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The Unseen (SirOni)

Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

The man leaps from the embankment, down to Alex's level. However, he falls, and Alex can see that his shirt is torn, and green scales are on his back, much like the man she encountered earlier. "If you don't get away from my fort, I'LL KILL YOU!" With that, the man charged, quickly closing the distance.

Hit Attempt

8+25 = 33 vs 59 = 14+45

Luckily, the man seems quite out of it. He misses by a mile, stumbling as his forward momentum carries him past Alex slightly.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

"Ohshitohshitohshit!" Alex thinks to herself as the man leaps down and makes a swing for her, though luckily his aim was off so she dodged it without effort. Her mind raced back to the homeless guy puking his guts up as she caught a glimpse of the green on Mr. Lumberjack's back and wondered whether there was a connection between the rash-like thing and the monsters.

Pushing those thoughts out of her mind for now Alex thinks of nothing except for her own safety, and as the man had attacked her when she showed no signs of wanting to harm him she had no problem with defending herself. Bringing her arm up thats holding the pipe she swings down at the man, hoping to knock him out before they bring unwanted attention to themselves.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Hit Attempt

10+45 = 55 vs 42 = 17+25

Damage (pipe, d10, bashing)

(6+20)/2 = 13

Alex got in a good hit, right on the back of the shoulder, but the man wasn't detered for long, he was too angry to stop.

Grapple Attemp

5+40 = 45 vs 46 = 1+45

The man runs into Alex and attempts to wrap his arms around her, but she is slighty quicker and jumps back before he can complete the grab.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

With a grunt of anger Alex successfully sidesteps the berserker jumberjacks tackle as she brings her pipe down on him with a resounding thwack. Lifting the pipe up again she brings it down at him once more.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Hit Attempt

15+45 = 60 vs 36 = 11+25

Damage (pipe, d10, bashing)

(10+20)/2 = 15

Alex's next blow is insanely poweful. She can almost here the man's bone shatter as she brings the pipe around into his forearm. He howls in pain, and stops for a second, but then leaps once more to grab Alex.

The man now has 12 HP (forgot to mention his count last time)

Grapple Attempt

17+40 = 57 vs 47 = 2+45

Alex wasn't ready for the sudden surge of strength in the man, and he tackles her to the ground.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

A grunt of pain followed by the sound of all the air in Alex's lungs suddenly being forced out can be heard as she is tackled to the ground by the crazed man. Without trying to break free she lets out a cry as she brings the pipe down on him yet again.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Hit Attempt (Grapple v Grapple)

12+37 = 49 vs 49 = 9+40

Being on her back, swinging the pipe is quite hard to do while hitting the intended target. Alex misses by a good measure.

Clothes Rip

(he gets -10 cause you arn't held)

4+40-10 = 34 vs 50 = 13+37

The man, in his pain, decides he's going to just rip Alex's clothes off right then and there. Alex is still free to manuever, and as such, easily blocks the man's uncoordinated attacks.
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Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex growls in frustration as she misses her assailant then in surprise as he tries, and fails, at tearing her clothes off.

"Damn pervert!" She half shouts as she brings the pipe down on him once more.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

(Man, I had a typo back there that should have given you a hit, though it was still a tie. I ususaly award ties to the player. If you want, I'll deduct some more damage between this turn and next, or you can just say the tie went to the enemy this time (though why would you do that). If you hit this time, he dies, simple as that, sorry bout that.)

Hit Chance

17+37 = 54 vs 50 = 10+40

Alex swings the pipe and connects with the man's face, breaking his nose. The trama causes near instant dead, and he slumps lifeless on top her, hands still, hands still shaped into claws.

(I've added 40 xp to your score)
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

As Alex's attack deals a fatal blow to the crazed lumberjack she lets out a sigh of relief as he falls lifeless. She lays there for a few moments to catch her breath her chest rising and falling rapidly, though as the events that had just transpired wash over her she quickly scrambles to her feet, the corpse pushed roughly off her.

Looking down at the body Alex drops her pipe as her hands rise to her mouth as she fights back the urge to vomit. Tears start to well up in her eyes as she begins to mentally justify what she had done.

"Ohshit, what have I done?!" She thinks to herself as she stares down at the man, her body shaking all over. "I...I-I just killed a man..but..he..he attacked me even though, even though I made it clear I wasn't going to a-attack him.." Her eyes dart around the lumberjacks 'fort', her emotions as well as the illumination playing havoc with her at the moment. "I..I had to attack back..or he would've killed me..Right? Yeah..I have to be right...I have to be.."

During her mental argument Alex had knelt down closer to the body, her eyes staring blankly at it while she was doubting and reassuring herself. Soon though after convincing herself that she was in the right and there was no way anyone could accuse her of cold blooded murder she snapped back to reality though tears streaked down her face. She picks her pipe back up and looks at it, her partner in this crime. She scowls at it, as if judging it guilt for the murder she had commited before lowering it back down. She then puts her hood up, to her it now acted as a barrier to keep out everyone, or at least keep them distant from her.

Remembering the man was toying with something in his pocket she decides to check his pocket before searching the area for anything she could use, specifically a backpack otherwise she'd most likely have to leave the majority of the useful items she finds behind. Once she has finished searching Alex would also take the axe if she has the room for it.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

In the man's pocket Alex finds a lighter. He must have been intending to use it to light the moat. If anything the man's "fort" was indeed something he created. Searching the area, the fort included, Alex found some provisions in a backpack on top of one of the seats, as well as three road flares near the door. The man hadn't fortified the bus very much yet, it seemed.

Infact, once inside, the thing didn't really feel all that safe. Sure, the moat could go up, but aside from attracting more monsters, it'd burn itself out quite fast, and then what. Despite being at a bottleneck, either side of the bus was "open ground", or as clear as the highway could get, atleast. Lots of room for waves of enemies to attack all at once.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

"At least coming this way wasn't a complete loss," Alex thinks to herself bitterly as she picks up the flares, puts them in the bag along with her pipe and puts the backpack on. Once back out of the vehicles Alex picks up the axe, weighs it in her hands for a moment and then pockets the lighter.

"Good thing this isn't Fallout 3. Would be hell trying to take out a Super Mutant with this," She quietly mutters to herself then lets out a short laugh despite herself. Looking back at the oil she considers lighting it up then making a dash to somewhere safe, hoping the fire will attract any nearby creatures so she could walk around with relative safety for a short while. She fingers the lighter inside her pocket while considering her idea, though after all it would most likely mean her losing the lighter as if she got close to light the oil she'd most likely end up burning herself in the process. Finally deciding against it she makes her way back to the previous area. Now with an axe in her possession maybe she'd be able to hack a way through the fence blocking her way out of the city.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex made short work of the fence. That left the embankment to climb. It was tough going, but the axe could be used as a climbing pick, if she was carefull.

Once at the top, Alex has a good view of suburbia. A little ways off was a neighborhood of cookie cutter houses, past that the town shopping mall and civic buildings. Past that was hard to tell, but Alex could almost see what seemed to be a guard tower.

The suburb seemed to be mostly intact, though the farther away from the actual city, the more damage. that was quite odd, the opposite seemed like the logical way things would work, what with the monsters comming from the city.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex wiped the sweat off her brow and let out a sigh as she finally climbed up the embankment. Leaning forward she allowed herself a moment to catch her breath before taking in her surroundings. She frowned at the sight of the damage, trying to think of why there would be damage here when the center of the attack seemed to be further in the city. Soon she came to the only conclusion that made sense to her; someone, probably the army must've come in first and pushed the monsters back but they had to pull out for some reason. At least, thats what would normally happen in her video games.

Quickly checking left and right to make sure nothing was following her Alex makes a slow descent down the embankment and heads towards the suburbs all the while keeping in cover so that she would be harder to spot than if she was just out in the open.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

The trip to the first row of houses was easy. Despite being on open ground, nothing saw her. There wasn't much cover at the street, but there was some, a public mail box, a bus stop, Alex had her pick.

The houses were mostly intact, though a few had the doors busted down, their interiors all dark. The streets were mostly clean, even of the paper that seemed to be scattered everywhere else in the city proper. Infact, the area looked pretty normal from this angle, except for the lack of cars, people, and the occasional break in, making the whole thing more surreal then it would be otherwise.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex quickly darts between cover as she makes her way to the deserted street of the village. While the lack of activity and overall life in general seems to unnerve her, Alex inwardly gives thanks to the lack of people here.

Squatting behind a car Alex quickly runs some plans through her head, unsure of what to do next. After several minutes thinking she decides to head into the nearest building, intending on finding either some useable items or even just a place to hide for a while.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex runs to a house across the street. The door is wide open, the interior dark. However, compared to some of the other buildings, there is very little damage. Besides the busted open door, there aren't any sides of a struggle, no mess inside, or anything of the sort.

The house is clean and tidy, making a search easy. However, besides the general household items, there is nothing of value here. The family does have what seems to be a decorative sword, but its practical use in combat is questionable. On the bright side, the power hasn't been out long enough to warm the food in the fridge, and Alex can have a nice rest before moving on.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

The first thing Alex notices about the room is how little damage it has sustained, though she doesn't note it as being suspicious at the moment as she is relieved to find somewhere that she could use as shelter for now.

Alex glances at the sword for a moment, though from her knowledge of ornamental swords they're more often than not blunt and wouldn't prove to be of much use against whatever tried to attack her unless she sharpened it. And she didn't think she had the time to do that.

Instead Alex decided to rummage around the kitchen in the hopes of finding any foodstuff that wouldn't take up much room but would last a while without needing to be refridgerated. After that she would then try to find anything else that may be of some use.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

The kitchen cabinets have a few canned goods, and can opener. The best bet for food that won't go bad. Alexis also finds some shopping bags for easy transport, though taking more then one bag would probably be a burden anyway.

Alex also finds the water is running, the sink has an annoying slow leak, the kind that just drips and makes noise. In this case that annoyance is actually a good thing, for once, as now the girl knows she can fill up a bottle with water. She might have otherwise had no idea that not all of the public services were out.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Looting through the cupboards Alex decides to take several cans just in case, though she puts them in her backpack so that she isn't hampered by the carrier bag. And there would be less noise.

Noticing the leaking faucet Alex quickly looks around for any empty containers that she could seal any water in, if she does find any she fills them up and places them in her backpack as well before making her way catiously back out of the house. She then continues her way out of the city, taking whatever route out of the village that looks the safest and the most shadowed.