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Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

There was some brusing around her neck, as if she'd been strangled or squeezed quite hard there. There were a few scractches as well, but not many, maybe signs of a struggle. Her arms and legs looked a bit bruised as well. Probably not something that happened to a large group.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Sighing and shaking her head, Kita got up after checking her supplies for useable items. She knew she should leave her gear, but then again why let it get wasted? Also, she had mixed feelings of her discovery. Sure she wanted her to get payment for being a brat, but not like this... Still, she shelved her thoughts and decided to head outside, planning to find a secure hiding place.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

There was very little left on the body, either the other's had scavenged the supplies already or maybe another survivor group. There was one mag of assualt rifle ammo in her uniform still, thet they'd missed somehow.

Outside, the street was clear. A short ways away Kita could see where the group had come out of a side passage earlier, it seemed like a long time ago but really wasn't. The street continued on the other way, the way the group had been heading before they decided to find a place to stay. There was no sign of them, or anyone that way, but it was the best lead, of course. Kita could just wander around on the back streets, too, for more cover, and maybe find something interesting.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita took stock of her current situation. The others had wanted to look for shelter before continuing, however, she was sure if she got anywhere NEAR where they had just been.... well, it wouldn't be pretty. Still, she grabbed her rifle and flitted through her pockets for anything else, then her boots for good measure. She didn't have much, especially where rations were concerned, so now it was a good idea to look for supplies. She'd travel up the original route the military ladies had planned, however she was sure she needed more supplies....
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

The road was quiet, oddly, but giving Kita ample time to calmly walk and think. Nothing stuck out along here as a place that'd be good for supplies or shelter, but peering down the side passages, there was an alternative. There were still alot of warehouses, perhaps Kita could break in and search one. If not, looking through their trash or external loading docks might still yield something useful.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Excelent idea, inner me, she thought in jest as she moved slowly towards one of the wharehouses. She'd check the perimiter then loot the inside. It was a flawless plan!
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

The next warehouse had some crates outside. They were labeled "Samson Food Company". One was opened at the top, a crowbar sitting near by. It was full of canned beans, the brown kind used for spicy foods. A few cans, probably six or seven, were taken, but the rest were still inside the crate. The others may or may not contain the same thing, same for the warehouse itself.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita would warily grab the crowbar, giving herself a sufficient armament in her opinion as she would look around slowly. She wasn't much for beans but some food would be pretty smart. Guess she'd have to work harder and check inside, and be wary on who else is here.. slowly she'd make her way to a entry.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

The door creaked open with a little bit of noise. The sound of someone searching through the stocks came to Kita, it stopped abruptly as the noisemaker heard the goth enter. She couldn't see the source, or hear any footsteps, but most definitely she had disturbed someone or something that now knew she was here.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita would fall silent, gripping her newfound crowbar as she slowly edged inside, shutting the door tight. Whoever this is could be another survivor, so she shouldn't just jump in and start shooting. She'd creep in and quietly calal out a 'H-Hello?" Her voice was strong but she was nervious...
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

A female voice laughed from a few aisles away, a little close for comfort and seizing upon Kita's nerviousness. "Why hello there. I wasn't expecting to meet another survivor, the area round here is pretty dead." A woman with long black hair in a pony-tail, tall, but not overly so, stepped out from the shadows. She had some type of large case secured to the back of her military uniform, holding an assault rifle in one hand and wearing a smirk across her face as she sized up Kita.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita halted as the other figure showed up. She held her rifle casually, but ready in case the other woman acted. "And just who on this side of crazy are you?" she asked. "As for it being dead, it's way too alive for my own comfort thank you..."
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

"Corperal Natalie Enns, at your service sweetie. The woman walked around Kita, quite obviously checking her out. "Don't you worry one bit, a big bad sniper is here to protect you now."

(Forgot to color last time x.x)
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

"Ya, well the last orginized group tells me that some fragments of the military are kinda off the deep end. Then again considering how they act, there's not much room for comparison," she added, glaring back as she was circled. "And trust me, I can take care of myself..."
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

"Hmmm, whatever floats your boat honey." The solider stopped circling Kita after a few minutes. "Well, I was just looking for some dinner, and then maybe a place to curl up for a nap, why don't you join me?" She walked to the nearest box, pulling a small knife and breaking the seal, but still keeping an eye on the goth behind her.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Cautiously, Kita slung her weapon over her shoulder and followed the other woman. "I guess a meal wouldn't be a bad idea, considering I've not gotten much into me as of late..." plopping down beside the girl, she looked her over for a sec. "So, how's you managed to hold up so long by yourself?"
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

"Oh, I haven't always been alone. Had a partner when the nuke went off, but he bit it pretty quickly after that. Found a hot young thing stubling upon my hideout I was trying to hold up on, but sadly she let the monsters in and then fell to her death, such a shame." It was really creepy, Natalie maintained a somewhat cheerful and playful tone as she talked. She paused for a moment to pat the item strapped to her back. "She did bring me this, though, a real, honest to goodness laser. Cuts through the baddies like a knife through butter! A evil sounding cackled filled the room as the solider finished opening the box, pulling a potato out. "Hmmm, not the best, there's probably something more tasty around here..." She moved onto the next row, waving Kita to either follow or start searching herself.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Most people would have caught on the serial killer vibe of her casualy discussing the creatures slaying her other companions, however Kita more caught onto the last bit and thought of oone simple 7-letter word in her head- BFG-9000. She. Wanted. That. Gun. "Laser eh? What's it work on?" she asked, following her to search.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

"Solar power, with a decent battery. Kinda unstable, how many shots and how strong varries." The sniper giggled again, as if recalling something that had happened as she opened another crate, this time full of oranges. She tossed one back to Kita. "These look pretty good, eh?" She took a bite of another, right through the outer covering.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita grabbed the fresh fruit, biting into the peel enough to pull the covering off, the smell of citrus soon permiating the vicinity. "Interesting... almost sounds like some kinda scifi tech..." she murmered, slowly nomming the fresh fruit.