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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Yes it can - see image attached. If you edit that one value, you will have enough points to max out everything.

Actually, this is the newest version released last winter. I do recall having some trouble on an earlier version. English and Japanese Censored versions linked a page or two back. English Uncensored should be posted soon. The new versions add shortcuts to view the counter skill H scenes.

I tried, but the changes didn't show up in the game (like the money or the skills), only the endings.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

English and Japanese Censored versions linked a page or two back. English Uncensored should be posted soon. The new versions add shortcuts to view the counter skill H scenes.

I updated my earlier post (#2220) a few days ago with the new zip file. It contains the Japanese censored, English Censored, and the English Uncensored. I probably should have made a new post. Sorry.

If you want only the English Uncensored version it is on my profile page at the link below.

I also sent a copy to AceofWind so hopefully he can update the archive soon. I would have posted earlier, but for the last few days I have been getting this weird Error 521 whenever I visit this site.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

New Upload

Just noticed that. Thanks. :)

I also sent a copy to AceofWind so hopefully he can update the archive soon. I would have posted earlier, but for the last few days I have been getting this weird Error 521 whenever I visit this site.

I was beginning to wonder what happened to you...??? Maybe a mon girl kidnapped you?:p

Apparently that is sever overload and they need to upgrade - see this thread. Once El Presidente replies to my post, I'll probably send a few bucks his way. It only takes me maybe 5 minutes of reloading to get by the error but it does get annoying.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I've been trying to follow this conversation for a while now, but I am completely lost. What was updated? Far as I'm aware, the only non-translated games are the two demon queen games or whatever they're called. Has that changed? Or was all of that regarding something else entirely?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I've been trying to follow this conversation for a while now, but I am completely lost. What was updated? Far as I'm aware, the only non-translated games are the two demon queen games or whatever they're called. Has that changed? Or was all of that regarding something else entirely?

If you are referring to my last post, Shogun Princess Christianne was updated by JSK last October (I think). It has new links to completed Counter Move H scenes but it also had a couple of bugs. runeflare applied the English translation and EmmGee worked on the bugs and uncensoring. I tested them.

All bugs seem gone now and Japanese and English Censored plus an English Uncensored version are available here. http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/attachment.php?attachmentid=14465&d=1378590054

The pack includes all versions mentioned above and instructions on running to defeat the bugs and also a way to max out all stats.

If you only want the English Uncensored version, it is .

Ritsu was working on cleaning up the English translation of miyuka and replacing the kanji graphics with English graphics. Loup Garou and I checked for problems. The best and latest version is

Hope that clears things up for you. :D

Oops, there is another update.

JSK posted the English version of Vampire Hunter N a few days ago. Feeling obligated to support the circle, I purchased the game from the English DLsite along with カンニング少女の追いつめかた (Shion).

It seems that both games came with their Japanese counterparts for free. Looking at the Japanese version of the game, it seems the replay menu was updated to include access to the counters and the battle sex scenes.

I've sent the file to Ritsu and he said he would be willing to update the English version.

I have not replayed the game extensively enough to see if there were other changes.

And Ritsu did indeed update the English version and it is .

EDIT 12/3/13: Now have a nearly complete beta translation of Daughter of the Defeated Devil. .

Also forgot to add this to this post last week: Here is a completely uncensored and partially translated version of Overthrow! The Demon Queen (English name per dlsite) AKA 打倒!大魔王様 RJ110553 AKA Defeated Devil Girl.


All controls and main dialogue are done - H-scene dialogue is not. All stats are max and all scenes unlocked. EmmGee did the uncensoring and sent me the files. He also included a fun little test mod separate from game. See the notes in the zip.
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

You guys should check this game out:


It's VERY similar to the JSK stuff we're used to (combat, destruction of clothing, purchasing things)

Anyone interested in translating it?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

You guys should check this game out:


It's VERY similar to the JSK stuff we're used to (combat, destruction of clothing, purchasing things)

Anyone interested in translating it?

Hmm, looks nice. i'll give it a try when i have time.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

You guys should check this game out:


It's VERY similar to the JSK stuff we're used to (combat, destruction of clothing, purchasing things)

Anyone interested in translating it?

Not so much fan of it...Well,its not so bad but far to be as well made than jsk stuff,they should remove that torture stuff which is failish since its only for unlock CG and focus more in combat skill and ending(or at least,improve that torture system).
Well,its still a nice game,Im a little harsh about it but i can says he is far superior than some other failed game i played.

Anyways,any news about that new jsk games with that school girl like shion?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Assuming it's Flash the same tools can be used to translate, otherwise it would require reverse engineering.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Well, it's not a .swf, so i can't do anything. Moreover it crashes when pressing "start" button, so i can't even play it.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Well, it's not a .swf, so i can't do anything. Moreover it crashes when pressing "start" button, so i can't even play it.

I had to change my locale to Japanese in order to get it running.

After playing it a bit more, however, I wouldn't recommend even trying to get it to run. Pretty crappy game overall.

And it isn't flash, anyway.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I had to change my locale to Japanese in order to get it running.

After playing it a bit more, however, I wouldn't recommend even trying to get it to run. Pretty crappy game overall.

And it isn't flash, anyway.
Lol you are hardish,if you had saw game like iv already seen,you would reconsider what you said,however,you are totaly true x) But I appreciate when compagny try to do animation,even if its failish...
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I want to know 打倒!大魔王様 RJ110553 demon queen 2 have a full translate yet? because I couldn't find it.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

SO, i haven't been heen since page 42 :D an thus the last game i have uncensored of JSk is the fuuma girl Maisa, so could anyone be so kind as to give me a link to "Overthrow! Demon Queen." uncensored and if possible with a guide on how to get the endings? and so save me the time of having to go through the 100 something pages i haven't read, pretty please? ^.^'
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

SO, i haven't been heen since page 42 :D an thus the last game i have uncensored of JSk is the fuuma girl Maisa, so could anyone be so kind as to give me a link to "Overthrow! Demon Queen." uncensored and if possible with a guide on how to get the endings? and so save me the time of having to go through the 100 something pages i haven't read, pretty please? ^.^'

As always, latest complete mods are in pack in OP. Some others may be here: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showpost.php?p=474466&postcount=2045

There is a version of "Overthrow! Demon Queen" in main pack but not sure if uncensored. The other pack does have an uncensored version. One or both have the complete walkthrough guide (I think.) For even newer stuff, check my last post here.

EDIT: There is a complete walkthrough by runeflare . (Thought it was in one of the packs. Link is actually in his signature.)
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Ya know what's an underappreciated special quality of ulmf's forums?
The pale blue. It's not that hideous eye-strain white other places use, and it's very kind on my eyes after I've been working on pixel-perfect adjustments for images.

Makes it much easier to come here afterwards and loosen up my eye-strain by reading the latest posts.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Any word of his newest game? Haven't seen him in his blog for a while.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Any word of his newest game? Haven't seen him in his blog for a while.

so far, he hasn't mentioned anything about his new game; from what I could interpret, he's just celebrating some of his games hitting a 3000 DL count from the stores or something
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

So I downloaded this pack like a month ago, has the first page had any updates? have any of the games been updated with an uncensored/translation patch? has jsk made any new games?