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(BETA: CD) Ashior

Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Serena nods, "Yes, my waters will restore all wounds almost instantly," she explains. "As far as being bound... That's not an easy question to answer. If I leave, the waters will run dry and I will die shortly afterwards. It is simply the way of my kind for this to be so. It is a most unpleasant experience to leave the fountain grounds, even briefly..."

When the topic moved back to reciprocation, Serena also blushed. "Uhm.. I'm not normally so bad... someone had tainted my waters and in order to purify them, I had to take all of the contamination into myself... it's perfectly safe now though," she explains.

"I have no idea, I'm not very familiar with those two; they happened by, I was needy..." her voice trailed off as once again she become embarrassed. "You're er, free to bathe though. The fountain will wash away your wounds and clean your skin, and uhm.. weapon's handle..."
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Nodding, Ashior replied in a stern voice; "Very well. So long as you remain by choice, rather than by another beings will, it is acceptable. Do you know who it was that contaminated your waters?" When the woman granted her permission to bathe, the angel nodded, and once they were finished speaking Ashior stood up slowly, before sliding into the fountains waters. She made sure to keep her wings dry, but otherwise she submersed herself fully, including her head. She came up quickly, rubbing water from her golden eyes, and began caressing her soft skin, particularly where she'd been wounded, though her hands touched every part of her angelic body, and one watching her closely might notice that she paid special attention to her breasts.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

As the angel bathed in and drank of the waters of life, she felt her wounds heal and her strength restore. While the water was indeed quite cool, it felt good against the Angel's skin, giving a slight tingle as it ran over.

"I don't know who it was, no... I fear it may happen again but there is little I can do to prevent it; the first time happened without any warning; no one else was in the fountain grounds at the time that I could sense... Mmm... are you sure you don't want me to help clean you?" she asks once more, blushing slightly. "I only say this because you do look... well, a little... uhm..." her voice trailed off.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

At Sereneas reply that she didn't know who had poisoned her fountain, Ashior only nodded solemnly. Perhaps, if she could find out who had done such, she might try to prevent it from happening again. At her offer to help her bathe, Ashior seemed to have completely missed the innuendo, and replied; "If you so wish to help, then by all means. It would make a poor guest of me to refuse an offer of aid from my host." If the beautiful blond woman took things a little further than bathing, however, she wouldn't make any effort to stop her.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Behind her, the angel could hear the soft footsteps of the girl approaching and a pair of hands slid past her wings, under her arms and cupped her chest gently. "You seem to be paying a lot of attention to here," she teases softly. "They must need some extra special cleaning." Serena pressed herself against Ashior's back as best she was able, given the angelic wings as she began to caress with her soft hands.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Ashior gasped as Serenas hands cupped her breasts, moving her wings to allow the woman to press against her back and give her easier access to her breasts. The angel didn't speak as her ample chest was massaged, moaning softly whenever her nipples were touched. Indeed, the Inquisitor seemed to melt as her orbs were caressed, cooing and gasping without even a hint of resistance.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

As she holds the angel close, so that her own chest can be felt pressing into Ashior's back, Serena slowly trails her right hand down, snaking back and forth as her fingertips brush over the redhead's stomach on the way down. She circles her left index finger slowly across Ashior's nipple, giving a soft giggle to herself at the reactions she's getting.

"Mm.. you're trying to save this place, aren't you?" she asks softly, brushing her leg softly against the angels in an affectionate rubbing motion. "I want to help you..."
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Ashior moaned openly as Serena brushed her finger over the angels stiff pink nipple, and her body contorted so that her chest jutted out into Serenas touch. The angels golden eyes were held tightly shut as her breasts were played with, but she remained somewhat rigidly motionless as Serena softly caressed her leg, doing nothing to aid, or to stop her.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

"Mm... talk to me Ash..." Serena purred into her ear, even as her fingertips brushed over the angel's abdomen as they continued to snake downwards. "I said I wanted to help you... or are you too caught up in the moment?" she teased, pinching down softly on the girl's nipple.

She leaned her head in and began to softly kiss Ashior's exposed neck. "Mmm... you even taste good..." she almost whispers between kisses. By now, Serena's fingers had reached their destination and now softly traced up and down over the angel's opening.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

The angel let out another soft gasp as she felt Serena softly pinch her nipple, her body visibly tensing as the peak of her breast was clamped down upon. Her eyes open wide, glowing softly as her name is spoken, and her mouth parts in another moan as Serena lightly kisses her neck. The angel was clearly enjoying the treatment, and it was several seconds of moans and gasps before Ashior responded; ".....Yes....." But, as she felt Serenas fingers snaking downwards, Ashiors eyes widened, and she suddenly stepped forward, out of the embrace, and said, perhaps a little too forcefully; "No! No........" Then, she turned to face Serena, blushing brightly, and quickly continued; "Serena.... I would like to, but...... I cannot...... I am... Virgin.... I would like to! you feel wonderful! But....." Ashior was at a loss for words after that, clearly undecided, despite the fact that she had, for the moment, pulled away from Serenas exquisite touch.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Serena nods slowly. "It's okay, I understand. My first time with a girl was scary too, you don't have to if you don't want to... but I really do want to help you," she said, taking a step back to give the angel some space. Her face was fairly red and she was having difficulty maintaining eye contact as she brought up an arm across her chest, covering herself somewhat.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Ashior hung her head in shame at her indecision, but when Serena pressed her arm over her chest, she looked up and said; "Wait! I... I don't know..... What I should do. It isn't that I'm afraid. It's just....... I don't know if it is right. I am here to help the world of dreams, and free it from the very corruption that caused us to come to this point, but..... I don't know if this is good for you, or for myself..... You have already helped me so much, and I WANT you to do more.... I want this.... But I don't know....." Once more stumbling to a halt, the angel shook her head, before she looked back up at Serena, who could no longer look her in the eye, and continued; "You should not be ashamed, it is I who should be so, I have declined your offer, and am a poor guest for it. You have shown me nothing but kindness, and in my confusion, I have made you uncomfortable."

Ashior stepped closer to her once again, trying to catch Serenas eye, before she said; "Please..... Help me."
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

"No... you're right. And you shouldn't feel obliged just because you're a guest here..." Serena replied, still not looking at the angel. "This... this wouldn't help you, I'd probably be a corrupting influence on you..." She took a few steps back, away from the angel.

"But I can still help you, in other ways..."
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Ashior hung her head in shame, feeling as though she'd pushed Serena away, but not willing to press the issue, or even sure how she might go about gaining back the Faes favor. Instead, she said; "How might you aid me? You have already allowed me to cleanse myself in your fountain."
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Serena nods. "I can teach you a ritual that will allow you to return here from anywhere in the dreamscape," she said, recovering somewhat. She walked over to the fountain's centre, and ran her hand through one of the streams of water. The water seems to become more solid as it runs through her hand and she pulls it away and wraps it around her. The water twirls around her and then solidifies, creating a long, flowing blue dress, loose fitting and slightly transparent, but certainly allowing at least some modesty.

"I can also make you something new to wear, if you like..." she adds, a lot more shyly.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

"That would be kind of you, on both counts. You are most generous, Serena, and if I may do something to repay you, you need but to name it."
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Serena blushed once more, "You've already done plenty... and I wouldn't mind having you stop by occasionally... just no more chasing away my playmates," she said with an embarrassed smile as she began to collect water in her hand once again.

"You'll, er, have to come over here, otherwise I won't be able to make it fit properly..." she explained, averting her eyes from the naked angel once more. "And then I'll teach you the ritual. Just remember, it's a one way trip, so you'll have to leave here on foot; it also takes a bit of time and concentration to do, so you won't be able to perform it while you're in a fight..."
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Ashior blushed slightly, but nodded at the stipulation. She still had another apology to make, assuming she ever met the beast men again, but that bridge could be crossed if she ever came to it. She stepped closer to Serena, following the womans instructions as necessary, both so that she could receive new clothing, and so that she could learn the ritual to return to the fountain. "I didn't expect that it would allow me to return here and back on a whim, and it is enough to know that I have a sanctuary if I require it. thank you again, Serena."
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Serena wove the watery dress around the angel, giving her a similar blue dress, backless to accommodate the wings into things. It was a little tight around the bust, not enough to be uncomfortable, but it certainly highlighted the angel's attributes more than her angelic robe had. Perhaps surprisingly, the dress felt amazing against the angel's skin; as it wove around her, the feeling of it tracing over her skin sent tingles down her spine, it was soft and sensual and felt good.

"How is it?" Serena asked earnestly, "I've never done one for someone else..."
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

After examining the garment, and stretching about to ensure that she could still move effectively in it, Ashior turned back to Serena and said; "It's wonderful! It's very comfortable. thank you once more! But, it will remain after I've left here, right?" Indeed, the garment felt pleasant against her skin, and despite the tightness around the chest, she felt that she could defend herself as well with it on as she had in her angelic robe.