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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I see, just wait a moment Miss Evelen. the elf said before transport herself to another place, leaving the two for a moment and after a minute she returned a little blushed. All is ready, please take my hand and after Evelen follow her orders she touched Celesta arm and soon the three were close the bed of Evelen´s room. The place was completely dark until the blonde girl summoned a little white ball who fly over her and then she search in the room for candles or shining rocks to make the place more pleasant. Evelen instantly noted that her daughter was not there, even when it must be very late, maybe the 3 am, but all was ordened and as how she leaved the room, so maybe she was with Teresa and the others child's.

Suddenly Celesta started to make little soft whines and moans, this caused Evelen to turn to her and for her surprise she saw some little moves on Celesta underwear, it was like it have live and was drinking the cunt honey and weird milk of the plant girl's breasts. It will grow until turn into a skimpy armor or something like that, i dunno is the first time that someone use my prototype, im only sure that it will stop in the morning and will dont harm her, so is completely safe

Of course that Evelen was also been pleasured without stop by the ropes, her body was drenched in her juices, she could try to sleep or have more fun, but if this continue she will not be at her 100% in the morning, maybe Celesta will have the same problem, as it looks like she will wake up soon with all the stimulation. If only the elf could have something to solve this problem.
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen allowed the elf to take her and Celesta to her room, and noted that her daughter wasn't there. The girl was probably with Jean, considering her behavior earlier. Evelen was too tired to go get her, and perhaps now wouldn't be a good time anyway, the way she was. The ropes were doing a marvelous job with her, slowly pleasuring her and moving around on her skin, and she was barely able to suppress her own moans to go along with Celesta's. "Mmm, you like making things like this? I'm getting a few ideas for the order I have on you~" she said coyly to the elf as she stripped off the maid uniform, handing it to her. "I think this is yours, and I don't want to take things that belong to you. Even if it isn't, please give it back to whoever owns it." As she handed it over she let out a lewd moan involuntarily, and thought about all that she had to do in the morning. "Is there any chance you can make this stop? We need to be up a little early tomorrow morning, and I probably won't sleep if this is going on."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Turning to other side to get time to think in an answer, the elf maid stay thinking if she realy love to do these things and then answer looking to Evelen again, a little ashamed in a serious tone I love to create things, Sasha, Melissa and him ("she flushed more")are the ones that order them, its a shame that i only have practice making ero tools, but is fun for me The maid then nodded and take the maid outfit before answer to Eelen shaking her head I really sorry, but Sasha order me to dont turn them off and the tools to do it are in my room, im sure that she will know, if i go to my room and dissapear suddenly and also im loyal to my word. But i can make you sleep if you need it, it will be a easy spell. Also, please let it end and in the morning it will be a usefull tool for your adventures, not so good like the armor but it will be very helpfull
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Hm. Alright, that's fine. And I don't think you've given me an order yet. Be sure to start thinking about something you'd like me to do for you~" Evelen replied, slowly laying down and wrapping her arms around Celesta, waiting for the elf to put the two of them to sleep for the night.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The maid play with her hair to try to decide her order but desisted and answer the Human I will try but im sure that i will very distracted to decide one and it had been always very hard for me choice something like that

Then with a soft good night, she make her hands shine, as she touch the forehead of the two nearly naked girls over the bed. The spell was so fast than Evelen was only able to feel her eyelids close before fall sleep, but as the two sleep, ero dreams come to their minds. An orgy of males of many races using them without stop, as they happily let them use them, their warm cum filling every hole and part of their skin, it was like a strange heaven, suddenly Evelen noted tencacles joining too, as also slime, but she dont had any fear and just giggle before join her sister to clean a group of tentacles, before these get inside their holes and stuff their entraces completely, but there was not pain, their stufed bodies drip a huge quantity of the delicious white substance and Evelen was not wrried to get pregnant or loss her mind, as she could think clearly and know that this was a dream...maybe. She could expect to had passed days there but it could be only a ilusion after had sex with a lot of creatures.

Sudenly she opened her eyes and found herself pleasuring her sister in a beautifull purple armor, but Celesta private parts were not covered by it, she even had gauntles and boots, as also a little helm like hairband or hairband, the armor was protecting the others vital points of the plant girl, but Evelen could see her plant color flesh behind the purple armor, not was until she look between her sister legs that she noted an apendage like tentacle coming from the armor, but it looks lifeless and dissapear as it noted the gazze of the human. The bed was filled of cum and their juices and her mouth had the taste of milk mixed with many sex fluids and even sperm. Her body was still dressed with the invisible ropes who were now without life and suddenly were visibles when she tried to take them off.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen quickly fell asleep thanks to the elf's spell, and soon drifted off into a wonderful dream. She and Celesta were together in the middle of a huge room filled with men of every sort of race imaginable, being fucked constantly in all sorts of configurations. They moaned happily together as every available hole was filled with warm cum, more of it splattered against their skin until they were completely covered, still continuing in the orgy for what seemed like an immense time until monsters came to join them, and the two sisters moved to service them immediately, being rewarded soon enough as tentacles stuffed all of their holes full.

After seemingly forever Evelen awoke, realizing that she had been suckling at Celesta's breast as she slept, her hands pleasuring the plantgirl furiously. Her bed was almost completely soaked through with a variety of juices, and the ropes that had been playing at Celesta had morphed into a beautiful set of purple armor, which of course did nothing to cover her private parts. Slowly she shifted up to a sitting position and poked Celesta on the nose, saying "wake up sleepyhead." She marveled that despite all that had happened during the night, she felt pretty good.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The sleepy plant girl take a time to wake up, as she mumble and try to cover her nose of Evelen soft touches, it was around the 6 of the morning and Celesta half wake up to just see her sister and turn to the other side. But before Evelen try again celesta´s body roll through the bed and fall on the floor like a potato bag, the girl sit in the floor and take a time to get up and with slowly steps she hit the wall in front of her making a soft groan and stay sleeping standing with her forehead resting on the wall. This maybe could take a long time, but like if her hand had live, her right hand push and guide her to the bathroom, as her body follow her without Celesta wake up. She get inside and after a splash noise she screamed and returned to the room where was Evelen What happened!? why im resting in the bathroom? and what is this thing? Said Celesta as she try in vain to get undressed. Why i cant take it out? Teresa will kill me if she saw me with this The plant girl said between her attempts to free herself of this slutty outfit.
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen couldn't help but laugh at Celesta's slow wakeup as the plantgirl fell off the bed and then walked into the wall, resting against it still asleep for a while before heading to the bathroom and immersing herself in water to wake up. "You just went to the bathroom to wake yourself up, I think" Evelen replied, still giggling. "I don't know why you can't take it off. It shouldn't be living anymore, but maybe it is. Still, it'll probably be helpful today even if it does make you look like a total slut."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Her sister stay with some doubts about Evelen inocense on her little accident in the bathroom, but she will acept it for now, at least it sound coherent in some way. But weild this in their adventure was many times worst that be naked at Teresa side. Maybe i could cover this thing with a mantle... but from where is this thing ? did you said live, like a living armor or something like that? is not cursed...right? a curse armor is something that could ruin a life. The plant girl tone was getting more stressed at more she thinks about this topic and then she start to look around the room for something to cover herself, maybe scared of the possibility that Teresa will look for them, she even turn to Evelen and hurry her to dress up. What are you waiting? at least take a tower and prepare yourself in case that Teresa come here Celesta use her idea in herself and cover her private parts with a towel and continue her search for something to use over her new "armor" Unfortunately her lucious body will cause to her to dont be able to use any dress of Evelen and Suzanne. It looks like Celesta will need help of someone more of the mansion..

next turn -5 in the roll to avoid Teresa wrath
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"It's the ropes from before. Some sort of animated thing one of the girls from the gameroom made, I'm pretty sure it's not devious in any way" Evelen replied, going to the closet to find a dress to wear. "It's a shame you can't just wear one of mine" she said, slipping on the modest blue dress and turning to face Celesta again. "Maybe you can call a maid and ask to have some clothing that would fit you brought to you before we go to see Teresa."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Sure, maybe i exaggerate this, is not like she... Celesta decide to stop and dress herself with a towel, just in case that something could happen. Luckily she was fast enough before a maid knock the door before get inside with Suzanne at her side. Hi Mama, the little girl wave and run to the side of her mother before the maid give the instructions of the big sister Sorry to disturb you so early Miss Evelen, but Miss Teresa want to talk with you and Lady Celesta, she is busy washing and dressing the little ladies that all bring a pair of days ago. Oh... Sure we will go but first could you help us to bring us a dress that could fit me over this armor, please said the plant girl covered in the pink towel that she take from the closet.

The maid make a curtsy and take her to another place leaving Mother and daughter alone for some minutes. Suzanne miss to much dont sleep with Mama. Mama was... the little girl desist to continue her question, as her superhuman senses easily detect the sex juices in the room and on her, something that anyone else could detect if they have the chance, Evelen noted that her daughter have a luxury dress, maybe a clue that something was happening or happened.

Meanwhile she hug and give a kiss on Evelen cheek, Is Mama ready for the breakfast? the girl said as she played with her mother hand
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Perhaps too conveniently a maid knocked at their door almost as soon as she had finished suggesting that Celesta call for one. Suzanne was with her and quickly made her way to her side, and Evelen hugged her, saying "hi" in return. "It's alright, I wasn't asleep anyway" she replied to the maid. "I'll be at breakfast soon enough, I'm sure Teresa will be too after she finishes with the girls."

The maid then left with Celesta to find a dress, leaving Evelen alone with her daughter. "I missed being with you too" she said, though it was clear to her that Suzanne knew what had happened. The maid probably had as well, the room had a faint reek of sex about it at the moment. Vaguely she wondered about the fancy dress Suzanne was wearing, but she pushed it out of her mind; it would probably be made clear to her soon, and she replied "sure, lead the way."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Her daughter smiled and softly cuddle on Evelen before walk holding her hand toward the stairs, her steps were slow and was more like her daughter was making time to enjoy the moment and clear maybe some doubts. Mama, our family will get bigger? Aunt Teresa said that she will take care of my new friends, Suzanne bring them with her to see Jean and they were so funny.

Suzanne will love to be their cousin or their big sister like Aunt Teresa... Suzanne cant decide yet.

As they go down the stairs, Evlen noted that the place was more vivid that ussually is at these hours, the corredor was also illuminated and decorated with some flying lights and others things like ribbons that combine perfectly with the walls. All was soo beautifull and then when she turn to the dinningroom path the candles on the walls show her a big line of Maids and Buttlers who bow to them as they pass until they get inside the room.

In it there was Teresa and the two slaves with fancy dresses, she was bussy talking with Emerald who was using a shining armor created for this time, it maybe was a illusion created by her scales, Jean was on her seat close her Mother, even when her face try to hide her condition, if Evelen look closer could maybe look her little sweat drops on her forehead and her quick breathing.

The two bunny sisters of the Gameroom and Mellisa were close the neko girl, maybe talking of how they passed the night, but unfortunately Sasha was not with them, as also the elf. Evelen could see many others faces that she know of maids and buttlers, like the little girl who she meet in the hot spring the other time and the one in the jail.

Suzanne hug her mother and look to her eyes to said This is our party, Mama. Lady Elizabeth was concerned that we were very busy to see one of these.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Hmm... Maybe Teresa will adopt those girls, she fits the mother role so well. Technically that would make you their cousin if it were to happen" Evelen replied as she walked slowly with Suzanne, wondering if something had happened that the girl was worried about her with the way she seemed to be trying to savor the moment. Something seemed strange too, as the stairwell and halls were illuminated with little flying lights, and ribbons lined the walls. "Is something going on today?" she asked, not quite sure what was happening. When she turned the corner towards the dining room she found the hallway lined with candles, and maids and butlers on either side. They bowed as she walked past, and she raised an eyebrow at the whole thing.

When she got in the room she found her family, the Dragans, Emerald, and a lot of the people she'd been with since coming to the mansion were sitting around the table, dressed up all nice and fancy. She felt incredibly underdressed by comparison, and wondered what on Earth she had done to deserve this. "This is awesome" she said, replying to Suzanne as she sat down. "Good morning guys."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suzanne had not said anything about the party, until now, so all was a surprise for her mother, who just sit in her place.

The first to answer was Elizabeth. Good Morning, Miss Evelen, im so sorry to make this suddenly, but i want to give to your family a great party before your next adventure, the monster incident of the last day dont give us the time to prepare all for the dinner . Teresa stay quiet, with her senses focused in the two little girls, so she just nod and continued. Jean and the others maids said a formal good morning and continued with the preparations of the party. Finally Emeral giggled and wave to Evelen Looks like im not the only one who was busy in the night, anyway Kimberly is in the middle of her training, so she give me a message to all of you " lets give our best to be together again" That girl could end very changed when you come back here, i will try all to make her soul get intact from this training . Also Gerald was busy searching the creature and maybe they were unnable to inform him about the party.

Before the breakfast reach the table, a classic music begging to play, a part of the wall get opened to reveal an orchesta who play without stop wonderfull songs and was a shame that the handsome Dragan was not there to ask for a dance.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen nodded to Elizabeth, saying "thank you, this is really cool." At Emerald's implication she stuck her tongue out playfully, and then gave a somewhat sad smile at the end of it. "Yeah, I know. I have a feeling she'll be okay, though, she seems like a strong enough personality." The orchestra surprised her, but it was wonderful music, and she couldn't help but think that it would be good to dance to. She got up and looked over at Suzanne, asking "hey, want to learn how to dance? I don't know much, but I can teach you how to waltz."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suzanne was at her side watching all amazed by how was a party, in her short life she haven't see many persons happy in an only place and over all this was for her family. The orchestra soon got her attention and her curious eyes try to see from where come every sound, but she was not alone in her excitement the two slaves were with their faces completely fascinated by this luxury party. In her state Suzanne difficulty heard her mother and just nodded, as she frown and smiled Dance? Suzanne will love to dance with Mama,but... what is a waltz? Jean turn to her and was ready to answer her doubt, but was very exhausted to steal the chance that Evelen have to make her daughter learn something new.

Suzanne then let her mother guide her to a large free space and then the dance lessons start, this time Suzanne had some problems to follow her mothers lessons and even step twice on Evelen feets, but her quick learning soon starter and ended dancing a little better every try.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"A waltz is just a kind of dance, it goes with this sort of music" Evelen said, taking Suzanne's hand and leading her out to a space sufficient to try to teach the girl. "Some day you'll be able to impress a guy if you can dance like this. I think. It worked for my mom, anyway." She then proceeded to teach her daughter the basics of waltzing. At first she was pretty clumsy, stepping on Evelen's toes more than once, but it wasn't long before she was doing pretty well, and had the steps memorized. "It took me way longer to figure this out" she said, trying to impart some of the more advanced bits of technique. When breakfast had arrived she would lead Suzanne back to the table, ready to eat after the workout of sorts.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

With a celestial like music, the pair danced for some minutes more, some maids day dream with throughts of a future wedding and how handsome Master Gerald will be dancing with the young Suzanne. Even some butlers call the attention of some of these maids to ask for a dance, some accepted and soon Evelen had company. Teresa stay looking then for a while before need to call the attention of the neko who was trying to go to the music room.

Suzanne turn her sight to her mother and away of the floor for first time and her voice was heared easily by Evelen even with the music who dont stop Thanks to teach Suzanne this familiar dance style. How is Mama's Mom? Suzanne will love to heard of Mom.

The song ended and the servants return to their work, just then Celesta appear still wearing the purple armor, below a dress that hide her parts and combine enough to think that was part of the dress.

This is Amazing! This party is for us?And we will only eat a breakfast? The plant girl sit close Teresa. Many others events happened, like some mages giving a show before the food was ready, some Mermaids sing with their superhuman sing skills and even the food tasted better than never. Some servants were ready to give some shoulder massages, their touches could only be of other world and Evelen noted a incubus around these servants.

The party continued until it was nearly time to end, Suzanne was still thinking about her granmother and the Evelen two sisters were ready to leave when the table talk end, as Elizabeth talked about the parties given here when her husband was alive.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As Evelen was teaching Suzanne to dance, the maids and butlers joined in, the atmosphere turning to a real party. When the music finally stopped and the two took their seats again, Suzanne asked about Evelen's mother. She paused for a moment, pondering how to handle the story, and then started in. "Well, your grandmother looks sort of like me, but a little bigger and with blonde hair instead of brown. She's a lot nicer than I am, and she's better at most things, except fighting. We always used to have trouble getting along when I was younger, mostly because I was a little brat back then." She went on to tell stories about her mother where she didn't have to do much to make it sound sensible in the EGG's setting, pausing to watch the little shows that were put on and to eat her breakfast. She even managed to get in a nice massage from what almost had to be an incubus, and her shoulders and neck felt amazing and tension-free. She almost regretted that they had to go, but when the party started winding down she got up and went to hug the others sitting around the table that weren't part of her family.