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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

EDIT: Someone impersonated fullmetal in a negrep. The anonymous offender has apologized (via posrep) and given me his/her word that it will not happen again. I appreciate the apology and consider the matter satisfactorily closed (I wish that real life conflicts could be so easily and equitably addressed).
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I looked into it and the nearest I can tell is that it was a nobody trying to make a point about the lack of accountability in repping. of course that doesn't mean i approve... i'm thinking about what to do but i'm probably going to go with threats and last chances (although that implies this was a rabble rouser to start with, which i dont think it was).
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

The alpha has to show its teeth to the smaller wolves, no matter what reason, to keep order within the pack.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Damn impersonators! - Hope

Okay, this was the funniest posrep I've received in a while. Thanks for the chuckle.

Nunu, I appreciate your looking into whomever was hiding in the fullmetal jacket.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Well this is certainly interesting.

I'm the guy that used your name as a neg rep. sorry to have involved you, had a grudge for old stuff about hopeyouguess. Don't take it personnal. As a result, take some green. sorry again

You're forgiven I guess? There ain't no need to apoligize so much, it's not like any harm was done, but try not to impersonate people again; it's a pretty low thing to do.

P.S. It's the internet, whatever thing Hope might have 'done' to you probably shouldn't be taken seriously :)
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

MoGi - Demo Released 20th March 2014 00:18 arguing in public is less cowardly because it means everyone gets to scrutinise you for the shit you are.

In response to some idiot who took our argument out into a thread and derailed it.
Yes talking to me man to man is so much more cowardly than taking it out into the open where all your pals can support you.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

It is counter-intuitive to give me negrep on a post I made about being insulted. It just adds more hurt. Stop hurting Lila please.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

PERSON. YOU WHO HAILS THE GLOW CLOUD. It is for Night Vale security that you come and speak with me at once. I must discuss what we can do to help Cecil.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

"Because you should have more rep than Lila"
I can't even think of an appropriate reply to this, and that'd be a tough goal to beat anyways with my lack of posting smut in popular RPs which appears to be the most profitable market for rep around here.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

*Hugs her friends*
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I'm dangerously bored so I think I'll throw a few more pennies in the proverbial opinion wishing well.

EDIT: Oh, looks like the person I was adressing took back what they said and opted for hugging..

Alright, I'll just leave this spoiler here just for fun, then.

Neg-reppers are no better than trolls, not in the fact that they enjoy angering you, but more in the fact that sticking your hand out in public
and saying you hate them is just going to make you an easier target,
and also because they love being anonymous. All the douchebaggery,
with none of the consequences.. Have you visited 4chan lately?
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Haha I had 1 Red now not Green :)
I don't get why they negRep me? coz mostly pointless comment.:confused:

*pats your back and gives a warm smile*

Don't worry.. Neg reppers come and go, but neg reppers with
high rep and a head full of self-indulging arrogance only attack
the "Really" cool people..

You'll know you've attracted the scum at the bottom of the barrel (Which I'm nicknaming "The highreppians")
when you start getting rep like me. Until then, just sit tight and be
happy you're one of the "norms" right now.

With great infamy comes great responsibility.

*turns back around*

HEY GUYS, one of you idiots with high rep make a snarky comment about my post and then end it with
"Go highreppians!" or some other chant like that.

(Don't mind me, just testing out some reverse psychology. At this point, wondering if someone's low enough to actually do it is
pretty much a done deal, so maybe if I egg them on preemptively, they might not.)
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Damn, looks like my reverse psychology trick didn't work.. Oh well, still got more rep from the very people I was goading..
You know, for people who constantly claim to be smarter than me, you sure love diving right into an obvious ploy.

At least when I do it, it's because I'm pissed off from being bullied by snarky assholes.. But with you idiots, it's just like feeding sharks
a bucket of chum.. There's no real emotion involved, you just swim towards the blood.

Funny thing is though, if I really was like all of them, my bars would be green.. Not red.. Instead of being appreciated for my snippy remarks,
I get the witch-hunt treatment.. That sure doesn't sound like a pot/kettle relationship to me.

Maybe I'm just a "rogue smartass", who split off from the group and is now attacking his own kind because he believes there is a better way.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

You have been getting rep from the very people you were goading.

I point out the obvious, before it was discovered by Management that it was a strange ploy to flamebait ToxicShock disguised as a seemingly fun game. I say "dissapointment.wav." to be in character because I'm silly in a way...

Then you get butthurt. When I think you didn't read the post, or take much offense to it, I give you words of encouragement. Then you call me "disgusting."

That's like crying because a dog bit you after you annoyed it.

It is illogical, and I do wish you realize it before it gets you banned. Punishing people for trying to make nice will get you negreps, not because you're a "righteous troll", but because you're being absolutely illogical and we all hate idiocy.

I suggest having a clearer vision of who is on your side or not. Excuse me, while I give random posreps to people so I may be able to counteract my posrep of you.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I point out the obvious, before it was discovered by Management that it was a strange ploy to flamebait ToxicShock disguised as a seemingly fun game.

Just the fact that you still think that.. That anyone still thinks that...

*throws hands in the air* I rest my case.. That's all I needed to hear.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Damn, looks like my reverse psychology trick didn't work... an obvious ploy... pissed off from being bullied by snarky assholes... you idiots... feeding sharks a bucket of chum... witch-hunt treatment... I'm just a "rogue smartass", who split off from the group and is now attacking his own kind because he believes there is a better way.

Yeah, I was just reading about you: "He who is without a people, by reason of his own nature and not by accident... is like the man of whom Homer wrote in denunciation: 'Clanless and lawless and hearthless is he,' ... he is in the position of a solitary advanced piece in a game of draughts."

In other words, quit blaming everyone else for sticking your head out there. Take some responsibility--the only person to blame for the fact that you're an asshole is you, asshole.

I'm the hero this forum deserves,
but not the one it needs right now..

Jack Nicholson was a better Joker. Yeah, I said it. You know what Heath Ledger was known for before he swallowed a bunch of pills to kill himself and get a sympathy Oscar? Playing a homosexual cowboy in "Brokeback Mountain." And don't get me wrong, he did a good job and it was an excellent movie, but his suicide is a BIG part of why people felt obligated to like "The Dark Knight" so much, especially since the movie lasted for TWO AND A HALF HOURS.

Asking people, "Why so serious?" stopped being cool about three years ago. People STILL use lines from Jack Nicholson's Joker, such as (but not limited to), "Have you ever danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight?" and "This town needs an enema!" Furthermore, Jack Nicholson's Joker was the ONLY adversary in a motion picture to take on Batman without another major villain to help him.

Hell, Mark Hamill was arguably a better Joker, and his facial scars are REAL (look it up, he was in a car wreck in the 80s).

As for Jack Nicholson, he played the Joker, he rocked it, and then he went on making more movies, getting more money, receiving more awards, and fucking more supermodels (probably). He never had to kill himself to get an Oscar.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I always hated that he got a sympathy oscar, but only because i felt he deserved an oscar anyway and that achievement he earned will forever be marred by the sympathy he received for his death.

Jack nicholson was an incredible joker (I also think michael keeton was very good batman), Mark hamil is in many ways the definitive joker, but heath ledger is a truly powerful performance.

as a side note danny devitos penguin was also epic, and i'm quite fond of Michelle Pfeiffers cat woman.
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