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Synthia (BlueSlime)

Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Marching on through the room where the tentacles had attacked her, though a doorway in the back. Entering a hallway that was fairly short, they reached the end, where stairs on the right went upward.

They entered a room, though Gerald held her back for a moment. The room was somewhat odd, as there were tons of ropes all over the floor. A few seconds after Gerald entered, they all seemed to anime. A dozen or more of them flying together to make a human shape.

"Careful! It's a rope demon! Watch yourself." Gerald cried out to Syn.

Rope Demon 5/5 HP
Syn 6/6 FP
Gerald 6/6 HP

(Damn, monster HP rolls hate you, and 2 level 2 monsters, (Which have 2d6 hp instead of 1d6), luck has not been on your side.)
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia readied herself at Gerald's warning.

"What in the world is a rope demon?" she asked, though her confusion was not so great that she didn't know what to do, raising her sword she made a horizontal slash across the "torso" of the rope body being formed.

"So a rope walks into a bar..."

Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

(5+1 vs 8)
Moving forward, Synthia makes her first attack against the demon. Though more effective with the sword, she has a bit of bad luck and trips up with the attack, making her slash go wide.
(2+3 vs 2)
Gerald however, has a bit more luck with his first strike, stepping forward, and getting an agile slash across the forming body of the demon. "It's exactly what it sounds like, a bunch of ropes possessed and animated by a demon!"
(20 vs 17+3)(Change of rules, ties now rule in favor of the player)
The rope demon finished forming his body, one of it's arms wraps around into an almost sort of whip, multiple ropes wrapped around each other. It swings it hard at Gerald, the one to have slashed it, but Gerald brings up his shield at just the right moment and the rope whip clangs as it deflects away.

Ropes 4/5 HP
Syn 6/6 FP
Gerald 6/6 HP
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia decides it's time to learn some tactics, and when the rope demon is distracted with its attack on Gerald, she attempts to slip around it and flank the demon on its side.

When she thinks she sees an opening she lashes upwards in a vertical strike.

[attack again, trying to flank]

"...the rope orders a drink, but the bartender says, 'we don't serve ropes around here!'"
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

(13+2 vs 14)
Finding a good moment to slip around unnoticed, Synthia manages to get a good slash in on the creature as it's distracted with Gerald. It turns around to face her..
(2+4 vs 14)
Leaving it open to Gerald, who tries to take it's attention back again with another slash. His skill in battle, even while it's distracted, unfortunately, aren't enough overcome the forces of bad luck, as the demon surged forward towards Synthia at just the right moment.
(8 vs 1+1)
Synthia has her own bout of bad luck as she steps back, finding herself in a nest of coiled ropes! The ropes shoot up, entangling her badly. They're very tight, and she feels a bit of strength leave her as one of them pulls tightly around her crotch area.

Rope Demon 3/5 HP
Syn 5/6 FP (Badly Entangled, -3 to actions until free, requires two 'escape' actions to get free)
Gerald 6/6 (Somewhat excited at seeing Syn get entangled ;))
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Ugh, not again... it's still very tender down there!

The sudden entanglement stops her from continuing her joke, and she concentrates on kicking and twisting to free herself of the ropes.


Looking up, she sees the way Gerald is looking at her and gets a bit flustered.

Does he like the way I look when I'm tied up? Oh stop thinking like that, he's just an NPC for this stupid game that's holding you prisoner!

"Hurry up and slice it! Don't just look at me!"
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

(6-3 vs 16)
Synthia tries hard to escape, but is unable to even loosen her binds, as they start to adjust themselves into a proper tie...
(15+4 vs 6)
"Yes, yes, sorry" Gerald apologizes as he presses the attack on the demon. The body of it turns around to face him as Synthia feels the ropes loosen just a tiny bit, apparently harming the main body weakened all the ropes!
(12 vs 2+3)
Synthia is worried for a moment as the demon's body raises it's rope whip arm high, the rope forming into a hammer. It comes crashing down, knocking Gerald aside even as he raises his shield in defense.

Synthia is busy with her own problems though as she feels the rope near her crotch knot itself and start to grind her through her clothes, her face explodes in a blush as she starts to realize she's getting quite aroused at the situation.

Rope 2/5 HP
Syn 5/6 FP 1/4 AP (Almost bound, -4 to checks, can't attack. -1 to escape attempts from 1 AP)
Gerald 5/6 (Slightly dizzy, getting turned on.)
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Ah! Be careful!" she yells as she sees the rope hammer smash into Gerald's armor, concern for the fictional man entering her voice.

You need to get a hold of yourself, Synthia. Calm down and think about how these ropes are binding you. Fight against the forming knots. Come on!

[escape attempt]

"You're doing fine, I can feel it weakening! Keep it up!" she shouted in encouragement to Gerald. Then she felt the knot begin to grind against her lower lips and she fought a sudden urge to yelp in excitement. Why were these ropes turning her on so much?
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

(10-5 vs 11)
Synthia tries again to escape, but the rope pulls tight, especially around her crotch, as punishment, she lets out a gasp as the ropes finish binding her in an actual tie.
(8+3 vs 10)
Gerald stands back up, encouraged by the Syns shouting, desprate to rescue his newly made friend, he charges the rope monster, his skill leading the day as he lands a solid cut on its body.
(14 vs 16+3)
The demon attempts to reciprocate the attack, but Gerald deftly doges out of the way, his skill in heavy armor becoming readily apparent as he moves in ways Synthia wouldn't think possible in so much metal.

Synthia though finds she's unable to concentrate on her friend for long as the ropes tighten, making her give another gasp as she starts to sink towards the floor, tired and feeling more aroused. Maybe she should stay like this...

Ropes 1/5 HP
Syn 4/6 FP 2/4 AP
(Being fully bound gives a nonstacking -5 penalty to checks)
Gerald 5/6 HP (Would have a glint in his eye if he didn't have a helmet on.)
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

As the ropes lock in to an impressive knot, Synthia whimpers and wriggles against the tightness in her crotch, as the rope demon seemingly punishes her for her earlier impertinence.

"Ahhnn... I - I can't move Gerald. Please do your best! Ah..."

She moans as the ropes begin to cinch her wrists and legs behind her, and gives up her attempts to break free. Either Gerald will save her, or she will have to face the depredations of yet another fiendish inhabitant of this dungeon.

As the ropes tightened about her and began to slip inside her breastplate and separate it from her bosom, she watched Gerald fight off the remaining strands and imagined how nice it might be for him to tie her up like this and then order her to do things to him... things she could not, nor would not refuse him.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

(12+3 vs 19)
Gerald pushes forward the assault, getting in minor nicks and cuts, but unable to fully finish the demon for the moment.

Synthia feels the ropes tighten again, as she's brought into a hogtie by the ropes binding her. As she starts to protest, a rope ties around her head, oddly the rope isn't very rough, none of the rope are in fact, she notices. Now with a rope pulled tight to gag her, she can only watch as Gerald fights to free her. She feels a bit more tired and a bit more aroused.

(14 vs 13+3)
The rope demon tries to attack Gerald, him distracting it from its prey. Gerald manages to dodge and block the blows though, his skill really showing now.

Ropes 1/5
Syn 3/6 FP 3/4 AP
Gerald 5/6

(Continuing on)
(12+3 vs 8)
Gerald presses the attack one final time, getting a clean downward cut, slicing the ropes apart as the ropes start to fall limp.

Sadly, or maybe happily? For Synthia, though she no longer feels that the ropes holding her are alive, she's still, you know, tied.

Gerald sits down for a moment to catch his breath, before looking over to her, he flips up his visor, and she can see he's a little flustered looking at her like that. "Need a hand?" he asks, mockingly.

Syn 2/4 AP

Edit: Typos :X
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Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Looking a little flustered herself, feeling Gerald's eyes upon her, and still feeling the effects of the ropes on her body, Synthia can only offer up a shrug and a calm "Mmmf," in response to Gerald's question.

She gnaws a bit at the gag in her mouth and recalls the none-too-distant memory of Gerald's manhood thrusting inside her.

"Mmmf mf mmmmf..." she continues to make noises, but her manner is not straining or angry. Rather she looks docile, and sounds even a little coy as she keeps her eyes on Gerald.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

He stands up, having caught his breath. "Hmm, maybe you'd like me to help you in a different way?" He walks around behind her, tapping her butt as he examines the crotch rope tied to her.

"Hmm, it's pretty tight...want me to loosen it? Or maybe tighten it? I think you might be enjoying this, aren't you?" His voice goes coy as he removes his helmet and sets it aside.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

When he asks her if she is enjoying it Synthia's cheeks turn a deeper shade of red and she meekly nods as much as the ropes will allow her.

"Mm hmm." she says, and slowly tests the ropes for him to see. They're quite tight and she wouldn't be able to stop Gerald from doing what he wanted to her.

It's all right if he does something... He'd at least go easy on me. And fictional game personality or not, I think I owe him something after saving me. He's not too subtle about how he leers at me like this. God, I'm getting goosebumps just from the way he's staring at me.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"You should be more careful" He coyly teases as he pulls the crotch rope a tiny bit. "You never know what someone might do if they find you in a state like this."

He takes off his gauntlets and places his hands around her breasts. "They might be a terribly prevented person who will enjoy you like this, then leave you or take you away to make you yours." His voice sarcastic as he starts to play with her.

He takes his time being gentle. And he stokes her hair a bit as he finishes with her breasts. He moves his hands lower to stroke her body before reaching her nethers. He starts to massage them, on both sides, loosening the crotch rope a little so it's more pleasure than pain.

His fingers lower her pants, taking the time to feel her again now that they're out of the way. After a little why he circles back around, giving her a kiss on the cheek before starting to take off his armor.

It takes a long time, and it's only made worse for Synthia as he toys with her, pressing the hard folded rope against her panties and moving it around, grinding her down there. When he finishes, he slowly moves her panties down, as he unties her legs from the hogtie so he can get access, moving her ass up in the air, he presses against her as he starts to get hard. Again like last time her torments her a while before finally entering, all the foreplay having her wet, she orgasms the moment he enters, sucking his member in tightly. He starts to thrust, a little harder than the first time, but still gentle, especially compared to the tentacles.

She feels him ready to burst, and he leans in and whispers in her ear. "How about I let it out inside, yeah?" He keeps pressing in and out, and lets it all go in her the moment she nods yes...though he pulls out, flipping her over onto her back, if she says no.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

She makes a cooing sound as Gerald playfully taunts her with words, and quickly shifts into muffled gasps and moans as he begins to play with her body.

She watches as best she can everything that he does, wanting him to feel her eyes upon him when he strokes her nethers through her pants. She giggles through the gag when he kindly plants a kiss on her cheek before taking off his armor.

She decides that he isn't half bad looking - and his taste in bondage makes him more of a turn on than she previously thought him.

She whimpers but clearly enjoys every stage of his teasing, wiggling her ass in front of him and grinding against the grain of his pulling. It wasn't long until her inner thighs were slick with her juices.

When he finally enters her, she was already well on her way over the edge, and she screeches happily through the gag, which is damp from her drool.

She nods contentedly when he suggests coming inside her, and she moans sweetly as his warmth floods her insides, the walls of her snatch contracting tightly around his cock, trying to milk every last drop into her body.

"Mmmf.. mf mmff," she calmly talks into her gag, waiting for him to decide when she'd be allowed to speak again. Not that she was in a rush to be freed. The feeling of the ropes was still pleasant against her skin.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Gerald finally pulls out as he sits down for a moment, regaining his strength. "I'll just leave you like that for the moment while I rest, ok?" He's grinning, still teasing her.

Her ass still in the air, almost none of his love juice falls out until a little later, when he starts to untie her. He undoes her gag first, giving her a long sensual kiss on the lips, before untying the rest of her.

"What do you say we take a few of these ropes with us? You never knew when rope can be handy to an adventurer." He suggests, half serious, half mockingly.

Synthia knows what he really means, though it's true that rope can always be useful, and she's feeling a warm feeling inside her now...
(Synthia is now pregnant.) (Go dice!)

Gerald sets up a small camp to rest, eating some rations. As he sets up a small lantern for some light and warmth.

Synthia feels a little bit better at controlling her urges now...

6/6 FP 0/5 AP
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"I think that'd be a good idea," she says quietly, her eyes cast down at her feet. "You're quite good with them."

Putting a hand over her belly, Synthia wonders at the warm feeling inside of her, and recalls the pregnancy question she'd ticked at the beginning of the EGG program - not fully understanding the implications at the time and more interested in keeping all the game aspects on the table for review purposes.

How does pregnancy work in this game? Surely they don't expect players to be playing the game for 9 months straight - not at least without the IV feed and catheter expansion pack...

Idly, Synthia tried bringing up the help menu and looked up in-game pregnancy to learn more about it. As she did so, she finished her rope joke.

"So the rope gets tossed out of the bar, and he decides to disguise himself so he can get a drink. The rope roughs up its hair and ties itself into a bow and re-enters the bar. The bartender spots him and says 'hey! aren't you that rope I just threw out of here? And the rope responds, 'Nope, I'm a frayed knot!'"

Synthia giggled at her pun, one of the oldest in the book, as she considered the implications of being pregnant.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"In Game Knowledge Base - Pregnancy
Inside the EGG, pregnancy works much like the outside world, though a little bit accelerated. The EGG also doesn't always play entirely in real time, having the ability to skip forward in time inside the game when the player won't be doing much. Pregnancy status was recently bugged in that it didn't save when a player saved and quit, but this has recently been fixed and the status will be proper when a saved game is loaded."

Synthia reads the help file, noticing the world turns grey and stops moving as she does, the pause feature having recently been fixed when reading the knowledge base. Her eyes are drawn to the blue text, obviously a link to a different page.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Wondering about what the help file could say about saving and quitting, Synthia clicked on the link, hoping it might shed some light on her ability to egress.

Maybe I've just been going about it wrong.

The hopeful thought, combined with the warm afterglow of her last exercise with Gerald, put a pleasant smile on her lips.