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Faylin (Farren)

Re: Faylin (Farren)

The two nod and Abby says that it would be best if they tried Faylin's plan of deception. Geero busies himself with binding her hands behind her back with some rope, but all the while assuring Faylin that he's tying a slip knot.

"It'll look solid at a casual glance, but all you have to do is tug at this loop here," and he put a loop firmly into the palm of her hand, "and the whole of it will come undone."

Geero then placed the wand into her other hand and did his best to hide it behind the knot.

Meanwhile, Abby had gone off to the chest of "toys" and retrieved a leather choker with a large iron loop on the front, and a ball gag, both of which she fastened about Faylin's neck and mouth, respectively. Then she attached a finely linked chain leash to the choker, which she held in her hands.

"Just to complete the look," she winked at Fay, then tilting her head to one side, said, "It looks quite good on you though, so we may keep it even after we're done with the buyer."

Abby had chosen to forgo her flog and now had a bullwhip at her side as well as a long knife haning at a leather belt that looped unevenly about her waist.

Geero for his part had discarded his club for a large axe, which gave him a particularly menacing look.

When all was ready, the group made their way up the stairs, Geero in the lead, with Fay in the middle and Abby holding her chain coming up behind her.

They made their way to the front room of the complex, at the end of the long hallway and up a short flight of stairs. In the middle of the room stood a large bulky figure, hooded in a dark cowl so that Faylin could not make out his face, only to see that he had a dark medium length beard that looked damp and dirty, and that he had arms slightly long for his size that gave him the appearance of a cloaked ape. In one hand he held a long silver rod, and on his other arm, he sported a tattoo of a spiders web, whose strands of ink trailed from out of his cloak and robes, up his forearm and over his wrist, up unto the the second knuckle of each finger.

"This is she? This is the mage slave you have promised?" the man croaked. "She dresses not like a priestess. She looks like one of yours."

"That is my doing," said Abby playfully, tugging Fay forward roughly by the chain in a display of power. "I like to play dress up with the priestesses from time to time. They so rarely enjoy the blasphemous taste of witch-leather."

The cowled face glanced over to Abby for a brief moment. "Witch-leather you say? Humph. An odd skill for a street dweller -- but I can see you both desire to soon leave these streets behind and walk in the dark, to serve the great Queen, yes? Hmm. But this is only one mage, and only one sigil shall I give for her. Which of you, I wonder shall get it? Hmm?" He held his rod up suddenly and it crackled with magical power, holding it once towards Geero and then back quickly towards Abby.

He seemed for the moment to be satisfied with what he saw in Fay, and was ignoring her while threatening the two slavers.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Fay had to smirk at the comment about the leash as she went along with the plan, allowing the pair to tie her once more. She couldn't say she'd complain about wearing the leash out and about more, so long as Abby was the one holding it. Well, maybe Geero too, he didn't seem so bad now he'd chilled out. The three of them could well have a lot of fun together, assuming they dealt with this mage.

When they started off she put on the air of a defeated little captive, much like she had felt when she had been brought here originally. She gave the hooded figure a glance before dropping her gaze. She gave a soft cry as she was tugged by Abby, trying to look upset at the reminder of what she was wearing. She sighed, shifting around as she watched the events unfold, inching back at the display of his power.

Since she wasn't being paid any attention, and assuming she'd not been informed to wait for any trade off, it seemed like as good a time as any to attack. Not wanting to give the creature any warning, she attempts to blast him with her natural magic as opposed to her wand. The moment the first attack is launched she'll slip her hands from her bindings and moving, looking for anything she might be able to turn over for cover in the room.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Without warning, Faylin summons her inner reserves and the air around her small frame crackles with power. Forming it into a ball with her mind, she shoots the surge out towards the mage with her will, intent upon blasting through his body with it. But her attack turns to dismay when the mage, sensing the build up of her power, brings the silver rod to point at her and fires a silver blast of his own at her.

The two bolts of power smash into each other mid-flight, creating a blinding flash that pushes everyone in the room backwards.

Fay uses that moment to slip her bonds and bring her own wand out to bear in front of her as she searches frantically for some form of cover, which she finds in the shape of a thick open table to her right.

Meanwhile Geero and Abby spring into action, bringing out their weapons and trying to quickly maneuver into close range to strike at the man, but he fends them off with expert wielding of his magic rod, creating shimmering fields of magical force in front of him, halting the slavers' advance.

Web Mage 10/10, 6/6 MP

Fay 5/5, AP 0/10, MP 2/3
Geero 5/5 (Axe Expertise Level 2: +2|+1, improved critical)
Abby 5/5 (Whip Expertise Level 1: +1|+0, entangle on critical; Dodger level 2: +0|+2)
Re: Faylin (Farren)

So much for a sneak attack. Come on you stupid thing, you got to be good for something other than zapping tentacles. Concentrating again she uses her and to lash out at the web mage, not wanting to give him a moment to catch his breath. If she could at least keep him occupied she might give the other two an opening.

"Aww, come on now, you know you want to stop like a good little opponent. Wouldn't it be terrible if we beat the tar out of you?" She taunts as she dances around behind the table, hoping to draw his retaliation her way to take the heat off of Geero and Abby. Considering her track record with her magic for the time being, she was happy to play support for her new accomplices.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

The mage mutters and raises his hand, and Fay perceives somehow that a gray aura surrounds him as his spell gathers power. Then his eyes flash and he lets loose a powerful barrage of a spell at her. Not knowing what she's doing or why she does it, Fay gathers her own innate magical essence and throws it directly at the man's spell, causing it to fizzle.

Faylin counters the Web Mage's spell!

The mage in return feels the sting of Abby's whip while bringing up his rod to create a shield to block Geero's axe swing.

Web Mage 9/10, MP 5/6

Faylin 5/5, MP 1/3 (the counterspell costs an MP)
Geero 5/5
Abby 5/5

(The counterspell was used automatically for the first time to introduce spell countering, in the future, actively countering a spell will require Faylin to specify that as her action, in lieu of attacking. Fay gets a +5 bonus when countering, but must succeed her counter roll by a greater margin than the enemy's spell succeeds. It costs 1 MP to attempt a counterspell.)
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Faylin manages something of a smirk as she counters the mage's spell, getting a little better at sensing the power she could call forth. She felt the drain on her too though, knowing she wouldn't be able to rely on it. Since the battle was only just beginning she focused on dealing some damage with her next attack, wanting to save the last of her energy for when the mage was pushed.

"For acting all high and mighty that was too easy to fizzle. Are you sure you're a mage? Come on hit me with your best shot," Fay' continues taunting, though she doesn't know if the mage is actually getting angry since he isn't so much as speaking. If nothing else the boasting helps her concentrate on what she's doing and keeps her mind from wandering onto the consequences of a loss.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

The mage makes a disdainful "hmph" sound at Fay's boasts and ducking underneath Geero's axe and past Abby's whip before they could fall on him, he brings his rod up to point at Faylin just as she fires a bolt of energy from her wand at him.

With a crackle of power, the Web Mage sends his own bolt of energy out and reverses the flow of power, sending the wave of magic back against Fay, splintering the table she hid behind and slamming her against the stone wall with a pained gasp.

"Only a fledgling," he muttered. "We'll soon fix that mouth of yours..."

His words were like a dark promise, and a chill ran through her as she realized the extent to which this foe outmatched her. Certainty that he had yet to display his full power welled inside her mind.

Web Mage 9/10, MP 5/6
Faylin 4/5, AP 0/10, MP 1/3
Geero 5/5
Abby 5/5
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Faylin curses as she hits the wall, promptly pulling herself back to her feet and lashing out again with her magic. At least she was keeping him occupied as per her original intentions, even if she wasn't doing more than taking hits herself. With any luck Geero and Abby would be able to get some more hits in before he could wear her down.

"Yeah well, you're taking your time with that huh?" She continues, despite the creeping doubt that they were more outmatched than they seemed. She wasn't about to give in either way, especially not when it was more than her well being on the line now.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

The mage deflects Faylin's spell as easily as he had before, but her constant taunting has been good enough to draw his attention away from the other others. Geero's axe bit down on the mage's arm as he raised his rod to send another blast Fay's way, only to have the blow turn the shot aside, scorching the far wall.

"Hah, got you!" Geero howled as he followed through for a second stroke but the mage turned him aside and used him as a shield against Abby's efforts to lash him, forcing her to hold back on her own attack.

"I can see you hoped to outnumber me..." growled the mage, and Faylin sensed magical essence coursing through and around him as he prepared another spell. "Let us see if you incorporated THIS into your plan."

Web Mage 8/10, MP 5/6, (casting a spell)
Fay 4/5, MP 1/3
Geero 5/5
Abby 5/5
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Faylin shivered as she felt the build up of magic, the mage's words giving her a good reason to be worried if he should manage to cast his spell. They didn't need to have to split their attention, not when they were barely holding their ground as it was.

Deciding to keep her mouth shut for a moment she decides it'd be a good idea to try the trick she pulled off earlier, trying to focus her own magic to interrupt her opponents build energy. Since she apparently still couldn't hit for shit, depriving the web mage of allies seemed like the best use of her time.

Focus Fay', focus. Do this for Abby...
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Fortunately for Faylin, the man's spell never even got off. It appeared that at the last moment with Geero charging at him, the mage had lost his grip on the spell weave and it fizzled without Fay having to exert any energy.

So instead, not wishing to lose her chance of an opening, Fay raised her wand and fired yet another bolt...

And lo' it struck the man hard in his shoulder, burning a hole in his cloak and forcing him back wards.

Abby laughed in delight as Fay finally managed to produce a wound with her magic, and on a skilled opponent no less.

The mage, however, still possessed a large portion of strength, and as Abby brought her whip down upon him he caught it around his left forearm and held it tight, then yanking her off balance from his end, he drove his rod forward and two silvery balls of gunk sprayed from its tip and thwapped against Abby, hurtling her backwards. The gunk appeared to be a mass of spider webbing, and it was covering Abby's waist and legs, slowing down her movement.

Web Mage 7/10, MP 4/6 (spell failed, still cost MP point)
Faylin 4/5, MP 1/3
Geero 5/5
Abby 4/5 (webbed, attacks last, -1 to attack and defense)
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Finally! Faylin was overjoyed to have finally hit a target that wasn't kind of just withering on the ground. She was a little less happy to see the mage land a blow against Abby, though she seemed to be okay so she decided to focus on the task at hand.

"Aww, things not going to plan?" She taunts again, blasting the mage with another bolt from her wand, feeling far more confident that she could do some damage now. Even so they'd need to keep up the pace of whittling him down, if he started to immobilise them they;d have problems.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Sadly, Fay's first real success is short lived. The mage puts up a magical wall to deflect her next blast and then whirls in an arc to ward off Geero before blasting Abby with more webs, which become visibly barbed as they spiral out of his silver rod and spray into Abby's chest, ripping at her clothes as they continue to bind her, exposing the bare flesh of her breast between strands of the cloud-colored wrappings.

Abby was now covered by a second coat of webbing, just as she had about managed to pull herself free of the first strands. Her teeth gritted in frustration, but she was also visibly getting tired.

"Agh... bastard," she muttered, flexing her muscles and puffing out her exposed chest in an effort to free herself.

Web Mage 7/10, MP 4/6
Fay 4/5, 1/3
Geero 5/5
Abby 3/5 (still webbed, -1 to all attack and defense rolls, attacks last)
Re: Faylin (Farren)

"Hey Spiderman! You're ignoring the wrong girl!" Faylin yelled, trying to shift herself between Abby and the mage as best she could without getting in Abby's way. She shot off another blast of magic, hoping she'd be able to land another solid hit or two soon to turn the battle more in their favour.

With any luck if she could stop Abby from getting more webbed up she'd be able to free herself or something. They had the numerical advantage and she was determined to try to keep it that way. If he had to divide his attention it'd let them get more hits in, she doubted any of them would get very far if he could concentrate on them one at a time.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Her shot was again deflected, much to Faylin's consternation. It felt as if she were just constantly having bad luck. She had little time to ponder her combat woes further, as a quick flick of his wrist brought the mage's web blasts to bear on her, and with a loud "Thwip" she was blasted back against the wall, next to where Abby was pinned, the barbed webbing sticking her to the wall as it moved of its own accord, ripping and stretching the opening at her cleavage until the ripped leather was wide enough for her breasts to pop through and become visible. A regretful sadness popped into her head as she though about the loss of the clothing Abby must have spent so much time creating.

Geero growled and swiped his axe at the mage's head angrily, forcing the man backwards and taking his attention from the two women momentarily, as he was forced to dodge and deflect the attacks with his magic.

Web Mage 7/10, MP 4/6

Faylin 3/5, MP 1/3 (webbed, attack last, -1 to attacks and defense)
Geero 5/5
Abby 3/5 (webbed, attack last, -1 to attacks and defense)
Re: Faylin (Farren)

The young mage eeped as she was hit by the webbing, feeling the sticky, barbed substance tearing at the clothing she'd just acquired. She wasn't even so worried about her breasts bouncing free of the skimpy leather, more annoyed that the idiot was breaking something Abby had given her.

She tried to get off a blast with her wand while scrambling to get free of the webbing. She didn't need to make herself any easier of a target for the mage's attacks.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

The mage's focus is turned on Geero now, but the ferocity of the slaver's attacks, knowing that both his female companions are already being bound before his eyes, causes the webbing attack to miss by an inch. Seizing his opportunity, Geero sends another slice across the web mage's torso, causing a shout of pain.

The lithe Fay, better at escaping than she is at attacking, manages to find a way to wriggle out of the webbing. Unfortunately for Abby, the female slaver is not so lucky and the barbed webs hold her tight.

Web Mage 6/8, MP 4/6
Fay 3/5, MP 1/3
Geero 5/5
Abby 3/5, (webbed)
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Since she managed to free herself pretty easily, Faylin quickly returned to blasting the mage with her wand, hoping Geero wouldn't loose his momentum just because she wasn't in immediate peril. Abby seemed to be having some trouble freeing herself though, maybe that would motivate him still.

She didn't have anything smart to say right now, instead hoping she might be able to land another attack if she shut up and concentrated a little more on her aim. It was hard to think of things to taunt about when the mage was remaining pretty silent as well.
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Fay's shot again goes wide, but it does blast dangerously close to the web mage's head, causing him to start with surprise, realizing that Fay had so quickly escaped the grasp of his webs.

The dumbfounded nature of his pause gave Geero an opportunity to finish his own charge with a vicious uppercut, ripping a spray of blood through the air.

The mage discharged his rod as if in reflex, shooting Geero with webbing even as he fell backwards in agony.

Abby continues to struggle, frustration mounting on her face.

Web Mage 4/10, MP 4/6

Fay 3/5, MP 1/3
Geero 4/5, webbed
Abby 3/5, webbed
Re: Faylin (Farren)

Maybe being quiet was helping her aim a little if nothing else. Fay' concentrates again and sends another wave of energy towards the mage, hoping that one of her companions would be able to free themselves before she ended up getting webbed as well.

If they all got caught up the mage would have the freedom to cast whatever he'd been trying to before. She doubted he was going to summon them a lovely tea party or anything either.