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Calgary, Alberta - Canada

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Chris stood there for a moment before answering.

"I threw a rock into it's eye. Pretty sure I pissed it off, and that's how it shows anger. Nice to know that my studying snakes as a kid actually paid the hell off for once."

Henry shrugged.

"Ah, probably just the wind carrying something then. Weird, actually ..."

Something beeped, and he groaned.

"Just a second, goddamn cells."

He pulled it out, then stared at it for several moments before putting it away.

"So anyway, how'd you find here? This place doesn't exactly get many visitors, at least not from well meaning ones. Don't suppose you, ya know, heard it from some shadowy group calling themselves Cabal did you?"


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

At the mention of the Cabal, Dante chuckles to himself, his head sagging slightly as he puts both his hands on his side "I guess you could say I've had dealings. They put food on the table. And keep me out of debt. And all they ask is for me to get rid of a few targets. Like this one." he says, then reaches into his coat to pull out a picture of the big guy, his smile still on his face.

"Now I know you have a bunch of demons in there. But I just want one. Hand him over, and things don't have to get messy." he says, placing the picture back in his coat and crossing his arms, sliding his right foot forward in case the man in front of him decided to fight
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Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"So what have you got planned for us?" Max asks once Helen had finished talking. "You must've brought us here for another reason than to keep those 'Cabal' people from getting us. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the help but I cant help but think there's something you're not telling us. I mean, why else would you house us so extravegantly if you didn't have an ulterior motive behind it." It would be plain to anyone that, while Max was glad to be away from the life he had been living, he couldn't help but not completely trust these people. Especially since he's had no reason to trust anyone for a long while.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek sighed. Well, that sure was enough to kill some time. "So anyway, what do you plan to do with this thing now? We're going to need some large - and armored - containment unit for this thing." The young man looked at the snake. What a day. First, a big monster. Then, Chris. It's not that the ghoul wasn't used to freaks of nature around him - he just felt that he didn't wish to deal with them any longer than necessary. "Anyway, if I'm not needed here, I think I'll bail. I'm rather hungry right now..." For a moment, one thought crossed his mind - was this snake edible?


Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"well now that was fun wasnt! so then...are we done down here?"

*Zale was standing at the tail end of the thing kicking it a few times lightly as she looked down the snakes length to the other two*

"i could make a nice outift out of him if he is dead...but i'm not much for animal skin actually"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Chris nodded.

"Yeah, it's gonna take a bit to move this one. I think we're going to need some tranqs to keep it under for a bit, can't ... I wonder if I can teleport something that damn big?"

Helen half shrugged.

"Actually all of the rooms here are like this. However, there is one thing I was hoping perhaps one of you might have heard something about. Do either of you know about the Lazarus virus? The same virus that started spreading from the Himilaya's."

Henry stared blankly at the guy.

"OK, either you really have no idea WHAT those guys actually do, or your more stupid than most of them are. You barge into a Sanctuary that keeps these 'demons' as you call them safe, and away from people, and you expect to just waltz out of here? Man, what the hell are you on? Those guys who hired you, they want you to take people out because they stand in their way of global domination. Remember Hitler and the Nazi's? The Cabal are their descendants. And besides, even if I was dumb enough to just 'hand over' the big guy, I couldn't. He's not even in the country. And dude ... the hell? It's you I'm smelling."

He would now be sensing the man was ready if he had to, to prevent entry, though something told him that this man was something else than just a man.


Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*Zale would begin to work her way down the tunnel towards the other two squirming past the big snake and squeezing along she groaned as she got dirtier and dirtier and then jus stopped and laughed remembering these werent even her clothes...still wearing that delivery persons outfit she stopped caring about the dirt*

"oookay so how do i get out of this creepy lil place? underground passages are neat and all but i like open air better..less dangerous"


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Well, you try that. In the meantime, I think I'll go back up and let people know about this mess, that is unless they already do. I'll tell them to get you those tranqs you want, and get myself something to eat. I'm feeling really bad now." Przemek moved out, passing by the snake. He couldn't help but notice Zale. Upon noticing her, the ghoul stopped. He didn't have much of a memory when it came to faces, but he sure as Hell could remember a scent. And he was sure he never sensed something like this before - she seemed to be a human, but there was something else to her... Something Przemek couldn't quite identify, a smell of... Burning? "Who are you? New here?"


Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*offering a wave ot przemek and nodding once befofre shrugging her shoulders*

"might just be temp here..it all matters when i talk to the head honcho..figure out then if i'm really gonna stay or not. speaking of which...Chris get me to the front door of this place..i wanna change my clothes before meeting with Magnus whenever she does get back oka?y"


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The man's smile suddenly disappeared, as his face for once showed a sign of seriousness "And here I thought my job was difficult. Okay, So the humans I work for are trying to dominate the world. Did not see that one." he says, then raises his right hand to his chin to think for a moment. He then locks eyes with Henry, trying to get a feel for how to word his next statement "Well, knowing that the Cabal sent me, you can't exactly invite me in to explain exactly what the hell I've gotten wrapped up in, can you?" he asks, an innocent smirk crossing his face as he lowered his arms.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek glanced all over Zale's body, as if looking for some clues. "Eh... One moment, if you don't mind." Then he turned to Chris, glaring at the man. "Dude. Please tell me she's from another Sanctuary. Please. Because if she isn't, then I think we're talking about security breach here. I mean, you just brought someone we don't even know this deep? Dude, what the Hell?"


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"No, I haven't heard of that. Hell, this is the first time I've even heard of other people having powers like me. I assumed I was the only one," Max answers, a slight tone of defeat in his voice. "I appreciate everything you and your people have done for me, but I'm not really a people person. If we're done may I be excused? Is there some kind of courtyard I could go to?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Helen nodded.

"Of course. No courtyard I'm afraid, however if you go up the stairs we passed there is an overlook balcony up there I go to from time to time to think alone. Your more than welcome to use it."

Henry half shrugged.

"Well, actually I'm pretty sure Dr. Magnus is gonna want to talk to you and see what you know about them, so ... yeah, I guess I can invite you in."

Chris looked at Przemek then nodded slowly.

"Normally yes, it would be a major breach, and no she's not from another Sanctuary. However, she's been attacked by the Cabal, and we both know that anyone who has been attacked by them is welcomed as standing M.O. In addition ... Przemek, do you remember the whole incident last year with Nikola? Well ... he's not dead, he left her a message to give to Helen, and apparently she's not willing to give it to any of us. Given that, plus the fact the Cabal already have sights on her, I'm not about ready to let her too far from my sights, no offense Zaleia. Though the one question I have left is ... how the hell did Nikola survive having his heart ripped out? Are ... er, is he that damn tough?"

Przemek might get the impression Chris was absolutely certain of the info the girl had given, and was sure she wasn't lying, though he might wonder how exactly.

((Przemek would have knowledge regarding Nikola's rather ... unsavory activities and supposed death.))


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek actually cringed when he heard everything Chris had to say. "Jesus Christ... Cabal alone is enough of a reason to welcome her, I agree... But Nikola? How the Hell is that even possible?" The ghoul shook his head, looking at Zaleia for a moment before resuming the conversation. "Alright, I don't care how you handle this, things like that are a bit too much for me at the moment - as much as I hate to admit this. I've got no idea how he managed to survive that fight and I feel I don't want to know."

Przemek seemed to ignore the fact that Chris corrected himself before saying the last sentence. He always believed that there was always one more freak, sometimes closer than one might think. Could Chris be something like Nikola? Perhaps, with his scent... The ghoul shook his head. "Anyway, I'm heading back up. I'll tell the folks to send a clean-up crew or two and notify them about our catch. I hope they got a containment cell big enough for this thing..." Shaking his head and giving one final sigh, Przemek set off, going back to the upper levels of Sanctuary. "We really ought to demolish these tunnels, methinks."


Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*rolling her eyes she just sighed and crossed her arms over her chest*

"stick close or whatever but let me out of this place i got stuff to get and then people to see..referring to the doc of course. and i prefer it in that order..plus i'm getting tired of these not really my color after all.."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The man nods once as he listens to Henry's response, sliding his hands into his pockets "Magnus. Magnus. I swear I've heard that name before. Ah, maybe it's just my imagination." he says, then takes a step forward "Lead the way, my good man"


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

At the mention of the Lazerus virus Sarah had mentally spun through her mind, only to confirm she hadn't heard of it. "Nope, doesn't ring any bells, though I'm expecting that it's a bad thing and this 'Cabal' got it's hands on it allready?" With the other boy leaving the room, Sarah felt comfortable enough to consider claiming this one, sitting her carpet bag down and starting to sort out some minor supply items, though every so often a glowing syringe or pistol clip would accidentally clatter to the table, only for Sarah to quickly scoop it up and return it to the bag. "And I also got the impression that ya allready, welll.... 'knew' what I was..."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Helen half nodded.

"Actually we think the Cabal might have made the virus. Essentially it drives abnormals crazy and makes them hostile, eventually forming an explosive tumor in their brain that kills them slowly, and painfully. It's an absolute abomination. As for you ... I know very little about you beyond the fact the Cabal files we intercepted seemed to believ you were some sort of nercotic being capable of regeneration far beyond that of anything currently living. If that's true, I can see why they thought they should try to control your power, though I doubt very much it is that simplistic, let alone the fact I never would have let them."

Henry nodded, then led him into a small, almost church-like area.

"You might have heard of her. Helen Magnus, does that ring a bell?"

Chris shook his head.

"I don't know. I mean, I know he's half vampire, but I always thought heart being torn out would kill even one of them. Apparently it doesn't, which is really a scary thought. As for demolishing the tunnels, ask Helen on that one. I've been telling her it's a bad thing for over a year now, but she insists on keeping them around, something about storage and backups."

He turned to Zaleia and nodded.

"As soon as we get some people down here and that thing tucked away I'll take you wherever. Until then, I don't dare let this thing out of my sight even for a second, no idea how long that stunner blast will keep it out, and it's definitely still alive."


Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"sooooo..your expecting me to just stand around down here waiting for your giant monster maids to come clean up this mess...no thanks for coming and helping just stay here we cant leave yet....is that about right?"


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Sarah sighed a bit as she halted her unpacking. "I guess that's a more scientific way to put it, but it takes a bit more of a long winded explanation. Simply put, it started with that virus outbreak NecroTech had. Hordes of people got infected, panic in the streets, typical 'zomie apocalypse' scinario, cept that the military managed to wall the place off. It spent a few years whilest the heads outside worked on a cure, cure got spread, happy happy joy joy right?"

"Well, not so much. Seems dear old mom, who was working for NecroTech before things went to shits, got into her head to try and make me zombieproof shortly after the original test subjects broke free. She did the job partially. Now, if I were to take, well, terminal injuries, it's wait a few moments and I'm getting back up again. Most my attempts at figuring out what or how she did it has led to some splinter serums, but most they do is keep changing me into more monsterous shapes..."

She sighed, going back to her unpacking. "Look, I know I'm probably not the most, well, 'gifted' one when it comes to normalcy, but if there's something ya need done that may require, well, a 'suicide' run, I'd probably be the only one to help due to my, er, curse..."
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