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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I think Roy needed to spread the rep around before he started negging people again. If what I was reading in another thread is any indication.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

oooooooooooooooooooooh, the way I read it I thought he wanted me to neg rep him repeatedly and he'd give me +rep each time I did. But I wasn't sure, your way sounds much more likely.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

es em otario e das-me vomitos com a tua estupidez.. so mr literate guy? didnt understand a word heh? - ninjafuckyou

Well google translate tells me that "I'm vomiting on you with stupidity" or at least, that you're claiming as much. The difference is I don't go around trying to speak in broken ass miss-spelled Portuguese. You however, are probably spraying Engrish everywhere you go, further encouraging the youth of today to disregard thought out and intelligent conversation.

I never ever try to speak languages if I can't at least spell the words correctly. Feel free to use incorrect grammar, that's understandable and completely acceptable given that it's not your first language, if you were to miss-pronounce words vocally that's also completely acceptable, given that accents and details are difficult to learn even for those who have English as their first language. But anybody can take their time and read a fuckin' dictionary when it comes to commonly used words.

Also, the content of your negrep has nothing to do with the context of my post. How am I even supposed to know how to respond accordingly if you're just randomly insulting me? How about I just call you fucking filthy, gelatinous, undulating pile of slimy and partially-dried smegma and piss, and accuse you of living under Satan's foreskin? Yeah, I think I'll do that.

Your friendly neighborhood English enthusiast,

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

That ninjafuckyou sounds very horny!
I think he made the negrep of it because the message what he wanted to say is 'FUCK YOU! I DO WHAT I WANT!' what Spiderman said.
It's a mere speculation of mine, but the spirit all we have.

Anyway, I recently received my very special first negrep; you should probably stay in the Klub section.
So I +repped the one supposed be a sender, like yeah, maybe you're right; something like a ghetto.

See, I am such a badass! (sorry if he was not the one ;) )
But after seeing hilarities in few pages of Introduction Thread and few others,
I'm getting a feeling about he had a point. Maybe the Klub is reaching the point,
to choose being true members of this community/ or making own seperated community/ or just to lurk.

Maybe it's not the right place or am I the right person to talk this matter.
I say no more. I'll be a lurker from hence and away.

No matter what, I have really enjoyed this forum. I even tried Sex Mugen! Was Kinda Cool!

So best regards to you folks. You guys and girls are cool.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Awwww, that kinda makes me feel bad. I mean, I dislike the game but now that the klub has it's own subforum I couldn't care less about it (out of sight, out of mind). Are we really segregating people based on their prefrence towards it?

I really haven't read any of your posts, so you may have deserved the neg rep or maybe not. Don't be discouraged though, I've got more red on my CP than green. And hey, if it really has come to segregation, and you're that bothered by the neg reps, you've got a whole bunch of people in the klub section to continuously +rep you.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I don't think you should give a fuck about some of the rep you get.

I'll be honest, I'm pretty sure 99% of the good rep I got wasn't something I really deserved. It was either for out of pity, out of irony or for the lolz. The bad rep, I'm pretty sure I deserved... I think. I don't know, I'm usually drunk when I come here so I'm surprised I haven't got my ass banned yet.

Then again, I wasn't as stupid as that Tyranno fella. Oh hoho, I still remember that shit.

I wonder how Tyranno's doing. If it weren't for him, I'd probably even be here in the first place.

Most of you probably don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about.

I don't even know... why the fuck is my title thingie still spelt incorrectly? I mean... I wanna fuck horses for some reason.

Fuck, I don't even know why I posted here... I should be sleeping but I can't because stuff.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Man, I'm cool with you. You are well-mannered, act with humility, and have a bunch of positive attributes that most people lack. Hell, you even spell things reasonably well despite having English as a second or third language.

The people I do have a problem with are the ones who get into fights with people outside of the Klub section, and expect to be accommodated without a hostile response. They will receive ire and condemnation in most cases.

Maybe I over-reacted a little, I tend to do that somewhat... But I will defend my own words and sentiments with ferocity and cunning should they be attacked, whether the attack is staged by a lurker, a regular, or a person from the Klub.


No one cares

On the contrary, I care, and so do those of us who enjoy speaking with accuracy and precision. Really, the truth is, YOU don't care.
See how many fingers I'm holding up? That's the amount of fucks I give about your opinion. Which is none, in case you're lacking in brainpower or judgement.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Maybe I over-reacted a little, I tend to do that somewhat... But I will defend my own words and sentiments with ferocity and cunning should they be attacked, whether the attack is staged by a lurker, a regular, or a person from the Klub....[/COLOR]

Thats how you got your user title, by tilting at windmills you imagined were monsters.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Thats how you got your user title, by tilting at windmills you imagined were monsters.

Well, I'm fine with Septim, but I still think "Ninjafuckyou" is a douchebag. I would have said what I had said again given another chance.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Seems more like an idiot to me and a confused one at that.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I didn't want to participate in the conversation, since I didn't feel like I had anything worthwhile to say. The irony of your grammatic mistakes in the context was unmistakable, and I like that sort of stuff so I decided to point it out.

If you wanted to point out such a thing, you should have done so in a PM. People had already lined up to correct me on several things, and I had thanked each and every one of them. At that point I decided it was getting out of hand, so I requested that people send further corrections to my message inbox, so that things that were actually relevant could make their way into the conversation.

It's fine to be partially lectured in feedback, but I would also like there to actually be something wholesome with it, like opinions, criticisms, maybe even agreements. Continually burying my original point in corrections is actually quite frustrating to me, given that such a thing can easily be avoided given some tact.

Instead you decided to be a dongpocket. If you're unsatisfied with my response, then maybe you'll have just a taste of what I experienced, what with absolutely no feedback relevant to my original point.

TL;DR: Get bent, you eight-legged douche.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

The worst neg-rep is neg-rep you have no idea why you got.

In response to this post:

Edit:Yes, check out the thread, it is so well organized, imagine if all of the content was sorted like that. Also, I have only been here for a short time, but it seems like Roy will just delete a post he has made if he feels like it. Hey, Roy is free to do what he wants, but that is not really the type of posting behavior that is needed for an archive thread. I mean, imagine if Wikipedia authors deleted articles when they felt like it?

But it's not really about creating sequences. Just like the Models Centralization Thread isn't about creating models. It is about organizing the content, and making it easily and readily accessible to both new and experienced users. And if everything is organized and accessible, with any luck, more interest will be garnered from any individuals finding this forum, and more people will take up making sequences and other content as well.

Hmm, would it be better if there was simply one thread in the same style as the Models Centralization thread, but for all of the content?

I received two reps, a neutral rep with no description, and this one:
who r u .?

Um, what? But hey! First neg-rep! First neutral rep as well! Double yay!
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

If it makes you feel better, the neutral was intended to be a positive one, the person just didn't have enough rep to make it green.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

If it makes you feel better, the neutral was intended to be a positive one, the person just didn't have enough rep to make it green.

Oh yeah, I'm aware of that. Heh, if it was intended to be negative, I'm pretty sure the message would be something other than blank. ;)
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Well I don't just mean they would say something, I mean it's impossible to leave a blank neg rep. Sometimes people just don't know that.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Well I don't just mean they would say something, I mean it's impossible to leave a blank neg rep. Sometimes people just don't know that.

O_O That I did not know. And now I look like a pompous douche... so a normal post for me then. :D

Damn, two heavy-hitting +reps for posting that, awesome. Soon, I too, can be called an egotistic rep whore! :p

Edit: Reputation received for this post:

I think I love you, anonymous +40 point heavy hitter.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Well I for one think it's amazing. I would love to replace my eyes with mouths. That means I could fit triple the amount of stuff in my mouth! And who wouldn't love that? I know I would.

And by stuff, I obviously mean big cocks.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Well I for one think it's amazing. I would love to replace my eyes with mouths. That means I could fit triple the amount of stuff in my mouth! And who wouldn't love that? I know I would.

And by stuff, I obviously mean big cocks.

Sure would make you an awesome date!
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I didn't want to participate in the conversation, since I didn't feel like I had anything worthwhile to say. The irony of your grammatic mistakes in the context was unmistakable, and I like that sort of stuff so I decided to point it out.

If you wanted to point out such a thing, you should have done so in a PM. People had already lined up to correct me on several things, and I had thanked each and every one of them. At that point I decided it was getting out of hand, so I requested that people send further corrections to my message inbox, so that things that were actually relevant could make their way into the conversation.

It's fine to be partially lectured in feedback, but I would also like there to actually be something wholesome with it, like opinions, criticisms, maybe even agreements. Continually burying my original point in corrections is actually quite frustrating to me, given that such a thing can easily be avoided given some tact.

Instead you decided to be a dongpocket. If you're unsatisfied with my response, then maybe you'll have just a taste of what I experienced, what with absolutely no feedback relevant to my original point.

TL;DR: Get bent, you eight-legged douche.

You're an annoying illiterate piece of shit. Please die. -Cappy

in response to:

in case you havent noticed im new here.. it just got my attention because of the jungle girl/demon girl thing we got on our name.. jesus

good going posting my neg but they dont come for no reason, tell them the whole story bro.
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