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(BETA: CD) Ashior

Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Nothing occurred during the pause she waited, and she she continued onwards but before long, the voice had returned. "Not so bright, this one, is she?" it suggested to whatever mysterious other being it was speaking to. "It thinks it is, but it continues to walk down a dangerous road, ill-equipped for what awaits it. It fails to recognise its need for help. Dangerous, that.."

The shadow shifted slightly, and somehow Ashior knew it was now looking directly at her, grinning broadly, not that she could see it. "Pride can be such a danger to an angel..."
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Ashior stopped in her tracks as the voice returned. Then, her voice steady, she replied; "What do you want? You are clearly not my ally, and yet you tell me that I should turn back, and that ahead lies danger. I ask thee, spirit; Where is there not danger, in this place?" Then, turning around, she searched among the woods for the source of the voice, and began following the path backwards toward the fountain slowly.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

The figure was easy enough to locate, it had appeared somewhere behind her; almost seeming to wave as she sets eyes on it. "Ah, it speaks at us once more," it remarks, clearly less excited than the last time. "Yet it offers no name or introduction, nor does it ask one. Instead, it demands our purpose, as if we had to have one and asks of us rhetorical questions..."

In another flash of darkness, it vanishes again, but the voice lingers on, "And it mistakenly calls us a spirit..."
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

"You know what I am already, and as you have offered no introduction until now, I have offered none in return. And as you do not identify yourself, I offer you titles until you find one that takes your liking, demon." Ashior remained calm, walking faster, heading back toward the fountain.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

There's no response from the voice at all, nor can Ashior sight any of the tell-tale shadowy presence around in the trees. It wasn't far back to the fountain; she hadn't gotten far before the figure had first appeared and as she entered it she found it much the same as how she'd left it. The blonde girl had moved, however, instead of laying in a heap desperately pleasuring herself, she now straddled back of the marble decoration of the fountain, still desperately pleasuring herself.

Her head was thrown back and her eyes closed, so she had not noticed the return of the angel yet...
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Speaking as much to herself than to the girl, Ashior muttered; "That voice mentioned this place.... Yet, you are mindless still. What are you? What is this place? Why do you lust so?" It was unlikely that the girl would offer any useful response, so the angel let her shield and mace fall to the ground, and then pulled off her hood, revealing the angels face and tresses of crimson hair for the first time since she'd entered the dream world. Her feet took her to the edge of the fountain, where the girl was moaning and grinding herself against the stone. "You could hurt yourself doing that you know...."
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

The girl looked up, giving a gasp at the voice. "You... you're back...?" she said, almost disbelieving it. She gripped onto the marble with both hands and roughly ground herself against it, her hips shaking back and forth rapidly. "It's better... if it hurts..." she adds before letting out an obscene moan. "Why...?" she asks again, looking at the angel needily.

"Yes, why?" came a now irritatingly familiar voice from somewhere to one side. "Why did she return to this place? Is it because she heard us mentioning it? Does she suspect it holds something she needs? How does she intend to go about getting it?" The shadowy figure was standing atop the edge of the cliff that overlooked the path she had first entered the fountain from, although it did not linger long before disappearing once more.

"Should be interesting to find out..."
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Ashior sighed as she heard the high pitched voice once more, and looked up at the source to see it staring down at her. The angelic Inquisitor spread her white wings wide and shouted up at the shadow; "For one who claims wisdom, you listen poorly. I will be more blunt. Go. Away."

Then turning back to the lithe girl, she said in a much kinder and calmer voice; "If you desire aid, then I will give it, if you agree to answer a few questions when you are satisfied."
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

The girl's eyes go wide and her grinding against the marble only increases at that. "You have to be.. mm... rough... and powerful... punish me... oohh..." she declares amongst cries of pleasure. "Violate me... penetrate me..."

She continued to grind herself against the statue, looking hungrily at the angel; it didn't seem like she was actually going to stop what she was currently doing anytime soon...
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

While Ashior questioned whether she could adequately please the woman, especially given her own inexperience, it wasn't like she'd be hurt by trying, or had any other option at hand for her goal. Besides, if she wanted it to be rough......

Ashior knelt down and retrieved her mace, but instead of holding it as meant for battle, she held it near the head. Her other hand grabbed the moaning gyrating woman by the hair, and as the angel pressed her nude body up against the other womans, pressed her own soft pink lips against the others full red ones. Her kiss was demanding and aggressive, and though somewhat clumsy, was only meant to distract her in any case. Her true motive was to push the woman so that she leaned backwards, and letting the red-haired angel get at her womanhood. The handle of her mace pressed against her slit, Ashior pausing momentarily in her kiss to look down and find the correct target, and then roughly pressed into the woman, right up until Ashiors hand touched against her mound, the smooth handle of the holy weapon fully inside of her. She is ginger at first, but the womans clear need overrode the angels normal caution, and soon she was forcing the tool vigorously in and out of her honeypot.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

The girl let out a gasp as she was grabbed by the hair and allowed the angel to steer her about, although she did press herself against the angel firmly in response. She returned the kiss just as aggressively as it was delivered, and with a great deal more skill; although she pulled back in such a way that meant that Ashior remained the driving force behind the kiss.

And then the handle was driven into her. She practically melted in Ashior's arms as it slid into her easily and for a while she simply moaned, her head back and eyes shut. It subsided before long, however, and she was soon thrusting her hips onto the mace wildly as she pulled Ashior close.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

(Yay not fail!)

Ashior kept up her hand motions, which had at first been awkward and clumsy were quickly becoming familiar, the angel picking up this new use for it almost as quickly as she'd taken to using the weapon for its intended purpose. Her body pressed and ground against the woman in turn, the Inquisitor emitting an occasional soft moan as the pink tips of her breasts rubbed against her partners soft skin, and her kiss continued with as much fervor as she could muster. She tried to start going faster and faster with her movements, and then her other hand tugged on the womans blond hair, pulling her head back, and allowing Ashior to plant kisses along her jaw that trailed down to her neck. There, she bit and nibbled softly on the flesh of the womans throat, her heavy breathing as evident a sensation as the touch of her mouth, all the while continuing to aggressively plow into her womanhood with the end of her mace.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

The girl cried out as Ashior forced her back. "Yes... mm... yes... punish me... " she begged softly even as she still rocked herself back and forth. Leaning backwards, her hands slid off the angel and took grip on the fountain, bracing herself against it to allow her to lean back against it. "Oohh... yes... I deserve this... punish me..." she continued to moan out, her eyes peering back at the bronze-haired angel.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Ashior released the womans hair, and slowed her hand movements and kisses just long enough so that she could mount the edge of the fountain herself, seating herself partially in the water. From this position, the angel could easily lean forward to kiss the womans neck just as before, but then she began trailing her way down to her breasts, softly speaking all the way down to one of her nipples; "Yes.... You've been very bad... You have to be punished....." After that, she was not gentle, her mouth wrapping her the peak of the blonds breast and sucking on it, her teeth pressing against it and nibbling consistently. Not enough to cause damage, mind, but enough to cause a little pain. Her now free hand went swiftly to her partners nether region, searching for her jewel, and roughly pressing against it with her thumb, applying jolts of friction in quick and desperate motions against her most sensitive part. Finally, Ashiors soft feathered wings closed around the pair, partially hiding them from outside view, though even a casual glance at the pair would tell anyone what they were doing.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

"Aahh... aaah... aah..." the girl was putty in Ashior's hands; it was all she could do to gasp for air as her body counter-thrust itself against the angel, consumed by pleasure and desire. "Mm... make me... yours..."" she begged as the wings folded around the pair and she grabbed Ashior by the back of the head with one hand, holding her close.

"Tsk, tsk, it's no fun to watch if you hide it all like that," the voice came, no doubt striking a dissonant chord in Ashior's mind. "But I must say, you seem to be remarkably skilled at this for your sort... divine guidance, perhaps? Perhaps inspired by His will? Or have you done this sort of thing before?" it teased in a mocking tone, speaking directly to her for the first time.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Ashior did the only sensible thing as she once more heard that shadows voice, given how nothing else had worked so far to quiet it. She ignored it completely. Instead, she used her wings to pull the blond woman closer to her, the redheaded angel looking up at her face as she continued sucking and biting on her nipple and pushing into her hole with end of her mace. By now, the weapon was soaked with her juices, allowing her to thrust at a breakneck pace. As she moved closer, her own petals ground against the stone of the fountain, causing her to moan softly into her partners bussom. She didn't know what part of her the words came from, but as she continued thrusting the end of her mace into the womans honeypot, Ashior spoke once more, her voice low, hoarse, and filled with perhaps a little too much force; "Yes... You are mine now..... Now, submit to me fully......" As she finished, she pinched the womans clitoris between her finger and thumb, roughly rubbing and squeezing the delicate nub.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

The girl under her let out one last great cry as she fell backwards onto the stone centrepiece of the fountain, her body giving a spasms as she gasped for air. "Yes... yes... yes..." she panted at a whisper as the sensation rocked through her body and she was left weak and timid by it.

"Not bad," mocked the voice. "Maybe next time I could help you out, I'm sure you'd find the experience... ungodly." With echoing, trailing laughter the voice disappeared, leaving only the exhausted girl before her in the fountain. Weakly, she glances up with a soft smile. "Thank you," she says earnestly. "Now... you wanted to ask me some questions...?" she asks, looking slightly confused.

Internally, the angel feels changed by the experience. It felt... good. It felt good to help the poor girl when she was in need and that feeling helped her to feel more secure in her beliefs. But... it also felt so very good to dominate her like that. To fulfil her desires and grind against her sexually....
(Lose 1 corruption (sin of pride) for helping someone in need, but gain 1 for sin of lust; so no net change in actual corruption value, just a change in type)
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

The angel lifted her head from the girls breast and glanced around for the source of the voice, her irritation at the shadowy figures constant presence increasing with his every word. Only when the girl speaks, does Ashior take a moment to rationally ponder her current state: leaning over the woman completely nude, her pink nipples stiff, her womanhood mashed against the stone rim of the fountain, and the handle of her weapon pressed up into the other womans soaked passage. Clearing her voice, she slowly pulls her mace out, and examines it for a moment, seeing it covered with the girls fluids. then, she said; "Forgive me, but might I ask who, and what, you are? And where we are precisely? I know little of this world, and I don't want to bombard you with questions immediately, but there is so much that I do not know....."
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

"Mm... okay, I can answer that. My name is Serena, I'm the fae of this fountain. As long as I live and guard this fountain, the waters of life will flow from it to replenish all who drink from it," she gives a faint smile as she looks up, rubbing her leg gently against the angel's in an affectionate way. "As to where you are... well, you're in my fountain. I can't leave, so I'm not really able to tell you much beyond that..." she says apologetically.

She bites her lower lip softly. "Mm... you don't want me to... maybe... return the favour?" she asks, blushing slightly and slowly sliding her tongue between her lips suggestively. "I could still serve you..."
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

"It is a pleasure to know your name, Serena. I am called Ashior, but those close to me sometimes call me Ash or Ashley. Replenish? So, will I be healed if I drink from it?" She said, and then paused for the other woman to continue, before saying; "Why can you not leave? Are you bound here against your will?" At her offer of reciprocation, Ashior blushes, and looks away, thinking on it for a moment. When she turns back, she offers her a smile, a rare sight on the normally stern angels face, and said; "No.... thank you, but..... No. I'd like to, but, I am pressed, and have already done you a disservice by chasing off your previous partners." then, remembering the two werewolves, Ashiors expression dropped back into her usual blank expression, and she said; "Speaking of.... I owe one of them an apology. And, while I don't doubt that he will demand a price of me, I suppose I must at least make the attempt to make amends for my actions. Do you know where I might find them, Serena?"

Then, finally, she looked down at her weapon again, as well as the numerous blood and green stains on her body, and said; "And..... Would it be possible for me to bathe here? Or somewhere close by, perhaps? And to clean my weapon, as well."

(I'd rather this remain a net gain of 1 corruption, all things considered.)