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Request: List Of Run Or Rape Games

Re: Request: List Of Run Or Rape Games

You can always just shoot him an email.
Re: Request: List Of Run Or Rape Games

sry to be a pain but also a help select said jp text if it is selectable then goto and translate from jp to english m8

oh and ppl no offence intended here but i'm not tryin to tell ya's what to do or anything else but plz try to keep the double and triple postings to a min plz

I do know how to use google translate mate :p I'm not quite that noobish.

The problem was more that most of the games listed there weren't actually ROR games, they seemed to be ROE: Rape on Ending, which I'm less keen on mainly because I rarely find any that are animated/no integration with gameplay.

Also the thread was about ROR.

Found one that looked promising but unfortunately carried the same name as some rubbish RTS style flash game (which took up all of the first bazillion hits). I couldn't be bothered to scroll through dozens of pages on the off chance of finding it.
Re: Request: List Of Run Or Rape Games

Hey, sorry to ask but I've read about the RoR game named 'Raped!' a couple times now but can't find the actual game itself. Searching the forums or online the name kinda produces pages of hits. Could anyone direct me to the thread or download? Thanks.
Re: Request: List Of Run Or Rape Games

Hey, sorry to ask but I've read about the RoR game named 'Raped!' a couple times now but can't find the actual game itself. Searching the forums or online the name kinda produces pages of hits. Could anyone direct me to the thread or download? Thanks.

Re: Request: List Of Run Or Rape Games


Always loved these games that were like Streets of Rage. Sadly, they are always way too damn short. And I hate the games like Sex Mugen because if I have to go on the internet and download a list of instructions on how to do a specific attack, it takes all the fun out of playing the game. Especially when the combo includes you pressing up on the joystick or d pad. You want to know what happens when you press up on those game? YOU JUMP!! So of course it's not going to work! 0_E
Re: Request: List Of Run Or Rape Games

I agree wholeheartedly. I never even gave Sex Mugen a try after i saw the move instructions. And yeah, Raped! and such are way too short. I think i've always been more interested in games with multiple enemies. (Raped!, Fairy War, Jungle Girl)
Re: Request: List Of Run Or Rape Games

I can't differentiate any of that ROA shit. There's the all-encompassing RPG, then, to my knowledge, there's a bunch of different liberties people have taken with the sprites in making other games. What's that one sorta like raped with the shitload of mantas? And are there any others along those lines with those similar designs and sprites? Cuz frankly I don't know the developer site off hand, and I'm sure that even if I did go there, I couldn't tell heads or tails of the links.
Re: Request: List Of Run Or Rape Games

It's horrendously hard to find, I heard there was a new version up and tried to hunt it down through this forum, but the links were old and I couldn't work out which file I was supposed to be downloading (especially as most of the newer versions are that irritating RPG).

When I say horrendously hard, I mean for someone like me with the short term memory of a goldfish and the powers of concentration of a squirrel on coffee.
Re: Request: List Of Run Or Rape Games

:confused: where are all the developers??? :confused:

apart from fairy fighting no 1 is updating their games on regular basis...
Re: Request: List Of Run Or Rape Games

Cause they are living creatures and they got a real life.
They need to make money, go shopping and care about realtionships.

They just need time, every developer need much time.
Even more if he is developing only by himself.
Re: Request: List Of Run Or Rape Games

Are you implying that eluku is not a living creature?
Re: Request: List Of Run Or Rape Games

i think thats roa2? i have it... somewhere...

Yeah, it´s ROA, the latest update (Which did away with most characters and only left Rydia) is the 5th link in here

Should read ROA033.rar
Re: Request: List Of Run Or Rape Games

ugh, I'd imagine it wont play for me cuz it has to be in jap settings?
Re: Request: List Of Run Or Rape Games

Applocale can help for some stuff, it's done me pretty well so far.

-edit: Btw, does anyone know how many levels there are in ROA? I'm only getting the mantas atm, do the succubus girls make an appearance?
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Re: Request: List Of Run Or Rape Games

The previous version had the succubi but this one doesn't... Been lurking on the dev's site I put up for a while but they haven't done anything.
Re: Request: List Of Run Or Rape Games

So I don't really understand the language settings thing. How is it that different versions may or may not require it? And how could you be able to play a demo without the language settings but not do the game without them? It seems like it's not necessary in that case.
Re: Request: List Of Run Or Rape Games

I was thinking about just buying a cheap netbook with the OS cd and just install the jap settings, but then the more high quality games and even some low quality games would be really slow and the screen would be tiny and... blah blah blah. I wish there was just one main language that all 7 continents spoke... would make this so much easier. And I wouldn't have to fail spanish classes...
Re: Request: List Of Run Or Rape Games

So I don't really understand the language settings thing. How is it that different versions may or may not require it? And how could you be able to play a demo without the language settings but not do the game without them? It seems like it's not necessary in that case.

Sometimes the problem isn't about the language settings, but people don't know what's causing it and they just say that's the problem, happens a lot expecially when you discuss technical difficulties(with not very knowledgeable people) on the internet. Usually, if someone doesn't need langset and someone does, than the problem isn't langset.
Re: Request: List Of Run Or Rape Games

everyone did so far.