changed to insert a tentacle each in Tiki's vagina, urethra, and anus (the thin long kinds of tentacles). Also, if the Futafairy walks upon Tiki while she's molested by the ground tentacles, she forces her penis into Tiki's mouth, which results in an instant game over.

As for the boss, the cocoon opens up on its own periodically, although getting grabbed by both upper tentacles and ground tentacle also leads to the cocoon to open up.
Re: Fairy Fighting

looks like he posted another version of the update. can anyone breakdown what google translate is trying to say?
Re: Fairy Fighting

Probably nothing interesting. He usually does this only when a bug is discovered in the update.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Update. Boss now has HP/SP recovery as well as an SPMAX move. I think Eluku said he also debugged/modified some of the other elements of the fight like the ground tentacle.

The SPMAX move is a big goofy looking worm thing that grabs Tiki in his mouth and...tongue rapes her before swallowing.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

I never even know this kind of rape exist. Ah well, you learn something new everyday...

Well it's more like a bundle of tentacles, but it's in the mouth so I'm just gonna call it a tongue.

...But it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if tongue rape was a real thing.
Re: Fairy Fighting

"Tongue rape", you say?!
This game just keeps getting weirder and weirder by the week.
And I thought parasitic-eye-in-ass rape was weird.
Re: Fairy Fighting

It's not like it rapes her tongue, it fucks her with it's tongue, that is one of the least new things that can happen.

Unless it rapes her tongue too and I missed that, but I doubt that's what happened.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Doesn't the mother worm have a tongue rape for like forever?!