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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

No worries, fullmetal. It makes me very happy to hear that my comment made your day even a little better.

I have to add that I find the ability of the rep system to make or break one's day absolutely flabbergasting. A posrep will put me in a great mood for the next twelve hours, and a negrep will have the opposite effect in equal measure. A lot of people will say that the reputation system doesn't matter, and on an objective level they'd probably be right--but our lives are based upon mostly subjective perceptions, so to most of us, it actually matters a great deal.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

No way did you deserve a neg rep. You've put up so many games for public perusal by now.

Yeah well, this is something I have to expect when taking risks, especially on a forum this open and near chaotic. Of course some people here may not like me at all but that's on them. The only main concern I even have with being low on rep is people who'd think I'm only here to cause trouble and the contributions I make have viruses or something. Anyways thanks!

Get back into your cave with the rest of the filth. Hentai Finder (The thread!)

What, so you decided that I can't contribute outside of the MnF thread anymore? Are you "that" upset with me? Well I'm sorry but I plan on continuing to contribute to this forum in any way I see fit whether you like it or not.

And so shall I continue to walk through the forest of deep anguish for I mustn't abandon the ones who wait for the gifts that I bring. Though the heavy rains of bitter tears can make a man feel as though they've pierced through his heart, though the jagged teeth of the ravenous animals constantly gnaw and pull at my shins as blood flows onto their tongue and onto the ground in a desperate ploy to keep me from continuing any further, I have already made up my mind and I shall not give up on this journey. - AceofWong

You do realise that anyone in the red cannot give anything other than gray rep, right? Meet and Fuck Games Community

Sure didn't Captain Obvious, thanks for the hot tip! :D

this is a horrible idea Subforum for real porn?

Horrible? Maybe bad but it's really only horrible if you're one of those people who like to say "3D Pig Disgusting!", if you are then you need to get a life. =/

Petty drama AND a holier-than-thou attitude? You're kind of a dick. Meet and Fuck Games Community

Already replied to this in the MnF thread but here's something I didn't say: Look who's talking!

I don't see why people are so scared to give their opinions in public around here, are you that worried about your own rep? Reputation is usually an incentive from people to get you to keep contributing (ass kissing if you will) but if you want genuine respect for your opinions then you need to say something instead of remaining anonymous. Those of you who keep insulting people in this way are going to eventually be found out and since you're going after moderators this way as well, you're probably going to find yourself banned from the forum, then maintaining your rep isn't even going to matter anymore.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I think it's about time a mod just changed the option on the rep system to show who sent the rep. I mean it's not like not knowing has stopped abuse.

And wow ACE, you should have stupid huge amounts of rep from all the content you've contributed.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

You know, I'm okay with the Rep system. I mean, I've gotten stupid downvotes (My favorite is "Your face doesn't look translated") but I'm well in the green anyway. I can ignore those ones and just bask in the smug happiness that comes from the green ones.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I find it rather comical people even care about rep beyond "It exists and has no meaning."
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I think it's about time a mod just changed the option on the rep system to show who sent the rep. I mean it's not like not knowing has stopped abuse.

And wow ACE, you should have stupid huge amounts of rep from all the content you've contributed.

What, and ENCOURAGE people who bitch about rep?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

What, and ENCOURAGE people who bitch about rep?

Or maybe to cause rampant chaos to the point that the rep system is taken away completely? I mean, so many regulars say it doesn't matter at all, they wouldn't care either way, right?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

People briefly cared that that I got out of the red but honestly I don't ever remember not being green it makes me wonder how people get neg repped into oblivion. I did get a rather amusing neg rep to one of my posts. I don't even remember why I posted it but everyone was making these really big well worded complicated talk about social decline or something like that. And I was like I really want to be apart of this thread.

But as you know my grammar is shit so I released ok if I answer this honestly and as intellegently as possible my post is going to be so horrifically badly spelled and worded that it will make peoples brains hurt.

So I said the only thing I could think of. "I like Pancakes." I was ignored sure my love of pancakes had nothing to do with social decline. But damn It I was part of this conversation now. And if social decline ever lead to a conversation of breakfast foods at least my position on pancake desirability was clear.

I got this Neg Rep as a result. Yeah, real funny. And by real funny I mean "Haha this isn't the random statements thread, asshole"

Now I am not a cleaver man but I can tell you this good Anon. I will never be intimidated by your anti Pancake ways, because in the end all that matters to me is this...

I like Pancakes.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I would recommend just abandoning ship on the MnF side of things anyways, you yourself said you don't like the "games" anymore and frankly, the discussion that takes place there is abysmal, you will get falsely branded as an idiot if you stay there. this thread

I didn't say I didn't like them as even I could fap to low quality content, I just "hardly" have any interest in them anymore because they lack gameplay and have become more generic, the overgrown boobs and ass have become tiresome to me too. Anyways it doesn't seem that it's going to do me any good now since they're now going after any post I make outside of the hentai games section. I must have pissed them off pretty bad. hahaha :D

Or maybe to cause rampant chaos to the point that the rep system is taken away completely? I mean, so many regulars say it doesn't matter at all, they wouldn't care either way, right?

Or we could change the system to be like hentaipalm's and allow only a rep power of one point regardless of how high your rep is. Anyways since I'm losing over 100 points from single neg reps, chances are that more than one of the regulars are behind this, one of the latest green reps pushed me up to 1400 and I've now been reduced to 1148 from just 2 people.

Posting in the MnF thread would have seen me get negged from at least 3 or 4 people on the same post but it seems to me that the general purpose of only going after people posting in that thread has expanded. If there was a leader here that only wanted people posting in that thread to be the target, it seems that 2 people decided to go rogue or the leader and one lackey wanted more out of this.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Or we could change the system to be like hentaipalm's and allow only a rep power of one point regardless of how high your rep is.

I'd support this as a decent compromise.

And ya know what? I've decided spam +rep you. It won't go fast, but it'll go.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I'd support this as a decent compromise.

And ya know what? I've decided spam +rep you. It won't go fast, but it'll go.

Yeah, cause otherwise people would just clutter/spam threads with praise and thank you's

Have some rep for yourself as well!

Your tastes in porn is bad and you should feel bad. There's no reason to have a real porn subsection because there's plenty of other places that are easily found where you can get it. Subforum for real porn?
>thinking old 4chan memes are going to persuade me otherwise
lol. And please, you probably have some porn interest some people wouldn't enjoy either, why don't you come in here and show me what good porn is?

To the other part of your comment, the same could be said for hentai in general, would you rather the hentai sections be abolished so this forum can focus purely on linemarvel and tell everyone to go get their hentai elsewhere? Because then your comment would make more sense. And some people here wouldn't mind getting their porn here at their convenience. Besides, we'd at least give some of these leechers a reason to actually start contributing
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

HentaiSpider would pitch a fit tent if the rep system showed who sent pos and neg reps because he won't be able to attack people from the shadows so to speak.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

HentaiSpider would pitch a fit tent if the rep system showed who sent pos and neg reps because he won't be able to attack people from the shadows so to speak.

Aww you ruined the surprise. We already suspected that he was one of the users behind the neg reps in the first place
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Well, by now it is common knowledge that he enjoys sending negreps just to people he knows would get a reaction. He.... instigates like that. One of the few irresponsible things he does admittedly, despite his usual stalwart and strict demeanor.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I don't think he was part of the rep flood on the MNF section. I can tell you that I did. I personally dont like mini communities that circlejerk until they've built up ridiculous amounts of rep and status for nearly nothing shared. I didn't try to spam though, I looked through the thread after it got some reports and found some posts I really didn't like or appreciate, but it was mainly focused on people with high rep and low post counts who were being abusive
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I personally do not like the MnF games. The sheer community around it proves that humans are willing to be spoonfed anything that tastes good if they have to be so to taste it.

The HentaiSpider Agenda is a completely different matter from this. I have known from a lot of sources that Spider likes to play with people who care about the rep system to "teach" them it doesn't matter. Kind of like a bully's mindset for "teaching the weak".

With that said, we need a rep reform anyway. Poorly grammatical and barely animated flashjob or not.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Well, by now it is common knowledge that he enjoys sending negreps just to people he knows would get a reaction. He.... instigates like that. One of the few irresponsible things he does admittedly, despite his usual stalwart and strict demeanor.
Regardless of whether he's one of the people doing the neg reps this whole time or not, all this served to do in my case was to make me more vocal around here, I would have been content with just submitting files for people and occasionally participating in discussions.

I don't think he was part of the rep flood on the MNF section. I can tell you that I did. I personally dont like mini communities that circlejerk until they've built up ridiculous amounts of rep and status for nearly nothing shared. I didn't try to spam though, I looked through the thread after it got some reports and found some posts I really didn't like or appreciate, but it was mainly focused on people with high rep and low post counts who were being abusive
Truth be told, your response to the matter in the MnF thread last month did arouse some suspension that you were one of the neg reppers or at least knew who they were.
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