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Never Adventure Alone (plmnko)

Re: Never Adventure Alone (plmnko)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 48/52, Status = Grappling, Touch of Chaos (+5 to non-damage rolls)

Casting: Success.
Stealth: Mithra wins! She has grappled Delilah with a blanket.
Casting: Success.
Resistance: Enemy wins.

"Yes, of course, I can give you a moment of privacy! And I can introduce you to all of the girls that we rescued later.... Or all of the ones that are still here at least." Delilah said, and then stepped out of the room, closing the door behind her and leaving Mithra alone in the larger, clothing filled room. A quick spell (and hopefully getting dressed) later, Mithra called for the mage, and Delilah came back in unsuspecting of any foul play.

So, when the blanket was suddenly draped over her head, blinding her, Delilah could do nothing but flail for a moment before Mithra cast another spell, attempting to disrupt any magics that might have been placed on the mage. Delilah froze, shivering, and Mithra felt the magic over Delilah's mind. It twisted and squirmed as she attempted to banish it, but finally pushed her spell away, too powerful for her to defeat as she was. "What are you doing!?" Delilah said angrily, but seemed to calm as Mithra explained that it had all been just a test to see if she could react to a sudden attack.

"Heh, I guess I'm still pretty easy to catch by surprise.... Can you get this thing off of me now please? You've made your point.... I really ought to work on my reflexes a little. Maybe Sera can help me?" She said, not at all aware of whatever subtle influence had been placed upon her as far as Mithra could tell.
Re: Never Adventure Alone (plmnko)

Heh, fine. I guess that each of us have weak points Said Mithra as she free her friend and think about how save her from that powerful force, maybe there wasnt a way to cure her alone with her weak magic skills, but maybe she dont need to do it alone.

Now than she was dressed, there wasnt too much what Mithra could do in this room, but soon she saw some clothes than used together could help her in her next try to save her friends. Sorry for bother you with this fool joke, Delilah. So in order to make it fair, can you help me to check Sera weak point? I will disguise as a masket magic bandit and use a spell on her, as she dont know than im awake she certainly will be completely amazed when i show her my face after put her in submission, but for that i need your most potent spell that increase my chances to affect her. Please help me, it will be fun. Said Mithra trying to make the mage help her without Delilah notice what was she really trying.

In her mind the swordswoman have all planned, as the great spell on Delilah was too much for herself. When they get close Sera, she will cast battle Aura*10 after she receive the best buff to increase her resistence than Delilah know. Then Mithra will cast greater dispel on the mage, trying to act as if she were a bandit and Delilah will make as if the spell had made her get unconscious. This will make Sera act against Mithra, but thanks to her spirit power running the blonde warrior, this battle will end quickly, as Mithra cast Great Dispel on her second friend and then take away her mask to reveal who was her. Of course than this was what Mithra expect that it will happen, but who knows if Delilah and her power combined could save her friends from that strange spell on them
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Re: Never Adventure Alone (plmnko)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 48/52, Status = Touch of Chaos (+5 to non-damage rolls)

"Errr.... Alright. I guess. So long as she doesn't get hurt.... It might be fun." Delilah replied uncertainly. "What do you need me to do?"

(That's really something you're going to have to convince Delilah of in character. She wouldn't just go along with that because Mithra asked her to, she'd want to know why Mithra wanted her Resistance buff. also, it should be noted that casting greater dispel on Delilah will also remove the resistance buff from Mithra, so you might want to do it after dispelling Sera.)
Re: Never Adventure Alone (plmnko)

Dont worry, thats why i need of your help Said Mithra as she disguise herself, trying all the time to hide her tentacles. At this time, i dont have a sword and even if i use one, Sera will know my battle style and the joke will be ruined.

Thats why using spells will work better, but i want to only use restriction magics and spells than could reduce her chances to attack, unfortunatelly im really an amateur mage and there is not doubt than Sera body will resist the spells and this joke will be ruined.
The blonde elf take a moment to give the final touches to her disguise and then get close the mage.

Just take me close the place were is Sera, then before call her you will increase my possibility to inflict efects with my magics and then at the same time i will increase my body power with my spirit power.

Hmm... you can act as if the shock wave made you fall uncouncious on the floor, Sera will come to help you and pum we will make her fall in our joke, maybe a blind light and some vines will be enough to catch her and just when she get completely helpless we will reveal all to her... i know than this is a little cruel, but it will help her to be ready for the future, in case than something bad really happen or just to make her continue to train herself, we the elf have a long life and if we dont train our bodies, we will have many health problems in our last days

Of course than Mithra first spell against Sera will be great dispel and then she will cast a second one in Delilah, expecting that her spirit power make her the quick enough to avoid any attack from her elf friend
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Re: Never Adventure Alone (plmnko)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 48/52, Status = Touch of Chaos (+5 to non-damage rolls,) +32 Resistance (from Delilah)

Casting: Success.
Mithra has gained 7 + 1 = 8 * 4 = +32 Resistance.

"Well.... Alright, I guess." Delilah said as Mithra disguised herself, tying a black bandana around her head and making her appear like a bandit. The mage still seemed unsure, but was going along with Mithra's plan anyway. "Come on, I'll take you to her. She should still be in the gardens."

The mage led Mithra down the stairs of the mansion, and through more wide but warm and well decorated wooden hallways before opening a door and stepping outside. They were still up in the mountains, and there was a light dusting of snow around the mansion. The stairs and paths had been swept clean, however, and Delilah led her to the right, along the side of the mansion and into a wide garden. A small cluster of shorn weeds, along with more normal vegetation, was being grown in the garden, and a half dozen alraune were wandering among the plants, tending to them. Delilah quickly pulled Mithra alongside a wooden shed and whispered; "Sera is just on the other side of this, tending to one of the shorns. We'll have to be quick, if you want to avoid intervention from someone else. Here..." She cast a spell on Mithra, boosting her concentration and willpower, and then said; "Let me know when you're ready, and I'll go out and distract her."
Re: Never Adventure Alone (plmnko)

Thanks Said the blonde elf to her friend before follow her, all was getting like she planned and now Mithra was expecting to just see a little garden inside the mansion, but as they get outside the mansion she just notice the high quantity of plant creatures, all this could go down if she dont make the correct moves.

Soon her ally increase her magic skills, Mithra's body could feel Delilah magic travel though her body and then she prepare herself to give the last touch of her preparations, trying to focus herself a last time, Mithra focused her powers and cast a light spell who control her surrounders to make her be invisible to the common eye. Done, now call her and i will take care of the rest, remember to act surprised when these tentacles wrap her, they will be hidden to make this more easy Said Mithra casting a new spell to sumon tentacles from the floor, as she prepare herself to attack Sera in the right moment. Her mind focused a last time and using a little magic she turn the image of the tentacles into a beautifull little alraune with a present on her hands, the elf placed herself completely behind that image.

cast invisible spell, summon tentacles and illusion on them. Then when Sera get in the right place wrap her with the tentacles and muff her, making her believe than the little alaure just hug her and wrap one of her tentacles on her mouth in a seductie way. still hide Mithra will cast great dispel on her archer friend, as her friend will only see how the little alaure was using a little spell on her, then cast other on Delilah if the first great dispel worked
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Re: Never Adventure Alone (plmnko)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 11/52, Status = Touch of Chaos (+5 to non-damage rolls,) Invisibility

I'm just going to assume that you meant entangling vines.

Casting (Invisibility) : Fails once, Succeeds 2nd attempt.
Casting (Entangling Vines) : Success.
Casting (Illusions) : Success.
Total of 16 EP spent.

Stealth (Mithra) : Mithra wins!
Stealth (Vines) : Sera wins!
Attack: Hit. Sera has been grappled!
Another 1 EP.

Casting (Greater Dispel) : Success!
Resistance: Mithra still failed, but just barely.
5 EP spent.
Grapple: The Vines maintain their hold.
Perception: An alraune gets curious.

Casting (Greater Dispel) : Success!
Resistance: She failed much harder this time.
5 more EP.
Grapple: Sera is still held.
Perception: An alarm goes up!

Casting (Greater Dispel) : Success!
Resistance: Mithra wins!
5 more EP.
Grapple: Sera is still held.

Casting (Greater Dispel) : Success!
Resistance: Success again! Delilah and Sera are freed.
5 more EP.
Grapple: Sera is still held.

Mithra's initial attempt to make herself invisible, her concentration wavering as an alraune suddenly appears from around the corner, but the plant woman doesn't even glance in their direction, instead strolling by and moving around the corner of the house. Her second attempt is successful, and she tells Delilah to continue as she summons vines from the ground. The mage nodded, and headed around the corner, calling for Sera. She returned a moment later as the image on an alraune holding a present confronted the now very confused elf, but before she could say anything the vines lashed out, and grabbed her. Shoving one of them into her mouth, Delilah looked genuinely stunned, and glanced around nervously, not sure what to do.

Her first attempt at dispelling the hold in the squirming elf is unsuccessful, the magic coiled around her spirit resisting the spell even with Delilah's own magic to aid her. Sera squirmed and tried to scream for help, but the vines still held her. Again Mithra tried, and this time a particularly loud groan from the bound elf caused an alraune to peak her head around, and the plant woman immediately said in a berating tone; "Hey! You're not supposed to do that unless they're willing, you know that!"

A third attempt finally caused the spell to shatter, and Sera suddenly tensed and adopted a look of confusion. "Hey! I'm talking to ya! Can't you hear me?" The alrunae said, and approached its illusionary counterpart. Delilah, by this point, was lying on the ground, pretending to be unconscious, and Mithra quickly strode over to her, still hidden under her invisibility spell. The sudden use of magic on her startled the mage, and this time the spell coiled around Delilah's mind and spirit unwound. At the same time, Mithra felt the buff she had gained from the girl vanish, but her two allies were free. She was still invisible, and the alraune was flailing at her illusion as Delilah and Sera blinked in confusion. Mithra had used a lot of energy to free them, but whatever hold had been placed on her friends was now gone, at least as far as she could tell.
Re: Never Adventure Alone (plmnko)

With the sudden appear of an Alanure, Mithra was unable to focus on her attemp to get invisible the first time, but luckiy the plant woman was unable to find her, giving to Mithra another chance to cast her spell, this tie succeesfully. Now hidden in her magic, the blonde warrior was able to cast more easily the others two spells, as her friend went to bring Sera to the trap.

As planned the tentacles were able to wrap their appendages over the surprised arch elf, Mithra then casted her next spell expecting than Sera dont notice than she was hidden behind the illusion and also sure than her power mixed with Delilah one will destroy the charm like spell on her friends easily. However the spell on Sera was still too powerfull and even this time Mithra fail, but unfortunatelly the pain make Sera groan enough to call the attention of a nosey alarune making that Mithra second dispel magic were even weaken than the last. All was getting out of control and Mithra was desesperated by all these troubles, feeling how her energy was leaving her body with every of these fail tries, pressing her teeth and with all her will focused in free her friend, Mithra casted a next spell as strongh as she could, the magic fight brutally to destroy the mind chains in Sera and the lack of pain as Mithra succeed was proof enough to believe than the archer girl was safe. Quickly Mithra focused on her other friend and give all in this try, as it will be the last with Delilah magic support. Their united power soon destry this magic charm too, now with both saved, Mithra should focus on the damn noisy Alarune who looks to be dumb enough to had dont notice yet the trick in front of her.

Very tired after all this magic, Mithra nearly was close kill her, but this could cause increase their problems, then she think to said the thrut, but this only will work if she avoid some parts, so she decide to perform a little more, behind the disguised tentacles, Make Sera stay here whisper to Delilah before she move behind the ilusion and place her face where was the Alarune illusion one and said in a little treble tone, as she make the illusion move her mouth Sigh, you spoiled the surprise... of course than i heard you. Then turning the sight of the illusion toward the mage said Sorry Miss Delilah, but it looks like we cant continue with this. Miss Sera, it was not my ittention to rape you, all this was a surprise joke of your friend Mithra, it supposed than i now should take you with her, but with this intrusion maybe Miss Delilah should do it. Well i must go to work now, thanks Miss Delilah it was fun. Just then Mithra end her summon spell and then the illusion one, leaving Sera free and then the swordswoman wait until Delilah take care of make the Alarune to get away.


As that happened she take out the invisible spell and her disguise to talk with her friends. Hi Sera, sorry for that attempt of joke, i was trying to show you than you should train more, even if you decide to stay in this weird place, exactly why all want to be naked inside the mansion? and why both want to stay here instead to go to help our people in this critical time? Of course than Mithra will talk them about the charm spell on them, but first she want to heard the truth of them now than they were free.
Re: Never Adventure Alone (plmnko)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 10/52, Status = Fine

The alraune blinked in confusion as the figure whom her hand had momentarily been passing through not only gained substance, but began to speak. "Right... I'm... I think I'm gonna go now." She said, and the plant woman turned around and simply walked off, glancing back repeatedly. Once she was gone, Mithra released her magics, which had swiftly begun to exhaust her. Sera and Delilah were still blinking in confusion, and it took a moment for either of them to respond to her question.

"Uh.... I don't... Don't remember. I don't remember why I wanted to stay here! I don't remember why I was okay with walking around naked either." Delilah said, the sorceress scratching her head in confusion.

"Mithra.... You're awake.... But.... What did you do? It was like... Like my head was filled with cobwebs, but now it's clear." Sera said, still lying on the ground where she had collapsed when Mithra had dismissed her vines.
Re: Never Adventure Alone (plmnko)

The blonde elf help Sera to raise up, as she check than the plan woman dont return again. I just wake up a pair of hours ago, also im going to explain all soon. Said Mithra with a sigh of relief, as all looks to have sense now, she place her hair in order as her friends wait for her words. Even when was only a personal hypothesis, there was not doubt than they were in danger and so she turn to every side before answer then if no one was there.

First we must check if we are alone, we are in a great danger, as it looks than we are facing something really strong, able to control our minds even better than the last demon The swordswoman remain focused in remain alert each moment and trying to dont be discovered by any stalker creature.

When all looks safe she turn to their friends and speak. It looks than the lady of the house have hypnotic powers, she also feeds of the souls by having sex like any demon. Both of you were under a potent spell and i spent too much energy to free both of you, so maybe you should cast something to protect us, Delilah.

I really want to escape of this place as fast as we can, but Lola save me and all the others girls had passed many things to just leave them here to be mindcontroled for the rest of their lives. The young elve press her fist as she look to the floor, as she remember what the butler said and what happened to her. Even when this place looks to be safe, this house is nothing more than a illusion prison. Just like that cave, these girls will never meet their families again... i want to stop this lie, but i doubt than i have the power to face this thing and i dont want to make both of you fall victims of this thing For a moment the young elf think to leave all this problem to someone else or first go to help her land, no doubt than they could return later with support, but what if this was her only chance to escape or save the others, she was scared to choice wrong once again and put all of them in danger, this time who would save them? nobody know this place and maybe the unknown new creatures will be pointed as the responsible of their lost. Mithra put her hands down at her sides and turn to her friends trying to looks calmed, even when the doubts dont leave to assault her through This is a difficult choice to make it alone, so i need to heard each of your opinions.
Re: Never Adventure Alone (plmnko)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 10/52, Status = Fine

They were alone as far as Mithra could tell. The nearby alraune were all busy tending to the shorn weeds, and there wasn't anyone else nearby. Delilah, still slightly dazed, replied; "Protect us? I don't know.... The Mis.... The woman who runs this house, she's extremely powerful. I couldn't cast anything that could protect for sure, at least not without exhausting myself. I could keep something minor up on each of us, but I don't know if it'd really help if she tried to get into our heads again."

"That woman is no demon. She's a fallen angel. " Sera said quietly when Mithra asked for their opinions. The other elf was looking squarely at Mithra, and her tone held more than a little bit of fear, but she wasn't shaking or looking away. "Even with all three of us, I don't know what we can do. Remember, we have not only her to contend with, but all of her servants, including the ones we'd be trying to save from enthrallment. The lesser demons she has bound to her are powerful enough in their own right, and I don't think that she'll be as easy to lure into a trap as that nightmare lord was back in that cave."

"I don't know about Lola... I've never seen her alone with the Lady, and she was all for staying here even before we were enthralled. I don't know if she'd help us even if she was enthralled either. You weren't around her much, she's.... Well she's not really very nice. I want to help these people too Mithra, it's just.... I don't know if we even can. If we're discovered, I don't think we'll get another chance to go free." Delilah said, but Sera shook her head.

"Even if it puts us in danger, we can't leave these people to stay here. You are right, Mithra. This might be a gilded cage in comparison, but it's no less a cage than the ones back in that cavern. We have to at least try to do something." Delilah, in turn, sighed and then nodded in agreement. They both looked to her, waiting for what she would say.
Re: Never Adventure Alone (plmnko)

Her friend's words fill the mind of the swordswoman with more doubts about what to do, both girls were also scared about their actual situation and yet the two were prepared to give their lives with her in order to save all these victims. No doubt than the old Mithra would had choiced run to the battlefield, try her best in an attempt for a miracle, but something had changed on her, after had been defeated twice in this mission and had been raped by wild beasts and demons until being corrupted. Her mind started to think in many possibilities until her friends turn to her and in the instand she cross her hands and closed her eyes for an instant. Her voice remind low to dont be noticed by the plant women

My wise father teach me than a true warrior choice his battles, we are unnarmed, tired and i just wake up after days uncouncied. Yet still we possibilities of win.

This time we will retreat and focus ourselves in our real mission, we must help our people and defend our lands. We born in diferents towns, but im sure than both are worried for our families and friends as im.

I promise than when all get solved, we will try our best to save these girls.

Mithra put her hands of her side and then decide to give some words about what they could do. Any of you have information about the outside of this mansion? guards, beasts? We maybe could get some weapons if it dont take us too much time, the woman of the house was having fun with that man some minutes ago, but maybe they had already ended, so we are nearly out of time.
Re: Never Adventure Alone (plmnko)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 10/52, Status = Fine

(I'm 90% sure that you meant for them to take off and leave the people in this mansion to their fate. If that's not the case, then let me know.)

Both of her companions looked shocked as Mithra decided that they should leave, and Sera fell into a brooding silence as Delilah simply continued to look shocked. "Alright.... If you think that's best. I don't like it, but there are a lot of other problems to worry about right now. You didn't hear about it, but Gods-Reach and Therion and the Academy were all attacked by strange monsters. They all held out, but some of the other cities weren't so lucky. A lot of people are dead... Or just gone!"

"I don't like leaving the others here..... But I don't know if we can save them. I suppose that leaving and coming back later, when we're better equipped might be best. We'd best pick up some things and be off soon. The supply room contains weapons and survival gear, and it's on the first floor, so we shouldn't have any trouble getting into it undetected."

"The Lady said that we could leave whenever we want, and that no one would try to stop us. I don't know if that's true, but the only thing we'd have to worry about bothering us once we're off the mansion grounds that I know of would be the patrols that get sent out to keep monsters at bay."
Re: Never Adventure Alone (plmnko)

I also hate to do this, but we really have low chances to win and im not leaving them at their luck, once we have all settled at our towns we will return to free them. Said the blonde elf really ashamed of her choice, her inner side want to fight now, but she cant allow herself to lost her friends once again, she is in charge to return them to their home and still they must heal the soldier who they leave in the city, yet maybe he have already died in this invasion.

Mithra decide than take some things from the armory will really be helpful, as she was not a mage anyway and she prefer to dont waste her energy in something useless when she can slay her foes. Please guide us Sera, maybe we will be fine with only act normally if we find other people. Said the elf before remember what was normal inside, at least she can act as herself, but their friends could need help once a difficult situation happen.

follow them with caution, take the moment to restore energy
Re: Never Adventure Alone (plmnko)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine

"Alright, yeah.. I'll lead the way." Sera replied, and then the three of them walked around the building. They didn't attract any undo attention even after they passed by several people, three who looked normal, one of the alraune and even a woman who was without a doubt a succubus. None let their gazes linger on the already clothed trio for more than a few seconds, and they entered the supply room without anyone nearby to see them. They had grabbed gear, weapons and food and winter clothing, and quickly went back by a less traveled route. They left the house once more and traveled down the road away from it, leaving those under the sway of the mistress of the house to their fate there while they went out to deal with the world's bigger problems.

(At this point, you're ready for the time skip between DG2 and DG3. There isn't anything else particularly interesting that I had for Mithra to do.)