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Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Final portion of the character sheets info is up, I had forgotten to put the listing of the classes there. Sign-Ups are officially open, and the start date is set for January 15th at the latest, with a small chance of being before that if I complete the scan system sooner, and actually have time to post.

Over the next few days (Starting New Years DAY), I will be posting up various sections of the Bestiary. This will include their damage tables, descriptions, their short history and such. Everything will go into separate sections as follows.

Normal Enemies:
Shrine Bosses:

Due to the number of them, it may take more than one page, and certainly more than a few posts to get them all up. I figure on getting 5-10 entries per post if I am lucky, and the names will be in BOLD lettering to differentiate the type of enemy, and it's name. It all depends on how the character limit for posts works out with the damage/stat table included.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Siphon in the old system futa casting enemies could futa themselves too does that still stand in the new system? It does open up possibilities
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

There has been a small hiccup with things. I forgot to add damage tables for enemies who have scenarios where they will try to injure or even kill you, so I am having to go back and add those in. Due to this, I won't be posting parts of the Bestiary until later today. In addition, I have a major winter storm moving into the area, so if I don't post anything by tomorrow evening I might be without power. Should that happen, I have a physical memo pad of what still needs finishing so I can still finish it, then type it up once the power is back on.

Still on track for a January 15th start unless mother nature decides to keep me without power for my computer for 2+ weeks (she damn well better not do that!)
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Alright Siphon, be careful and stay warm wherever you're at, and I hope that you don't lose your power too, especially not with how cold it is right now. As for the bestiary, can't wait to see what all you've put into it.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

All I can say on that is, there is a LOT of stuff going into that. Counting variants for Corrupted Class Type 1's and 2's, there are a total of 76 normal enemies in the game (part 1 only), 17 Traps, 10 Shrine Bosses and 25 bosses (not fights, just boss monsters). So there are a total of 138 damage/pleasure tables, and mind you this is ONLY for Part 1 of the game. Obviously in Part 2 the same regular bosses won't be used again, so that will change in number, but everything else will stay the same and probably add new content as well.

Part of the reason I left as much time for this as I did was to be able to go back once everything was finished and confirm I hadn't missed something, and that it was as smooth as it was going to be with the system I plan to use. Part 2 will see either the same system, or a change to it depending on how this system turns out, though I think it has a much better chance of being as close to fair as possible.

As for the cold and area, I live in Southeastern New York, and yeah, tomorrow night we're supposed to be flirting with 0 degrees, possibly colder. Either way we're looking at Blizzard conditions starting in the early morning and for about the next 36-40 hours after it gets going. Fun times as long as the power stays on!
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Jesus Christ, I didn't realize you had quite that many enemies put into the game or even had that many planned out for it, that's amazing that you've got that many worked out, and for only part one at that. I am highly impressed.

About the winter storm weather, we're scheduled for a bit of rain around where I live too, around southeastern TN. Though nothing around 0 degrees for us, but possibly some snow in the next couple of days. Hope that you don't get hit too hard by the weather.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Yeah, it's a massive game engine lol. I'm giving it some thought if I can find some help with coding or the proper tools of possibly making a smaller flash game type variant based off the RP, but we'll see. I've contacted a few people who I know make games and speak English, but so far I haven't gotten a reply back. Then again as busy as these folks are, I don't expect I'll get one for a while, which is fine. Gives me more time to consider what I'd want to put in and what ought to be cut out should I go that route.

As far as the storm goes, they keep saying the worst of it will be just north of us, but they've changed so many of the forecasts recently on such a regular basis that it's hard to say for sure. I'll go with my own predictions for the storm (and sadly mine tend to be more accurate than theirs are, and I've got no formal training with it). I'm guessing we'll get about 8-10 inches when all is said and done, and that this storm will end up hugging the coast a bit closer than their computer models indicate, which means it will be slightly colder than what they are calling for. They are saying an overnight low Friday Night of 4 degrees, I'm thinking closer to -2. We'll see though, either way I'm ready for whatever this thing can throw at us. Up to and including chainsaws to cut up any fallen tree limbs.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

You had me at Futa.... (In other words, very interested!) :p

Will create a character as soon as possible
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

The first of the Bestiary Tables are now up/going up, with more to come eventually. Once this is finished out, and the vision system is done, I will go over last moment adjustments (if any are needed), and begin officially posting up the actual character sheets for your created characters in the database. So don't be alarmed if you don't see something confirming your entry immediately, I have seen them and I will get to them. I will create the threads when I'm set to start, and then send out PM's to everyone to let them know the game is on.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

All this by one guy, must have as much time on your hands as I do. Or are super man, haha. Color me interested anyways.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Haha well in all fairness it's taken what, three years to get things to this version of it. Two restarts to finally come up with a system that actually feels like it should work properly and won't require a reboot. But yeah, I do have a fair bit of free time generally.

The entire Trap Database is up, and tomorrow I'll put in the normal enemy tables at the very least. The scan system is nearly finished, which means by tomorrow I will probably be on the final stages of tidying up anything that needs a quick tweak or extra description in my own notes to make the posting process as smooth as possible. Once that is done and the Bestiary is fully uploaded, I'll begin the process of placing completed character sheets up. With any luck that process is done by Sunday or Monday at the latest, depending solely on if I see anything that needs a quick edit or not. 13 days until the target start date, and things look good for potentially starting sooner than that.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Good News! The entire Bestiary is now up and running, and the visions on first scan are completed. All that is left is some minor tweaking to make sure my hard drive files are in concert with everything I've posted up, and to finish everyones character sheets. 8 days until we were supposed to officially launch, but it may end up happening before this week is done. The countdown begins!
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Looking forward to it. One hell of a bestiary from the looks of it haha.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

I just finished reading the entire bestiary and noticed that while it looks totally solid on all aspects... there was just one thing that seemed missing to me. You've got a few bug enemies yeah, but I saw no bee, wasp, or hornet like enemies to face off against that could pump eggs into our lovely rape fodder... I mean our beautiful heroines.

Also some appropriate music I believe for this countdown, which I don't mind singing to the top of my lungs.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

I could probably spend a month listing the things that are missing, but given the things that are there, I'm happy. Half the fun is spotting the inspiration though. Some more obvious than others.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Oh I'm happy with it as it is now too, I was just noting on one thing I saw missing as of right now, as he's already said there will be a part 2, and likely a part 3 after that. So a bee/wasp/hornet like enemy can wait until then really I guess, doesn't make much difference to me honestly, I just figured that there would be one in there like Fairy Fighting's bee enemy.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Well that he has the fallen fairy esque enemy based on all the classes, that would make sense. I certainly wouldn't mind more additions, though then again, I half expect to see poor Lorelai break in the first three pages before I see half the things that'd be fun to see. Adding more things of fun note might break my poor little heart if I can't reach em haha.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Aye, I don't expect either of my characters I've worked up to last for too long a time, though hopefully they'll last through the whole thing, who knows. This is also why I made a second character, who I'm gonna be using first, so if I lose one, the other can pick up the slack and try again. :D
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

... Personally I expect mine to fall fairly fast. Plant girl Chantress.

+20 to all plant types to an eventual +30.