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Gordon (Sponge)

Re: Gordon (Sponge)

The purple haired woman sniffed the air.

"You are wounded," she stated plainly, nothing about the way she spoke suggested she was merely guessing at the bloody claw marks on his chest. "Alicia, bring gauze and ointments."

"Yes, Lauralie," came Alicia's answer, as she finished putting a kettle of water on top of a pot-bellied stove, fed with wooden logs. Between the stove and the fire place, the cottage was wonderfully warm compared to the damp chill outdoors.

"So. You have come at last," said the older woman, Lauralie, he guessed her name was. "Welcome to my home. What name shall I call you by? I already know where you come from - not of this world, for certain. No man could have wandered the road for long before the mists consumed him. Even you would have been lost, if not for my young apprentice." She laughed lightly behind closed lips and though she appeared blind, her clouded eyes seemed to stare right at him as though she saw more than even mere sight would allow.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

Quick and too the point!
Nodding, he replied. "Gordan, my names Gordan. Thank you for helping me out. Honestly when things first started I thought I was pretty good off on my own, but it became clear rather quickly I was over my head."

Pondering to himself, he needed to get as much information as he could about the situation.
"So, what is this mist? What's afflicting this town? I saw a ghastly woman who was prepared to dismember me for no reason at all. Is this place plagued by a terrible history? Was there a ritual that went wrong?"

He blinked briefly, realizing he was being quite rude. "Oh um.... sorry. Please.. I had the feeling you wanted to tell me something first."
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

Lauralie waves off his apologies.

"Yes, I have things to tell you, but the night is long and there is no rush, young Gordan," she said, and then turned her face towards the fire, the orange tongues of flame snapping and dancing in the reflection of her gray eyes. "Your questions are not at all out of place. This village is quite obviously under a curse. The mists come at night and with it the ghosts as you call them, though they are not dead spirits. They are minor demons summoned to this world by forces we do not fully understand, but their basic purpose has been quite obvious. They have come to rob us of our men."

She paused then turned back to let her eyes gaze directly at his, and so firm was the gaze that he now truly doubted her blindness at all.

"You are the first man that this village has seen in going on nine months, ever since the last of our men were taken from us by the mist women. They are not slain, we think, for no bodies have been found. Rather, I believe they have been taken elsewhere for some infernal purpose, but where exactly I do not yet know. Only the women of the village are left, and many of them are starting to lose patience that any help will come. The fittest among them have started to arm themselves, and I fear they will come to danger before they can do any good. I have instead been waiting for the vision I received to come true - for I have the gift of the Second Sight, and I have known that a man not of this world should come to us in our need, to deliver us from this evil. Young Gordan, I believe that you are this man."

Lauralie paused in her tale, letting her words sink in. Breaking the sudden silence and tension that had fallen over the room, the kettle on the stove began to whistle, and Alicia quickly took a cloth and pulled it off the hot plate, pouring the water into two clay cups, the steam rising up from them infused with the scent of tea leaf. Quickly the pink haired girl brought the cups to them and knelt down at a small table in between them. She was dressed in simple robes similar in make and design as Lauralie's. Beneath her eyes were two symmetrical dots, yellowish in color, looking as though they had been painted on, like one might find at a town fair. Though Gordan doubted any type of gaiety who explain the marks. She kept her head own, but he caught her once or twice tilting her head and brushing back her hair to stare up at him, before quickly returning her eyes to the table before her.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

Chosen one? That usually ends up meaning alot of trouble is headed my way.
He nodded toward the pink haired girl in appreciation."Thank you, Alicia was it? I'm sorry but I'm horrible with names."
Accepting the tea offering, he softly sipped it with a casual expression. "Oh! Ah! Hot..." He blew on it a bit, trying to cool it down. He had always been more of the cold tea type of guy. But anyways, it was time to learn more.
"So, let me get this straight, these aren't ghost, but demons? They look alot like spiritual apparitions to me, and I'm not sure exactly what they intend with the guys, but it sure isn't anything good. The only thing I saw in that things eyes were hate and murderous intent." A small shiver crept up his back at remembering the image of those crimson orbs.

"And, I'm unsure if I would really be this 'chosen one' really. I just ended up here by mistake. Rather was forced to by the ghost. Killing one of those things, I figured I'd be ok, but then as you seem to know that wall of fog just trying to drown me. I don't get scared easy. Almost at all really. That was the first time I honestly thought I was going to die though, first time I'd actually been terrified." He shook his head to get rid of the images.
"Again though, I'm not really sure if I can help. I don't have any powerful magic to help. I am a mage, but entirely new to the art of magic. Plus, you said earlier they only take men. So wouldn't it be smarter to send in woman to do battle?"
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

Lauralie does little to hide the smile creeping across her face as Gordan talks.

"You have a lot of experience with spiritual apparitions, then? And have seen what murderous intent looks like first hand?" Something in the way she asked these questions made it seem to Gordan that this woman knew exactly who he was, outside in the real world. "We shall be glad to have your help then, if you are willing to give it."

She brought her hands together and rested her chin upon them, gazing at Gordan as he continued to speak and protest his reasons for being there.

"Chosen one?" she laughs lightly at the term. "By fate or destiny I suppose, but I merely said that I knew you would come when we needed someone to come. Truth be told, I'm not certain you will even survive, but your coming shall be the beginning of the end for us all, in one way or another. As for sending a woman to do battle - you are not the first to suggest it, but there is a reason why men are being captured, some wretched purpose that we cannot yet fathom, but having a man on our side may be a very important key."

She paused and took a sip from her tea. Closing her eye lids and letting out a calm, measured breath. On her eyelids were painted to red dots, similar in size to the yellow dots Alicia sported beneath her eyes. Eventually, Lauralie opened her eyes again and spoke.

"Besides, straight up battle is useless, as I continue to tell the more agitated young women of this village. There are many more mist demons and other creatures of the night. Too many to fight, certainly. We must instead discover their source if we are to set out from this village and recover our menfolk - and in this task you shall be able to help us, no matter how novice a mage you are, Gordan."
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

He nodded, understanding the situation. No matter how much he protested and was against the idea of being "chosen" he realized that no matter what he'd be stuck here until the fog is gone. Plus he couldn't just leave these people to die here. In all honesty, he was just nervous and lacked confidence in himself. He was willing to help but he wasn't sure he had the power. Still what she said bugged him quite a bit.
What the hell else could it have been? I've never seen such a look, chilled me to the damn bone. Like she was just staring into me ready to rip my guts out. Hell he did start to rip my chest apart! Still, he wasn't going to beat the game by doing nothing. He kept forgetting this was a game at all.
Now that's damn good game design.
"Well your right. Sorry bout acting like a total baby, just honestly my first time encountering ghosts. I mean I've heard stories, and the look she gave me was just... cold. I couldn't say what it was, but it made me feel like I was staring at my death. But if I can help, I'll do my best. Like you said, if this mist is everywhere and as long as it remains demons will keep coming, the only way to get rid of it is by the source. Do you have any ideas of weaknesses they might have? Have they shown any hesitation into entering certain places or avoid certain objects?" Other then her house of course. Something in her house kept them away.
"And I don't mean to be rude, but what's with those dots under your eyes? Are they just cultural?"
Wonder if Alicia is si- this is a game dumbass.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

Lauralie raised a brow as they sat in silence, while Gordon was busy getting indignant with his thoughts. It had certainly looked like the ghost had wanted to kill him. And it had definitely looked like a ghost should look, not like a demon after all. And he'd been bleeding! Certainly evidence that the creature wanted to slay him. Though now that he glanced at the cuts, he realized that they weren't very deep, little more than scratches.

"Alicia will put some salve on that for you when we're done talking," Lauralie said, rousing him from his inner thoughts. And he began to be recalcitrant and apologized and qualified what he had started to say earlier.

"They cannot enter the threshold of a house and cannot exist during the day, even if the sun is hidden behind clouds," said the woman, referring to the demons. "Only when the night time comes do the mists rise to their full potential. They are attracted to the smell of men, and do not chase after women, though they will torment any who would seek them out. For a time we hid our remaining men indoors, but they had other methods and allies in the dark woods. Things that could call men like sirens out of legend. Before we could prepare any safeguards against the new threat, the last remnants of our men were stolen from us, all save Daniel, who was strong of will, but for him they sent out their most potent servants - ones who could enter households and fight with tooth and claw. Even Daniel was taken from us in the end. But we have learned from that. We know that there is a traitor amongst us in this village. Someone who has summoned these evils to us. It is by using you that we might hope to unearth this evil woman from amongst us and lift this curse. Only then may we go in search of our missing men."

And then Gordan could hold off his curiosity no longer and asked about the strange dots.

"These are the markings of a Seer. They are evidence of the Second Sight, and have always appeared upon individuals in this village taught in the ways of divining. Young Alicia here is my apprentice."

Alicia blushed suddenly to have the attention be put onto her, making the yellow dots resting above her cheeks stand out a bit more. She smiled and dared another glance at Gordan, her golden eyes holding his for a long moment.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

Wow, I never took the time to notice.. but... Speaking in a small whisper, "Your eyes, they're golden. It's actually quite enchanting." He gave a small smile, then a small blush. Coughing he addressed the woman trying to cover it up with a question.
"Are her eyes that color to see certain things as well? Is that what this divinity thing is? I'm sorry for asking so many freaking questions but I came here knowing nothing, and if you really want me to help I'll probably ask as many questions as possible so I don't screw up." He gave a small laugh, but it was true. There was too many questions. He could question all day and by next morning still be brimming with new ones.

But knowing this is an inside job makes it more complicated, at the same time easier.

"What I understand so far, is there a traitor, correct? So the solution should be easy, figure out who it is and kill them. Not too complex. But the problem now is figuring out who the hell is doing it. And considering that it's been going on for this long, the culprit hasn't been acting out of the ordinary or suspicious. But sooner or later paranoia may come into factor and everybody will be accusing eachother making false accusations. Has this evidence been revealed to the others? I believe it would be best to keep this quiet, the fact somebody inside the town is doing it. And now you also need to consider the fact that I must suspect everybody, even you." He wasn't trying to be an ass, honestly the total opposite. Logically, the culprit will do whatever it takes to get rid of suspicion upon themselves. So far from what he's seen, this elder woman is the most likely subject. Of course, he's only met two people so he can't say that's the solution. Damn, he hated mysteries... well unless he was reading them.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

Lauralie laughs. "Divining and divinity are two separate things. Alicia and I possess the talent to see glimpses of the future, and to see past illusion and falsehood. Such gifts do come however with an altered appearance - marking her as a possessor of the Second Sight. Though with an effort..."

Lauralie closes her eyes for a moment, and then opening them again, Gordan is amazed and slightly disquieted to see that pupils and fully formed irises, the color of a dark red garnet stone, had appeared on Lauralie's eyes, and two red dots appeared on her cheeks in the same area where Alicia's yellow ones were located. Lauralie appeared more human then, and more sympathetic. She was his elder by perhaps 15 years, but he saw her now as a beauty, with a voluptuous figure, and an aura of mystery about her.

"We can shut ourselves off from it, for a time. But once a seer learns to use her gift properly, she rarely does so. After all, would you willingly spend time covering your ears and walking about with your eyes shut? Of course not. You would prefer to rely on all your perceptions. Still, the eyes are windows to the soul, they say, and many villagers distrust us for being different. Though we are certainly not the only ones in this village who possess a touch of the supernatural."

The talk soon shifted to the matter of the traitor, and Gordan made it plain that no one could be trusted, even Lauralie.

"While you must suspect freely and trust no one until evidence would clear them, you should also consider that we sheltered you when we could have left you outside in the fog. But it is a good thing that you are cautious, and it does not take a seer's sight to know you will still doubt while it serves you. Perhaps you shall rest now then, as there is naught to do until the morning. At dawn's light you will be free to introduce yourself to the village and make inquiries as you would - but i caution you, you cannot make the journey out of these woods before nightfall, they are vast, and you would be overtaken by the evil that haunts us. To serve your self, you shall need to aid us as well."

Lauralie stood up, and as she did so, so too did Alicia. "You'll forgive us but this cottage is barely large enough to house two people. My bedroom is through that door, but I think you shall share the loft with Alicia. There should be a blanket large enough to cover the two of you already up there, and you may take the cushion from that chair to use as your pillow. Better accommodations can be made tomorrow."

Alicia looked in wonder her mouth agape at Lauralie for a moment, then quickly bowed her head and hid her expression behind a drape of her hair, her golden eyes cast down. Her fingers fidgeted nervously.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

He laughed and nodded along, taking into account everything she said. It was true, many people believe eyes are the windows to the soul. He was very interested in how this thing worked exactly though,the technicalities and and exactly the forces that worked behind him. Though it being late at night that would take hours to explain most likely and he knew he didn't have that time at the moment. It was good she was at least understanding his point of view, despite the fact she gave him shelter. Most people would of been offended.

Casually, he listened propping his hands behind his head and relaxing his neck. The mention of others having spiritual powers. The soul was the most complex thing in the world, and any understanding can only be a good thing. Course the question that was going through his head at the moment now was where he was going to sleep. He was starting to grow tired, some of her words seemed to blur together as his eyes were growing heavy.
But then she said.. "You'll forgive us but this cottage is barely large enough to house two people. My bedroom is through that door, but I think you shall share the loft with Alicia. There should be a blanket large enough to cover the two of you already up there, and you may take the cushion from that chair to use as your pillow. Better accommodations can be made tomorrow."

Suddenly his tiredness vanished and was replaced with awkward embarrassment. His face flushed deep red, all the blood flowing to his cheeks and ears at that moment."W-w-w-wait what?! Hahah... um. I don't think that would be necessary! It would be rude to take up space on her bed y-yes? Plus I'm fine sleeping on the floor! Though not saying that a guy wouldn't want to rest next to a a beautiful girl j-just that it's improper of new guests and people and such! It would just be socially awkward for me- AH her! I mean her!"
Your just digging yourself a deeper hole, dumb-ass.
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Re: Gordon (Sponge)

"Nonsense," said Lauralie. "The floor here is too cramped and too many of our oddities lie about for you to have any space. And the chairs here, while adequate for conversation, are too upright for you to sleep."

Looking about, Gordan was forced to agree. The cottage was not necessarily untidy, but it was cramped and overflowing with books, pots, candleholders, gardening tools, and various pieces of furniture, and the floorboards did not seem at all inviting.

"The loft on the other hand would have enough room for the two of you, and there is a soft mat there that Alicia has been using for some time. And there is still the matter of the salve. Your wound must be treated. Alicia can tend to such things up there. Can't you, Alicia?"

Gordan could not say for sure if Lauralie was taking any notice of the rush of blood apparent on his face. She didn't appear to be, but if she were all the seer she was cracked up to be, it was unlikely she wasn't catching on. The fact that she was deliberately ignoring his embarrassment only embarrassed him further. Alicia too had her eyes downcast and her head bowed when she answered, and he thought that despite her efforts to hide her face, she was blushing as well ever since he had mentioned the word 'beautiful.'

"Yes, Lauralie, I can do that," she said meekly.

"There, it is settled," Lauralie said, smiling. "Alicia will tend to you and see that you are comfortable. She has been eagerly awaiting your coming, I'm sure there will be no awkwardness between the two of you. No up you get. And make certain to dry his clothes on the rack overnight. The mist has made them damp and his shirt shall need to be soaked and then sewn."

"Yes, Lauralie," the apprentice answered, and inclined her head to the older woman. Then, turning to Gordan keeping her eyes pointed at the floor she said, "Please, follow me. I'll show you the loft."
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

He sighed heavily with defeat. There was no way out of this predicament.
Damn, that has to be a special achievement. Achievement: Forced Bunkmate! Still, just a game. But damn she looks really real. She'll probably feel real too.

Following the Alicia, he removed his robe and shirt hesitantly. "I don't care what she says, but I'm still keeping my pants on." He laughed deeply, that actually cheered him up a bit. Awkward joke, but helped lighten the mood for himself.

Glancing back at Alicia, he blushed at the idea of being under the same blanket as her. Maybe it would be a big blanket and bed, so they wouldn't be tightly pressed against her or something. Otherwise the temptation to touch her would grow really strong. But he also didn't want to give her a bad impression of himself. He'd keep his hands and feet to himself regardless what happened. He nodded with self confirmation, following the the young apprentice. Glancing around at the books on the floor, he was curious if one of them possibly held a spell for him to learn. Maybe he could check in the morning.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

Lauralie disappeared into her own room, leaving the two young adults leave of the rest of the house. Taking his robe and rended shirt from him and hanging them up on a drying rack in the back of the house, she smiled slightly at his pants comment.

"As you wish," she said, "but if they are wet then you'll only be dampening my mat, won't you? Let me fetch you something to wear instead."

So saying she left him for a moment, and when she returned she held in her hands a long cloth, about the same dimensions as a bath towel, though made of a thinner material and decorated with a simple brown and off-white wave pattern.

"Take off your clothes and then wrap this about your waist, then fold it in about itself at the top. It will hold and will also suit for when I treat you with the salve. Leave your pants and underwear on the rack to dry, and take off your shoes before you come to the loft." She pointed up the ladder behind them, then handing him the cloth, she kicked off her slippers and ascended the ladder barefoot, hiking up her own robes a bit to show off a set of smooth calf muscles as she made her ascent.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

She was right, he'd dampen her bed. That'd just be a jerk move. But since she provided him with something else to wear it should be ok.
"Sorry, I didn't think of that. Very inconsiderate. Um, I'll get all this stuff off."
Now, he did have a curious question. It wasn't that he would be uncomfortable touching him, he just didn't think his wounds were serious enough for needing salves or such.
"Is there something the ghost have in their attacks that poison or something? I've only been lightly scratched, while it hurt alot at the time, I think it sapped energy then actually causing me bodily harm." He looked down at his chest, seeing the X that was marked there as a reminder of those woman's eyes. He couldn't get those things out of his head. Shaking the thought out of his head, he quickly removed his things glancing back to make sure she wasn't looking at the time and wound the towel about himself. As he was going to follow her, he blushed deeply glimpsing a view of her body. Quickly looking away, didn't want to have a towel tent during his massage. You mean healing, not massage. Though bet your going to like it either way.
Again he blushed, waving his inner thoughts away and followed her up.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

He removed his clothes glancing up to make sure that she wasn't looking - and she wasn't. He wound the cloth about him and at once the concern of possibly showing off his arousal through it became apparent. The cloth was thin and close to his body and it would not be easy to hide any erection.

"It is better that we don't take unnecessary risk," she called from above in the loft. "Yes they may be just scratches, but they are dark things, summoned by evil magics, and their touch has many effects. They enjoy sapping a man's strength and then... feeding from him. This light salve will give you back strength and energy, and it will make you feel better too."

Gordon reached the top of the ladder and saw that the loft was fairly plain. It had a bunch of straw strewn about it over the floorboards, and taking up the center of the space was a large mat, about the thickness of his hand, and on it was a pillow and a woolen blanket that looked about big enough for the two of them, but it would require them to be closer than he would have liked, if he was to easily resist the urge to touch her. Evidently Lauralie's idea of enough room was different from his own idea - at least for two strangers on the night of their first meeting.

Alicia was kneeling beside the mat, her robes loosened about her, showing off her shoulders and the straps of a wool shift that she was wearing beneath. In her hands she had a bowl filled with a white salve.

"Lie down please. I promise this won't hurt. The salve is quite pleasant."
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

"Yeah I figured. Just clarifying. I'm still really clueless about this, but if I can learn the smallest thing it might save me later when I'm trying to fight this."

Looking around, he noticed it was very cramped. It would be... a close encounter to say. Nervously, he followed her instructions and lied down on his back. The thought of just rubbing against her was arousing. He casually lay his hands on the front of his waist, trying to look casual as he held his member down to prevent things from getting awkward. Though, something did occur to him.
"Your teacher said you were waiting for me earlier. What did she mean by that? She knew I was coming right? Is there something you know about me that you can't tell around her?"
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

As he lay down on his back and discreetly covered his manhood, the apprentice took a dollop of the salve and dabbed it gently over the scratches on his chest. The salve smelled nice, and it had a feeling like a muscle relaxant, warming his muscles even as its actual touch was cool. It's additional quality however was a pain reducer, as it did not sting the gashes as she smoothed her delicate hands over his chest.

When he asked his question however he noticed her hand shake a moment and pull back hesitantly, before eventually continuing with her ministration.

"I have had some visions of you, on the occasions when I have been able to peer into the future with the Second Sight - I know a few things perhaps. And I am certain Lauralie knows a few things as well, for she questions me about all my visions, and it is difficult to hide things from her."

There seemed to be something Alicia wasn't saying, and he caught her glancing into his eyes several times. Her touch was soft and sensual, and after she had covered his wounds in salve she continued to massage him across his shoulders, arms and abdominals.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

He relaxed finally, letting her hands roam her body. The salve felt great, easing and releasing any tension he had. Usually you'd have to pay tons of money to get a treatment like this as a massage parlor. Bonus, a really cute girl was applying the treatment. Her touch was very arousing though, and it was already necessary to press his member down with his hands underneath the cloth.

Opening his eyes, he nodded listening. Every time she looked at him with those eyes... something. He wasn't sure, but he felt something. They were beautiful, golden and pure. He couldn't help it, as he whispered soft words...
"You have beautiful eyes." Eyes are the windows to the soul right? Then her soul is golden and pure as they came. It's impossible for her to be the one causing all this trouble, that's all the proof he needed. Nothing about it was concrete, there were not facts to support this, yet he knew it wasn't her. He gave a soft smile looking at her, admiring every feature of her.
"What kind of things did you see about me in the future?"
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

When he complimented her eyes, she smiled and subconsciously brushed her hair back behind her ear. "That's the second time you've said so. You must really like them."

Then, playfully she widened them and leaned close to him so that they appeared very big and silly. Then, giggling she withdrew and said "Thank you though, most of the village boys always said they were wolf eyes, and that I was a Lycan. It's nice to have someone like them."

She hadn't realized it, but when she leaned over to make her silly face to him, her robes had fallen down over her shoulders and he now had a good look at her cleavage as it showed above the top of her shift. She had nicely shaped breasts from what he could see. Not too small, not too large, and they looked like they would be soft and nice to caress. The bulge growing beneath his hands grew greater still, and he felt he would need to adjust himself or it would hurt to keep himself in the same position.

Thus far still oblivious to his crotch woes, Alicia paused and seemed to blush at his question. "Some things... even though a seer knows they will come true... are best left unsaid. Lauralie always says it is best to let things unfurl naturally if it can be helped - lest we alter fate by trying to rush to meet it. Still... I know that you and I will be... friendly. That is... we shall get along well... um..."

Suddenly Gordan realized that Alicia's eyes had wandered to his crotch and had caught him slowly adjusting himself.

Seeming to have lost her train of thought, Alicia kept rubbing his chest with her salved hands as she quietly stared at the hardness lurking beneath his hands.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

Smiling, he nodded along with her story. Wolf eyes, maybe. But they were beautiful. Not much else to change that fact.
He had to move, if he didn't adjust it would become too obvious. The fact her robes have been sliding off wasn't helping either. She had such sweet feminine features. Just the way she spoke soft and shy was attractive.

She then spoke to him about what he had asked earlier. He blushed, realizing it meant obviously something deeper then 'friendly'. He was starting to get a really damn good idea how it was going to happen too. It was growing harder, and he shifted his waist a bit. He wanted to touch her, feel her soft skin on his.