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Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Event Timer: 4

Hold Escape Attempt

1+38 = 39 vs 51 = 9+32+10

The Squid doesn't yield at all to Suzy's struggles, and seems to hold her even tighter.

Hold Attempt

17+32+10 = 59 vs 57 = 7+50

Alexis cries out as her squid manages to wrap her arms close to her body. She quickly regains her composure, however, fearing she'll just upset Suzy more.

Escape Hold

19+50 = 69 vs 61 = 19+32+10

Alexis new found resolve allows here to break the squid's grasp with a little effort.


10+5+32 = 47 vs 50 = 12+38

Suzy's squid seems to enjoy her wet undergarmets, and is already aroused enough for its tentacles to start swelling. It brings one to Suzy's mouth, but she manges to shrink slightly away from it, so instead of oral, Suzy just gets some pre-cum in the eye.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Torn between growling and whimpering, a strange noise escapes Suzy's mouth, continuing to fight as hard as she could against the grapple. She barely registered Alexis' own cry, too hooked up in her own fight. Instead, she tried to lean down as if to bite one of the tentacles holding her arms, groaning as they swelled and compressed her body. Though the manoeuvre failed, it did mean that the approaching tentacle, which she had failed to see, splashed a bit of warm precum over her face instead of poking at her mouth. Blinking in shock, and clenching one eye shut against the trickle running down into it, Suzy's struggles renewed, and she snarled at the beast "Nice try, but you're not getting me! Now fucking let go!"

Realising what her angry snarls were inviting, Suzy then clenched her mouth shut tightly, struggling silently to deter any further attempts.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Event Timer: 3

Escape Hold

18+38 = 56 vs 56 = 14+32+10 (Well holy sh*t, you did it)

The near penetration was motivation enough for Suzy to break the squid's hold on her.

Penetration Attempt

11+32+5 = 48 vs 62 = 12+50

Alexis' squid, showing its lack of mental skills, decides that it might as well get a blow job before they lose the battle, as things arn't going well for them now. It only succeeds in smacking Alexis across the face with a tentacle in a parody of a bitch slap. This only makes Alexis mad.

Hit Chance

19+50 = 69 vs 47 = 5+32+10


(7+40)/3 = 16

Alexis slashes the monster in fury, dealing another 16 damage, the squid is reduced to 8 HP. This is a mortal wound, and the squid thrashes about in pain.

Hold Attempt

7+32+10 = 49 vs 42 = 4+38

Suzy's squid manages to get her wrapped back up, but is unable to molest her because of the brief escape.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

((Yay, a good roll!))

Suzy's face flashed a brief glow of hope as she slipped out of the squids grip, reaching her arm up to knife its tentacles off, but stifled a cry as her arms were snapped back to her sides, Gah! Why is this so hard! Stop it! she cried in her thoughts again, determined to keep her jaw clamped shut, and instead putting all her effort into writhing as quickly and unpredictably as she could, inspired by her brief escape. This time, she would escape with as many clothes on as possible, she had Alexis there, so they would come through. She knew it.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Event Timer: 2

Escape Hold

16+38 = 52 vs 59 = 17+32+10

Suzy's comitment to the fight almost gets her free, but not quite.

Penetration Attempt

13+32+5 = 50 vs 65 = 15+50

Alexis would have felt sorry for the squid if the situation wasn't so serious. All it wanted was a little suck, and it was failing badly.

Hit Attempt

16+50 = 66 vs 51 = 9+32+10


(8+40)/3 = 16

Alexis finishes the monster off with one last swipe, she is now free to help Suzy.

Penetration Attempt

6+32+5 = 43 vs 45 = 7+38

Suzy's squid once again attempts to get in some loving before it is surely defeated. Suzy's dodge is even closer then before, and some pre-cum gets in her hair.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy looks on in jealousy as Alexis strikes down her second foe, still fully clothed. It wasn't fair that her girlfriend got so lucky, but she wouldn't complain. It was nice to have a strong partner. Still, she couldn't help but feel a little inadequate compared to Alexis. Especially now that there was a decent amount of precum leaking down her face from the splodge in her hair, tied semi-naked in a flooded track. At least her struggles had prevented herself from being totally humiliated...

Determined to win back some resemblance of equality, Suzy thrashed even harder, trying to push herself at the Squid to throw it off balance and finally get out before Alexis could save the day again.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Event counter: NEXT TURN

11+38 = 49 vs 62 = 20+32+10

Suzy is starting to tire, she doesn't get close to slipping out this time.

Hit Attempt

20+30 = 50 vs 37 = 7+20+10 HIT


(6+40)/3 = 16

Alexis rushes over to Suzy "You leave her the hell alone!" She slices at a tenacle holding Suzy, causing it to drop her in the flooded tunnel. Alexis inflicts 16 damage, leaving the squid with 15 HP.

Special Attack: Acid

1+32+10 = 43 vs 5+30 HIT

Damage (2d10)

7+7 = 14

The squid, in an act of final defiance, launches its ink acid spray at Alexis. In the darkness she can't see it comming, and it its her square in the face. Her hands come up to cover it, screaming in pain, before she figures to just drop into the water to get it off. She takes 14 damage for 36 HP remaining.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy splashed into the water, sending her face under for a few seconds. She came up in time to see Alexis scream and fall, her own hair plastered to her skull. She looked on in horror as Alexis fell to the water, before tightening her grip around the pistols grip, snapping it up to bear, and unloading it into the beast with a furious shout "You bastard! You'll pay for hurting her!"
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

(I've become lazy with gun hit chances, forgive me)

(Point blank range, the -6 is the recoil only, I forgot to include that last time, but it didn't matter on any of them anyway)

1: 20 + 41 - 6 = 55 // 1 + 30 = 31 ... success
2: 41 + 9 - 6 = 44 // 18 + 30 = 48 ... failure
3: 3 + 2 - 6 = -1 // 13 + 30 = 43 ... failure
4: 36 + 21 - 6 = 51 // 5 + 30 = 35 ... success
5: 5 + 12 - 6 = 11 // 5 + 30 = 35 ... failure
6: 32 + 26 - 6 = 52 // 7 + 30 = 37 ... success

Damage (2d4) (One by one as you're only shooting at one enemy)

1: 2 + 2 = 4
2: 2 + 1 = 3
3: 4 + 2 = 6

Total Damage = 13

Suzy fires six shots, and half hit. The squid is seriously injured, it slumps down, but it's still alive. (2 HP, Suzy has 3 shots left in the pistol)

Hit Chance

11+30 = 41 vs 32 = 3+20+10


(3+40)/4 = 11

The monster tries to get away as Alexis stalks up to, one hand still holding her face, but the pathetic creature is on its last legs. Alexis stabs her knife right through where the brain should be, ending the pathetic thing's life. As she withdraws the knife and turns, Suzy can see a tear or two in Alexis' visible eye, even in the darkness.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy was about to unload the last few bullets into the monster, when she suddenly flicks her finger off of the trigger, laying it across the warm barrel as Alexis finished it off, smiling. Then, however, she noticed that Alexis was still in pain, and dashed over, slamming her knife into one of the squid corpses on the way so it didn't get lost. She opened her arms as she approached, calling out "Alexis! Oh god, what did they do to you?"

She ran straight into Alexis, wrapping her arms around her, nuzzling against her shoulder. After a couple of seconds of whispering "Alexis..." she looked up, and tried to peel Alexis' hand away from her face, cooing "It's alright, let me look, Alexis... Come on... I can't thank you properly with a hand on your pretty face..." softly, stroking her other hand through Alexis' hair, forgetting she was nearly naked, breasts flattening against Alexis', only concerned with her lovers safety, cooing sweet, calming nothings into her ear as she made Alexis show her the acid mark, leaning in to peck her on the cheek when she did.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Alexis was in quite a bit of pain. The acid burned a big swatch of her face, under her left eye, before she could get it off. Truth be told, most of her face had touched the acid, this one area was just alot worse. And it wasn't a normal burn, either. The acid made the flesh soft. The flesh was bit pinkish, if it was in normal light. It still hurt like hell, even though most if it was still there. Alexis' attempt to get the acid off had caused some damage though, there'd be a scar from that.

Alexis appreciated Suzy's attempt to comfort her, but would have just prefered a hug to her excitement. She really enjoyed Suzy's kiss on the mark, however. Alexis frankly didn't care what Suzy thought of it, but was happy she didn't mind it.

As soon as the embrace ended, they heard more splashing. However, fears were soon put to rest when they heard human voices. "Damn it! It sounds like we're too late!" Just then, two soliders rounded the bend from the direction of the earlier machine gun firing. They were decked out in military glow sticks the special ops used sometimes, though these were regular soliders.

"Well hot damn, survivors!" The speaker blushed slightly when he noticed Suzy's state of undress. However, when Alexis turned, her uniform showing, he stiffened up again. "Oh, are you two military, mams? You'd better come with us, we have a fortified position just up the tracks here."
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy's eyes widened at the extent of the damage, though she didn't say anything about it, not wanting to upset Alexis, just leaning forward to give her another kiss, noticing how she'd seemed to like it, then another on the lips. She glanced down at her semi-naked body, as if seeing it for the first time, and said "Well, looks like I managed to lose my new clothes already, huh? At least I kept your panties nice and safe! Looks like you were my hero again though, so maybe I'll have to reward you later, hmm?"

Suzy broke apart in fright as she heard the splashing, dashing to stand in front of Alexis. "I'm going to have to save you sometime too, you know that, right?" she said lightly, levelling the handgun at the other fork. When the soldiers came round the corner, Suzy almost cried out in relief, lowering the handgun as they called out to them, but instead shifting to covering herself up with her arms, embarrassed at their approving, yet awkward stares. "Uh... Um... H-hey! L-listen, my friend needs help, but I need to, uh... Get dressed before we go anywhere..." she stuttered, indicating Alexis' pain with a hand not too eager to leave their defensive position across her breasts,

She turned away as she went searching for the remnants of her clothes, and her knife. Finding the shirt, and relieved to see it was still in more-or-less one piece, a tear down the middle, but she could still wear it as an open shirt, which she did, a little disappointed it didn't lie in a way that covered her breasts without her holding it together. Luckily the intact sling for her rifle and camping pack did just that for her, leaving her top half decent. Unfortunately, her trousers weren't so lucky. They were shredded down the middle, leaving her with a couple of legs, pockets stuffed with all her spare underwear, ammo, and dirty bandanna. Sighing, Suzy turned these remnants into a miniskirt of sorts, just barely enough to cover her decency, as long as she didn't bend over.

She splashed back, making sure her dog tags were still secure around her neck, and joined Alexis with the soldiers, standing right next to the taller woman, just barely grazing their arms together. "S-Sorry about that... Anyway, uh, yeah, I'm Corporal Biggs, sniper. I'll, uh, leave my friend to introduce herself, Al?" she muttered, gesturing at the two men, making ready to follow them, after the pleasantries were dealt with. She was just glad that the two of them looked to be heading for a safe place at last.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Alexis gave Suzy a dirty look for calling her Al, though she didn't think Suzy saw it."Corperal Alexis Rider, also a sniper. We were in the Goodman Building a few blocks from here. I'm injured, but not badly, but I hope you have a medic". The soldiers nodded. "Well, we used to have a medic, we've lost alot of people." The solider glanced around a bit awkwardly. "If you're ready, let's get back before more squids show up."

As the four started to walk down the tunnel, the solider started again. "I'm Sergeant Redding, and this is Corperal Griggs, by the way. There's about fifteen of us hold up in the next station. Yesterday... there was alot more of us. There were two platoons stationed down here as a forward position. The monsters moved through the subway like the tracks didn't even bother them. When the nuke hit, we were the safest place for alot of people. We have people from all sorts of units, including some that were ground defense for your building. I hope you don't blame them for running, EMP knocked out their tank support."

They could see light at the end of the tunnel. The soliders had oil lamps hanging around the station. They could make out the heavy machine gun they'd heard earlier, pointed in their direction, a solider behind it ever ready. "We'll get you a new uniform right away Corperal, but first you gotta see the LT."
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

"Ah, of course not. Who'd want to stick around with all those... Monsters hanging about, hrm?" Suzy said nonchalantly, but when the two men turned away, she flicked a scalding look at them, eye twitching, though only Alexis would have been able to see. Someone would have hell to pay for that. At the wrong end of something pointy if need be.

As they approached the base, Suzy's scowl broke into a happy smile, glad to finally be back among other humans, though perhaps it wouldn't be all good if she weren't to be with Alexis all the time, shudder at the thought. She waved joviality at the machine gunner as they passed, a broad grin on her face as she lightly touched Alexis' arm. "Al... We're back!" was all she said, bathing in the lamplight as if it was washing away all of her troubles. Turning to the men, Suzy put on her professional face again, "Ah, but of course. I'll follow you, sergeant." she said, perhaps a little over-graciously.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

The soldiers brought the two snipers up to a man in an officer's hat, standing in the middle of the station. "Good to see more survivors. We had been picking up people quite frequently, but not for the past few hours. In addition, we've been under attack from about the same time, always from a different direction, about a thirty minute break. Our numbers are down quite a bit." The Lieutenant let that sink in for a moment, watching both girls faces. "Not what you were expecting, right? Aren't the officers suppost to keep us in line, keep moral up, that whole deal? Well, too bad. You know what we're in here, and we can't afford anyone living in a dream world. I have confidence that we'll make it through this, somehow." Watching the girls again, a smile came across the man's face. "No, I don't have field experience leading soldiers into battle, this was a field promotion from earlier yesterday. But don't look so glum, we'll get through this." With that the man patted each on the shoulder, and left to insepct something.

The Sergeant spoke again once he left. "Eh, he's a good man, not much of a leader, but he's behind us one hundred and ten percent. It seemed as if the Sergeant actually ran the show here. "Private Martins can help you with your face, Corporal. I think the monsters are done attacking for now, we have about thirty minutes before they will start again. I'd say both of you should take a breather, then get ready to hold the line." The solider pointed out the replacement medic to Alexis, and she left to get her face checked out, leaving Suzy alone, for the moment.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy stood to attention in front of the LT, her military training coming through, but she didn't salute. She wasn't properly dressed. She listened passively to his explanation, she liked his style already. No shit. If need be, she had her support right next to her, but Suzy was working hard to convince herself she wouldn't need Alexis' helping hand for the moment. She smiled warmly, and gave a mandatory "Thank you, sir!" as he patted the pair on the shoulders.

Suzy smiled at Redding after the officer had left, standing more at ease, and after Alexis had gone, spoke to him. "Sergeant, if the uniform is not a more pressing issue, would you mind directing me to any of those who fled the Goodman Building? I would like to speak to them.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

"Oh, yes, I'd forgot about the uniform. Well, I think I can answer both your questions at once here. Private Malik is about your size, she's guarding the North stairwell with Private Gray. She was part of the detail assigned to guard the building I believe. You can ask her to borrow a uniform." Redding pointed out which stairwell, incase Suzy didn't know which direction North was. "If you need anything further, don't hesistate to ask. We don't have much, but we take care of our own." With that, the Sergeant left.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

"Thank you, Sergeant, I'll go and see her right away." Suzy said to Redding as he turned to walk away, and started towards the North Stairwell, flushing furiously as she contemplated what she would do. So this girl had left her, and the rest of the sniper teams, including Alexis, to die, just because her pretty little tank had stopped working. On the way, she swung past the medic tent, hoping to catch a glimpse of how Alexis was holding up.

As she approached the two women on their stairwell post, Suzy checked again that her dog tags were out for them to see, and walked up. "Hello there. Corporal Biggs. I'm here to see Malik? The one who was at the Goodman Building yesterday? I was told to find her out here." she said with an air of friendliness.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

"Yes, that's me." Piped up the one on the left. She was about Suzy's height, maybe an inch taller, but skinnier. Unlike most female soliders, she had her blonde hair long, down to her mid-back in a ponytail. "My god, you look terrible, what happened to you?"
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy grinned, a little bit of malice coming onto her face. She strode up to Malik, ignoring Gray for now. "Pleased to meet you. I'd shake, but I'm a little dirty at the moment. Ahah, yes, this?" she said, indicating her grubby body and tattered clothing. "This is the result of you and your team running away from that damned skyscraper yesterday. Because you weren't there, monsters were instead. And I was none the wiser until I actually got there. I'll leave you to fill in the blanks, Private." she continued, her sadistic grin turning to a look of loathing. "Because you lot weren't there, things happened to me that I'm not going to repeat, because I'm just that nice, and don't want you to squirm too much." she continued coldly, waving the knife that she hadn't been able to put away, the makeshift sheath having been lost in the water. "So I'm just here to ask, why did you leave ALL of those snipers in that building to their fate, hrm? Just because you didn't have your lumbering tankies for backup?" she finished, spitting on the floor at the mention of the tanks.