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42 (Keylo)

Re: Enigma (Keylo)

HP = 52, PP = 53, EP = 99, Status = Fine

Lanai cocked her head slightly as Enigma said that she had meant something else, and listened without making any comment or changing her expression in the slightest. Until Enigma admitted at least that she could not be without Lanai's presence, which caused a hesitant smile to form on the demon's face. A more social person than Enigma might have known that that smile signified that she hadn't heard quite what she wanted, but when the demoness spoke, her words were no longer as hollow as they had been a moment ago; "I do not know how to define love myself, so I cannot say with any more certainly than you can, my mistress. I do know that I wouldn't want... Nay, couldn't to be without you either, at least not without losing myself just as you would. I will not leave you alone, Enigma."

She paused briefly, and her smile shifted slightly, becoming mischievous as Lanai continued to hug Enigma closely to herself. "It's too bad that we destroyed the mansion... It had such a wonderful bath in the basement! And I am ever so unclean! Perhaps it is time to locate another place for us to bathe?"
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

The disappointment was indeed missed by Enigma, whose practice in reading expressions and the like came more in the interpretation of hostility and other unpleasant interactions. One in a more..."friendly" interaction such as this, was uncommon to the elf, and hard to determine overall. Yet regardless, as her pet seemed to become herself again, the elf would feel as if a weight had been lifted from her heart regardless, a much needed ease in the tension, but not a resolution. That of course, would have to come in time, but for now...this would do. Now was the time to focus on different priorities, such as finding a place to clean her pet up...and perhaps feed her in the process, with how starved she seemed to be.

"Yes...let us go then, perhaps a stream or the likes if a conventional bath can not be found. Cleaniness is an excellent standard to maintain after all..."
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

HP = 52, PP = 53, EP = 99, Status = Fine

(You can haz 6 exp now. For the mansion bit.)

"I think that I have had quite enough wandering through the woods for one lifetime, and would not wish to go through them while naked at this time. I think finding a proper bath would be best, even if we can't expect any hot water." Lanai spoke plainly, and offered Enigma her arm as she turned to search for a place to take a bath.

The two set off, Lanai and Enigma wandering. Daylight came in full, bright and pleasant over a place empty of life, though Lanai still glared up at the sun with distrust even after two years on the mortal world. Their wandering took a short while, but eventually Lanai suggested the tavern, and in the back they found a coal pit and a tub that could be filled with water. It required some magic on Lanai's part, but the demoness seemed none the worse for wear after it, and another minor spell caused a spark to light beneath it. "It's no bathhouse, and it's a little small for the two of us, but I suppose that it ought to do."

Without further ado, Lanai climbed into the bath, sighing, and began rubbing the assorted sorts of grime off of her body. The scar still ran along her chest where the warrior Garruk had cut her, splitting one of her massive breasts in half, and it looked to be a permanent addition to her pet's physique. Lanai dunked herself into the tub, on the bottom of which she sat, and came back up looking at least cleaner than she had before, though she still seemed exhausted. "Will you be joining me on your own, or must I pull you in?" She said, teasingly, and folded her arms over her chest.
Re: Enigma (Keylo)


Perhaps not the most optimal accommodations...but they would serve well enough for their purposes, so far as Enigma was concerned. Enough, for not only some cleansing, but for the privacy and time alone to convey to her pet precious words and the resolve they embodied. A resolve accompanying perhaps...dangerous commitments, by her usual standards at least, but a resolve that had to be fulfilled regardless.

And it would perhaps be an unnerving, solemn expression that she bore as she had set about undressing, one that not only caused her to not respond to her pet's light-hearted teasing, but perhaps threatened to sour the atmosphere altogether with how "serious" it seemed to be. For, even when the elf had finally stripped herself of her garments and climbed into the tub, her partial silence would make her seem a bit...intimidating, that or depressed given what seemed to be a sigh after a moment of simply sitting there in the water in what space she could fit.

That is of course, until a faint glimpse of a smile seemed to cross her visage, and Enigma opted to "crawl over" to her pet...so as to place herself upon her pet's lap... head gently resting on the demon's massive...and now scarred breast, choosing to stay there for a bit...and simply close her eyes. As if almost attempting to listen for a heartbeat, which might not have been there altogether, but the elf would seem to feign such regardless. After a few quiet moments of such an act however, it would be then and only then, as she raised a hand to the scar...and gently trace around it with her delicate fingers.

"This wound..the result of a blade meant to end many a journey whenever it strikes...a blade that should have ended mine as well that time...but did not. For it was taken in my place..."

There is a pause as Enigma stop her tracing...only to raise her head slightly, and kiss that now permanent reminder of past events once...

"A feat like that would entitle any other to my life. My life within their hands to make use of. Yet Lanai, my life already belongs to you, in that I can no longer live with your presence. Thus...a dilemma has arisen...what shall I offer you in that stead? My body? Thou has tasted of it many times already. My mind? I am already willing to teach you all that I know. My "love"? If it exists, then surely it is offered to you already. Shall I offer a new tie between us then?... In fact, I believe I shall. From this moment on, we are no longer master and pet. That bond is now severed here. Instead, we shall be "lovers". Two like-minded individuals marching down the same path, two "equals" who shall walk with each other even after our last breaths are drawn. And in commemoration of the former relationship...I also vow to return what thou has given me in thy time as my "pet". Not act for act, but rather in equivalent favors to be given when time and place allows."

And then...perhaps strangest enough, there would be an odd twinkle in Enigma's eyes, one even Lanai perhaps could sworn to have never seen before... One of...mischief?

"...And what better time to begin, then now?... We've bathed together many times before dear, and whether it be washing my back...acts of passion....whatever whim had struck me at that time. Now that we are bathing together yet again dear...what similar favor would you ask of your lover ever so indebted to you, hmm Lanai love?~ That spark of mischief within your eye dear, you would wound me greatly if you were to claim that you were completely devoid of ideas..."

It would perhaps be an awfully strange sight for Lanai, to see her former "master" upon her lap...now almost crawling onto, with an almost... "playful" expression on her face. One that, should she have ever managed to see similar expressions that she herself gave, would almost seem like an imitation of behavior that she herself might met out. And if that wasn't enough...dainty elven fingers, choose to dance...of all places, near her privates...tracing nearby...might just leave her utterly bewildered...

Yet, there was no mistake about it...although of an odd behavior, this was indeed Enigma, the nature of her spirit stated so at least.
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

HP = 52, PP = 53, EP = 99, Status = Fine

Lanai lounged within the tub as Enigma solemnly disrobed, though her expression became less and less cheerful as a result of her mistress's demeanor. By the time the lithe elven necromancer had clambered into the tub and issued her sigh, Lanai had gone from happy to blank to visibly uncomfortable. As such, when Enigma smiled, Lanai took it for a poor sign, and visibly tensed when Enigma maneuvered herself within the water to lie within Lanai's lap, and rest head head against her demonic pet's soft bosom. As she closed her eyes, Enigma could indeed hear Lanai's nervous heartbeat through her flesh, the organ that some might say gave life seemingly in the same relative position as Enigma's own. When she began to trace a finger across the scar running down, she heard the heartbeat skip a beat and quicken, and her pet quietly whispered; "Mistress?"

Lanai remained perfectly still as Enigma spoke, the tension in her body quite plainly evident. Her skin was soft, even where it showed white from the scar tissue that had formed, and despite her discomfort at the mood that Enigma had set, the tip of Lanai's breast hardened as Enigma pressed her lips against the scar. Some of that tension drained out of Lanai as Enigma spoke again, and her pet adopted a puzzled look rather than a nervous frown, which was certainly a step in the right direction. A look that turned to shock as Lanai announced their previous bond as master and pet severed, and then to a smile and a look of wonder as she declared their new status. "My Mis.... My love... Such a look of mischief as I have never seen before in your eyes!" She whispered, their proximity allowing Enigma to hear her without any trouble.

Her smile turned coy as Enigma asked of her what she might suggest for them to do, a few things more than likely popping into the perverted demon's mind, but she did not yet voice any of them immediately. Instead, as Enigma crawled up into her lap, the warm water sloshing all around them and the bright spring morning sun beamed down upon the pair, she simply wrapped her arms around the thin elf's body. She gasped as she felt Enigma's dextrous fingers dancing along her inner thighs, but after a few seconds she giggled and cooed softly as she shifted her hips and opened her legs, giving Enigma easier access.

"What's come over you, Enigma!" Lanai said, but she was smiling broadly and there was joy present in her voice. She cocked her head slightly, her lips parted slightly as she leaned forward until their noses touched, not a trace of glow present in her crimson eyes. Indeed, rather than bewildered, Lanai seemed to be nothing but pleased with how Enigma was acting. "I knew I would have some influence on you eventually.... But, the best teacher is experience, after all!"

Lanai suddenly lunged forward and kissed Enigma on the lips, holding the elven necromancer close for several seconds as her lover's tongue danced with her own. She only held the kiss briefly, however, before pulling away and leaning her head against Enigma's, their noses touching as Lanai looked into her eyes. "You may no longer be my mistress..... But it is good to share in these things, as I hear. So.... You may choose this time... You may ask me to do anything that you would like, my lover.... Or." Lanai's smile became outright devilish, and she finished; "You may allow me to choose.... And do whatever I desire to you.... But, you cannot so no! Not to anything! Well? What say you? Do you appreciate the rules of our game, today?"
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

As an observation of her strange behavior was made, Enigma would first respond only by maintaining the smile, her eyes seeming to "glow" once, perhaps in the same manner she did when she tapped into her powers seeming to revel in her mystery weaving for but a moment. Yet once the glow faded, the necromancer would opt to dispel the shroud behind her...forwardness, if only to let secrets disappear between her and her lover before passion overtook them.

"Experience, memories, observations...Over the years dear, I've neglected much of what they had to teach, for I discarded what I considered "frivolous" things in my quest for knowledge, so as to focus on what I felt to be more...fruitful. Morals, "unnecessary" frivolities, anything not quintessential to the path of greater intellect. Yet in your presence, I've begun to develop an...appreciation of sorts for the simpler things that I have so long ignored. And of course to indulge in them every now and then...if only for you love."

And as her words proclaimed, indulge she did, entwining her tongue with her pet's with little, if no hesitation upon the first contact of their lips. Seeming fully intent on enjoying every moment of the present, and the time soon to come. For once the kiss broke, and the two found themselves in such close proximity, the mischief, satisfaction, and even...desire, in Enigma's eyes matched Lanai's in a manner that only a demon's lover could.

"But of course dear, did I not promise to repay you for your services to me over the years?... As much pleasure as it would give me to explore the things I have left untouched for so long...A greater pleasure I believe, it would be for both of us if I were to let myself be...shall we say, molded as you please for our first game. A change from the norm perhaps, if you would. Or in short dear, I shall abide by your rules for today's game, and will submit to your whims. I will not say "no" regardless of what you may choose."
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

HP = 52, PP = 53, EP = 99, Status = Fine

At her agreement to abide by former her pet's every whim, at least in the short term of this meeting, the demoness adopted a very nearly psychotic smile that should have been far more worrying to Enigma than it was. The same grin upon her face, Lanai very slowly leaned forward and once more kissed Enigma passionately on the lips. She held that embrace for much longer than she had the first kiss, reveling in it just as Enigma had the first even as her hands began to rub up and down along her thin body.

Finally, after some time of simply holding and kissing her former mistress, Lanai puled back from Enigma, and looked into her eyes as, in a voice low with arousal, quietly said; "Well, as you are so eager to give in to my every request, I can't help but feel an urge to abuse such power.... But I shall not. This time. No... Instead, I shall have to instruct you in the ways of being a proper lover.... And I know just where to start!" Grinning wryly, she shifted slightly, so that she was lower beneath Enigma and most of her body save for her head and breasts were submerged.

Then, her voice sounding almost like a lecture, Lanai said; "There are many things that two lovers can do together.... As wonderful as climbing on top of you and fucking you into submission is, my love, it is a somewhat artless tactic, all things considered. The use of one's hands, lips, and tongue are just as important, even more so in the case of mortal lovers, if I have heard correctly. And there are ways to bring pleasure beyond mere physical stimulation! Working upon your lover's mind can bring far more satisfaction than merely bringing them to a climax, whether that be working upon their particular likes both known and unknown, or working upon your partner's heart, or even simple teasing. The proper application of tension can make a member of either sex beg for release like no amount of stimulation."

Smiling, and holding Enigma tightly, Lanai continued; "I won't make you try anything complicated.... Yet. The void knows, you haven't grown up like a normal mortal girl, made to learn to please her lovers from birth even without knowing what she's being taught. Nor have you had a demon's upbringing, for which I am endlessly glad. Anyway, as there is no better way to learn than by experience, you shall learn through it!" Pausing to allow Enigma a chance to respond, Lanai then continued; "You will use only your mouth. Touching me with your hands shall result in.... Punishment. You will start with my lips, and work your way down, and you will not stop until you have made me cum. Then, you will be allowed to do the same to my cock. Begin when you are ready."
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

Granted though, the lack of worry as to the psychotic smile was out of...trust, rather than sporadic foolishness. As Enigma had deemed Lanai to be her lover, it was only right in her mind to attribute to her the trust that should accompany such a relationship...in that the latter wouldn't do anything to truly hurt her. So the necromancer felt anyway.

And thus upholding such a principle of trust, the elf would let herself be handled in what she described to be a "porcelain doll", allowing her lips to be stolen yet again without any resistance...passion to fill her, and hands to roam about her frame in manners that shivers through her beings with each motion. When her pet gave her...lecture, on the "ways of love", the high elf would listen attentively, treating what her pet told her now in the same manner as she would knowledge of the ancient or arcane... the first time perhaps she actually committed herself to...learning, the things she had considered mundane, if only of course out of the concept of mutual respect. After all, if her lover respected her research and knowledge in terms of magical power and prowess, then should she not respect the other's knowledge in lovemaking? Especially given her...upbringing and circumstances, which she would only confirm when given the chance.

"Mmm...I do suppose that my circumstances were a bit more...different, than who matured alongside me. My studies, and...instruction, as far as I can recall anyway, had me focus on other matters. So indeed love~ Well said."

Though when the...challenge, or so she felt it to be was offered to her, the elf would find herself frowning momentarily...before returning to a mischievous grin yet again.

"My my dear, to offer a test so early in the course of instruction dear? Such a restrictive one at that. You'd be ever the terror as a schoolmaster love... Yet ever the exciting one~..."

As per Lanai's...instructions, Enigma would then opt to cross her hands together behind her back, even in the embrace, so as to avoid "accidental" contact with her lover through them...shifting herself so as to bring her lips to to her former pet's. Once again indulging in a passionate kiss...but this time, beginning to move downwards, as instructed...

Sucking gently on the demon's lower lip upon breaking the initial kiss...soft kisses along the neck...perhaps if allowed, a gentle suckle of a nipple, accompanied by a sensual swirling via tongue...and of course, more kisses along the body to go with them. So was what Enigma intended anyway, based on what she could derive from the memories of others...and past observations of her own. To repeat such motions till her pet came for the first time...or for her to perhaps lose her balance in such awkward maneuvering and be forced to use her hands to right herself upon her lover.

If all went well...then of course, it would be then and only then that she would set to work on the demoness's cock. In which case she would try a similar approach...kisses, tongue "baths" along its length... and perhaps a suckling of its head... as best as she could imitate such motions of course.

((Leaving it to you, or dice, to decide whether Enigma manages to do so without needing to use her hands. Though if she does...well, Enigma has good balance :x))
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

HP = 52, PP = 53, EP = 99, Status = Fine

Lanai smiled broadly as Enigma joined into the spirit of the challenge by placing her arms behind her back. "Would it be a challenge if I made it easy on you?" She said, just before she quite eagerly responded to the kiss that her former mistress had initiated. Lanai cooed with pleasure as Enigma sucked on her lower lip, and watched her go with a smile and a slightly blush as the elven necromancer made her way down the demon's body with her mouth. It was difficult to tell, given her positioning, but when Enigma glanced up at her pets face following the brief moment of attention at her nipple, Lanai seemed almost... Disappointed.

The expression lasted for only a moment, however, before her expectant smile returned, along with a pleased coo, as Enigma continued working her way down. The lower she went, the closer she got to the water, and Lanai lifted herself up and mostly out of the tub, so that she was standing above Enigma as she reached the demon's flower. The demoness above her shivered when Enigma's tongue began its work there, but for a long while the elven necromancer got little more that a few pleasurable sighs out of Lanai. Eventually, the demoness seemed to think that Enigma had taken long enough, and began giving instructions. At first, her words were delivered in an even tone, but as Enigma took the instructions to heart and began acting on them, Lanai became increasingly flustered.

Where to touch. How to touch. When to tease, and when to press more aggressively. Moans of pleasure began to separate her words, and her hips began to shift in time with the work of Enigma's mouth. Lanai's love juices swiftly coated Enigma's mouth as she worked, and her former pet was moaning openly after another few moments of tongue work, her stream of instructions reduced to a simple phrase, repeated over and over again. "Don't stop!" Shortly thereafter, Enigma felt Lanai's hand grasp her hair and tug her closer, keeping her head in place as she moaned into the sky. Enigma's jaw and tongue began to ache with exertion, but she only had to put in a few more moments of work before her efforts were rewarded with success. Lanai shuddered in orgasm, her juices flowing freely into her former mistress's mouth as she came, still holding Enigma's head to her flower as she came.

A moment later, Lanai had recovered enough to release her hold on Enigma's head, and simply stood over her, smiling broadly. "That... Was incredibly relieving." She muttered, and then stood still for a moment, basking in the afterglow. Only for a moment, however, before her crimson eyes opened, and with a gesture over her womanhood, the by now familiar member that her demon could seemingly grow at will appeared. Lanai seemed about to say something, but the elven necromancer dove right back to work, taking her mouth to the cock that was hanging in front of her.

"Eager to prove yourself I see!" Lanai said, giggling. The laugh quickly turned to a sigh of pleasure when Enigma ran her tongue along its length, however, and the demoness simply watched without comment while Enigma attempted to pleasure her cock. The light sighs and breaths she brought out from her pet weren't as loud or as enthusiastic as the ones she had been causing a few moments prior, though she did get a moan out of her former pet the first time that she wrapped her lips around the head of her member. "Stop teasing.... Or I might have to punish you!" Lanai finally said after a short period of simply watching Enigma in utter passivity. Her jaw muscles ached, having never been put to such a use before, but she had only accomplished half of what her lover had demanded of her. She might try to ask leniency, given her lack of experience, but one had to wonder if Enigma's pride would allow for that given what she had already done today.
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

As for Enigma, who worked ever so hard to please under Lanai’s instruction, barring the typical feelings of mischief and arousal as she attended to the demon with an otherwise inexperienced, but dexterous lips, another would join their fray… one of…nostalgia. Not from the act of pleasuring another, as she was now learning, but rather… the learning process from being a “student yet again”… One that she had long forgotten.

Enigma’s Reminisces
"Dance, weave, create the shape in your mind and guide it. What is it that you wield in your hand? Earth? Steel? Nay, you wield a blade, one that will sunder the earth should you desire it, you need only will so. Imagine then create child, come.”

Yes…those were the guiding words from her mentor, an individual that had all but disappeared into the recesses of her mind over the years. The one that had taught her the basics of what she now wielded as her power, the only one who had seen her promise when others claimed her to have none.
The sound of a fist pounding into the ground, as shattered rocks crashed against the earth, an anguished cry of frustration, hot tears… Yes, that had how it been at first.

“Why won’t it bend? Why won’t it move as I want? WHY? WHY MUST EVERYTHING BREAK?”

Failure, a child’s inability to understand, an inability to accept yet another impediment in her pursuits, she had been guilty of such once. Arrogance, foolishness, innocence… how long ago it had been.

Why must it bend? You are not trying to break the earth. You are trying to give it purpose, not destroy it. Guide it along the natural flow, not against it. It is easier to change a course, than to reverse it altogether. Now come child, reach out once again, touch it with the mind, understand…then let it run its course with the gentlest of guidance…

Oh what sun-filled days those had been. Days long gone to her now… perhaps.

The taste of her former pet, that age old nostalgic feeling, the earnest desire to please one that she “loved”…all that and more kept her going even as her body became weary. “Mind” over matter in a sense, she would treat the “art of lovemaking” the same as she did all else. Persistence, perseverance…she would not allow aches and exhaustion to stop her until she had accomplished the task she set out to do. A moment to breathe perhaps would she offer herself, as the dancing around a flowers lips and a fleshy jewel were rewarded at last… but not more as she would immediately to set to work on her other “objective” once a chance to do so was given. No leniency would she, Enigma, ask for. Inexperienced she was, but as one had fought tooth and nail in the past…there was no way she would allow herself something like a “handicap”. She would rather her jaw fall apart for exertion before she asked for a bit of leniency simply because of a bodily concern as “exhaustion” after having been challenged so. And as if to prove such a point, after Lanai’s comment as to “stop teasing”… she would opt to go down as far as she could of the length without raising a hand to touch it…and of course, to not gag. Perhaps not very far the first time, but she would attempt to go further each time she moved along it…making sure to dance her tongue along the tip each opportunity she got as well… As long as her stamina stood, she would set about at her task as if almost possessed…until she felt the member began to engorge…to finally gain enough pressure to be at the very of release…

…Though with that said, a powerful pride was “one” part of what defined Enigma. The other, a curiosity that was both her greatest strength and greatest flaw… One that lead her to the boldest of ventures, the most deadly of mistakes, and of course…the maddest ideas. And it would be such, that in the end, should she manage to reach the verge of success as she desired, that caused her to pull her mouth away with a glint of pronounced mischief in her eyes…opt to cause her to use her hand to finish the deed despite bringing her mouth close enough to blow softly on it… Something that would perhaps her jaw, had it consciousness, would have probably desired done much earlier…but something that was required anyway, if only to satisfy both pride and “curiosity”…

The reasoning for such though?...

”To hear so much of such an interesting claim and not explore it…something like ‘that’ would warrant the greatest of regrets!”
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

HP = 52, PP = 53, EP = 99, Status = Fine

Lanai grinned eagerly as Enigma took the tip of her conjured member into her mouth, the thing practically twitching with excitement as her lips wrapped around it. The aching in her jaw set aside by sheer determination, Enigma's admittedly inexperienced motions nonetheless had her demonic lover shaking with excitement within only a few moments. Despite being unable to take Lanai's full length into her mouth, Enigma's first earnest attempts to please the demoness seemed to be going pretty well so far.

As the elven necromancer bobbed her head onto her former pet's shaft, she got her first taste of Lanai's cum as the demoness began to leak precum into her mouth, the flicks of Enigma's tongue coincidentally lapping up the salty-sweet fluid. "Ha! Not bad.... For.... Ha! Your first time." Lanai said, blushing brightly as her former mistress slowly made her way further and further down her cock. Enigma did eventually gag, the first time that the engorged head of Lanai's cock touched the back of her throat, but the demoness immediately pulled back and out of her mouth, allowing her to recover for as long as she needed before returning to her test.

It wasn't long before Enigma's oral attentions brought about their desired effect, Lanai tensing visibly as her member began to throb in the elf's mouth. Her eyes closed at the time in preparation for her oncoming orgasm, Lanai gasped in surprise as Enigma's fingers closed around her cock, but the demoness could only emit a long drawn out moan as she began to stroke. Sprays of hot, thick seed coated Enigma's face and filled her mouth as Lanai came, more of the salty-sweet taste accompanying the cum that ended up in her mouth.

When Lanai came down from her climax, the demoness was smiling and blushing, and sighed contentedly as her conjured cock twitched a few times, emptying the last few drops of her release onto Enigma's face. "Well.... You did a good job... But you broke the rules! So that means punishment!" Lanai said, smirking down at her cum coated ex-mistress. "I almost think you want to be punished, my love." She continued, and then giggled as she brought a finger to her lips, her lightly glowing eyes locking onto Enigma's and practically hypnotizing her, though the elven necromancer easily had the will necessary to resist that alluring gaze. "Now, what ever shall I do with you?" She finished, her tone telling Enigma that the demon knew quite well what she had planned for her.

Lowering herself back down into the heated water, Lanai then pulled Enigma over into her lap so that her still iron hard member was between the elf's legs, pressed against her belly. "As it is your first time, I think I shall be gentle on you.... And present you with another test!" She began, lightly cradling Enigma's face in one hand while she used the other to steady herself as she shifted into a comfortable position. When the busty demoness seemed settled back into the tub, she continued; "I am quite famished, after today's sordid events.... So I want you to feed me, Enigma. You must learn to be in control.... As much as you so seem to love being controlled by me when we do this... So you will be on top. I will allow you to set whatever pace you like, but I will not hold back my feeding. Every time you cum, I will gorge myself upon you... And if you grow too weak before I finish, then I will take you over and over until you cannot even think, and your body is so filled with my seed that you cannot walk. If you can make me cum before you are too weak to go on, then you may choose where I will release.

"If you understand the rules of this final contest, then I you may begin when you are ready."
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

Salty...yet sweet. Not the most appealing of tastes to her...but not exactly loathsome to her either. Such would be but a brief glimpse into the Enigma’s though as she had what was possibly her first "taste" of demon cum, yet such a snippet would be far from all of them. If anything, the indifference was but the smallest parts of the elf’s current mood, for it could not possibly explain the almost impish gaze at her lover she gave in response to her pet’s declaration of punishment to come. Truly it must be admitted, the most carnal of…exercises were quite stimulating both in body and mind. While far from a “study” she’d devote her life to, it was indeed a nicer excursion than she previously believed to be and of course…one that was greatly entertaining.

Running a finger through her semen coated hair, and perhaps even curling it a bit before placing the digit into her mouth again as if to refresh her memory of it… one might even go as far to say that Enigma was behaving in a “feminine” manner, or at least as best as she could in terms of an imitation of it. Yet the raw desire, the amusement she was feeling would be true enough, not imitations from watching another but aspects truly original and true to her person, as far as Lanai would be able to tell at least when she brought the former “mistress” over to her lap.

“One test after another love… truly you are quite the stringent instructor~…”

Despite those words however, the enthusiasm of the elf as she brought her hands to slowly caress the rock hard member pressed against her, gently running her fingers it in an almost “inspective” but delicate manner, seemed to imply otherwise. Mischief…accompanied by contemplation, would be her most evident expressions, as if she would opt to throw her own “wrench” into the little contest she had been presented.

Once she was ready, after a moment of such “dalliance”, it would be only then that she opted to guide the cock to her nether lips…forcing herself to overcome her “reluctance” to allow things into her in general so as to carry out the task presented to her. But as for the pace she would set…well, it would perhaps be an in almost infuriating one at first, as she would move herself about Lanai’s member as slow as could be (or so it felt…) gradually allowing the rod to fill her until it reached her womb…gyrating her hips…once…twice…lifting herself again in the same gradual manner…then repeating the cycle once again. It was a process that would perhaps be maddening to most people, including herself, if she had not her mind at this time…and with it, an unearthly patience. And while that patience persisted, and of course, while the “test” continued she would opt to rinse and repeat till either came to an end. Well that is, unless something else would prevent her from doing so…
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

HP = 52, PP = 53, EP = 0/99, Status = Pregnant, Helpless

Can Enigma soak through Lanai's 120 PP before passing out from energy drain?

Lanai takes 2d10 + 6 + 10 + 2 = 2d10 + 18. Enigma should have tight from DG1, but I didn't see it on her sheet. I think.
Engima takes 2d10 + 34, and half of that gets drained from her.

Pleasure (Enigma) : 4 + 10 + 34 = 48 PP, leaving Enigma at 5 PP and 75 EP.
Pleasure (Lanai) : 7 + 8 + 18 = 33, leaving Lanai at 87 PP.

Pleasure (Enigma) : 7 + 10 + 34 = 51 PP, making Enigma cum and leaving her at 24 EP.
Pleasure (Lanai) : 9 + 10 + 18 = 37, leaving Lanai at 50 PP.

Pleasure (Enigma) : 5 + 7 + 34 = 46 PP, leaving Enigma at 7 PP 1 EP.
Pleasure (Lanai) : 8 + 6 + 18 = 32, leaving Lanai at 18 PP.

Pleasure (Enigma) : 3 + 2 + 34 = 39 PP, Enigma cums and can no longer move.
Pleasure (Lanai) : 9 + 4 + 18 = 31, Lanai cums.

Enigma gains 2 mutations.

Lanai continued to grin widely throughout Enigma's lewd display, giggling as she gathered up some of the cum that had landed in her hair and got a second taste of demonic seed. The demoness seemed quite pleased with her lover's impish smile and genuinely amorous behavior, and she showed no signs of believing that the display was a front. Giggling again, Lanai casually replied; "I've always found that it's best to be unrelenting in the instruction of my pupils. And in their punishments, should they fail."

The demon upon whose lap she sat shifted as Enigma's hands wrapped around her shaft, and she felt it twitching with excitement as she gave it a few cursory strokes. Lanai's eyes were on her face, her wide, confident grin ever present, and seemingly without any concern for the mischief implied in Enigma's expression. When Enigma finally did move to position herself over Lanai's member, however, the look of excitement on her former pet's face was unbelievable, as Lanai seemed to light up with almost childish glee at the prospect of the coming trial.

Letting out a low moan as the elven necromancer lowered herself down, slowly impaling herself on her demon's cock until the tip of it finally pressed against her cervix. As always, Lanai's member filled her perfectly, brushing against her most sensitive places all at once as it stretched her inner walls just to the point that any larger and it would be uncomfortable. Despite how slowly she was moving, Enigma felt Lanai's rod throbbing already, but at the same time, tendrils of Lanai's energy slid into her soul, piercing her and beginning to draw upon her magical energies.

And so, the test began.

Despite her slowness, every gyration and buck of her hips felt as wonderful to Enigma as they did to her lover.... Possibly more so, as Lanai offered her own soft subtle motions to the mix, angling her member such that it reached her most sensitive parts. It might even be said that Enigma's partner appreciated the almost agonizing slowness of her motions, the squeezing of her soft folds drawing a constant stream of soft moans and gasps from the pink haired demoness. It drew an even greater amount of pleasure from Enigma herself, however, and the energy being drained from her spirit gradually increased, until finally, Enigma suddenly felt herself tense as the pleasure surged within her. For a moment, her body was beyond her ability to control as she shuddered through her climax, Lanai's hungry tendrils feasting deeply upon her soul.

Even after her climax, however, Enigma had strength yet to continue, and Lanai made no move to stop her as she began to gyrate and ride on her cock once more. The contest seemed far less one sided now, however, as she felt Lanai throbbing harder and harder with every motion that Enigma made. "Almost.... There..." Lanai moaned, her hands coming to rest on Enigma's hips as the test sped toward its conclusion.

Pleasure rose within the both of them until both were on the border of their crescendo. Enigma could barely move, so heavily had Lanai drained her energies, and she could even then feel them drawing upon the core of her being, draining away the very essence of her being through the pleasure that she was receiving. Sooner or later, one or the other would surrender, and now it was only a matter of whether Enigma's will was strong enough to see it through.

And, as it turned out, it was. After one agonizingly slow motion, Lanai's eyes finally rolled up into the back of her head, and the up until now passive demoness threw her head back and screamed in pleasure as she grabbed Enigma's hips. Pulling her down and holding her so that her member was pressed into Enigma's womb, Lanai simply exploded. Liquid fire erupted into her body as Lanai's seed suddenly poured into her, and the added hardness of the rod inside of her combined with the wonderful heat that was pouring into her set Enigma once more over her the edge and into her own climax. Whether she wanted to or not, Enigma's orgasming body milked the life giving seed into her waiting womb, every drop being held inside.

They remained in that embrace for what felt like an eternity, the very core of Enigma's soul being fed upon as she and Lanai came together. Her womb stretched to contain all of the seed that she was being filled with, and when they finally came down from their mutual peak, something strange happened. As Enigma's now utterly drained body could no longer support itself, Lanai gently lifted her up and off of her member, holding her close against her breast as her expanded womb began to empty into the tub below.

While that thick white seed was draining out of her, however, a vision came to Enigma. A vision that she recognized as a memory a moment later. A walk through the woods with her pet, not an uncommon occurrence all told. A strange plant, and a lesson gone awry. Arousal like nothing that she had ever imagined possible, overpowering and beyond any hope of resistance. Her pet... Lover, taking her... But on conditions. And now that those conditions had been met, it seemed. And that could mean only one thing, of course, given the arrangements that had been made. Enigma had conceived.

"Well.... That... Was an..... Unexpected... Result." Lanai muttered, panting as she laid beneath Enigma in utter bliss. "I suppose that... I cheated.... But... You were... Wonderful.... My love."
Re: 42 (Keylo)

((Family, Exams, Travel Time, Writer's block...okay, I think those are finally over, thus...))

Mutual pleasure in lovemaking was an unavoidable thing regardless of the “tricks” used, that was a foregone thing. The extent of such in her bonding with Lanai however, was another story to the necromancer turned lover of a demon, who found herself taken by surprise…well , up to the point she no longer really cared. Whether it be her own inexperience, her lover’s superior skill , or some unknown innate trait of demonic feeding, by the time she had repeated her “cycle” twice…thrice, Enigma would simply resign herself to what she had chosen to dedicate the present time to… indulgence. True, she would continue her previous “plan” of continuing at a slow pace, but such was no longer for the purpose of a mere test…but rather to give herself time to process every single sensation of an experience she was undergoing on her own terms for the first time. To teach herself to willingly relish what she felt, till she reached her peak for the first time…

Ironically enough however, despite the usual chain of events where she ended up becoming as putty following such a high, this time…Enigma would seem to show a more voracious side as she would opt to “pick up” where she left off with naught but a short delay. To Lanai, it would perhaps appear to be out of the same pride that had made her finish the previous test, that iron will that demanded she push herself to succeed. However, in reality it was a feeling stemming from another part of the elf altogether that caused her to “press” on so, that being a mentality derived from the consumptive portion of her that had earned her the title of “Devourer” to some, which now saw “pleasure” as something to be reaped. The more she gave into her inhibitions, the stronger such a motivation became more evident, as the careful pacing became gradually worn away bit by bit and her actions became more uncontrolled… Something that of course, was normal in the course of lovemaking, yet abnormal given the mindset behind it.
As the contest ended though and both lovers exhausted themselves, such observations would become all but irrelevant in Enigma’s multi-faceted mind, especially as certain “revelations” came to light.

A puzzled look…a slight frown...and then, a bemused smile; such were Enigma’s expressions as she laid against her lover’s breast while key memories returned to her, ones that she had bargained away once upon a dream. So “that” had been the truth behind the blackened veil that had shrouded that day, a truth that would have sent her into a fury a day prior but now brought her…joy, if one could call it that. Truly Lanai was the only “lover” for “Enigma”, if “Enigma” could love as she was…the recollected memories, and the conclusion they brought forth, was but further proof of such a thing. A veiled bargaining done in a simply marvelous manner, an excellent use of ah…”supply” and “demand”…had there been any doubt in accepting her love as an equal, there was none now. That was what the necromancer determined, as she opted to close her eyes, and simply…nuzzle herself against the demon’s neck, kissing it once gently and whispering softly with what little energy she had left, after having been fed to the state of near helplessness…

“...I love you.”

Simple words, yet none better to take their place as the exhausted elf chose to lay atop her lover, seeming genuinely and singly ”happy” for the first time in a long while. Even if of course, there would be… details to take care of later.
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 52, PP = 53, EP = 99, Status = Pregnant

Lanai's arms wrapped around Enigma, pulling her closer, and the demoness giggled slightly as Enigma nuzzled against her, and laid a gentle kiss upon her neck. "You're... Incorrigible..." She muttered, her voice fatigued despite all of the energy that she had absorbed from Enigma. She seemed about to say something further, a twitching present within Enigma's flower signalling that perhaps Lanai thought that her lover desired a second round despite their mutual fatigue, but then, Enigma whispered those three very simple words. Lanai stiffened in surprise, the glow from her eyes fading as she looked down at Enigma in shock, and then.... In unequaled joy.

"Mis..... Enigma..." She said, almost referring to Enigma by her former title. Smiling, she hugged Enigma tightly against herself, and continued; "I.. Love you too...." She paused, and then laughed at herself, saying; "That's... Going to take some getting used to, I think. Saying that, I mean."

Then, murmuring happily, Lanai lightly stroked the back of Enigma's head, running fingers gently through the elven necromancer's hair. At the same time, her magically endowed member began to slowly shrink down, until it was gone completely, leaving Enigma no longer impaled upon it. A trickle of Lanai's seed dripped from her and into the slowly cooling bathwater, but Enigma knew that it was already a little late for that to be of much help, given the conditions under which her memory had been restored. "We'd best not sleep here.... Might I carry you back to the cottage we found? I did so like that little place." She said after another moment, though she made no attempt to move from the tub or Enigma's embrace.
Re: 42 (Keylo)

((Ack, short post after long hiatus is short >.>))

“That makes two of us…and yes, that was a charming little place.”

Returning the smile, but too exhausted to do much more, the elf would remain still as she allowed the remnants of her lover’s seed to trickle from her…and of course, to be lifted up slowly once Lanai had deemed it time to return to a more…comfortable location. There was little reason to do anything else anyway, beyond basking in utter bliss. Though eventually, perhaps as the two returned to the cottage from before, Enigma would raise a “peculiar” inquiry once a bit of her strength recovered.

“By the way…love, have you made any thought as to a name?...”

After all, it was only appropriate that she began to make...preparations, no? Even given the circumstances of the prior agreement...