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Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

I'm sorry I've been all derps lately...... ;_;
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

I'm sorry I've been all derps lately...... ;_;

I wasn't yelling at you Tenta, just Bei, who is surprisingly taking lobger than you to post, all of the offense.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

"Why hello there, Iggy. It certainly has been a long time since you were at the mansion. Mistress Ayumi will quite happy to see you again. Also hello, Miss Xi and Miss Aegis. I have been briefed on all the important things I need to know about all of you from the hiring agency. Though if you all feel like getting to know each other, I certainly wouldn't oppose to a meet and greet session. It's good for our staff to be friendly and open with each other, after all. Also, please don't be so timid or worried Aegis. I have no doubt you'll find the Mistress, myself and Shizune, our head maid, to be most friendly here. Now please follow me, and I will show you around the mansion. Oh Iggy, since you have been here before, I would greatly appreciate it if you would help with the tour and lead your new co workers through the estate, please?"

After Tetsuo's speill, he lead the maids through the mansion, first showing them the main hallway, making no comment as he heads down the hallway, opening a door to a hallway that leads north-south, and leading them to the Library. "Here is the library. I would advise against spending time here until your daily chores are complete." he states, allowing the two new maids time to admire the rows of books before motioning for them to follow him along to the next destination. "It is very good to have new maids in the household. It was beginning to get rather exhausting and difficult to tend to the estate with jsut myself and Miss Shizune. Especially when we also had to tend to the mistress's.... health issues" he speaks, as he grasps two ornate handles to two fine wooden doors. "And here we have the Grand Dining Hall." he states, opening the doors to reveal a large open room, complete with numerous dining tables, the dining cloth and silverware not yet set out for dinner.

"In the past we would host grand parties here, but that has become rather hard to do, and ill advised, with the Mistress's recent health problems." he states, Norman seemed indifferent to the fact that he was merely the butler in a house full of women, and seemed to twitch slightly at the insult directed at him, though he quickly resumed the tour, heading through the double doors to the west, which lead to the grand hall. "Here is where we normally entertain guests at parties, the Grand Hall. As you can see, it hasn't been used in some time, the mistress sadly cannot partake in such exciting activities as often since she has gotten ill, I'm afraid...." he states somewhat melancholy to the other maids, before continuing.

"Through the door in the back, we have the kitchen, where you will prepare meals and the like, and attached to it, is the Storage room. Now, shall I show you upstairs, or do you have questions about the first floor?"

(Hurrah for copy-pasta! XD)

First off, Norman?

Second off, the storage room is not connected to the kitchen, there's a service dining hall in between.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Oh, also dont forget something important.


"Iggy is male" :v
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Update in Blargs thread to come out sometime today.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Before I go to bed, response to plm's question!

It should probably be 6 or 7 pm in our thread. The first meal we had was brunch, and that was a late brunch. And Blarg said it was getting dark outside.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

The day went so fast and we just clean the hot spring in the midday, maybe was all the fault of Harriet to come late in the introduction
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Roundabout sunset, is when we're at, yes. Ohgodfivedayslate

Uhh, so... honk. Look what I made instead of being productive! :V



I probably fucked up some people and I apologize <___>
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

I see a disturbing lack of dick on Sammy.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

"I find your lack of dick disturbing........"

Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

It's the latest Grail Inc. stealthdick underwear prototype. Based on ancient Asian anatomical design, now, you too can pop boners in inappropriate places and have no one be the wiser!
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Poor Harriet, always getting cock-blocked...
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

And then we weren't surprised that Tenta failed to deliver...
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Poor Harriet, always getting cock-blocked...

Ha, it's her fault for coming off as a self centered douche. Also, why waste a perfectly good opportunity to cause Rin to explode a little bit more? :-D
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Well, Harriet's going to at least have some fun - possibly. But Mae will make sure it's with an angel, not an alien. The alien can watch...
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

We'll see about that, Sammy has other ideas in mind.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Just careful you don't God mode with the mind reading. ;)