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Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(And another question is spawned from Dia's comment there. How well do each of you know Touhou? I have a general idea for some of the regulars, but my curiousity has been piqued by that comment. Also, I'll offer a thanks towards the_taken, for that is a very good comment you got there. I suppose I'll need to write a longer story somewhere along the way.

I'll try hold back on the questions, they are making me look like a bad youtube partner with all that sub/rate/comment whoring shit they do..)

Despite her rising arousal, Byakuren is not thrilled about the thought of being raped by an out-of-control machine. She tries to wiggle herself free from the clutches of the mechanical hands, flailing from side to side in a frantic attempt to loosen the grip on her. Before she can struggle too much though, the other hand withdraws from under her skirt and wraps its long fingers around her neck. It begins to squeeze, cutting off her air flow until she stops resisting their efforts. Not ready to lose her life over something like this, Byakuren gives up, stopping her meek attempt at escaping

Back in control now, the other arm retreats back under her skirt, proceeding on with the operation while the other pair still keep the magician firmly restrained. The hands carefully pull down Byakuren's panties, exposing her already dripping womanhood to their direct touch. The hands proceed to do exactly that, rubbing her folds and teasing her clit with determined, gentle touches. After a while, Byakuren bends her head back, feeling the rush of orgasm rising from deep inside her. Not a moment later, the ecstasic pleasure washes over her, making the magician cry out her joy.

Still held in the air, Byakuren can't believe she just climaxed from a machine raping her as she recovers from her release. But it looks like the arm pack is still not done with her. The hands once again poke at her entry, a few long fingers soon pushing themselves inside her folds. As the dextrous mechanical digits slide and rub against her inner walls, Byakuren can feel her arousal rising again from within. She is brought into the world of pleasure once more, with a finger pushing itself inside her puckered rear as well. The pleasuring fingers rub her to another quick climax before they finally run out of power, going limp and dropping the thorougly satisfied Byakuren down on the workshop floor. As the limp machine now lies there near her, Byakuren doesn't get up, still enjoying the afterglow from two almost back-to-back climaxes. She was getting somewhat worried about herself, being so easily abused by a rampaging, lustful machine.
"Am I turning into some kind of pervert...?" she thinks, her panties still pulled down to her ankles, some of her love juice still dripping down her exposed slit.

After a while, Byakuren gets up, wiping herself clean right before the inventor girl wakes up from her unconcious state. Nitori apologises several times for endangering her guest, Byakuren keeping the event that transpired in her own mind, not wanting to cause any further worry to the kappa. After a quick cucumber meal, the girls retreat to their beds for a possibly peaceful sleep

But Byakuren's wish is prevented from happening as something lurks around the outside of the kappa's home during the night. Nitori too wakes up, grabbing strange, crackling glove from a nearby box
"Should we take the fight to them? Or hope it'll go away?" the kappa asks Byakuren, tightening the electrified glove firmly around her hand as she steps out from her bed

A. Sneak out to face the lurker outside

B. Stay inside and wait for the sneak to go away
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Offense is the best defence!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A lets surprise them
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Cause it's the fun thing to do.

As for my Touhou knowledge, I'd like to consider myself rather well-informed. I'm by no means an expert, but I've researched this setting quite a bit.

Also, ten shots. Taking suggestions on new drink of choice after completing this set of shots.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(You're great at writing. And as for my knowledge of Touhou, don't know shit.)

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A We have some helplessness issue we need to deal with. Compensate for out earlier defeat by being the aggressive party this time!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

The kappa nods at Byakuren's suggestion, sneaking for the door, quiet as a ghost in the night. The two are soon outside, a sound can be heard from behind the cottage.
"Let's surround it, go the other way" Nitori whispers to Byakuren, heading backwards to the left side. Byakuren goes to the right as instructed.

Turning behind the corner, she can see nothing. As she slides along the wall, a sudden crackling sound and a surprised yelp draw her attention. Byakuren moves towards the other corner now with more determination, as it seems Nitori caught the sneak. As she turns the second corner, loud sounds of magic being fired and a green light can be detected from behind the final corner. Only a few shots later, she can hear a whimper followed by a loud voice

The voice is familiar, but not in a pleasant way. Hurrying towards the scene of the battle, she can see a familiar blonde girl holding Nitori by her throat, a green light enveloping her as she's clearly preparing to finish the inventor off.
"That's... Parsee.." Byakuren thinks, remembering the bridge princess from earlier. She wastes no time firing a bolt of magic at the youkai, not wanting Nitori to die in front of her. Parsee seems to be aware of her presence however, as she tosses Nitori aside and evades the bolt. Byakuren casts a concerned look at the inventor, her worry rising as she sees a trickle of blood slowly drip down from the side of her mouth. Not sure how long Nitori would last, Byakuren turns her attention towards the clearly enraged bridge princess

Parsee's gaze is instantly drawn to Byakuren, the green light glowing intensely in them as the familiar energy balls manifest on her sides.
"YOU!" the bridge princess yells at Byakuren.
"WHY DID YOU HAVE TO COME DOWN THERE? BECAUSE OF YOU, YUUGI HAS STOPPED TALKING TO ME!! SHE AVOIDS ME!!" quickly follows in the tantrum before the spheres leap into action, starting to angle their way towards Byakuren. Not quite sure what to do, she runs back towards the corner. Parsee gives chase, following her to a more open area in near the stream

Now in a more open area, Byakuren feels she can be more of a match to the furious youkai royalty if it turns into a fight. Parsee follows hot on her heels, stopping to face her at the edge of the stream
"YOU TOOK MY ONLY REASON TO EXIST FROM ME! NOW I'LL TAKE YOUR EXISTENCE FROM YOU!" the bridge princess shouts at her in a furious voice, her body visibly trembling as her jealousy flares to whole new level, the green energy starting to expand in a bigger area

A. Fight Parsee

B. Refuse to fight her

C. Call in Komachi for reinforcements
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Uh-oh. Altough I do like ParuxYuugi and feel sympathy for the bridge princess, I don't like where this is going. Being on the recieving end of her misaimed wrath is not something I'd enjoy... Running is pointless, she'll hunts us down like a Hellhound. She can shoot, too. Dunno if we're up to facing her, considering she took out Nitori... Ah, Hell.


We really need help with this one, at least in my opinion. This ain't your regular run-off-the-mill Youkai. And she's freaking pissed.

Eleven shots. Glad to have some violence to go with the drinks.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C for Chicken.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A : P
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

First question - What the others said really. Good stuff. Certainly infinitely better than anything I could write in Finnish...

Second question - Ey, what's a Touhou? Derp. Though in seriousness, probably similar to what Cross said. I've been soaking up the setting for quite a while now, including having read some of ZUN's non game stuff and print works. Biggest failing perhaps being that I still haven't seen many of the in game conversations or true endings, as I'm incapable of reaching them and haven't looked up any out of game translations.

Current vote - Seems as good a time as ever for calling on that favour, so sure, C.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C By the power of Komanchi! I HAVE THE POWER!

We nede to save Nitori!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(Hmmm weird, with my slightly sick current status, I'm managing to think faster. And have this desire to write another piece before sleeping)

Byakuren steps forward, standing defiant in face of the rampaging bridge princess.
"Miss Parsee, I do not know what my presence down there did to taint the bonds of love between you and good Miss Yuugi. But my purpose in this world is not dependant on merely the two of you, there's more love over here in the world that needs protection. Since you seem to be behind all reason in your current state, I'll fight you with all the power bestowed upon me by others during this long journey!" she boldly tells the youkai, drawing the summoning coin from the folds of her dress and tossing it down beside her. A light starts to emanate from it, coalescing into the familiar form of the busty shinigami Komachi, complete with her enormous scythe
"Whoa, that was kind of intense" she wonders aloud at the suddenness of the teleportation
"I take it you have a situation in your hands, Byakuren-sama?" the redhead ferry girl continues, drawing the scythe from her back as she faces Parsee. The bridge princess drops her face down as she sees the shinigami too now facing her.
"YOU DRAG OTHERS INTO THIS?! WELL, NOTHING I CAN'T BATTLE WITH MY SKILL!" she yells at them, as another Parsee splits from her form.
"I SEE IT ONLY FITTING THAT WE MAKE THIS AN EQUAL CONTEST!" the twin voices say in unison, both Parsees starting to fire off different kinds of bullets, the other bigger black-hole type danmaku while the other shoots smaller beady projectiles. Byakuren and Komachi split to take on the princess, Komachi charging forward to melee while Byakuren stays back and provides fire support

Doing their best to evade the barrages of bullets fired by Parsee, the two work in perfect unison. They succeed in taking out the shadow of Parsee pretty quick, as Komachi harries it into Byakuren's bullet streams. This pushes Parsee over her anger limit, as she fires the twin seekers into Komachi. They engulf the shinigami for a brief moment, who soon falls next to Byakuren, but not after wounding Parsee with a thrown scythe.
"Byakuren... sama, I have to.. retreat..." she manages to say while clambering back to her feet.
"Defeat her for me.. please... survive.." the shinigami continues before vanishing in a blue fire, the scythe following suit far behind Parsee.

With the bridge princess slightly distracted by the wound on her abdomen, Byakuren draws out her last weapon, the spell-aid scroll. Throwing it open, she sees it is actually not paper, but a shimmering field of magical writing. The power of the scroll coming over her, Byakuren starts uttering the words of power aloud. Parsee fires a barrage at her in an attempt to stop her, but Byakuren manages to complete her casting. The lotus flower aura she remembers using a long time ago manifests briefly, shooting out a barrage of bullets and lasers at the bridge princess' own danmaku, erasing them as it pierces through and striking Parsee squarely across the center mass. With a feeble cry, the bridge princess' aura of power fades as she falls into the stream

As she floats on the surface, Parsee can see her blood start to color the surrounding waters. With a dead gaze in her eyes, she can be heard talking in a low voice
"so... I didn't get.. to meet you anymore... after all..." the bridge princess tries to say, a bloody cough soon spurting from her mouth
"...yuu.. gi.. why.." she tries to continue, raising her arm feebly towards the night sky before her strenght gives out.

Witnessing the princess slowly floating down the stream, Byakuren starts to feel sorry for her. Still not quite sure about what the blonde youkai's role in all this is, she starts to consider what to do now

A. Waddle into the stream and pick Parsee's body to the shore so she can possibly recover

B. Let her drift down the stream to whatever awaits her there and attend to Nitori instead
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Get her and attend to both of them.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Through, healing milk anyone?