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Grain of Sand (Garran)

Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

Finally leaving into the blazing sun, Garran wiped a bit of sweat from his brow. The heat was still almost unbearable, but now that he had finally had rested, he should be ok. Plus, he didn't think the Pharaoh would need to ever subject him to such punishment ever again since his last ordeal humbled him quite a bit.
Off in the distance, he saw a town soon approaching as they continued to walk closer and closer.

Well... if only I had chosen to run in this direction instead, probably wouldn't be in this me- His body stiffened as he soon began to see figures appearing, the scorpion girls that had ravaged him breathless that one day.
On second thought, maybe I did choose the better route.
His feet hesitated to walk for a moment as the idea of the Pharaoh subjecting him to the scorpion woman crawled into his brain. A quick tug on his neck reminded he was tethered physically, and sped his walking speed to prevent the Pharaoh from giving him another nasty choke pull. As he bit his lip, he dreaded what he thought was about to occur.

"Stay here, boy." The Pharaoh ordered.
Wait... what? Sure! No problem! Gladly! Heh... Relief waved over him, and he did as he was ordered without any objection. However, he could already feel the suns heat bearing upon him as he continued to do his best to wait right where she left him. But it was getting too hot. There was a nearby building, and luckily the sun was on the other side of it, casting a shadow across the floor.
Well I'm sure she won't mind if I just move a couple of feet over there.
A deep breath escaped his lungs as he relaxed against the wall to calm his brain down. Stressing too much was never good, and stress was the only thing he has had since he arrived here. Now was probably a good time just to empty his mind and not think, sort of meditation in a way. It was also the first time he actually really had his own time to do what he really wanted.

It didn't last long, as he felt another pull at his neck with the Pharaoh demanding him to follow. The tug caught him by surprise, he grunted in a bit of pain as the collar squeezed tightly about his throat. But he gave an affirmative and obedient nod as soon afterwards.
Ok, good... we're leaving. Hopefully we'll leave the desert all together.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

Anubis brings Garran along back to the mobile throne she had rode in before from the pyramid to the village. She wasted no time in reaching it, and taking her seat on the throne. Tapping the end of her staff down on the side of her throne, she commanded Garran to sit down next to her. "Fold your legs, and take your place below me," she stated, putting emphasis on the fact that Garran would only sit next to her on the floor of the carriage like a pet.

Before he could do that, however, Roa came up to Garran's side, wrapped an arm around his neck, and pulled him in close, "I see you're doing as you're told now~ Good! You'll need to fight for your master, so make use of this!" she announced, handing Garran a blade and sheath. The sheath was brown, and the blade was plain, fit for an expendable soldier, but effective enough. After giving him the cheap weapon, Roa folded her legs, and put her paws down in the middle of her legs, her stance awfully fitted to a feline's as she and Anubis waited for Garran to follow Anubis's command.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

Garran still had to admit, the Pharoah still looked very elegant upon her throne. Sure enough, she ordered him to take a seat next to her. Before he could do so however, his back stiffened as he felt the soft body of Roa pressing against him. Nerving himself to relax, he let out a deep breath and listened to Roa, surprised to find her offering him a blade, stating he'd have to "fight for his master". He almost spoke back saying that he'd never even been in a real fight before he came to the island, but he had a feeling such statements would just be ignored. Taking his place, he seated himself as he studied the blade.

Seemed simple enough, nothing fancy. Reminded him of a starter weapon that you would get at the beginning of most RPG's he had played back at home. But he had the feeling he wouldn't be killing rats in the cellar basement or anything easy like that.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

Taken aboard the platform the Anubis sat in, Garran was given a cold stare from Anubis' blood red eyes. "It is a taboo amongst monsters to kill men. Because of their hesitance, I want you to strike without mercy when I order it," she commanded Garran. "There will be a force waiting to prevent our journey into the lands of the East. You're going to help defeat it."

"Great Pharaoh, he'd probably just lose the first few seconds of the battle," Roa stated with skepticism.

"I know," Anubis replied. "In fact, he'll be a prime target during the battle, making him a grand distraction," she said as if she planned on Garran being bait from the start.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

What, now I'm even incapable to fight? They just look for excuses to demean. Fine. If I'm bate, I'll make whatever the hell it is work for it. Least try to show her that I'm not as pathetic as she thinks I am. Hell, I did resist her pretty damn long. Only the option of death was what made me finally agree.

Ignoring their obvious stabs at his self confidence, he figured he should be allowed to at least inquire one thing.
"So, you want me to keep whatever it is occupied while you do whatever it is that your planning to defeat this thing? Shouldn't be too hard. So what is it that I'm going up against exactly? Am I allowed to kill it if I get the chance?"
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Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

Upon being asked if he could kill it, Roa looked to the pharaoh as they both grinned at each other, and were quickly brought to laughing. While Anubis looked straight ahead to the sands they were to walk, Roa kept glancing at Garran as she was brought to tears amidst her laughter. "Yeah, kill her!" Roa supported the idea. "Knock her dead, champ! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" Roa laughed loudly.

"Do your best, Garran," was all Anubis had to add to the mockery. She seemed confident as well that he would fail to even remotely compare to whatever awaited him.

Then, they went over the battle plan. From what they described of their foes, the scorpions would handle the larger group, while Roa, Anubis, and Garran would take care of their leader, who was described to be insanely powerful, as they each took delicate care in their strategy to try and defeat her. "We'll need him to survive longer than a fraction of a second against her," Roa announced. Anubis nodded, "We'll have to let her toy with him while we watch. The moment we force her to get serious, he'll be useless to us. Concentrate on your magic until you're ready to strike, Roa." the pharaoh instructed her. Garran was left completely out of the discussion. His purpose was clearcut, merely to keep her occupied with himself while they prepare their most powerful attacks.

Under those orders, Garran eventually saw mountains come into view. The mountains seemed to stretch, as if a border to prevent something from passing through. Given Anubis' intentions, it seemed as if it was made to keep her within the desert. From the base of the mountains, vegetation was seen to be growing. Palm trees, and even cacti began to show up, where the land was devoid of even such plants due to the harsh environment.

"She already knows." Anubis sighed. "And we only got this close. What a damned annoying guard dog, she is."

Roa let out a hum, her expression serious. "Well, let's stop here then, and brace ourselves. Garran, go out in front. You'll be our 'strongest fighter,'!" Roa giggled as she pushed against his back with her paw.

Not a moment later, a large gateway, the size of what Garran would remember of most gas stations, would open up. It's borders shifted like water, with it's large mass inside the border appearing like some kind of void, constantly shifting colors. From the other side, Garran saw what seemed to be little girls stepping out from the otherworldly void, with a particular girl leading the rest, who all wore witch hats.

From the leader of the youthful looking girls, Garran felt a strange kind of intense pressure from her. The air around her thickened, and the gravity of the world seemed to double, enough to make his legs nearly give way, and bring him to the ground. "Heh, it's been a long time since you last squirmed from within your prison, Anubis." the girl spoke with a surprisingly mature voice. "Why does this pathetic human stand before me?" she asked without even looking at Garran. To her, he was so insignificant that she needn't even spare him a glance. "Do you plan to give him to me as a bribe to pass by?"

"He possesses a chosen soul," Anubis replied. "I won't even need to law a paw on you, he will destroy you." she stated calmly, now she actually seemed to have great confidence in Garran, contrary to before.

But rather than intimidate her, the girl wielding the large scythe laughed aloud, "Really? How amusing!" she roared with amusement, before planting the butt of her scythe on the sands, and holding one of her paws out to him. "Are you really more than you seem? All I can sense is a pathetic little bag of meat with legs. Can you really destroy me?" she asked with a wide grin.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

They both made it quite clear that they didn't have a single bit of confidence in him, and his eye twitched in irritation at just how much they laughed and mocked his every word. Roa especially was pissing him off, at least the Pharaoh was making her mockery more sarcastic and toned down. Roa was just laughing herself to death though. If he ever had wanted to hit a woman before, right now would probably be one of those times. Course they were vastly stronger than him, but for some reason the idea of him being tortured by these woman wasn't as bad as being locked up in prison... less that's what they would of done.
He continued to listen to the orders, ignoring all the little jabs and pokes at his "useless" self. Garran knew himself though that he probably wouldn't last too long in the fight, but he at least wanted to last longer than they had expected him to. As they got closer though, it seemed like less of a desert and more plants growing about.

Finally, a change of scenery. Getting tired of all this sand everywhere.

Roa pushed him forward, again mockingly giving him a title that had no meaning to it really. A portal opened up before him, and woman that seemed to resemble witches emerged. But what got his attention most was what he guessed to be the leader. She held a powerful presence, and it was terrifyingly strong, he could pretty much feel it in his bones. But despite all this, he wasn't sure what to think.

Your... your kidding right? It's a kid! A kid! A small little girl! Granted, she has horns and a giant ass scythe but she's still a kid! What the hell is going on here? How would a kid be so strong? But... perhaps I won't need to fight her. I just need to stall her, right? Maybe I could... well lets give it a shot.

The girl then spoke to the Pharaoh. "Do you plan to give him to me as a bribe to pass by?"

Now it was his turn to scoff. He tried to hide it, but Garran ended up giving a small snort which he tried to cover up afterwards with a cough.
That's disgusting!
The girl did finally turn his attention to him, mocking him about his feebleness in power.

"Are you really more than you seem? All I can sense is a pathetic little bag of meat with legs. Can you really destroy me?" she asked with a wide grin.


Garran cleared his throat, unsheathing his sword. But instead of taking a fighting stance, he casually hung the blade over his shoulder with a smile.

"Ok. First of all, I'm not a pedophile, so even if I was being offered to you, I'd pretty much kill myself right here and now before getting raped by a little girl. Don't get me wrong, you're a very cute girl. I'm sure you'd get a boyfriend no problem... in the third grade. Secondly, I do apologize but I was expecting almost a war torn warrior that would possibly even cover my body with their own shadow. I'd have no problem killing a grown person. But now I'm not sure if I can bring myself to destroy you now that I've met you. Killing children is kinda against my own moral codes. Though I suppose after the battle I could just send you to your room." He was almost even tempted to go far as to pat her on the head like a parent would for their own kid.
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Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

Smirking, the baphomet seemed amused by Garren, but said nothing. Instead, she began to walk forward, advancing towards him with a casual stride. Her head tilted up to stare at his eyes, she seemed to be watching for any movement he might make as she steadily got closer, constantly smirking at him. Meanwhile, both Anubis and Roa frowned, and looked to each other, before Anubis made a gesture, and Roa nodded, tensing up in preparation. 'You will have to step in, Roa,' Anubis thought to herself. 'A weakling like him, she just seems intent on pushing him aside...'
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

Extending his arm, he held the blade out in front of him as she approached. He didn't lunge forward, or make a threatening move, more like he was just pointing at her.

Anything that involved conflict, Garran had always played on the defensive, rather than offensive. He had done his fair share of karate, even some wrestling that his dad had signed him up for as a kid. Granted, he had never gotten to his blackbelt, but that was most likely due to him not wanting to really be in a crowd. It would of required him to take his test while a bunch of strangers watched him. For some reason, that unnerved him and he never got it. He loved doing sparring though, whether it was public or not. Failing a test was nerve racking and only made him more uneasy while others watched over his shoulder. Failure in a fight however, was just a way of telling him he missed something and needed to learn it. There is always somebody who is a better fighter. Losing might be a certainty, but you never learn by constantly winning. He had never changed one thing though. Always waiting for the first strike, it was best to counterattack rather than start the fight.

So now that he thought about it, using a sword was most likely going to get him killed. It was a good weapon, but always limited mobility.
Garran dropped the sword to the ground, taking a firm stance planting himself to the floor as his fists raised in front of him.
"So.... we going to set up camp here, or we going to fight?"
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Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

Stopping when he dropped his sword, the horned girl grinned, and suddenly laughed at his announcement. "Ha, ha, ha! Is your plan to make me feel pity for attacking an unarmed opponent? You look like a fun idiot, so I'll play along~" she giggled, before slamming her scythe into the sands, following what appeared to be binding magics holding it in place, before the horned girl was unarmed as well. "So you want me to attack first? My pleasure~" she giggled, stepping with a light skip towards Garran, before throwing her fist down at the ground with horrible accuracy, a fair foot in front of his own feet, an attack that just looked silly.

That is, it looked silly until the moment her paw struck the sand, and send an otherworldly blast of energy from the point of impact as if a beast possessing a million times the strength someone of her size should have had slammed it's limb down. The result of such an attack was that Garran found himself spinning through the air from the sheer force of wind that erupted from the attack, slowly spinning back down to the sands with a heavy crash.

"I'll give you a handicap~" the girl giggled, "I'm going to defeat you without even laying a paw on you~" she boasted with a pompous laugh, hands on her hips with an expression on her face that was fairly certain that she had already won, and she was just toying with Garran.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

Garran's body hit the ground hard, his spinal cord coursing pain up to his mind before finally settling down onto the sand after repeated impacts on the floor. He struggled to stand back up, holding his head from the recoil his neck had endured.

Well that's just great. Magic. One thing martial arts doesn't cover. This is total..

"This is total bullshit. Of course you can hurt me without laying a paw on me. All you got to do is wave your damn sticks, scythes, hands, or whatever the hell you have to cast your Houdini spells to do everything for you."

Spitting to the side, he got back into a fighting stance.

"That's perhaps the only thing I've ever seen people do here. Magic. If something doesn't work for them, use magic. You wanna catch a guy? Magic. You want to break his will mind and body? Magic. You want to clean up your own damn dirty laundry?! You people can't even get dressed without using magic. I bet the mere thought of using your hands for manual labor is a nightmare for you. Magic!! If I had magic, then I probably would stand a chance. The reasons of using magic to all of you is because you know it and I don't. Simple. You're too damn afraid to actually fight, or even risk the possibility by going on fair standards." He made a sneer of his own.

"Though I suppose that's how children always are. All they care about is winning, doesn't matter how. No matter how lowly and cheap it is. And where I come from, if I did beat you physically, it'd be called child abuse. Then I'd be put in jail and raped by men instead of many of the beautiful woman here in this world. So I suppose I shouldn't complain now that I have a chance to finally beat an annoying brat, who's mother had never taught them any manners."

Shifting his stance into offensive

It was stupid, but it was all he really could do. He charged. Scooping up some sand in his hand, and he prepared to jump if the girl did another one of those earthquakes she could make. As he approached her as close as he could get, quickly then threw the sand into the girls eyes with his left hand, and delivering an under hook punching blow to her stomach with his right.
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Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

The Baphomet laughed at him. "Magic, you say? You still don't understand the extent of what I am, it seems. Did you only just recently crash into this island? How amusing~" she chuckled, having had an amused tone and expression ever since he called her power under the use of magic. Planting herself firm, she rose a paw of invitation. "Very well then~ Go ahead and hit my poor, delicate little body with all you have~" she giggled.

The Baphomet closed her eyes when he through the sand, but even as he charged at her, she didn't move. He felt his fist slam into her stomach, but he also felt as if his hand had hit something incredibly firm. When next he inspected, the girl didn't budge an inch, and merely looked at him with a grin. "What was that?" she asked mockingly. "Are you going easy on me, or is that really the extent of your strength? You're weak as well as annoying, just like an insect it seems." she said with a conclusive sigh. "With such a stupid expression on your face, I would have fun torturing you, but I think it's almost time for those two desert bugs to be done with their hopeless preparations. I can't even see their threads, but your utter pathetic level of power is proof enough they just want to stall me, isn't that right?" she asked towards Anubis and Roa.

"Guess we have no choice, no element of surprise for us." Roa said, while Anubis stood from her throne.

"Get out of the way now, Garran. You've stalled for long enough," she instructed him, before the very ground began to tremble and Garran felt a sudden pressure squeeze him hard enough to make him short of breath, the source, he could feel, was Roa and Anubis.

Anubis hopped down from her throne, and drew her sword, while Roa stepped off to the side, hunching down on all fours in a threatening posture, hissing at Baphomet, who drew her scythe back to herself and grinned at Garran. "If you don't do as they said, boy, you'll die in an instant." she warned him, even referring to him as a child.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

She wasn't going to move? Big mistake. He made sure this blow was going to hurt. With a slight grin on his face, he felt his fist make a solid perfect impact upon the girls body. What followed next though was unexpected, as a sudden pain radiated through his fist, and back up his arm and shoulder. The energy he had put into his punch had dispersed back into his body. It was similar to when he had failed at punching through a couple of boards during his practice sessions in class. The feeling of failing on thick bricks were mind numbingly painful as well. He knew without needing to second guess, he had failed to follow through with his punch on this girls "brick wall" of a body.

His face drained of color and now wore an expression of ghastly realization. That's impossible! I threw in enough strength to at least break a bone!

For a couple of moments, he remained there, his hand connected to the girl's stomach, his face looking at hers in shock, and his arm numbed entirely from pain.

"If you don't do as they said, boy, you'll die in an instant."

Only when she told him to back off did he snap back into reality. He complied, backing off and away from this demon child. His arm pounded and pulsed with a dull ache. His pride shattered more than the feeling his hand had.

She's a freak... freaky as hell demon child.... what the hell is she?? How the hell are they even going to beat this.. thing?
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Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

As soon as Garran moved out of the way, Anubis rose her arm holding onto her staff, before the sand in front of her suddenly exploded forwards with more force than he would have ever seen an explosive cause, as if she had just released a bomb a step below a nuclear bomb beneath the sands, causing the sands to erupt around the Baphomet. From the sheer force alone, Garran was blown away amidst a light spray of sand, flying through the air for a couple seconds, before landing on the rough sand. It seemed that the sand rose in an attempt to swallow the Baphomet, but Anubis and Roa still moved quickly. Raising her paws into the air, Roa directed her arms towards the sun, before an intense pressure suddenly felt as if it was rapidly getting closer, as if the sun itself was coming down on them until Garran realized that it was actually a ball of light that Roa was controlling, created where the sun was in the sky in order to hide it's presence.

The sands were the Baphomet were buried were blown apart, a massive crater forming in the sands as the Baphomet freed herself with sheer force, a heavy tsunami of sand colliding against Garran, enough to knock him down once more, but not send him flying as he was now at a safer distance. As soon as she did that, he heard Roa letting out a violent catlike cry as the giant 'sun' slammed into the crater where the Baphomet stood. Anubis quickly ran over to Roa, before a yellow diamond shaped shield formed over them not a moment before the massive ball of energy exploded. A diamond suddenly formed over Garran as well, not a moment before the shock wave of sand would wave likely swallowed him and buried him under the sand. It carried him through the shockwave, and after a moment, he found himself on the opposite side of a massive crater formed in the desert, with sand from the edges pouring down to fill up the gap on the natural call of gravity.

As soon as he survived the shockwave, Garran was let go from the shield, and found himself sliding down the crater a little, going down with the rolling sand before he stopped himself from sliding down to the shape of the Baphomet. Her cloak was torn a little, but what's astonishing is that she only seemed greatly injured, instead of incinerated as any normal human being would have been under such scary power.

"I should have known this wouldn't have been enough." Anubis said as she drew an ornate sword from the sheath at her side, decorated with Egyptian symbols, shining silver in the day light.

"That was... Nasty..." Garran heard the Baphomet groan, before watching her push herself up with a pained motion, planting her scythe on the ground for support. "Your intention was to exhaust my magic trying to protect myself. Guess you haven't gone senile yet, hahaha~!" the Baphomet laughed. Standing up, she held her scythe firmly, while Anubis gripped her sword in her paw. Suddenly, Roa shared a glance with Anubis, and came running up to Garran.

"Let's go join the battle out there, okay~?" she announced to him suddenly, before grabbing him with one arm, and easily carrying him as she made a massive jump out of the sand crater, and landed on flat ground. "We can't help anymore. Let's just let those two fight it out and help out our friends." Roa said to Garran, before looking to his left. Towards the mountains, Garran saw two armies in a massive battle. The scorpion women were using their agility and ability to burrow under ground while the witches used over 100 different kinds of magic to fight them. Bodies of witches and scorpion women were seen, though only few actually looked like they might be dead. Even ones with serious fatal wounds appeared able to move. Their bodies seemed incredibly durable.

Roa extended her arm out, and suddenly, Garran's sword he threw away came flying from out of the sand, and towards her, and into her paw, before she handed it to him. "Use it this time, you dumb human~!" Roa giggled, before she suddenly ran on all fours into the middle of the battle as Garran watched her leap and run at insane speeds, slicing and and swiping with her paws, moving quickly through the fray. Down in the dune, he heard sounds of blades clashing as the Baphomet and Anubis were fighting with scythe and sword respectively, both moving with incredible acrobatic grace and speed, not to mention power. The two of them fighting reminded him of the ridiculous fighting scenes from various martial arts movies where the character's physical abilities were unreal.

"What a treat~" Garran heard a voice redirect his attention, before he saw a witch approaching him. As tall as he, she had large breasts, a menacing, flowing cape with a black back and reddish inner side. With her stereo typical hat, one thing of note was that Garran saw her wielding a massive axe without even toughing it, controlling it with magic.

"A diamond in the rough, as it were." she commented on Garran's appearance. "I'm almost out of magic. I'm going to suck out all of your energy, and vanquish the rest of these insects. Just put you sword down, and I promise I'll be gentle~" she winked at him.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

The floor shifted beneath him as his Mistress raised her hand, and before he could react there was a terribly powerful surge in the ground underneath him, throwing him back into the air. He could of counted the seconds, but would mostly lost track upon hitting the floor as he rolled countless times on his side before finally coming to a halt, coughing up sand and trying to breath air into his lungs. Before he got to chance to stand up, Roa did her part and let loose a giant ball of energy that exploded upon the little girls body upon impact, a wave of light rushing towards him suddenly as he briefly noticed the Pharaoh coming over to both him and Roa, summoning some sort of shield around them as he could feel the shockwave impact upon the barrier. When the sand cleared from his vision, a crater was resting in the ground, the little girl at the center of it somehow still standing. He felt the earth beneath him shifting a little, pulling him towards the crater. He quickly rushed upwards through the sand to avoid getting any nearer to that demonic child.

Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit! What the hell is going on here? It's like Dragon Ball Z or some crap! How the hell is she alive? Let alone, how the hell are they even doing this? I knew they were powerful, but this is ludicrous! Does everything here have this kinda power! No wonder why human men are considered mere play things. Pharaoh was holding back on my torture! I AM useless!

Much as he hated to admit, it was true. Before he thought he was just overpowered by others, and just being constantly ridiculed by the Pharaoh and Roa for their own amusement. But they weren't, they were honestly telling the cold hard truth of the matter! But before he could dwell on the matter further, he felt a tug on his arm and before he knew it, Roa was carrying him away from the incredible battle between the Pharaoh and demon child. It was for the better anyways, he'd just get in the way. Roa continued to bound through the battlefield as he gazed upon the scenery. So much fighting, and so many injured. But oddly enough, he couldn't see anybody that could be considered dead. Fatally wounded was likely, but there still seemed to be life in everybody that was knocked out from battle. They were just too exhausted to move. Garran felt a slight hint of relief, as he was honestly worried about how many people would die in this fight.
Roa let him go, handing him the sword that seemed to magically float towards her paw, telling him to use it this time. Holding it firmly by the hilt, he tried to get a feel for it.

That's probably why I was given the sword... It's most likely magic, so I can at least possibly inflict some damage. Tossing it away was a stupid idea, but I honestly am not sure how the hell to use this!

"What a treat~" Garran heard a voice redirect his attention, before he saw a witch approaching him. A woman that was well endowed, and obviously much more womanly than most of the witches he had seen so far.

"A diamond in the rough, as it were." she commented on Garran's appearance. "I'm almost out of magic. I'm going to suck out all of your energy, and vanquish the rest of these insects. Just put you sword down, and I promise I'll be gentle~" she winked at him.

"Sorry toots, but that's gonna be a no go. I don't just lie down and give up like most guys you probably knew."

Let's hope this sword helps.
He charged toward her, questioning what exactly she could use to attack him. She had said she was almost out of magic, so he possibly could stand a chance. If her reserves were indeed gone, maybe she wouldn't be able to use powerful spells that would normally knock him out instantly.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

The witch laughed, "Just the way I like it! I'll crush your will!" she announced, meeting his charge by charging at him just as viciously as he was charging at her. Except she did not step on the ground, rather she just seemed to glide along the sand effortlessly. Once she neared him, she thrusted her large axe forth, as if to push him over with it, and at such speed that Garran was forced to stop it with his sword lest she catch him with it.

"Just charge at me recklessly, and you'll be punished!" the woman laughed, before Garran found her using both of her hands to grab his arms while the axe still remained a threat to him. And with a rush, she pushed Garran down to the sand, grinning down at him as her other hand began to glow with magic, before her breasts popped out of her lewd dress, and the fabric over her crotch parted to reveal her womanhood. "Just lie there~" she giggled, as the pressure of her ass on his crotch, rubbing him as she continued to hold him by his arms, caused him to become aroused by her attractive figure.

"Now, a kiss..." she whispered, leaning in towards Garran as a warning flared in his mind that a kiss of magic from this woman would be the end of his struggle.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

He wasn't going to lie to himself. This was hototototothot. A raging boner was in fact growing in his pants.. or rags to be more specific now. But he wasn't going to be left behind by Roa. It wouldn't matter how good of a fighter he was, he couldn't fight any of these woman alone it seemed. This place seemed almost was made to degrade men in all places.

Being pinned down wasn't exactly all that threat in the world he was from. But this was much different. It was time to make a break for it.

Gritting his teeth, he almost had to will himself to deny such an attractive woman, her full breast hanging free, her body rubbing to his crotch. But it was still possible somehow. Instead of thrusting his head forward for a kiss, he met her face with his forehead, giving a blunt blow to her pretty skull. She recoiled, one arm still attempting to hold him down while she held her face with the other. This was his chance! Throwing his weight to the side and shoving her shoulder with his free hand, he finally was able to literally turn things around to put her on HER back while he was on top. It didn't last too long though, as Garren then grabbed his sword from the sand and headed off in the direction of where Roa was last seen running to.

He gave a shout to the witch as he ran.
"Sorry, I don't have the time right now. To put it in ways so you can understand, I have a different pussy to go chase after!"
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

Letting out a cry as Garran made his retaliation, the witch fell back as Garran turned and grabbed his sword, making a run for it. As he called back to her, he saw the witch quickly rise to her feet as if a gust of wind pushed her up. An angry expression on her face as she snarled at him, the witch did certainly not look ready to let him escape. "No you don't, you little worm!" she announced as Garran ran after Roa. Except instead of her aid, he saw her in the midst of the large battle at hand. In fact, she was right in the middle of the chaos, seeming to be turning the tide of the battle with extreme power. With a single swipe, a single witch was blown into the air, and spinning back around, she conjured a ball of light in her paw before hurling it at a witch behind her, causing it to explode upon impact with the occult zealot, blowing the girl away with even more force as she slid over 50 yards along the sand.

Sighting the threat, several witches approached the Sphinx, working together as a sudden bolt of lightning struck Roa from one witch's staff, making the cat unstable as she seemed to weather the magical attack far better than what one would assume would happen when struck by a lethal force of lightning. But before she could recover, a second witch directed her staff towards the ground as a sudden explosion from the send sent her flying into the air, almost similar to what the Baphomet did, but far more sudden. Once in the air, she seemed like easy picking for attack, before she let out a loud mewl, a cry that echoed through the whole battlefield, and powerful pulse of force boomed from her, pushing Garran back even from where he stood, but did far worse to the witches as it flattened them against the ground. Once Roa landed again she grabbed one witch by her arm, and threw her with deadly force at a second witch who was standing back up. And as the third rose her staff, and held it firm before concentrating on a spray of flame, Roa suddenly charged forth towards her, and stopped suddenly when 'just' out of reach of her flames before leaning forward, and breathing outwards as if to 'blow' the fires out, following a spray of ice that covered the whole area in front of her with an icy blizzard.

All that became of the witch after that was a statue of frozen ice. She had been frozen solid. "Nya-ha-ha!" Roa laughed. "Drinking from the essence of a Chosen has left me powerful! Come here, little witches! Let's play!" she giggled, as it became clear that the witches were demoralized by the Sphinx's terrifying power.

"Gotcha~" came a familiar voice from behind. A sudden glowing yellow vine assaulted Garran as he found his arms bound against his body, before worming it's way down, showing surprising length as it twirled down the rest of his body, down to his ankles, leaving him completely immobilized. He felt the witch's breasts press against his back, an arm go around his neck to restrict his head, and a hand slide down his belly, and past his belt line, before her hand found his manhood. Groping what she found in his pants with an angry grin, he suddenly felt her hand painfully squeeze on his length. "I'll make you suffer for what you did to my beautiful face, you trash." the witch stated, before roughly groping him to get him aroused.
Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

The witch shouted back out at him, but he couldn't hear her from the distance he had run.

Allright, good. Now to help out Ro- He stopped mid run to find a hell of a fight scene in front of him. Roa was vastly outnumbered, being attacked from all sides with powerful magics. But no matter what they did, Roa seemed to spring back onto her feet. She seemed to have oddly enough give a cute mewl, but before he was able to ponder why, a sudden force pushed him backwards, forcing him to take a knee to prevent himself from falling flat on his back.
Incredible! Imagine how that would of felt if she actually tried to roar like a lion or something! How the hell is she this powerful too? Wait, what the hell was that, ice breath?!
She taunted her opponents, bragging about drinking of some essence from a chosen or something.

Unless she's talking about me, which was like a while ago when I first got here, then what the hell is she talking about?
Still, with a smile he couldn't help but admire the girls power, and continued to watch the fight in awe.
I'd only get in the way. Maybe I should just break for the sidelines and wait for Mistres- er... Pharaoh to get done with this battle.

A sudden voice from behind him brought him back from thought, the voice of the very same woman he thought he'd outrun. Any chance of reacting was immediately denied as he was bound by some sort of magic rope or something. He struggled, trying to break free until he suddenly held frigidly still upon feeling the woman's body against him, reaching around him and grabbing his groin painfully tight.
"I'll make you suffer for what you did to my beautiful face, you trash." She was probably going to kill him, after getting *done* with him by the sound of her voice. His voice was nothing but a stammering nervous wreck.
"H-h-hey, now lets not be too hasty ok? I mean.. I'm sorry that happened, I didn't really see any other way out of it right? I m-mean that's exactly how I felt! I was like 'dangit, I don't want to hurt her beauty' but I had to r-right? Plus, we don't even know each others names yet! I'm Garran, nice to meet yaaHHHH!!"
She only gripped tighter on his groin, painfully arousing him while making her intimidation well know.
"Ow ow ow ow ok ok ok I'm sorry I'll never do it again just don't kill me!! I don't even know what the hell you people are fighting over, I'm just following the orders I was given ok?! I didn't even want to be here in the first place! Why the hell do all you chicks want my dick?! I only got one of them and right now, it's still raw from the last 500 scorpion woman who were on it!"

Damn this is pathetic! Again, at their mercy! Not able to do a damn thing!
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Re: Grain of Sand (Garran)

The witch let out a thoughtful hum at Garran revealing how many women he'd been subjected to. "Is that why your soul is so pathetically weak?" she hummed with thought, before suddenly grinning. "Wait... You're the Pharaoh's slave aren't you? I can't believe I overlooked the collar! You'll be a nice contribution to the Sabbath!" she announced her plans to involve him in some kind of ritualistic sacrifice, before her axe rose into the air, and slipped through the bonds that held Garran tight, and lifted him into the air as if he were just meat. As he was lifted, his sword fell from his hand as the strain from his bonds broke his grip. And without warning, the witch suddenly lifted herself to her feet, and bolted along the outskirts of the battlefield, simply gliding above the ground via magic while Garran was brought along in a similar way. "Consider yourself fortunate that it will be me who you will have sex with until the end of your days, instead of a dog or an insect!" she told him as they reached a scattered area of desert trees just next to the mountain.

Suddenly, something swished right past Garran a moment after he felt his collar pulling down on his neck from where it was wrapped around him. Without any indication that this would occur, his sword suddenly flew past his face and slammed the witch in the back of the head. His bonds broke, and Garran fell, and slammed into the sand, coming to a sliding halt as the axe followed, and the flat side slammed against the back of his head.

As Garran would regain himself from where he lay, the battle behind and to the side of him would be reaching it's clear conclusion. More scorpions than witches laid about, defeated, while the witches themselves gathered around the dune that hid Anubis and the Baphomet's conflict. After a moment of silence, the Baphomet rose from over the horizon Garran could see, grinning as she dragged the limp Anubis by her arm, before throwing her towards the witches. "Your place is back in your cage, dog! I'll see to it that you never escape again!" the Baphomet announced, before directing her scythe at Anubis. "Rape her! Drain her of the last of her energy!" she commanded her coven, before Garran would see the witches gather around Anubis' limp body with obvious intentions.

"Don't just stand there, you stupid human!" Garran heard a whisper from the trees, a single brown, triangular ear poking out and a yellow feline eye staring at him from where the trees and vegetation grew thicker. "Come this way! And bring the cow!" she instructed him with haste, giving indication towards the witch, urging him not to waste his time.