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Bondage Corner

Re: Bondage Corner

Now now, lets behave children, or I will ahve to tie you up ^_^
Re: Bondage Corner

Re: Bondage Corner

ROFL i would +rep that but i seem to give you +rep too much
Re: Bondage Corner

I'm pretty sure that the 'you just know' schtick is a load of BS for some people. I didn't know I liked girls until I kind of accidentally started dating one. I still am not sure if I was just a super-secret closeted lesbian that just didn't know about it, or if my eyeballing menfolk before I started dating a girl and after means that I'd actually enjoy sex with one that actually caught my eye.

I've heard that the fluidity of sexual preference is a little less rigid in women than in men, though I don't know if that's a valid point to bring up or not. I know that for me it seems less like I'm disinterested in someone because of their equipment so much as their personality and looks (and smells, actually. XD If they smell off in the cleanliness or pheromone department I back right off), but again that could be me personally as opposed to 'NO ALIAS UR WRONG MOST PEOPLE HAVE TO TRY TO DECIDE WHAT THEY LIEK!!1' XD

Toxic, o.o kudos for trying again! I can understand the urge and the methods of going about it, but for me I think the displeasure of putting ginger in my mouth would dissuade me from putting it anywhere else that's sensitive! Does that count in the 'don't knock it till you try it' category? I mean, technically both ends are still part of the digestion tract... :p

Gator, would you offer some tying lessons? XD I'm abysmal with the stuff. (Oh man, wish we still had those hooks for the hammock in the ceiling... bet you could do some awesome stuff with load-bearing rope-holders like that! :p)
Re: Bondage Corner

Oh sure, there are exceptions to every rule. I just think it's more plausible that the exceptions are those that aren't sure, rather than the ones who are. It makes a lot more sense to me to think of it that way. I mean... I know I'm not attracted to guys. I've never dated one, or cuddled or anything of that sort with one... I just know. It's not appealing to me... much like the idea of sticking my hand in a blender isn't appealing. I don't need to try it to know I wouldn't like it.

Toxic... it's been a couple days... so I completely forget what we were talking about. Probably for the better, I don't want to derail more than I already have -_- and it was a pretty vague point anyway.
Re: Bondage Corner

I've heard that the fluidity of sexual preference is a little less rigid in women than in men, though I don't know if that's a valid point to bring up or not. I know that for me it seems less like I'm disinterested in someone because of their equipment so much as their personality and looks (and smells, actually. XD If they smell off in the cleanliness or pheromone department I back right off), but again that could be me personally as opposed to 'NO ALIAS UR WRONG MOST PEOPLE HAVE TO TRY TO DECIDE WHAT THEY LIEK!!1' XD
More or less a social thing. For some reason, guys have traditional standards when it comes to their own sexuality. For instance, the pegging thing? If a girl fucks a guy in the ass, I have no idea why but guys call that "gay." A lot of guys do and I can't see any logic or reasoning behind it. They feel they need to be tougher and become more insecure if anything about them is questioned. I think it's partially got to do with the fact that biologically, men can't keep up with women as much in the sack in the first place, so we've got catching up to do and feel we need to control it as much as possible. At least, the traditional guys do.

Toxic, o.o kudos for trying again! I can understand the urge and the methods of going about it, but for me I think the displeasure of putting ginger in my mouth would dissuade me from putting it anywhere else that's sensitive! Does that count in the 'don't knock it till you try it' category? I mean, technically both ends are still part of the digestion tract... :p

If you dislike it for the fact it burns, that's kinda of, but if it's a dislike for taste, then no not really, now you go and put that ginger in your bum missy! :D
Re: Bondage Corner

More or less a social thing. For some reason, guys have traditional standards when it comes to their own sexuality. For instance, the pegging thing? If a girl fucks a guy in the ass, I have no idea why but guys call that "gay." A lot of guys do and I can't see any logic or reasoning behind it. They feel they need to be tougher and become more insecure if anything about them is questioned. I think it's partially got to do with the fact that biologically, men can't keep up with women as much in the sack in the first place, so we've got catching up to do and feel we need to control it as much as possible. At least, the traditional guys do.

Part of the reason that I think that a lot of guys think of being with another guy is synonymous to putting their hands in blenders. XD There might be a biological aspect thrown in there somewhere, but I think it's largely a cultural and taught thing -- and then on the other hand there are the gay guys that I've known who are all... very squicked out by the thought of being straight (Despite the bum and boob groping that they seem to like to do?! :confused:) Kind of like rejecting the norm means you have to go all out. I think I've only known one bi male out of the various folks I've met and been friends with, whereas way more bi girls than straight up straight or gay. o_O' Maybe there's less of a threat for being one way or another? (pff probably completely wrong. XD Blah blah blah blah -- hey, where'd the train tracks go?)

If you dislike it for the fact it burns, that's kinda of, but if it's a dislike for taste, then no not really, now you go and put that ginger in your bum missy!

Bah ha ha. XD Unfortunately it's definitely the burning. I would no more use ginger than I would wasabi. D: I think I'm going to stop talking now, because imagining that pain is arrgh to me. Slapping and hair-pulling and biting is one thing, but random burning food is on a different level for me. XD
Re: Bondage Corner

That's one reason you wouldn't like it, you're already in the mindset that it's unappealing. With a my approach, claiming it to be "for science" it doesn't mean I'm happy to try it but I'm not against it, so it gives things a chance. One more difference in sex is that with women, the following is more likely. In the heat of passion, deep eroticism, the nerves have this thing where any stimulation, including pain, is overridden and immediately translated and assimilated to the already pre-existing pleasurable condition. That's where all that slapping and hair pulling and scratching comes from. I hate using poor metaphors cuz it makes it seem like I'm trying to explain it in a childish way, but it's like if I asked you: "Do you like being slapped in the face?" to which almost everyone in their right mind would say no. But during the act of sex or anything like it, a slap or a spank or a hit is fine, sometimes even preferred by someone. The burning sensation that ginger gives can be explained the same way. If I asked, "Do you like spicy shits?" I don't know who would say yes. haha ya know?
Re: Bondage Corner

*coughs, laughing* XDDD

Yeah, that makes more sense. The problem, for me at least, in claiming something for science is that not being in that aroused state to begin with, it's hard to judge whether something that might be offensive to begin with is nice. Psyched up about it being gross or bad is a powerful thing to overcome! In any case, if the method works for you, then freaking kudos. XD
Re: Bondage Corner

Haha, well I never tried to recommend it, it only works for me cuz I am one detached cold calculating motherfucker. Oh I have a heart, I just don't know what it's made of :p One day I'll get curious, cut it out and see.
Re: Bondage Corner

May need welding supplies and a quick course in using 'em before that'll pan out! :p
Re: Bondage Corner

I've heard that the fluidity of sexual preference is a little less rigid in women than in men, though I don't know if that's a valid point to bring up or not. I know that for me it seems less like I'm disinterested in someone because of their equipment so much as their personality and looks

Gator, would you offer some tying lessons? XD I'm abysmal with the stuff. (Oh man, wish we still had those hooks for the hammock in the ceiling... bet you could do some awesome stuff with load-bearing rope-holders like that! :p)

Yeah I think I'd have to agree too. I don't consider myself bi, though I have had thoughts about women, some in the fairly recent past. But then again, that's just me..

And sure, what do you want to know? First thing, I don't do suspension, I'm not experienced enough.
Re: Bondage Corner

And sure, what do you want to know? First thing, I don't do suspension, I'm not experienced enough.

... barbed wire
Re: Bondage Corner

Holy crap Wallpaper's a lesbian and I'm going to her city this weekend!!

Whew, now that that's out of my system, onto the real reason I'm posting. What kind of rope would you suggest Gator? Every kind I've seen is either too weak to be of use or too coarse to be comfortable... Also, anywhere you can find such rope easily?
Re: Bondage Corner

I personally use 3/16" cotton braided clothes line from Home Depot. It's kind of coarse, but I like it a bit rough, and it is pretty pliable for tying knots and it doesn't stretch too much. I think you can get bundles of about 100 feet for like 10 15 bucks. You can also go onto several websites to by specially made "Bondage rope," though that shit gets expensive quick. TRUE hemp rope is another good choice. You definitely don't want anything smaller than 1/4" because stuff that small tends to cut more than just restrain.

Long story short, I prefer cotton or hemp, braided, 3/16" rope. 2 50' lengths, 2-4 25' lengths, and 2-4 15' lengths will serve as plenty of rope for one person.
Re: Bondage Corner

I think I've only known one bi male out of the various folks I've met and been friends with, whereas way more bi girls than straight up straight or gay.

You forgot that bisexuality doesn't really exist. Bisexuals are either sluts or in denial. /troll

In an attempt to make this on-topic, if I remember correctly, isn't hemp rope rather uncommon, at least in the US? I haven't really looked into it at all, of course.
Re: Bondage Corner

Yeah it is, and it's pretty expensive, but it works VERY well if it is maintained.
Re: Bondage Corner

Maintained? I remember there being a hemp'n'stuff store about an hour and a half from here, they might have rope...
Re: Bondage Corner

You have to treat it periodically like you do leather. You also have to make sure it doesn't get wet, too dirty, etc.

Actually, it is a lot like maintaining leather, at least from what I have heard. I never owned any of the stuff personally.
Re: Bondage Corner

I don't actually own leather either, is there some sort of oil i need to buy or something?