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Chapter 1

Re: Chapter 1

Arwia felt her heart skip at Taya's bold advance when she saw that the girl was standing right behind her. She had thought the girl obedient, trained not even to move unless her masters so desired it, and to see that the girl, understanding that Arwia would not impose such force upon her, had taken to acting on her own, and advancing sexually towards her, was truly a surprise she did not expect.

Despite being told to become as calm and resolute as Taya herself, Arwia felt shaken, and even more so as Taya reached out to touch her sensually. She leaned back a little as their naked breasts came together, her breathing quickening as Taya's hand started to slide down her side. Her shaking stopped for a moment as the brown haired girl pleaded with her in a seductive whisper. Arwia's eyes softened as her gaze was sucked into Taya's own, staring back at the servant's stare, before her pupils went wide as her hands brushed along her nether lips.

Gasping, Arwia instinctively reached down with her own hand, and gripped at Taya's wrist gently. She gave a worried expression to her, her shifting causing their lips to brush along each other as she struggled to make sense of the various signals sent through her head. "Taya..." she whispered her name, taking some steps back, unknowingly leading both of them towards the bed.

Swallowing a lump in her throat, Arwia blinked several times over as she proceeded to avert her eyes from Taya, lifting her other hand, opposite the one holding Taya's wrist, to brush a braid back behind her shoulder. "I-I'm so bewildered t-that I don't know what to do..." she stuttered, speaking quickly her confession to Taya.

However gentle the clasping of Arwia's hand over her wrist had been, it had still broken the apparent spell of courage that had swept over Taya for a precious few moments. She became aware of her indiscretion and how in a fleeting moment she had acted unlike she had in years of servitude - and doubt crept once again into her mind. She looked at Arwia cautiously and with worry in her eyes.

When she was led to the bed and Arwia confessed her bewilderment, Taya breathed a sigh of relief. The mistress had not flatly rejected her, but now she too was confused. Her eyes glanzed over the redhead's gorgeous figure, desire still inflamed in her heart.

There had been a time when Taya would never have dreamed of desiring a woman, but that was long ago, after years and years of rape and other mistreatment by men had worn at her soul.

When a mistress had first taken her to bed, the experience had been such a revelation to her, and though she had still had no choice in the matter, she had found the experience to be gentler and more forgiving on her own body than that of sex with men. The mistress had not given her any pleasure back. She had only expected to be pleasured. The mistress had corrected her firmly, yet patiently in the art of cunnilingus, having Taya serve not only the mistress but a long line of female slaves, so that she would learn the different tastes of women and how they could be made to climax with the application of her tongue.

Taya wanted to do that to Arwia now. She wanted to do it desperately, as a thanks and as her own choice. But the priestess' purity was becoming apparent to Taya, and now the slave wondered if years of torment had turned her into a lustful creature, the sort who would pressure a virgin like Arwia into a lewd act for selfish reasons.

"I... I suppose I don't know either," she answered Arwia, and sat beside her on the edge of the bed. "I know what I would like to do to you - with love and appreciation for your kindness. But if you do not desire me... then send me from your sight, for in my selfish moment, I have done wrong by you, and dared to push myself upon your chastity, as though a slave like me should be worthy of it."

Taya hung her head, and once again began to visibly revert into the meek woman she had been when she first entered the room.
Re: Chapter 1

Halrikk's blue eyes met Kiriha's golden ones in a gaze no less fierce for the raider's current condition. He remained silent as she pleaded her case to him, face softening from a stony glare to a look of befuddled concern as the demoness blushed at the mention of their union. Finally, he relinquished his grasp on his bow, and sat heavily on the edge of the pool, feet still in the water.

"Lady Kiriha..." he started, then stopped, trying to find the words. "Was I simply the first one you came across, or did you specifically save me for some reason?" Shaking his head, he added, "no, nevermind. It doesn't matter."

He sighed a little before continuing. "This mating ritual...what exactly does it entail? And why do you need to wait until after it to help me free my men? And what about the tribal women, are they being held by the same creatures that are holding my crew?"

No hint of an answer came to his first question, only a silence in which the serpent woman barely moved or breathed. His later questions helped to relieve the uncomfortable pause that the original had created.

"It is a ceremony, held within sight of a congress of my kin, and extended kin -- what you would rightly call demons of all sorts. You and I shall be bonded together metaphorically, as lovers and as mistress and exalted servant, and arcanely, with a bond that shall give us a mental link. This will occur the moment we are physically bonded through the sacred act of sex."

Kiriha paused to let the description sink in, and for any immediate question or objection to be aired before continuing.

"The magics required to conduct the ceremony require a large amount of demonic energy - usually harvested from humans or demi-humans in the form of sexual energy, but can also be harvested in blood. Your companions and the female tribals are likely to be used in the former manner at our ceremony - which is why I am not concerned for their lives just yet - it may be the only thing keeping them alive all these days while you were recovering.

"There will be opportunity to rescue the humans after the ceremony, for the demons will have poured their energy into the ritual, while I shall still possess my abilities. If we are quick, I can undo the magics that trap their minds and we could be away before my kin can recover. After that... I would go with you, to whatever destination you wished."
Re: Chapter 1

Nadia continued to scratch the cat's ears after finding the right spot, "Yes I am the Alpha here but I am also the alpha keeping several dozen ships in check. If I were not in control rather than one large collection of raiders there would be many roaming bands of them, tearing apart and burning the jungle down simply for fun." Nadia wrapped her legs around her waist grinning before pushing up the jungle cat's top and kneading her bare breasts. "Cooperate and behave and I'll let you scurry back to your tribe on the condition that your attacks cease for the time being, in return I shall reign back the raids on the tribal villages along the river. I'm sure some of the more rebellious captains will disobey but I assure you that you will see the frequency of trouble plummet." Nadia pressed her back to lay on the ground, laying herself on top of her, lips kissing her neck up to her ear before whispering, her tone soft and inviting. "Tell me about what you were throwing and I'll make this an evening you will not soon forget...." Her hands slid down to the jungle woman's waist, rubbing and massaging it, despite having been fighting a short time ago Nadia's body language was completely calm, nothing about how she moved seemed to indicate the jungle girl was in any danger as the cheiftan continued to gently explore her body with her hands and lips.

"You're crazy," the catgirl scowled and struggled helplessly against Nadia's increasingly brazen assault. "I - ah - I am a warrior entrusted with a sac- nyah! S-sacred duty of stoppinghhha... ah ah, your rape and pillaging of the tribes who sup from the Eldest. What h-honor would I have left if I g-gave in to your so-called compromise - which promises nothing. Hmm? As their leader you have the power to stop the atrocities permanently, instead, you let them go on, and therefore their crimes are your responsibility!

"And another thing..."

She leaned forward as far as she could and in a whisper as hushed as Nadia's own invitation said, "I'll tell you what I was throwing, but only if you fuck me right - it takes more than scratching my ear to make me cum." She fell back again onto the floor and seemed to become more interested in the sensual touches, though still eying Nadia with a challenge in her eyes, and she licked her lips playfully and move her hips up, lifting Nadia up and showing off her amazing feline physique.
Re: Chapter 1


Zakiri shivered as Jahangir pumped his fingers into her, trying desperately to resist the cruel man's touch. It wasn't working. The more he worked her body, the more her body reacted, sending waves of pleasure throughout her that set her mind on fire. She had never felt anything like this before, not when the raiders had found her hiding in the slave pit, not when she had willingly lain with a man. Despite her best efforts, she began moaning, her squirms to avoid the touches turning into grinding motions against them.

Biting her lip to try to keep from screaming out, Zakiri did not respond to Jahangir's taunts. But when he threatened to leave her limbless, helpless, in this horrifying place, her tongue loosens. "N-no!" she cried, followed by a yelp of pleasure as his fingers struck a particularly sensitive spot inside her. "I-I-I was looking... ahh!... My friends... B-Baherah.... nngh... Virah... You t-t-took them-mmm..." It was hard for her to talk while her whole body was being stimulated, but more than that, she could feel her peak coming closer with every word. "I... I thought... hah, ahh... I could free them..."

Every moment that passed brought a new level of pleasure to Zakiri, the girl no longer holding back her moans of lust. Even though the man was vile, the place was horrifying, and she feared for her life, Zakiri had never felt so enraptured before. She pulled against the bonds holding her against the fleshy wall, not to escape, but to allow her more freedom to enjoy herself. Finally, her body could hold back no longer, and her juices practically gushed out of her as her inner walls clamped down on Jahangir's fingers. She screamed loudly, her head titling back, toes curling, muscles spasming as she had the strongest orgasm she had ever had.

When the moment finally passed, Zakiri's head fell forward and her body relaxed, the odd spasm of remembered joy rocking her arms and legs. Jahangir, the tendril, and the shadows behind her were continuing their attentions, and to her surprise, she could feel her body begin to respond again almost immediately. As she saw behind Jahangir the forms of his minions, their giant frames visible even with the strange haze, and felt the shadows behind her, Zakiri's fear once more began to resurface. "Please," she whimpered, breath coming in ragged gasps, "I'll do anything you want. Just don't make me like them. Don't put me in the wall."

Jahangir's eyes light up in a mocking expression as his threat breaks Zakiri and the truth tumbles out of her. "Nice to know you're a cooperative little slut," he told her as she spiraled towards her climax. "I'm sure your friends will appreciate your efforts. I know that I do. And my creations too." He nodded over his shoulder at the giants as he increased his thrusting rate.

He chuckled as he brought the girl to her climax and when she hung there against the wall, breathing heavily in her first moments of recovery, he removed his fingers and held them up in front of her eyes, showing her in no uncertain quantity how much her body had betrayed her. Then he too a long slow lick, from his fingers, then another, and a third, laping up her honey with exaggerated indulgence.

"You taste exquisite, like a shamed whore should."

He put his hand back to her clit and began to rub again, pouring heightened sensation into the weary tissue, and instantly reviving the feelings of arousal she had just expelled. She pleaded with him again, and he smiled.

"I'm certain you will do as I want. It is what slaves do. Do not worry, I only put slaves in the wall when they bore me, and I am not going to tire of you anytime soon, I promise you," his smile was absolute wickedness.

"Come," he said abrupty, and took his hand away from her nether lips, then roughly depositing her in the awaiting arms of the giant men behind him, the tendrils and wall behind Zakiri letting her go with a silent command. "Let me show you your friends. You were much, much closer than you could have thought."

With a gesture, the wall of flesh that had held Zakiri fast for Juhangir's ministrations ripped and parted down the middle, and as layer after layer parted, the other side of the wall became clearer.

It was a circular chamber, surrounded on all sides with chains and metal loops and hooks. Hanging by her wrists from shackles attached to the ceiling is Virah, and a spreader bar keeps her legs spread eagled below her. Immediately Zakiri notices two drastic differences about the young girl, who had always possessed a petite form. Her breasts, which had been in times of levity amongst the girls of the village referred to as 'bee stings' were now huge, bigger than Baherah's had been, each breast approaching the size of Virah's head. The other alarming sight was that she was covered all over in red welts, as though she had been smacked with a lash mercilessly, many times over. In her mouth she wore a bit similar to that used on horses, which prevented the girl from making more than a choking, undecipherable cry when she saw Zakiri and Juhangir enter the chamber with seven giant men in tow.

On the far side of the room, on a low wooden table, stooped Baherah, her arms and head placed into crude wooden stocks. She had a few welts as well on her back and buttocks, and her breasts looked as if they too had grown slightly in size, but most alarming about her were the four tendrils pumping into her, one into her mouth, two into her pussy, and a large fourth tendril roughly drilling her asshole. She was covered and overflowing in cum, and her eyes looked to be far away, as though her mind had broke hours ago. She did not react to the group's entry.

"Here they are, your friends," Jahangir announced. "What did you say their names were again? Baherah and Virah? I rarely bother to learn slaves names... but come, tell me yours. I would like to know the name of Khanna's new toy."

He motioned for the men to bring Zakiri to the center of the room, in front of an iron chair with straps on the arms and front legs of it. To her surprise, Jahangir took a seat in it, and motioned to the men to have Zakiri brought to her knees in front of him, which they forced her to, roughly.

"Come now," he said, "This is a private party. We will not be bothered for some time, and we are all going to get to know you very well. We might as well start with your name, since we already know your friends' and you know mine..."

As he spoke, he began to loosen his belt.
Re: Chapter 1

No hint of an answer came to his first question, only a silence in which the serpent woman barely moved or breathed. His later questions helped to relieve the uncomfortable pause that the original had created.

"It is a ceremony, held within sight of a congress of my kin, and extended kin -- what you would rightly call demons of all sorts. You and I shall be bonded together metaphorically, as lovers and as mistress and exalted servant, and arcanely, with a bond that shall give us a mental link. This will occur the moment we are physically bonded through the sacred act of sex."

Kiriha paused to let the description sink in, and for any immediate question or objection to be aired before continuing.

"The magics required to conduct the ceremony require a large amount of demonic energy - usually harvested from humans or demi-humans in the form of sexual energy, but can also be harvested in blood. Your companions and the female tribals are likely to be used in the former manner at our ceremony - which is why I am not concerned for their lives just yet - it may be the only thing keeping them alive all these days while you were recovering.

"There will be opportunity to rescue the humans after the ceremony, for the demons will have poured their energy into the ritual, while I shall still possess my abilities. If we are quick, I can undo the magics that trap their minds and we could be away before my kin can recover. After that... I would go with you, to whatever destination you wished."

Halrikk remained mostly silent as the naga finished her description of the ceremony, responding only with a soft "hmm" at the end of each sentence. He also remained silent as she continued her description; in fact, he didn't speak until she suggested that she would follow him after the ceremony.

"Lady Kiriha, you do not owe me that. If you do not wish to come with me, I can not force you." A sudden thought occurred to him, and he once more matched her eyes with his.

"Any destination I wish? Will this ritual rob me of my life prior? Will I only wish to remain here?" He paused, and looked away. "Not that I have a choice, mind you. Even if the ritual did steal my thoughts from me, I must go through with it, if it is your desire."
Re: Chapter 1

Halrikk remained mostly silent as the naga finished her description of the ceremony, responding only with a soft "hmm" at the end of each sentence. He also remained silent as she continued her description; in fact, he didn't speak until she suggested that she would follow him after the ceremony.

"Lady Kiriha, you do not owe me that. If you do not wish to come with me, I can not force you." A sudden thought occurred to him, and he once more matched her eyes with his.

"Any destination I wish? Will this ritual rob me of my life prior? Will I only wish to remain here?" He paused, and looked away. "Not that I have a choice, mind you. Even if the ritual did steal my thoughts from me, I must go through with it, if it is your desire."

"No," she replied, "Your thoughts would be your own. You will have greater desire for me afterwards, and we shall be able to read each others thoughts even at great distance, but it will not keep you here against your will. If such had been my desire, I could have already done something like that, since my toxin still flows with a life of its own within your blood. It has been healing you, but it can be turned to more nefarious purposes, if I had a mind."

A faint smile returns to her lips, which had been frowning a moment before.

"As for journeying with you afterward, that is my own will. My time with these demons is coming to an end. I will journey with my mate, and I will continue to look after him - for strong as he is, he is prone to getting into trouble, it would seem."

She slithered off her dais and Halrikk could here her crawling towards him. She reached his side and curled around to face him, and stroked his chin, which had gone unshaven for over a week and was showing the signs of forming a beard.

"Mm, we'll need to do something about this," she said, playing the short tufts under his neck. Her face drew close to his again, but she was not staring him in the eyes, trying to hypnotize him with her own. He saw that she was staring at his lips.
Re: Chapter 1

Jahangir's eyes light up in a mocking expression as his threat breaks Zakiri and the truth tumbles out of her. "Nice to know you're a cooperative little slut," he told her as she spiraled towards her climax. "I'm sure your friends will appreciate your efforts. I know that I do. And my creations too." He nodded over his shoulder at the giants as he increased his thrusting rate.

He chuckled as he brought the girl to her climax and when she hung there against the wall, breathing heavily in her first moments of recovery, he removed his fingers and held them up in front of her eyes, showing her in no uncertain quantity how much her body had betrayed her. Then he too a long slow lick, from his fingers, then another, and a third, laping up her honey with exaggerated indulgence.

"You taste exquisite, like a shamed whore should."

He put his hand back to her clit and began to rub again, pouring heightened sensation into the weary tissue, and instantly reviving the feelings of arousal she had just expelled. She pleaded with him again, and he smiled.

"I'm certain you will do as I want. It is what slaves do. Do not worry, I only put slaves in the wall when they bore me, and I am not going to tire of you anytime soon, I promise you," his smile was absolute wickedness.

"Come," he said abrupty, and took his hand away from her nether lips, then roughly depositing her in the awaiting arms of the giant men behind him, the tendrils and wall behind Zakiri letting her go with a silent command. "Let me show you your friends. You were much, much closer than you could have thought."

With a gesture, the wall of flesh that had held Zakiri fast for Juhangir's ministrations ripped and parted down the middle, and as layer after layer parted, the other side of the wall became clearer.

It was a circular chamber, surrounded on all sides with chains and metal loops and hooks. Hanging by her wrists from shackles attached to the ceiling is Virah, and a spreader bar keeps her legs spread eagled below her. Immediately Zakiri notices two drastic differences about the young girl, who had always possessed a petite form. Her breasts, which had been in times of levity amongst the girls of the village referred to as 'bee stings' were now huge, bigger than Baherah's had been, each breast approaching the size of Virah's head. The other alarming sight was that she was covered all over in red welts, as though she had been smacked with a lash mercilessly, many times over. In her mouth she wore a bit similar to that used on horses, which prevented the girl from making more than a choking, undecipherable cry when she saw Zakiri and Juhangir enter the chamber with seven giant men in tow.

On the far side of the room, on a low wooden table, stooped Baherah, her arms and head placed into crude wooden stocks. She had a few welts as well on her back and buttocks, and her breasts looked as if they too had grown slightly in size, but most alarming about her were the four tendrils pumping into her, one into her mouth, two into her pussy, and a large fourth tendril roughly drilling her asshole. She was covered and overflowing in cum, and her eyes looked to be far away, as though her mind had broke hours ago. She did not react to the group's entry.

"Here they are, your friends," Jahangir announced. "What did you say their names were again? Baherah and Virah? I rarely bother to learn slaves names... but come, tell me yours. I would like to know the name of Khanna's new toy."

He motioned for the men to bring Zakiri to the center of the room, in front of an iron chair with straps on the arms and front legs of it. To her surprise, Jahangir took a seat in it, and motioned to the men to have Zakiri brought to her knees in front of him, which they forced her to, roughly.

"Come now," he said, "This is a private party. We will not be bothered for some time, and we are all going to get to know you very well. We might as well start with your name, since we already know your friends' and you know mine..."

As he spoke, he began to loosen his belt.
Breathing raggedly, shaking both in fear and the aftermath of pleasure, Zakiri could only stare in embarrassment as Jahangir licked her juices from his fingers. It was the proof of how easily she had given in to him. His taunts cut her to the bone, because she couldn't deny them. She had cooperated with him, this monster that caused so much suffering and created such abominations, and she had moaned like a whore throughout it all.

When Jahangir removed his fingers from her sex, Zakiri almost whined in disappointment, only able to bite it back because of her fear of what new torture he would bring to her. She stared up at the giant that she had been thrown to, his unnaturally handsome face belying his obviously lascivious and cruel nature. Just like his master. The rending of the wall of flesh before them stole Zakiri's gaze again, though, looking just like the tearing of skin torn by a wild animal. She shuddered in disgust, then almost screamed in anguish as she saw the state of her tribemates.

Virah, the small girl, beaten and abused, but changed as well. In times past, the girl had looked in envy at Baherah's chest, but Zakiri knew that Virah would take no pleasure in how Jahangir had altered her. And Baherah, always strong, always confident, always proud of her warrior ability, now shackled and broken into a plaything for Jahangir's abominations. As Zakiri is led further into the torture chamber, she offers a look of apology and sympathy to Virah, before turning her eyes to the floor in shame.

Suddenly pushed to her knees, Zakiri looked up at Jahangir sitting before her, his cruel smile mocking her in her weakness. She watched as his fingers worked to loosen his belt, realizing instantly what he wanted to do. What he wanted her to do. More so than Khanna's demanded kiss, this act would be the final proof of her subjugation to the mages of this tower, and to Jahangir in particular. As she felt the giant behind her place his meaty hand on the back of her head and push her forward, she looked back up at the man. "Zakiri."
Re: Chapter 1


Breathing raggedly, shaking both in fear and the aftermath of pleasure, Zakiri could only stare in embarrassment as Jahangir licked her juices from his fingers. It was the proof of how easily she had given in to him. His taunts cut her to the bone, because she couldn't deny them. She had cooperated with him, this monster that caused so much suffering and created such abominations, and she had moaned like a whore throughout it all.

When Jahangir removed his fingers from her sex, Zakiri almost whined in disappointment, only able to bite it back because of her fear of what new torture he would bring to her. She stared up at the giant that she had been thrown to, his unnaturally handsome face belying his obviously lascivious and cruel nature. Just like his master. The rending of the wall of flesh before them stole Zakiri's gaze again, though, looking just like the tearing of skin torn by a wild animal. She shuddered in disgust, then almost screamed in anguish as she saw the state of her tribemates.

Virah, the small girl, beaten and abused, but changed as well. In times past, the girl had looked in envy at Baherah's chest, but Zakiri knew that Virah would take no pleasure in how Jahangir had altered her. And Baherah, always strong, always confident, always proud of her warrior ability, now shackled and broken into a plaything for Jahangir's abominations. As Zakiri is led further into the torture chamber, she offers a look of apology and sympathy to Virah, before turning her eyes to the floor in shame.

Suddenly pushed to her knees, Zakiri looked up at Jahangir sitting before her, his cruel smile mocking her in her weakness. She watched as his fingers worked to loosen his belt, realizing instantly what he wanted to do. What he wanted her to do. More so than Khanna's demanded kiss, this act would be the final proof of her subjugation to the mages of this tower, and to Jahangir in particular. As she felt the giant behind her place his meaty hand on the back of her head and push her forward, she looked back up at the man. "Zakiri."

Jahangir nodded approvingly as he tossed open his belt and parted his robes to reveal a mammoth cock, thick and veined with a head that looked as though it alone could take up most of Zakiri's mouth. It looked to be around a foot long from tip to base, and it was not even fully erect yet. The sight of it, and knowledge of what the mage could and likely would do with it made Zakiri again suddenly fear for her life. Such a thing could tear her apart.

"You like it, Zakiri?" he asked her as the hand behind her head pushed her forward so that she could not help but stare at it. "It took me decades of experimentation before I deemed it safe to alter myself - but I am quite pleased with the results - as have been the whores that I have satisfied with this cock. Just like you, Zakiri. Whores like you."

He laughed mockingly and then momentarily turned to his men. "We've all seen how quickly she came with pleasure, I think it's only fair she return the favor."

The giant men chuckled and grunted approvingly. One of them reached down and gripped Zakiri's breasts, kneading it roughly, while another hand slapped her ass.

A few of the men went over to Baherah and Virah, removing the mouth tendril and the horse bit from the women respectively, before roughly inserting their own large members into the mouths of the tribeswomen. The giants who remained around Zakiri began to stroke their cocks with one hand while feeling and holding Zakiri where she was with their other.

"It's time you show me just how willing you are to obey, slave," Jahangir growled with triumph in his eyes. He took his meaty lance and rubbed it on Zakiri's cheek. "Show enough initiative, and I'll consider letting you help me with Khanna - and then, if that goes well, I'll reward you very well indeed."
Re: Chapter 1

However gentle the clasping of Arwia's hand over her wrist had been, it had still broken the apparent spell of courage that had swept over Taya for a precious few moments. She became aware of her indiscretion and how in a fleeting moment she had acted unlike she had in years of servitude - and doubt crept once again into her mind. She looked at Arwia cautiously and with worry in her eyes.

When she was led to the bed and Arwia confessed her bewilderment, Taya breathed a sigh of relief. The mistress had not flatly rejected her, but now she too was confused. Her eyes glanzed over the redhead's gorgeous figure, desire still inflamed in her heart.

There had been a time when Taya would never have dreamed of desiring a woman, but that was long ago, after years and years of rape and other mistreatment by men had worn at her soul.

When a mistress had first taken her to bed, the experience had been such a revelation to her, and though she had still had no choice in the matter, she had found the experience to be gentler and more forgiving on her own body than that of sex with men. The mistress had not given her any pleasure back. She had only expected to be pleasured. The mistress had corrected her firmly, yet patiently in the art of cunnilingus, having Taya serve not only the mistress but a long line of female slaves, so that she would learn the different tastes of women and how they could be made to climax with the application of her tongue.

Taya wanted to do that to Arwia now. She wanted to do it desperately, as a thanks and as her own choice. But the priestess' purity was becoming apparent to Taya, and now the slave wondered if years of torment had turned her into a lustful creature, the sort who would pressure a virgin like Arwia into a lewd act for selfish reasons.

"I... I suppose I don't know either," she answered Arwia, and sat beside her on the edge of the bed. "I know what I would like to do to you - with love and appreciation for your kindness. But if you do not desire me... then send me from your sight, for in my selfish moment, I have done wrong by you, and dared to push myself upon your chastity, as though a slave like me should be worthy of it."

Taya hung her head, and once again began to visibly revert into the meek woman she had been when she first entered the room.

Arwia turned her head to Taya as she sat next to her on the bed, and spoke words that cut into Arwia's conscience like an arrow to her heart. Reaching forward as Taya refereed to herself as a worthless slave, Arwia gripped her arms, turning her body to face her as Arwia regarded her with wide, serious eyes. "Don't ever say that!" she told the girl with a passionate tone, "You are just as much a person as I! It is not fate to be made a slave, it is a crime against your very humanity! Freedom may be a chaotic, and complicated existence, but it is how we were meant to live!"

Leaning forward to embrace Taya in her arms, their breasts pushed together as Arwia rested her chin over Taya's shoulder, "So please... Don't ever say a thing like that again. I'll never force you to do anything, least of all cast you from my sight, and to those who commit such crimes as treating you like an object."

Drawing back, Arwia gave Taya a pleasant smile. And from a follower of the goddess, a woman transformed into a magnificent beauty, her smile alone held a power that could stop anyone attracted to her sex in their tracks. "I still don't know what to do, but... There is someone who I care for deeply... And we always used to do this, to express our love for each other," she told Taya, as she raised her hand, a pink glow forming in her palm, and placed her palm to the side of Taya's head. Her magic coursing into Taya's body, the brown haired girl would feel a rush of gentle pleasure course through her body, her very essence vibrating as Arwia sent her magic through the girl's body.

"Not all magic has to cause pain..." she whispered, while letting the magical static flowing through Taya's mind and soul slowly lessen until it had completely vanished.
Re: Chapter 1

Arwia turned her head to Taya as she sat next to her on the bed, and spoke words that cut into Arwia's conscience like an arrow to her heart. Reaching forward as Taya refereed to herself as a worthless slave, Arwia gripped her arms, turning her body to face her as Arwia regarded her with wide, serious eyes. "Don't ever say that!" she told the girl with a passionate tone, "You are just as much a person as I! It is not fate to be made a slave, it is a crime against your very humanity! Freedom may be a chaotic, and complicated existence, but it is how we were meant to live!"

Leaning forward to embrace Taya in her arms, their breasts pushed together as Arwia rested her chin over Taya's shoulder, "So please... Don't ever say a thing like that again. I'll never force you to do anything, least of all cast you from my sight, and to those who commit such crimes as treating you like an object."

Drawing back, Arwia gave Taya a pleasant smile. And from a follower of the goddess, a woman transformed into a magnificent beauty, her smile alone held a power that could stop anyone attracted to her sex in their tracks. "I still don't know what to do, but... There is someone who I care for deeply... And we always used to do this, to express our love for each other," she told Taya, as she raised her hand, a pink glow forming in her palm, and placed her palm to the side of Taya's head. Her magic coursing into Taya's body, the brown haired girl would feel a rush of gentle pleasure course through her body, her very essence vibrating as Arwia sent her magic through the girl's body.

"Not all magic has to cause pain..." she whispered, while letting the magical static flowing through Taya's mind and soul slowly lessen until it had completely vanished.

Taya embraced Arwia tightly, her mind overwhelmed with confusing emotions. She nodded at Arwia's words and clasped her body tight to Awria's breasts. She held her for a long moment, enjoying the comforting act. Tears began to well up and she stifled the urge to weep.

When Arwia pulled away and smiled at her with her angelic face, Taya could not help but be overcome with a feeling of love for the priestess, and tears began to roll down her cheek as she smiled back at Arwia, in total awe.

Then she closed her eyes as the red headed girl brought her glowing hand towards her, and let the pleasant static course through her head, and then flow throughout her whole essence. It was the gentlest, most loving feeling she had ever felt. She gasped in surprise and then let out a slow breath, as if her very soul was being relieved of its aches and pains.

"It's so... nice," she said, her eyes still closed. "It's more than beautiful. I knew that magic could be wondrous, but never before did I know it could do this."

She slowly opened her glistening eyes, and stared back at Arwia with longing. "I cannot give you back this truly amazing sensation - but I want to show you my love as well. I... I have to show you how much your words and touch mean to me..."

Taya moved forward again, her hands gently coming to rest on Arwia's shoulders, and again she brought her lips to Arwia's. This time the kiss was firm, passionate, tender, and perhaps even desperate, for the brown haired slave felt a need in her soul, and it was to love Arwia, both physically and spiritually.

The pain and horror of her years of servitude was washed away, and she felt born anew, and the tears that ran down her cheeks and dripped from her chin were tears of joy. Her breath quickened, and she moved a hand down to cup Arwia's breast, and placed a knee in between the priestess' legs, then raised it upwards to spread them.

"I... I love you," she whispered, fearful of speaking the words out loud but knowing in the moment Arwia had graced her with that heavenly smile that what she said was true.
Re: Chapter 1

Jahangir nodded approvingly as he tossed open his belt and parted his robes to reveal a mammoth cock, thick and veined with a head that looked as though it alone could take up most of Zakiri's mouth. It looked to be around a foot long from tip to base, and it was not even fully erect yet. The sight of it, and knowledge of what the mage could and likely would do with it made Zakiri again suddenly fear for her life. Such a thing could tear her apart.

"You like it, Zakiri?" he asked her as the hand behind her head pushed her forward so that she could not help but stare at it. "It took me decades of experimentation before I deemed it safe to alter myself - but I am quite pleased with the results - as have been the whores that I have satisfied with this cock. Just like you, Zakiri. Whores like you."

He laughed mockingly and then momentarily turned to his men. "We've all seen how quickly she came with pleasure, I think it's only fair she return the favor."

The giant men chuckled and grunted approvingly. One of them reached down and gripped Zakiri's breasts, kneading it roughly, while another hand slapped her ass.

A few of the men went over to Baherah and Virah, removing the mouth tendril and the horse bit from the women respectively, before roughly inserting their own large members into the mouths of the tribeswomen. The giants who remained around Zakiri began to stroke their cocks with one hand while feeling and holding Zakiri where she was with their other.

"It's time you show me just how willing you are to obey, slave," Jahangir growled with triumph in his eyes. He took his meaty lance and rubbed it on Zakiri's cheek. "Show enough initiative, and I'll consider letting you help me with Khanna - and then, if that goes well, I'll reward you very well indeed."
When Jahangir pulled his humongous cock out from beneath his robes, Zakiri could only stare at in in amazement, her eyes growing wide at the sight. It was the biggest she had ever seen, and bigger than she had ever thought possible. It filled her vision, and images of what it could do to her filled her mind, while Jahangir's prideful boasts and mocking taunt added to her shame. Though Zakiri knew what the slavemaster wanted, the girl's whirling emotions prevented her from doing more than staring in disbelief.

A slap on the ass and giant hand pawing at her breast shocked Zakiri back into action. Her body, still surprisingly sensitive, reacted immediately, and the slave girl shuddered and moaned, feeling as though she were still proving Jahangir's assessment of her. She turned to watch as Baherah and Virah became the objects of the giants' lusts, until her view was cut off by one of the large men stepping between the women and her, his large cock pointed at her while he stroked it. That was not the only member before her though, a fact that Jahangir wasn't about to let her forget.

Turning back to face the slavemaster, Zakiri gasped as he began to rub the head of his member against her cheek. It radiated warmth, and she could feel every bump of it texture rubbing against her smooth skin. As her trembling hands came up to grasp the meaty rod, she thought once more about how the act would be the final proof of her submission. But that was wrong. She had submitted fully when she had so willingly offered to help the monster against Khanna. She could have tried to fight back, but she didn't, and now all that was left was to deliver what she had volunteered herself for.

Taking the thick member in her small hands, Zakiri stuck out her tongue and began to lick the head of Jahangir's cock. After a few passes, she moved down to the underside, dragging her tongue from the base of his dick to the tip. She kept this up, moaning as her breasts and ass were groped behind her, before returning her tongue to the front once again. Licking her lips, she hesitates a moment before opening her mouth wide to wrap her lips around the head. She moved her head forward slowly until she had fit the whole head in her mouth, her tongue swirling around in circles. Slowly she moves forward more, taking in a few inches of the massive cock before she felt like she could go no further. Hesitantly, she looks up at Jahangir to see how the slavemaster would react to her efforts so far.
Re: Chapter 1

"You're crazy," the catgirl scowled and struggled helplessly against Nadia's increasingly brazen assault. "I - ah - I am a warrior entrusted with a sac- nyah! S-sacred duty of stoppinghhha... ah ah, your rape and pillaging of the tribes who sup from the Eldest. What h-honor would I have left if I g-gave in to your so-called compromise - which promises nothing. Hmm? As their leader you have the power to stop the atrocities permanently, instead, you let them go on, and therefore their crimes are your responsibility!

"And another thing..."

She leaned forward as far as she could and in a whisper as hushed as Nadia's own invitation said, "I'll tell you what I was throwing, but only if you fuck me right - it takes more than scratching my ear to make me cum." She fell back again onto the floor and seemed to become more interested in the sensual touches, though still eying Nadia with a challenge in her eyes, and she licked her lips playfully and move her hips up, lifting Nadia up and showing off her amazing feline physique.

Nadia smirked as the catgirl became more forward, "My dear I have only been in charge here a few years, you of all people should know that taming wild beasts is not something done in the blink of an eye. I will tell my men to stop attacking the small tribal villages and focus on the larger trading towns to the south near the coast. I know a few will disobey me simply to try to assert their supiriority......however.....by defying me I would not be required to make any attempt to save or avenge them should something.......unfortunate befall them while they are in the north." Nadia smirked at the possibility of gaining new allies while weeding out opponents at the same time. "And I always love a win-win situation, information, and the chance to enjoy exotic company."

She grinned and in a few moments both women were stripped naked and pressed together in a passionate kiss before Nadia broke it and turned herself around, her pussy being pressed up against the catgirl's face. "Negotiations should always be even don't you think?" Out of sight Nadia began to place her fingers into the catgirl's folds, slowly working them inside with her tongue sliding around the edges until they were red and puffy. She then did what she did to any female "guest" she had, her fingers thrust in and out while her both licked and bit gently on her clit eliciting bursts of pleasure to shoot through the cat woman's spine with each nip.
Re: Chapter 1


When Jahangir pulled his humongous cock out from beneath his robes, Zakiri could only stare at in in amazement, her eyes growing wide at the sight. It was the biggest she had ever seen, and bigger than she had ever thought possible. It filled her vision, and images of what it could do to her filled her mind, while Jahangir's prideful boasts and mocking taunt added to her shame. Though Zakiri knew what the slavemaster wanted, the girl's whirling emotions prevented her from doing more than staring in disbelief.

A slap on the ass and giant hand pawing at her breast shocked Zakiri back into action. Her body, still surprisingly sensitive, reacted immediately, and the slave girl shuddered and moaned, feeling as though she were still proving Jahangir's assessment of her. She turned to watch as Baherah and Virah became the objects of the giants' lusts, until her view was cut off by one of the large men stepping between the women and her, his large cock pointed at her while he stroked it. That was not the only member before her though, a fact that Jahangir wasn't about to let her forget.

Turning back to face the slavemaster, Zakiri gasped as he began to rub the head of his member against her cheek. It radiated warmth, and she could feel every bump of it texture rubbing against her smooth skin. As her trembling hands came up to grasp the meaty rod, she thought once more about how the act would be the final proof of her submission. But that was wrong. She had submitted fully when she had so willingly offered to help the monster against Khanna. She could have tried to fight back, but she didn't, and now all that was left was to deliver what she had volunteered herself for.

Taking the thick member in her small hands, Zakiri stuck out her tongue and began to lick the head of Jahangir's cock. After a few passes, she moved down to the underside, dragging her tongue from the base of his dick to the tip. She kept this up, moaning as her breasts and ass were groped behind her, before returning her tongue to the front once again. Licking her lips, she hesitates a moment before opening her mouth wide to wrap her lips around the head. She moved her head forward slowly until she had fit the whole head in her mouth, her tongue swirling around in circles. Slowly she moves forward more, taking in a few inches of the massive cock before she felt like she could go no further. Hesitantly, she looks up at Jahangir to see how the slavemaster would react to her efforts so far.

The slavemaster smirked as Zakiri began to her administration of his manhood, growling his approval as her tongue began to lick at the tip of his member, her small hands gripping the skin of his shaft as she lathered her saliva on him from base to tip. The other men chuckled and sneered as well, and the hand gripping her ass patted her patronizingly.

When she takes him into her mouth there is a light cheer from the men, and out of the corner her eyes she can see a few of them beginning to stroke faster. The one immediately to her left takes her left hand by the wrist and guides it to his own cock, plainly wanting her to take over the duty of stroking it.

Seeing that Jahangir encourages this move, the giant on Zakiri's right quickly follows suit, and Zakiri finds herself gripping two large cocks on either side of her, while stuffing her mouth full of about a third of Jahangir's own mammoth member. She hears a pair of slapping noises and a gargled, gagging cry coming from Virah's direction.

As she swirls her tongue and moves forward another inch, she feels the urge to gag herself, and looks up to find Jahangir's eyes intent upon her face, though half closed as though he were coolly enjoying her efforts while studying her.

"She's a natural isn't she, my friends?" he asks out loud, to which the giants grunt assertively and a few "Yeahs!" are gasped out, amidst the rapid fap, fap, fap of the masturbating men.

"You're a natural cocksucker, Zakiri," he tells her, pretending to deliver her a genuine compliment. "It's such a shame that normal women can't take more of my cock without choking to death."

He laughs and then puts his massive hands on top of her head. As he does so, she feels his fingertips grip down on her skull, and a strange pulling sensation moves down her skull and neck. Her ears and throat begin to feel as if they are stretching upwards, and within a few moments, her urge to gag and vomit is gone, and she feels as if she can breath easier despite the giant cock in her throat.

"Much better, isn't it? A girl with your natural skill shouldn't be held back by her body. The flesh is a magnificent thing - so pliable... here, now you will be able to take it all!"

With a sudden motion, Jahangir pulls Zakiri even more forward, while at the same time thrusting towards her with his hips. Her eyes widen as she feels the full length of his cock move down her throat, which amazingly now stretches to let it pass fully, till her lips come in contact with Jahangir's hairless crotch, the smell of his sex wafting violently up her nose. Still, she had no urge to vomit and found that if she tried very hard, she could still manage to breath somehow.

"I will make you into the perfect cumslut," Jahangir said as he began to move her head back and forth, essentially throat fucking her, faster and faster. "You'll be able to take any man or beast into your holes with ease." He laughed and then made a grunting sound.

To her horror, Zakiri felt the cock insider her throat begin to swell and a new heightened sense told her that any second the mage would erupt into her.

"Don't waste anything now, Cumslut Zakiri," he gasped out as he pulled her head one final time into his crotch, and then he came.

The feeling was that of a wave in the sea crashing into shore, the raw force of it smashing into rocks and sand and scattering them everywhere. Wave after wave poured into her, rocketing towards her stomach and breaking violently upon its lining. There was so much of it, and she felt as though she might burst. Then with a shaking grunt, Jahangir pulled his rod slowly from her mouth, oozing cum the entire time, up the top of her throat and onto her tongue and teeth. When he reached her lips he paused and taking grip of his wet, cum covered shaft, he smeared his excess across the slave's lips and cheeks.

He smiled, then he pointed to the men surrounding her, which was now seven as the two who had gone off to get sucked by Virah and Baherah had returned, and Jahangir said, "Now you'll do the same for them. Won't you? My foxy little Cumslut Zakiri?"

He patted her hair with his hand, and on top of everything else that her mind was coming to grips with, Zakiri realized that her ears had changed, and were now sticking straight out of the top of her head, covered in blond fur, looking for all the world like a pair of fox ears.
Re: Chapter 1

Nadia smirked as the catgirl became more forward, "My dear I have only been in charge here a few years, you of all people should know that taming wild beasts is not something done in the blink of an eye. I will tell my men to stop attacking the small tribal villages and focus on the larger trading towns to the south near the coast. I know a few will disobey me simply to try to assert their supiriority......however.....by defying me I would not be required to make any attempt to save or avenge them should something.......unfortunate befall them while they are in the north." Nadia smirked at the possibility of gaining new allies while weeding out opponents at the same time. "And I always love a win-win situation, information, and the chance to enjoy exotic company."

She grinned and in a few moments both women were stripped naked and pressed together in a passionate kiss before Nadia broke it and turned herself around, her pussy being pressed up against the catgirl's face. "Negotiations should always be even don't you think?" Out of sight Nadia began to place her fingers into the catgirl's folds, slowly working them inside with her tongue sliding around the edges until they were red and puffy. She then did what she did to any female "guest" she had, her fingers thrust in and out while her both licked and bit gently on her clit eliciting bursts of pleasure to shoot through the cat woman's spine with each nip.

The catwoman narrowed her eyes as she listened to what Nadia had to say. "So you would have us remove your most troublesome followers for you?" she asked, obviously more mentally acute than the stereotypical half-beasts spoken of in the jungle myths.

"You are a rogue, aren't you -- nyah!" suddenly, the cat woman's pleasurable kisses are interrupted and she is brought face to face with Nadia's wet pussy surrounded by a sweet smelling and well-kept violet bush. Blushing at Nadia's quip about negotiations, she retorted, "Heh, I don't know whether to despise you for your arrogance, or to admire you for it."

In an effort to shut the cat up, Nadia set to work inserting her fingers and tongue into her nether lips until they became puffy and engorged, and began to drip with love juices. Determined not to be outdone, the catgirl, whose hands were still bound behind her, began to lap vigorously with her tongue at Nadia's bowl. Her tongue was much more dexterous than a normal girl's would be, and she concentrated on wetting the length of Nadia's lips before sweeping the edge of her tongue around the raider woman's clit.

The cat's hind claws on her feet began to dig in to the floorboards, and Nadia noticed slivers of wood begin to peel away as the overgrown sex kitten began to tense and strain against the pleasure she was receiving.

"I will... (lap lap) only stop... (lap lap) when I know for certain... (lap lap) that the people will be safe and their families returned to them! (lap lap laaaaap)," she stroked Nadia pussy playfully with her tongue, as though it were her new favorite toy, and was pleased to see that the raider woman was starting to give in to her efforts.
Re: Chapter 1

Nadia moans as she felt the rough tongue lapping against her folds, "The time for more talk will come later..." Nadia was pleased to find a woman equal to her, most women she gave this treatment squealed and begged for more mere minutes in. For a moment she stopped her teasing of the cat girl before slipping two fingers into her and pumping in and out, her other fingers stroking her lips and clit as she drove in and out. "You know I always have been more of a cat person...." She grinned feeling her guest squirming around under her, not minding the scratches on the floor.
Re: Chapter 1

Nadia moans as she felt the rough tongue lapping against her folds, "The time for more talk will come later..." Nadia was pleased to find a woman equal to her, most women she gave this treatment squealed and begged for more mere minutes in. For a moment she stopped her teasing of the cat girl before slipping two fingers into her and pumping in and out, her other fingers stroking her lips and clit as she drove in and out. "You know I always have been more of a cat person...." She grinned feeling her guest squirming around under her, not minding the scratches on the floor.

The cat girl begins to purr lewdly as Nadia's fingers penetrate her with a pleasing squelching noise - her folds easily swallowing them and clamping tightly down on them.

"Puurrrr... no fair, you using hands," the kitty said as she squirmed and thrust her hips up to meet the movements of Nadia's digits as they slid deeper and deeper. With a playful moan, she goes back to digging with her tongue, which she has been very persistent in using... still not showing any sign of fatigue in her licking. She had long since located and isolated Nadia's clit and worked at it tirelessly with her tongue, and now with a sultry meow as the only warning, she bit down on the engorged flesh with her teeth, not hard, but suddenly and deep enough to give Nadia a shock. Giggling, she started to nibble it more gently and then swirl it passionately in circles, determined to make her captor release before she did.

Suddenly there is a snap, and Nadia realizes that the cat-girl's arms are free from her cut bonds. The clawed hands clamp down on Nadia's butt with lightning quickness, but at the last moment, she retracts the sharp claws and simply uses her hands to pull Nadia's pussy closer to her mouth, grinding her tongue and teeth animalistically into the chieftain's sex.

Nadia sees the cat's tail reach up and brush against her face, and knows from the way the beast girl is gushing that it may be a close finish as to which of them will climax first.
Re: Chapter 1

The slavemaster smirked as Zakiri began to her administration of his manhood, growling his approval as her tongue began to lick at the tip of his member, her small hands gripping the skin of his shaft as she lathered her saliva on him from base to tip. The other men chuckled and sneered as well, and the hand gripping her ass patted her patronizingly.

When she takes him into her mouth there is a light cheer from the men, and out of the corner her eyes she can see a few of them beginning to stroke faster. The one immediately to her left takes her left hand by the wrist and guides it to his own cock, plainly wanting her to take over the duty of stroking it.

Seeing that Jahangir encourages this move, the giant on Zakiri's right quickly follows suit, and Zakiri finds herself gripping two large cocks on either side of her, while stuffing her mouth full of about a third of Jahangir's own mammoth member. She hears a pair of slapping noises and a gargled, gagging cry coming from Virah's direction.

As she swirls her tongue and moves forward another inch, she feels the urge to gag herself, and looks up to find Jahangir's eyes intent upon her face, though half closed as though he were coolly enjoying her efforts while studying her.

"She's a natural isn't she, my friends?" he asks out loud, to which the giants grunt assertively and a few "Yeahs!" are gasped out, amidst the rapid fap, fap, fap of the masturbating men.

"You're a natural cocksucker, Zakiri," he tells her, pretending to deliver her a genuine compliment. "It's such a shame that normal women can't take more of my cock without choking to death."

He laughs and then puts his massive hands on top of her head. As he does so, she feels his fingertips grip down on her skull, and a strange pulling sensation moves down her skull and neck. Her ears and throat begin to feel as if they are stretching upwards, and within a few moments, her urge to gag and vomit is gone, and she feels as if she can breath easier despite the giant cock in her throat.

"Much better, isn't it? A girl with your natural skill shouldn't be held back by her body. The flesh is a magnificent thing - so pliable... here, now you will be able to take it all!"

With a sudden motion, Jahangir pulls Zakiri even more forward, while at the same time thrusting towards her with his hips. Her eyes widen as she feels the full length of his cock move down her throat, which amazingly now stretches to let it pass fully, till her lips come in contact with Jahangir's hairless crotch, the smell of his sex wafting violently up her nose. Still, she had no urge to vomit and found that if she tried very hard, she could still manage to breath somehow.

"I will make you into the perfect cumslut," Jahangir said as he began to move her head back and forth, essentially throat fucking her, faster and faster. "You'll be able to take any man or beast into your holes with ease." He laughed and then made a grunting sound.

To her horror, Zakiri felt the cock insider her throat begin to swell and a new heightened sense told her that any second the mage would erupt into her.

"Don't waste anything now, Cumslut Zakiri," he gasped out as he pulled her head one final time into his crotch, and then he came.

The feeling was that of a wave in the sea crashing into shore, the raw force of it smashing into rocks and sand and scattering them everywhere. Wave after wave poured into her, rocketing towards her stomach and breaking violently upon its lining. There was so much of it, and she felt as though she might burst. Then with a shaking grunt, Jahangir pulled his rod slowly from her mouth, oozing cum the entire time, up the top of her throat and onto her tongue and teeth. When he reached her lips he paused and taking grip of his wet, cum covered shaft, he smeared his excess across the slave's lips and cheeks.

He smiled, then he pointed to the men surrounding her, which was now seven as the two who had gone off to get sucked by Virah and Baherah had returned, and Jahangir said, "Now you'll do the same for them. Won't you? My foxy little Cumslut Zakiri?"

He patted her hair with his hand, and on top of everything else that her mind was coming to grips with, Zakiri realized that her ears had changed, and were now sticking straight out of the top of her head, covered in blond fur, looking for all the world like a pair of fox ears.
Zakiri's head began to move back and forth along the front of Jahangir's cock faster as her mouth became more accustomed to the large member. Her lips wrapped tighter around the shaft while her tongue continued to swirl around, the taste of the slavemaster nearly overpowering her other senses. She paused when the giant on her left took her hand, looking up at him fearfully before she felt his member slip between her fingers. She turned again when her other hand was taken for the same purpose, but soon resigned herself to this fate, pumping steadily with each hand. At the same time she tried to resume her attentions on Jahangir, made more difficult without being able to use her hands.

The slavemaster though, solved her problem, putting his large hand on the back of her head to guide her further down his cock than she had managed to take so far, then holding her there. The move cut off her air and brought a painful pressure to her throat, causing the girl to desperately, but futilely, try to pull back. Jahangir's taunts continued, while Zakiri could only writhe about beneath him. Suddenly, her throat felt much more relaxed, the shaft no longer choking her or stretching her painfully. Before she could take in the strange new feeling though, Jahangir forced her to take in more of him. She moaned in surprise as the man pushed her face against his crotch before starting to face fuck her.

With Jahangir forcing his length down her throat, Zakiri could only make a worried cutoff moan as he taunted her with his plans. She felt every inch of his cock sliding over her tongue while her lips tightened around his shaft, the slave girl hoping to bring her humiliation to an end faster. Her eyes widened as Jahangir suddenly pushed her face against his crotch and held her there. She struggled for a moment, then relaxed as she feels his release shooting down her throat. As he slowly pulled his member out, she began to gasp for air, the cum spurting into her mouth spilling out to join what he wiped off on her lips. Just then, the giant on her left grunted, having orgasmed himself in her hand, his juice shooting out to splash on her cheek, into the side of her mouth and on her lips, mixing with Jahangir's. To her surprise, the monstrous mens' seed tasted surprisingly good, and she unwittingly licked her lips clean and swallowed before realizing what she had just done.

Blushing darkly while looking up at the cruelly smiling Jahangir, Zakiri turned her head and stared at the giants surrounding her, their members all erect and level with her mouth. She gulped, the taste of semen sliding down her throat once again. "Y-yes, Master Jahangir," she replied to the man's taunting question, an order in disguise. The feeling of her ears being pressed against the top of her head by his petting shocked the girl, but before she could react to it, the other giant she had been pleasuring with her hand suddenly grabbed her head and pushed his member into her mouth.

After what Jahangir had done to her, she found the cock easily sliding all the way down her throat, while she instinctively wrapped her lips around the new rod. Having already submitted, she gave in to the act faster now, sucking deeply on the giant's cock, which is actually a bit smaller than Jahangir's. It doesn't take long before she could feel the giant's meat throbbing, and she gasped when he suddenly pulled his member out of her mouth and, like the other giant before her, shot his cum on her face. The seed splashed across her nose, then on her other cheek before the giant places the last strand on her lips.

With the second giant finished, Zakiri silently slid on her knees to face the others behind her. She got one look at Virah, the girl staring at her and crying, before another member appeared before her. Having already given in, Zakiri didn't need a hand to guide her, and she leaned forward immediately, her mouth wide open and tongue stretched out. While she pleasured the giant before her, she reached out and grabbed another two, gently pumping their members while bringing them closer. 'I really am nothing but a cum slut,' she thought to herself, a new wave of shame spreading through her mind as she realized how quickly she had taken to pleasuring the men. How easily she had started to enjoy it.
Re: Chapter 1

"No," she replied, "Your thoughts would be your own. You will have greater desire for me afterwards, and we shall be able to read each others thoughts even at great distance, but it will not keep you here against your will. If such had been my desire, I could have already done something like that, since my toxin still flows with a life of its own within your blood. It has been healing you, but it can be turned to more nefarious purposes, if I had a mind."

A faint smile returns to her lips, which had been frowning a moment before.

"As for journeying with you afterward, that is my own will. My time with these demons is coming to an end. I will journey with my mate, and I will continue to look after him - for strong as he is, he is prone to getting into trouble, it would seem."

She slithered off her dais and Halrikk could here her crawling towards him. She reached his side and curled around to face him, and stroked his chin, which had gone unshaven for over a week and was showing the signs of forming a beard.

"Mm, we'll need to do something about this," she said, playing the short tufts under his neck. Her face drew close to his again, but she was not staring him in the eyes, trying to hypnotize him with her own. He saw that she was staring at his lips.

At her mention of the toxin in his blood, Halrikk visibly swallowed, but said nothing.

"Yes, I suppose I do have a propensity for landing in near-death situations," he reflected ruefully. He returned to silence as he heard the snake-woman slithering next to him, looking at her questioningly as she stared at his face.

"Well, have you a knife, Lady Kiriha? I think I can remove it myself...err, assuming we're talking about my beard?" That she was staring at his lips made him pause apprehensively for a moment. "Also, please do not tug on it quite so hard. It hurts when you do that."
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Re: Chapter 1

Zakiri (edit - doh!)

Zakiri's head began to move back and forth along the front of Jahangir's cock faster as her mouth became more accustomed to the large member. Her lips wrapped tighter around the shaft while her tongue continued to swirl around, the taste of the slavemaster nearly overpowering her other senses. She paused when the giant on her left took her hand, looking up at him fearfully before she felt his member slip between her fingers. She turned again when her other hand was taken for the same purpose, but soon resigned herself to this fate, pumping steadily with each hand. At the same time she tried to resume her attentions on Jahangir, made more difficult without being able to use her hands.

The slavemaster though, solved her problem, putting his large hand on the back of her head to guide her further down his cock than she had managed to take so far, then holding her there. The move cut off her air and brought a painful pressure to her throat, causing the girl to desperately, but futilely, try to pull back. Jahangir's taunts continued, while Zakiri could only writhe about beneath him. Suddenly, her throat felt much more relaxed, the shaft no longer choking her or stretching her painfully. Before she could take in the strange new feeling though, Jahangir forced her to take in more of him. She moaned in surprise as the man pushed her face against his crotch before starting to face fuck her.

With Jahangir forcing his length down her throat, Zakiri could only make a worried cutoff moan as he taunted her with his plans. She felt every inch of his cock sliding over her tongue while her lips tightened around his shaft, the slave girl hoping to bring her humiliation to an end faster. Her eyes widened as Jahangir suddenly pushed her face against his crotch and held her there. She struggled for a moment, then relaxed as she feels his release shooting down her throat. As he slowly pulled his member out, she began to gasp for air, the cum spurting into her mouth spilling out to join what he wiped off on her lips. Just then, the giant on her left grunted, having orgasmed himself in her hand, his juice shooting out to splash on her cheek, into the side of her mouth and on her lips, mixing with Jahangir's. To her surprise, the monstrous mens' seed tasted surprisingly good, and she unwittingly licked her lips clean and swallowed before realizing what she had just done.

Blushing darkly while looking up at the cruelly smiling Jahangir, Zakiri turned her head and stared at the giants surrounding her, their members all erect and level with her mouth. She gulped, the taste of semen sliding down her throat once again. "Y-yes, Master Jahangir," she replied to the man's taunting question, an order in disguise. The feeling of her ears being pressed against the top of her head by his petting shocked the girl, but before she could react to it, the other giant she had been pleasuring with her hand suddenly grabbed her head and pushed his member into her mouth.

After what Jahangir had done to her, she found the cock easily sliding all the way down her throat, while she instinctively wrapped her lips around the new rod. Having already submitted, she gave in to the act faster now, sucking deeply on the giant's cock, which is actually a bit smaller than Jahangir's. It doesn't take long before she could feel the giant's meat throbbing, and she gasped when he suddenly pulled his member out of her mouth and, like the other giant before her, shot his cum on her face. The seed splashed across her nose, then on her other cheek before the giant places the last strand on her lips.

With the second giant finished, Zakiri silently slid on her knees to face the others behind her. She got one look at Virah, the girl staring at her and crying, before another member appeared before her. Having already given in, Zakiri didn't need a hand to guide her, and she leaned forward immediately, her mouth wide open and tongue stretched out. While she pleasured the giant before her, she reached out and grabbed another two, gently pumping their members while bringing them closer. 'I really am nothing but a cum slut,' she thought to herself, a new wave of shame spreading through her mind as she realized how quickly she had taken to pleasuring the men. How easily she had started to enjoy it.

Time seemed to pass slowly as Zakiri moved from pleasing one cock to another. The giants begin to encourage her efforts, exclaiming how great her mouth feels to them, and wondering loudly among themselves how rare it is to find a girl who loves to suck cock so readily.

"She really loves it!"

"I know, her tongue is amazing!~"

"My cock is all the way in, her lips are swallowing me!"

"This is the best cum slut yet!"

"I can't help myself, I need to see what her other holes are like!"

The hand on her ass reaches around her waist and lifts her rump higher in the air. Moments later, Zakiri feels a large shaft wedging itself between her but cheeks, with it's tip pointing at the small of her back.

"Mmm, I'm going to redecorate her sweet little ass," a growl came from behind, but she could not look, as her attentions were on the rod she was sucking in front of her. Zakiri's ass cheeks were pushed together as the man behind her slid his member against them, using the natural sweat of her overworked body as a lubricant.

A grunt to her right surprised her, and a spurt of cum landed on her eye, and then was followed by several hot strands launching into her hair and onto one of her newly shaped ears. Moments later the meat stick in her mouth began to throb and then pulled back so that only the tip was still on her outstretched tongue. A large hand reached down and jerked frantically, and soon with a series of grunts he emptied his load onto the slave's tongue and into the recesses of her mouth.

"I'm going in," said the man behind her, and emphasized his intentions with a hard slap of Zakiri's ass. He positioned his member at the tight, puckered entrance to her anus and began to prod. Zakiri knew instantly that the giant man's cock was far too large for her asshole. Her ass had only been taken once before in the raider camp and it had been by a rather small man - even then it had hurt and left her bleeding. Now that pressure began to build again, eliciting a cry from the girl, while at the same time another throbbing member was placed in front of her face, a hand jerking furiously at it, keeping it level with her mouth.

"Doesn't look like she's taking it that well," noted one giant.

"She can take it," grunted the invading man behind her, as he pushed roughly against her body. She could feel her flesh holding on desperately, stretching to its limits but being asked to do so much more.

"Heh - Look at her face. I think she's going to tear."

"Nonsense," came the deep rumble of Jahangir from where he had been standing back and observing. Now he stepped forward, and Zakiri felt his fingertips seeming to dig into her back, near the tip of her spine.

As she had felt before with her throat and ears, Zakiri felt her insides begin to quiver, shift and stretch. Only this time the process was longer - much longer, and for a time she felt as if she had lost all sensation below her waist. That came as a relief for she could no longer feel the futile efforts of the man attempting to rape her anus.

Several minutes went by, and two more hot loads were emptied onto her face, hair, and shoulders, before the sensations began to return to her lower extremities.

When they did, she realized that the man's cock was now fully in her ass, and that four fingers were penetrating her womanhood. Like the sudden breaking of a dam, Zakiri was overcome by a feeling of arousal like she had never felt before. The feeling of the cock and fingers in both her holes was over a 100 times more pronounced than any penetration she had felt, and in an instant she was shuddering under the weight of a powerful, multi-orgasm.

A triumphant laugh bellowed out from Jahangir as Zakiri's spasms came quicker and quicker. "Perfect. Absolutely perfect," he chortled. "Flesh truly is an amazing thing! Now you'll be able to take amazing amounts of punishment in your ass and cunt, but your insides will still retain their strength and tightness. And I've given you a gift too, slave - and I can already see you appreciating it! I've increased your sensitivity to pleasure a hundredfold! Now the merest touch to any of your erogenous zones can send you off to heaven... your pussy, your ass, even your brand new... tail!"

Jahangir's large hand reached out and squeezed something that seemed to be jutting out of Zakiri's tailbone, tugging at it hard. A tsunami of pleasure bubbled up her spine and another raging orgasm quickly squirted out of her love hole, splashing into a quickly forming puddle beneath her.

His hand then stroked the base of what must have been her new tail as though it were a phallus, and immediately Zakiri was fighting to hold back against another orgasm. The pounding in her ass and the schlicking of the fingers in her pussy soon made her efforts futile, and she lost herself in the pleasure of yet another climax. Dimly she was aware of yet another load of cum being deposited on her face, and reflexively she licked her lips and swallowed the sweet tasting spunk.

The sex continued on for what seemed like an eternity to Zakiri, but what was in fact only a small fraction of an hour. By the end, she was covered in cum, and feeling as though her belly, bowels and womb were full of it.

A tired, sweating, but immensely pleased-looking Jahangir settled into the chair in front of her and looked down at her as everyone caught their breath.

"The pleasure can go away as quickly as it appears," Jahangir said instructively, " but you'll find that my improvements will allow you quicker recovery to your stamina than would normally be humanly possible. You've been specialized for sex now. With enough practice and willpower, you could outlast an army of men."

He chuckled and then added, "Well, an army of unaugmented men. Which soon may be a thing of the past, once Shamash-Andulli breaks free of the tower's bonds and extends his rule across the land. Then I will have an entire age with which to remake humanity into something far, far greater."

He leered down at Zakiri, and leaned towards her. "Now I remember you saying something about helping me? Yes, I think it's the least you could do in thanks for my magicks.

"Ever since I entered this tower many years ago, Khanna has always been a mystery to me. Where I am the master of flesh -- living, yielding, adapting tissue that bends itself to survive and grow -- she is the master of stone and ice, a sculptress of no small skill, who animates her masterpieces with the life-essence of slaves."

Jahangir eyed Zakiri with a knowing look. "She'd have enjoyed you, just as she enjoys all those who model for her statues. She'd make you feel as if there were a connection between you and her. For years if needed she will keep you in her domain near the top of the spire, until you begin to trust her, to befriend her, until you would willingly act on her behalf. Then one day she will unveil a statue the likeness of yourself, made by her own hand. And on that day she will use her supposed friendship and false love against you. Convincing you to partake in a spell that will trap your essence within that statue for all time, unless the binding spell be broken or the statue shattered."

Jahangir rubbed his chin idly, then sighed and shook his head sadly down at the girl covered in the sticky fluid before him.

"Monster I may be, but never could I hope to be as cold or cruel as Khanna, with her heart of stone and ice. For she will make a mockery of love. I at least never pretend to any such thing -- and those who do serve me well are rewarded, men and women. I make them into these," and here Jahangir swept his arms out at the giant men who had participated in Zakiri's humiliation.

"Metahumans," he said proudly. "Children of my own make. Stronger, faster, hardier. Sexually more fit than the inferior breeds put on this earth by the gods. I shall make us exalted. The flesh that was once weak shall grow strong. I can forge a man into a weapon. I can make a woman so beautiful as to trap the hearts of beasts and monsters. I can make the perfect warrior, the perfect spy, the perfect lover."

Zakiri saw zeal bordering upon madness in Jahangir's eyes. Which flickered suddenly back into the present.

"Khanna is anathema to my designs. She is a short-sighted bitch, with no understanding of progress. She only cares for guarding this land against some forgotten demon princess that no one but her recalls, and she is willing to sacrifice untold thousands just to create her own army of golems. With her out of the way, I would be the undisputed right hand of the Master, and no one else would dare to challenge me."

His laughter was cruel and dark. "So I tell you this. Become my spy. She has chosen you. Let her think that she still has you in her pocket. I have had my fun with you, and she shall readily see that. She will believe that you hate me - which of course you do." He smirked dismissively. "Yet she will not know that you are aware of her intentions - for she does not know that I am aware of how she animates her golems. You know that she intends to betray you in the cruelest of fashions, and thus, she will still think that she can earn your loyalty through sympathy and feigned kindness. You now know that the only master whom will let you live and even reward you for your efforts, is I, Jahangir, the Fleshweaver.

"I wish to know what her beliefs and designs are," he continued. "Learn what her ultimate goals are through whatever trickery or seduction you can utilize. If I know what she intends and how she intends to get it, I can arrange a trap. Much can happen in the lands outside the Tower, much that even the Master cannot sense. Help me conquer my rival, Zakiri, and I shall remake you into a Champion of Flesh. You shall be an honored servant, blessed with strength and beauty, and given slaves of your own to govern. You shall be blessed with long life, and your skin shall turn aside the blades and arrows of your enemies."
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Re: Chapter 1

Nadia bit her lips to suppress the outcry she felt move up her body once the hands clamped down on her rear. "Mmph....I was wondering when you would get those ropes off...." Her fingers quickened, she was just as determined to make the cat mewl, she knew it was inevitable that she was going to cum but she was going to make sure that in the end the two would have equally screwed each other senseless. "Come on kitten.....mewl for me.....and I'll yowl for you...." Nadia gave a stilted laugh trying not to moan loud enough for the whole village to hear as her legs wrapped around the cat's head pressing her harder into her sex.