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The Odd Job (Cindi)

Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Voltaire lay flat on his back, moaning slightly as Cindi gently licked his tip, using her tongue to treat his sweet spot, just as he did to her. Then, as he interlocked his fingers with her's, Voltaire's free hand went to grip the back of Cindi's head as her mouth slowly descended his member, her whole mouth doing everything it could to squeeze all of the precum he had to offer out of his cock. "Cindi~" he moaned, both of his hands now gripping her head, helping to speed up her motions, even if just a little, while making short, hip thrusts upwards, pushing his cock just a little deeper into her mouth. "Your mouth is incredible," he whispered passionately.

When she released him, now gently stroking his cock to keep him hard, Voltaire let out a deep breath of air he must have been holding in for quite some time. He chuckled as he looked down at Cindi, smiling down at her, "You make it sound as if you weren't even trying... And yet you still made me see stars..." he complimented her ability, as he ran his hand gently along her face, caressing her, "You're doing great, Cindi... Keep going." he egged her own eagerly, unable to stand the feeling of not having his length wrapped with her lips.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Cindi blushed further as she was complimented while down and suckling, giving little resistance to Voltaire getting his hands round her head, nor the little thrusts offered to her lips, obediently going faster and deeper before she rose to voice herself.

"I... I was trying... I'm glad you like it!", Cindi paused, considering for a second, before grinning sheepishly and lowering herself to continue with actions. Getting her mouth around his shaft once more, she began anew, going faster, but not deeper than before, tongue swirling around the head, lips tightening around the stiff member, Cindi went at it as good as she could give, her hands wandering behind him to grasp his ass, pulling herself onto his cock, and wet sucking sounds filled the room.

Gradually, Cindi started going faster, and with or without Voltaire's help, began to deepthroat his cock, suppressing her gag reflex as it poked right to the back of her mouth, although she couldn't stop herself from shuddering as she began enjoying the sensation, fresh love juices getting her wet without the aid of magic this time. Breasts bouncing as she bobbed up and down, Cindi instinctively spread her legs slightly further apart, bringing her ass closer to Voltaire's legs as she did so.
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Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Voltaire gently gripped the back of Cindi's head as she began to mercilessly deep throat his cock. His groans grew in intensity as her speed increased, a drop of precum leaking into her mouth as a sign that he was about to cum. 'How would a virgin know how to use her mouth like this!' he thought, before he felt the inevitable approaching. Encouraging her to move her head as fast as it could go up and down his length, Voltaire tensed up as he filled Cindi's mouth with his spunk, forcing her to pull away lest she gag on his thick cum, a single glob sliding down her chin, and a final ejaculation squirting over her face, before the man's limbs collapsed in a heap, leaving him worn, and desperate for air.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

By the end, Cindi was working as hard as she could, having to stop herself from starting to hump Voltaire's leg to get herself off as well as concentrating on what her mouth was doing, a trickle of drool rolling down his cock, before being engulfed by her mouth once again. Glancing up at Voltaire again as his groans intensified, Cindi prepared herself for what she now knew was coming.

Still, it took her by surprise when Voltaire suddenly filled her mouth with his hot seed, causing her to recoil, and rapidly bring a hand to her face, scrunching her eyes closed as the last load splattered her face. Covering her mouth, Cindi convulsed as she tried to swallow what she could before she started choking, breasts wobbling as the gulping sounds joined Voltaire's pants in the air, the cum that she couldn't swallow dripping down her hand, and falling onto her breasts or thighs. Eventually, she opened her now empty mouth with a gasp, and falling sideways, off of Voltaire's legs, she degenerated into a coughing fit for a good 30 seconds, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes.

When she was finished, Cindi sat back up, and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Looking around the room, she looked slightly put out upon finding nothing to clean her hands and face with. With a brief grimace, she began cleaning herself, scraping the cum from off of herself with her fingers and into her mouth, after all, there was nowhere else for it to go.

Once she had 'disposed' of as much of Voltaire's seed as she could, Cindi shook her head with a slight shudder, and turned to Voltaire, still gasping for breath on the bed. "Are... Are you alright? Voltaire?" she asked, doubt in her voice. She was very tired now, having experienced so much in a short time, and still quite drunk, and it showed in her slow, thick voice, and the barely stifled yawn that followed.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Voltaire smiled, pulling Cindi close into a hug, holding her naked body to his, her breasts flattening against his chest as he embraced her, laying her head on his chest, chuckling a little, "Yes, I'm fine... Although you did do a number on me. It's hard to believe a virgin would know how to use her tongue like you did..." he commented on her sexual abilities, before chuckling again, giving Cindi a light kiss on her head.

Voltaire would cuddle with Cindi, quite ready to forget about his troubles, and rest with the woman, before they both heard a sudden intruder come in from the window, "Aww, how sweet~" said a feminine voice.

When Cindi and Voltaire both turned to look in the direction of the window, Cindi saw who quite perfectly matched the vague description she was given of Voltaire's harassing demon. Her hair was curly, shoulder length, and lavender blue in color. She was wearing a basic set of bikini armor, the same color as her hair with a white trim, black stockings on her legs, and black heels on her feet. She had two ear piercings on her ears, in the shape of the occult symbol. And just like all other demons of lore, her eyes glowed an evil red.

"Ferris!" Voltaire shouted in shock, inadvertently identifying the woman's name for Cindi.

"Was I not enough for you? You had to go find someone else while I was gone?" Ferris giggled, "I apologize, I'll make sure to rape you twice as hard from now on!" she threatened him with punishments to come. "This time, we'll see how many times you can cum before passing out."

Cindi was a few seconds dash away from her weapon, most certainly noticeable by the succubus in the window. She was caught at a disadvantage at this point, and if she did anything, she might be made into a victim as well. However, if she did nothing, the demoness would likely steal away with Voltaire, just as he said she had always done...
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Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Happily returning the cuddle with Voltaire, Cindi felt as content as she could ever remember, murmuring "Well... I'm glad you enjoyed it", followed by a series of kisses across his chest and neck. Cindi's ears pricked up at the sound of Ferris climbing through the window, and she instinctively brought the sheets up to cover herself, eyes wide, and flickering between the demon and her clothes lying just to the side of the bed, sword belt half hidden under her shirt.

Staring coldly at Ferris, Cindi opened her mouth, took a moment to collect herself, and began talking, all the embarrassed stutter gone now. "So, you're the bitch who's been chasing after Voltaire. How nice of you to show up right after we'd finished, but I'm afraid you'll just be climbing straight back out that window, miss Ferris."

Without waiting for the demon to reply, figuring it would just be some sneering response, Cindi swung herself off of the bed, grabbing the handle of her sword, and in one fluid movement, continued back to the bed, trying to put herself inbetween Ferris and Voltaire. Holding the sword at her side, Cindi clicked her left hand, summoning a fireball, as big as she could muster in her state. "Voltaire's mine, and you're not taking him away from me, bitch. So get out of here, and never come back, and I won't hurt you." she said calmly, holding her fireball in front of her like a shield. Sure, if she couldn't hold off the demoness, she'd be in as bad a state as Voltaire would, if not simply dead, but she couldn't just roll over and leave him to his fate. She had her money, so from a professional view she would stand by him, and she had found herself a lover in Voltaire, so there was only one option. Bitch was going down.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

When Cindi claimed Ferris would simply be on her way, the blue haired succubus giggled with amusement over her sudden challenger. "Is that so? Are you going to make me leave? Volti must have made you cum real good! He learned from the best, you know." she told her, her devilish chuckle filling the room.

Gripping her sword, and holding a fireball in her hand, Ferris surprisingly did nothing to stop Cindi, apparently confident that she was the woman's better. The blue haired menace hopped in from the window, although her feet never touched the ground, in favor of her ability to hover in the air. She bent forward at Cindi, sliding her hands down her thighs enticingly as Cindi was met with her succubus gaze, much like Voltaire's. However, Cindi was unaffected, since both her heart, and her body was already satisfied by someone else...

"You can ignore my charm?" Ferris immediately noticed, only seeming slightly surprised. She gave glances between Voltaire, who was still on the bed, and Cindi, before drawing a conclusion, "... We don't have to fight, you know..." she suddenly offered, "If you don't mind me asking... Are you in love with my Volti? Does your heart beat heavy when you press your body against his..? And did your mind flutter when he kissed you?" Ferris inquired with a barrage very embarrassing questions. She seemed quite interested over the fact that Cindi immediately rose to protect him, and wanted to know Cindi's true feelings...

"That's none of your business!" shouted Voltaire, now wearing his pants, which he had put on while Cindi and Ferris stood, staring at each other.

Ferris simply gave Voltaire a glance out of the corner of her eye, seeming more interested in Cindi for the moment, "Of course it's my business... If this girl seeks to steal you from me, I at least want to know if she loves you more than I do..." she told him, before returning to Cindi with a sly grin, looking at her silently for an answer.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Cindi remained silent, shocked from Ferris' questioning, until the other two had finished, then "Yes yes, of course we don't have to fight, all you need to do is go away and leave me with my man. Not... Not that it's any of your business, but yes... I do love him, more than any man I've ever met, he makes me feel like no-else ever could. Everything you asked is true, and I wouldn't wish it any other way." she said, and neither of the other two would be able to find any lie in her voice, she meant every word she said.

Lowering her left arm a little, Cindi continued. "And what about you? You don't love Voltaire like I do. You just want to rape him for your own pleasure. So you don't stand a chance against me. He's not yours. He never has been, and never will be." she finished, spitting on the floor, tossing her head to move her hair out of her face.

Gesturing at Ferris with her sword, Cindi said again "He's mine, and I will stop you, so go away, NOW!", rising to a shout, and taking a couple of steps towards the Succubus, brandishing her fireball like a cross to a vampire. Cindi was fully aware that she was naked, messy and tired, but she shoved the pessimistic thoughts aside, running on adrenaline and her desire to protect Voltaire. Sure, she couldn't hover, but that didn't mean she was going to be any less quick if Ferris attacked, and she had a sword, Ferris seemed to just have her hands, not even any vambraces to deflect her blade.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

A wide grin spread across Ferris' face, Cindi's open admission of love and obsession with Voltaire apparently being exactly what she wanted to hear. After that, Ferris gave Cindi a look of relaxation, staring at her with a cheshire grin. She adjusted herself back up from her leaning stance, now holding her back completely straight, holding her arms out on either side of herself, swaying them slowly as she floated in midair, as if she were suspended in water. "You'll stop me? I think you're highly ignorant of the situation, little girl." she told Cindi with a devious chuckle, "You're asking all the wrong questions. First, you should ask, how much does Voltaire love me? Second... Do you wonder why I'm not afraid of you?"

She giggled evilly, "Voltaire, dear, relieve her of her confidence, won't you?" she commanded. And the next thing Cindi would know, she'd find herself ambushed from behind. Her arms were wrenched by Voltaire's bigger, stronger muscles, causing her to drop her sword, and lose her concentration on a ready spell. Voltaire held Cindi's arms behind her back, forcing her to stand in place, unmoving, and submissive. He kicked the sword that had fallen on the ground aside, causing it to slide along the ground, far out of her reach.

After Voltaire's sudden betrayal, Cindi faintly heard him whisper inside her ear, out of Ferris' detection, "I'm sorry..." he apologized.

Ferris began laughing uncontrollably, triumphantly parading her quick success over Cindi with pride, her ego thrilled over how she used Cindi's own heart, her own love as a means to defeat her. Echoes of the past would scold Cindi harshly, memories of her mother telling her to be wary of those who seek to deceive. And yet here she was, having fallen for a man, trusting the one who she'd only known for not even half a day. The whole plan would suddenly becoming obvious to her as the horrible feeling of loss and defeat would rush through her; Ferris was looking for victims to feed her craving for souls, using the 'innocent' Voltaire as bait to lure those with stronger, bolder souls straight to her heel, so that she may feed off of them, and make each and every victim of her devilish scheme her slave...

And now, Cindi was one of those victims... Deceived by evil...
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Cautiously watching Ferris' little display, Cindi gave only "He can't love you. He came to me in the first place to get rid of you. I think I know enough about what's going on here.". Concentrating on Ferris, Cindi was taken completely unawares by Voltaire's sudden betrayal, and didn't even fight the stronger mans grasp, her eyes widening in shock as she was disarmed, the little fireball winking out of existence as quickly as it had entered.

Held, powerless before the demoness and her minion, Voltaire's whisper brought with it the realisation of what had just happened. Slowly, Cindi turned her head as much as she could, catching Voltaire's beautiful face in her peripheral vision. Then, with the visual confirmation, her features softened, a glimpse of horror in her eye. "I... I trusted you..." she whispered, looking dejectedly down, waiting a few seconds while her face contorted with sudden rage "I TRUSTED YOU! YOU BASTARD! I'LL MAKE YOU PAY! I'LL MAKE YOU BOTH PAY!" she suddenly screamed, straining with all her might against Voltaire's grip, bucking and twisting to get away, ignoring the pain in her arms, and that in her heart, though she accomplished nothing more than shifting a few inches forward, dragging Voltaire with her while her captured arms whined in protest.

When her struggles proved worthless against the mans superior strength, Cindi dropped limply, held upright only by Voltaire, as she broke down, tears leaking from her eyes, sobs racking her body, chest heaving as she gulped air. "I trusted... Trusted you, Voltaire... And... And this is... What I get...?" she cried, tears flowing freely.

Cindi hung defeated in Voltaire's grasp, memories and lessons flooding her mind, oh how she should've expected this. It had to be entirely her own fault, there was no one else to blame. Just her own weakness. She'd wanted a lover, a man in her life, and now that she thought she'd found him, he had sold her out to a demoness, who doubtlessly wanted to feed on her. One more for the fallen.

By coincidence, Cindi caught a glimpse of the rose on the floor, a fresh wave of tears rushing down her cheeks. "But... Why? I... I thought you loved me too! Why!" she whined pleadingly, turning to try and catch Voltaire's eye. At the very least, she could get a few answers before she was as good as killed.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

When Cindi turned to look at him, Voltaire turned his head away with shame, seeming to much rather stare at the floor in disgrace, rather than force himself to meet Cindi's accusing glare. He said nothing, giving no response to Cindi's questions. However, the succubus would happily answer for him, "Because he has no choice." she informed her, "Just as he is my slave, you soon will be to. Once I inject my love inside you, you will understand. And in the days to come, you and Voltaire will love me as much as each other, as you both will embark to find even more slaves for me..."

Her words gave a certain realization. Although Voltaire betrayed her, he likely didn't do it of his own free will. Thus making more sense of his apology. However, if every bit of what she spoke was true, then Voltaire was deceiving her from the start. He saw a beautiful woman in the bar, alone, knew no one would come looking for her, and stole away with her, to feed her to his demoness master.

Ferris chuckled, reaching out her hand to aggressively grasp Cindi's chin, forcing her to look upon the succubus, "Was it love that protected you from my magic? That shielded your heart from my temptation?" Fiercely holding Cindi's head in place, Ferris drew closer to her, enveloping her with her aura of lust and temptation. Now, with her heart likely broken, and her trust in Voltaire destroyed, it would be up to Cindi's heart to decide if she still loved him. It would be her only weapon against the succubus. Should she not be able to find forgiveness, even for such a horrible act of betrayal of someone whom you loved, then Cindi would slowly find herself being wrapped in a similar feeling of lust, and temptation. And under the succubi's influence, she would eventually succumb to the mind altering magic...
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

With Voltaire ignoring her, Cindi wriggled a little more in his grasp, tapping her feet against his ankles in a desperate bid for his attention, and to try and avoid the demons evil grin. "You're wrong! You're wrong! I'll never love you! I'll never help you kidnap other people! You can't! Voltaire! Please! Look at me! Please... J-mrm!" she cried, still trying to get his attention, but cut off when Ferris grabbed her jaw. With the realisation that Voltaire had always intended for this outcome, her heart dropped further, but Ferris' words inadvertently let an ember glow within her burnt-out heart. Maybe he didn't want to... Maybe he could redeem himself...

Flinching away from the approaching succubus, Cindi wriggled a little more, trying to shift backwards. Immediately, she felt the previously absent magic in Ferris' gaze hit her, drawing her into the Succubi's eyes, causing her to shudder. A combination of fear, hate, and anger welled up in Cindi's eyes to return the look, before Cindi suddenly spat at Ferris' face. In the moment Ferris recoiled, she tore away from the lustful gaze, gasping slightly, and renewing her efforts to get Voltaire's attention, tapping desperately at his ankle. "Voltaire, please... Just tell me... Did you actually love me? I need to know! I need you!"

Still, with Ferris' aura still affecting her, Cindi fell silent, trembling weakly, tears continuing to roll down her cheeks, splashing down her chest. Her love was still there, but so badly shaken and charred... She didn't believe Voltaire was doing this just to hurt her, she couldn't believe it. Her ashen heart still yearned for him, but her hurts were in the way of her forgiveness. Whimpering lightly, Cindi felt the magic start meddling with her, causing her to feel the heat between her legs again, her will weakening as her nether lips grew wet again. "Please... Just tell me you loved me... I don't want to help her..." Cindi whispered, barely audibly, giving a small hiccup as she tried to suppress her sobs, gently lowering her eyes to the floor again, body trembling with the maelstrom of emotions coursing through her, only able to wait now... To see if Voltaire would reignite her fire, or Ferris would crush her.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

The succubus was quick to interfere with Cindi's attempt, waving her command at Voltaire, "Keep your mouth shut, Voltaire." she said strictly, "It doesn't matter if I cannot control you... I'll simply use Voltaire to make you do as I say if you continue to remain this stubborn."

With that, Ferris pointed her finger at Voltaire in direct command, "Voltaire, hypnotize this whore until she remains as nothing but a slobbering fool! We waste time idling here in this disgusting Inn, and my hunger grows by the hour!" she lectured him, before Cindi was gently taken in Voltaire's grip, moved so that she was on her back, laying on the bed once more.

Ferris behind him, watching the two as they lay on the bed, Voltaire strangely kept his eyes shut. He could not speak, to tell Cindi what she wanted to hear so badly, but as she would soon find, Voltaire thought of another way to convey his true emotions to her. With his eyes closed shut, no magic to interfere with Cindi's mind, Voltaire passionately wrapped his arms around Cindi, as he placed a truly loving, and dear kiss on her lips. Her arms were free to do as they pleased, and in his embrace, Cindi would find the answer she had been begging for...
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Cindi hung her head dejectedly, whimpering slightly as she was dragged back to the bed, seeing how far under Ferris' control Voltaire was, wincing from the insults. She opened her eyes wide in shock when Voltaire kissed her, almost crying out, she was so surprised that he had found a way out, she momentarily forgot about Ferris, bringing her freed arms up to wrap around Voltaire's back, the fire in her heart reigniting itself as Voltaire proved himself to her.

Cindi lay in Voltaire's grasp for a few seconds before she was brought back to the real world, aware of Ferris watching the pair, and knew that she had been given her one, her only chance of freedom. Her mind made up, Cindi still hesitated, not wanting to hurt Voltaire. She slid her hands up his back until they wrapped around his shoulders, pulling away from the kiss to whisper "I'm sorry too...", and suddenly she pushed him up, then pulled him back down sharply, bringing herself up to headbutt him, dazing him for a few seconds, enough for Cindi to push him off of her and stand up, jumping off of the bed and onto Ferris. Toppling to the floor with Ferris underneath her, Cindi wrapped one hand around the Succubus' throat, pressing one knee into her chest, while she raised her other hand, drawing upon her burning soul to fuel the fireball materialising there, face contorted in rage as she spat at Ferris "I told you!"

Without pausing, Cindi drove her hand downward, bringing the fireball straight into Ferris' face, pushing the flames straight into the demons eyes, wincing from the heat, but still throttling her, struggling to contain her own amateur magic. She felt that she would start burning her own hands if the demon didn't die soon, but was determined to kill the bitch first, assuming the fire could actually hurt her, or that she at least had to breath. Cindi hoped to herself that Voltaire wouldn't get back up just yet, or if he did, wouldn't come to Ferris' aid, she couldn't take that happening, but hadn't the heart to hurt him further.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

The headbutt didn't knock Voltaire out, but did send him off of her, giving her the chance she needed to attack Ferris. Once she slammed into the succubus, landing on top of her, the demoness brought her hands up protectively, shielding herself from the flames. And as Cindi kept pouring her magic onto her, the demoness suddenly brought her tail up, stabbing it into her ass. The shock would interrupt Cindi's concentration on her spell, as Ferris growled at her.

"Did you really think you could kill me with your pathetic magic!?" she exclaimed, before slamming her hands against her stomach, pushing her off as the tail quickly popped out of her anus. Standing up, she first cursed at Voltaire, who was getting up himself, "You're useless! Just assume the fetal position until I've subdued this slut!" she commanded him.

Then, Ferris hopped onto Cindi before she could get up, positioning herself between her legs, gripping her arms, and holding her down as her wings folded out, covering the scene of both of them laying on the ground. Ferris breasts mushed against Cindi's own, largely overtaking them due to the sheer fact that her breasts were bigger. "You're a worthless magician, a terrible decision maker... But how well can you fuck?" she wondered with a small, toothy grin.
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Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

((Ferver? What happened to Ferris?))

Concentrating solely on overwhelming the Succubus, Cindi was caught completely unawares when the heart-shape plunged into her rear end, causing her to stiffen up in shock, the flames disappearing, and a yelp to escape her mouth. Straightening up and clutching at her ass, she desperately tried to pull the tail out, gasping as the demons hands slammed into her stomach, causing another yelp as the tail suddenly came out. Her face creased in anger as Ferris commanded Voltaire into the fetal position, and she started to get up, but was quickly slammed back into the floor.

Ending up on the floor, enveloped by the wings, Cindi cried out in fear, trying to wriggle backwards, absolutely terrified of what the Succubus was planning, her arms and legs trembling, lower lip wobbling. "N-no! I can't! You can't! VOLTAIRE!!!" she cried out, trying to fold her legs up enough to allow her feet to get in front of her legs, and push the demon away, blushing instinctively as her own breasts were submerged in the Succubi's.
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Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

(A mistaking of names...)

Cindi's legs would only kick at the air as Ferris kept her legs forced apart, while the succubi's tail would slowly lower itself down, and begin sliding along Cindi's pussy, coating itself with her juices, teasing Cindi's sensitive clit, while Ferris laughed with amusement as Cindi struggled. "He won't be interfering anymore. After I'm done with you, I'll have a little talk with him. But instead of worrying about him, perhaps you should consider whether or not you're going to fight back? Not that an inexperienced slut like you would be able to make me cum anyway." she taunted her.

Leaning down, Ferris placed her lips around Cindi's breast, her teeth latching onto her nipple, pinching, and pulling on the sensitive pink nub, coating her breast in saliva, while draining Cindi's essence from her, absorbing her soul a little at a time...
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

((Lol, ok.))

Her legs beating at the air like a child having a tantrum, Cindi cried out as the tail slid along her wet nethers, poking at her clit, and the demoness began to suck on her nipple in a disgusting mockery of what she'd shared with Voltaire earlier. It was almost exactly the same, except, the odd feeling... Cindi felt it, but was unsure what it meant, as if part of her soul was escaping through the Succubus' actions... Terrified, she angled her hand up in the vicegrip it was in, trying to summon a fireball, but whimpering in horror as nothing but a few sparks and embers appeared, which quickly fell to the floor and extinguished themselves.

"I'M NOT A SLUT! A-and you! You could never make me cum for you! Only Voltaire can! Only him! I'm his, not yours! He's not your slave! He can think for himself! Voltaire! Please, help me! I love you! I love you!" she screamed out franticly, her angry flush only deepening, her struggles intensifying as she started trying to pull herself towards Voltaire, legs beating against the floor now. Try as she might, she couldn't stop her body from naturally enjoying Ferris' attentions, but fought them instead by biting her lip, hard enough to draw blood, her brown hair flowing across the floor behind her as she shifted, and her legs twitched as the stimulation from Ferris' tail got to her. Her gaze left Ferris' face entirely, trying desperately to get a glimpse of Voltaire past the demoness' wings.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

As Cindi bit down on her lower lip, Ferris's tongue made a quick swipe at the blood coming out, taking a drink of her red liquid with a vicious grin, "I'm willing to put that statement to the test..." she told her, before allowing Cindi's view to focus on Voltaire, who was doing exactly as Ferris had told him, sitting on the floor near the wall, with his lets pulled up to his chest, in the fetal position. "My connection with Voltaire is strong, he knows better than to disobey what I tell him to do." she chuckles, smiling down at Cindi as if she'd already won, "Anything I say, Voltaire must obey. I once told him to love me... More than anyone else in the world... So, do you know what that means, little girl?"

She leaned in, close to Cindi's ear, before whispering in a sinister tone, "He does love me more than you..." she giggled, before leaning back, "Would you like a demonstration?" she asks, before looking to Voltaire without speaking, "Voltaire... Speak now, and you must tell the truth..." she grabbed Cindi, lifting her upperbody up, while she slipped behind her, hooking her arms around Cindi's as if she were a professional submission wrestler, using this motion to display Cindi to Voltaire, and vice-versa.

Grinning, Ferris clearly sought to break Cindi's heart, before devouring her, "Go on..." she encouraged Cindi while chuckling the whole time, "Ask him! Ask him his true feelings! If he truly had a choice, if he'd kill you just to save me!"
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Cindi winced as Ferris lapped at her lip, causing a stinging sensation along the self-inflicted wound. The wince caused her teeth to sink further, before she gasped in pain, the teeth coming out, and the blood trickling into her own mouth as well, causing her to shudder, staring fearfully up at the Succubi's wicked smirk. As Ferris whispered in her ear, Cindi replied in kind. "You're lying." she whispered back flatly, not gracing the demoness with further explanation.

Whimpering as she was yanked to a kneeling position, the way Ferris was holding her arms forcing her to display herself fully to Voltaire, Cindi looked at him, distraught at the implication of what Ferris was saying. A fresh tear leaked down her soft cheek as she spoke, "V-Voltaire..." she stuttered, glancing behind to Ferris. "Is it true? Do you love this harlot more than me...? Would you kill me to save her life? If you would, if you'd rather love your tormentor rather than your lover, my sword's there... Please, finish me now! Don't leave me to her! Grant me at least a swift death, instead of torture at her hands! An act of mercy for the betrayal..." she cried out, tears starting to flow quicker again as she pulled towards him, just leaning forward, as if she could reach him. Her blue eyes sank to the floor, hair falling across her face as she wept, waiting for Voltaire's response. The whole thing was just so unfair. Her lover had proven to be a demoness' minion, said demoness now crushing her very will to live, the man she had known for less than half a day now deciding her future for her. The evil, sadistic chuckling behind her reinforcing her depression, and Cindi hiccuped in her misery.