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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)



Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

As the two stood in the room they could feel themselves become noticeably more aroused, and Hannah quickly stood up. "This isn't normal, there must be something about these flowers. Let's get out of-" she started, but she was cut off as she let out a grunt. "Ah, watch out" she warned, and a slight noise alerted Mei-Lien to something coming at her from the ground. With quick reflexes she was able to grab the thing that jumped at her from behind, squishing what looked to be some sort of odd worm easily. Hannah was trying to pull one of them off her back, though it was in just the right spot such that she couldn't reach it. "We need to get out of here, we won't last much longer if we don't!"

???/??? HP

5/5 FP
2/10 AP

4/5 FP
3/3 MP
2/10 AP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The heat within her was getting stronger fast, and this unnerved Mei a bit. Before Hannah could finnish, she was interrupted, giving a warning to the redhead. Detecting a faint shifting in the dirt below her, the fighter took a step to the side and grabbed the assailant attempting to leap her from the rear. It was some kind of worm until Mei crushed it into a smushed pile inside her fist. Noticing the mage's predicament she urged her forward too, trying to help her take out the wormy worm on the move as they aimed for the exit. Assailants combined with an outside source of arousal was a bad thing for the two, so they needed to get away as soon as possible.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 16 vs. 4 W, Partial Success!
H 13 vs. 13 W, Partial Success!
W 10 vs. 13 M, Dodged!
W 6 vs. 15 H, Dodged!
M 5 vs. 13 W, Fail and Jumped!
H 9 vs. 8 W, Success!
W 9 vs. 12 M, Dodged!
M 17 vs. 3 W, Success!

The two run for the door, and make significant progress, and Mei-Lien managed to rip the worm off of Hannah's back, all the while dodging more worms that leapt up from the ground. Unfortunately Mei-Lien has to dodge backwards, slowing her down enough that one of the worms was able to jump onto her back. Somewhat distressingly she feels a painful stab in her back, and that the thing is injecting some sort of liquid into her. Somewhat closer to the door, Hannah manages to get out of the room without further trouble, and it doesn't take Mei-Lien much longer after that, coming out into the hallway again. Hannah quickly pulls the worm out of her back and flings it back into the room, then sitting down and panting heavily. The two of them were still fairly aroused, and there was still the matter of whatever they'd been injected with. "Haaa... haaa... What were those things?"

Mei-Lien (??? 2 turns)
4/5 FP
5/10 AP

Hannah (??? 1 turn)
4/5 FP
4/10 AP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Swiftly going for the door, Mei managed to swat the worm away from Hannah as they speeded towards the corridor. One worm managed to surprise her along the way, a slight prick feeling at the back of her neck before the fighter could get it away.

Once back at the corridor, Mei witnesses Hannah throw a worm back into the room and sitting down. A heat was present in her body as the mage asked a question she wouldn't know the answer to. "Seemed to be some kind of worm... I couldn't really tell you, though the one managed to spike my neck. Let's hope it's not bad..." she replied, a bit uneasy about the fluid she felt entering her.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah slowly got up, replying "well, we'll find out soon, one got me too." It took only a few moments before she let out a moan, dropping to her knees again and clutching at her chest as a wet spot appeared on her dress. Soon after that Mei-Lien felt her own arousal increase, and her already plentiful breasts swell, a building pressure inside them until she felt herself begin to leak milk. "Ahhh, this isn't good..." Hannah muttered as she stared at the floor, trying to concentrate on anything but what she was feeling.

4/5 FP
7/10 AP

4/5 FP
6/10 AP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Mei nodded in reply, not really having any suggestion what to do. She followed Hannah's moan episode from the side, knowing full well that the same thing was going to happen to her within a few minutes. Another, more intense wave of heat washed over her as the fighter felt her chest tighten. The dress she wore was already body-lickingly tight, and it seemed like her breasts were swelling, which caused a rather uncomfortable pressure around her chest. A wet release soon followed, and the girl touched her breasts to find out that she too had lactated. "No.. it is not..." Mei thought, wondering if the swelling was going to continue. If there was too much increase, she'd have to take off her dress before the tightness got too unbearable.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

After a few minutes, Mei-Lien would realize that most of the pressure was internal, as milk slowly leaked into her bra and soaked through to her dress. Her arousal was slowly going down, but this new problem seemed not to be going away. Hannah was silent, kneeling on the floor and clutching at her chest as she tried to combat her arousal, though Mei-Lien could tell that the less disciplined girl wasn't used to dealing with these situations, and was having a bit of trouble.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Oh great.." the fighter though as her dress started developing two wet spots in the chest area. She decided to open up her dress and pull it down from her shoulders, not taking the thing off completely but letting the upper part hang from her waist. Following that, she also lowered her web-bra and opted to wait for the milking to stop. She leaned down against the wall to a sitting position, tried to verbally get Hannah into pulling herself together as the arousal started to lower slightly. "Fight it. It's not stronger than you." Mei told the mage as she sat there.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"I know, I'm trying... It's just... so hard..." Hannah muttered as she waited. After about twenty minutes Mei-Lien's arousal was at a manageable level, though it took another ten minutes for her mage companion to get herself fully under control. Eventually milk ceased actively leaking from them, though there was still some pressure, and Mei-Lien could tell that any significant stimulation would cause her to lactate again. "Should we keep going now?" Hannah asked, standing up finally and dusting herself off. It seemed to Mei-Lien that the girl was getting a little bit tired, the last few rooms having taken a toll on her.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Despite the mage's complaints, Mei kept on verbally encouraging her to not give up. After some time, both girls stop leaking, but the slight pressure was still there. "Great, just great.... I'm some cow now...? the fighter though, as the apparent lactating was still lurking there under the surface.

"Sure, we can go on, but can you manage it? You look somewhat tired." she replied, not wanting Hannah to fade out in the middle of a battle or some other such thing happening. If the mage thought herself ready, Mei would lead them forward along the main path, taking any sidepaths or doors if one came along the way.
Last edited:


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"I'll be okay" Hannah replied, "I've just had a lot taken out of me. It took a lot of effort and energy to heal myself after that baby mimic..." She trailed off in the end, subconsciously moving a hand to her crotch. "It's getting a little late too, this has been a bigger area than the ones we've been exploring. But I'm good for a while." She waited for Mei-Lien to lead the way farther on, and soon they came to a small side path to the right, and took it, then taking the rightward of the two doors they were presented with. They came out in a completely open room with a dirt floor just like the last one, though there seemed to be a hole in the middle of the floor... Hannah quickly reached out a hand and stopped Mei-Lien close to the door. "I don't like that hole..." she said, readying herself as she seemed to wait for something. After a minute or two of waiting, a few vine-like tentacles slowly rose up from the hole.

12/12 HP

5/5 FP

5/5 FP
3/3 MP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The mage gave a brief assurance that she was okay, which Mei was not sure to believe, but she let the thing slide. "Alright, if that's how you feel. Let's go. When you think it's getting too hard, say so and we'll retreat to the wolfgirl's quarters or something." she instructed Hannah before leading her forward.

There was a side path which the girls took, finding a door at the right like many times before. Without any hesitation, the pair entered the door to find another earthen-floored room, though there was a hole in the ground. Before she could advance further in, Mei was stopped by the mageling's hand. A few tentacle-vines soon emerged from the hole. "What do you think? Should we stay and fight? Or retreat?" she said in a low voice, keeping her eyes on the tentacles in case they started making sudden moves towards them. If that did happen, she'd defend herself like usual.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 16 vs. 15 T, Hit!
H 2 vs. 13 T, Miss!
H 5 vs. 19 T, Miss!
T 9 vs. 5 M, Hit and Grappled!
M 6 vs. 14 T, Miss!
H 13 vs. 18 T, Miss!
H 8 vs. 10 T, Miss!
T 11 vs. 6 M, Hit and Further Grappled!
M 12 vs. 4 T, Hit and Escaped!
H 11 vs. 11 T, Hit!
H 19 vs. 12 T, Hit!
T 22 vs. 16 M, Hit and Grappled!

"Alright, I will. I have no intention of pushing myself to exhaustion" Hannah replied. When they got to the room and Mei-Lien asked her for her opinion on fight or flight, she said "it's up to you, I can fight if that's what you want." Mei-Lien, of course, chose fighting, and waited for the tentacles to lash out at her. As soon as they did she ripped into them, tearing one of them in two. The tentacles were too small and nimble for Hannah to target properly, so she flung her fireballs into the hole, hoping to hit the main body of the creature, though she couldn't know if she was having success or not. The tentacles soon retaliated against Mei-Lien, grabbing her and hoisting her up into the air before giving her a quick beating around the head and neck. From the air she could see that the hole seemed more like a plant of some kind, with a pool of liquid at the bottom. She tried to pull herself free, but the thing only grabbed more of her body, holding her tightly as it continued the beating. Finally, just before she was too wrapped up to move, she managed to crush one of the tentacles in her hands, and it dropped her back down to the ground. They quickly seized her again, however, though they didn't manage to get her off the ground this time, instead focusing on the beating they were giving her. She was already beginning to feel the effects.

Pitcher Plant
8/12 HP

Mei-Lien (Grappled, -1 to Attack)
2/5 FP

5/5 FP
0/3 MP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Alright, we fight then." Mei said, readying herself for the battle. No matter how badly she got beaten, the former champion couldn't resist fighting the strange things that kept appearing in front of her. As a tentacle swished towards her, a strong arm shot out and catched it mid-attack, severing the thing clear in two with a quick pull. Hannah too scored against whatever the thing was, before a set of tentacle-vines grabbed Mei and lifted her off the ground. Before she could battle the grapple, a few lashes came to her, causing some rather unpleasant feelings as one would expect whips to do. Resistance didn't really have any success as more of the tentacles came, taking hold of the redhead's waist as well. But one tendril was a bit late on the draw, opening a window for Mei to use. With a quick crush, the girl freed herself, only to be catched again. After some more smackings, the fighter had her chance to attack, which she proceeded to do unless the tentacles grappled her more in which case she would try to escape.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 18 vs. 10 T, Hit and Escaped!
H 20 vs. 10 T, Hit!
T 15 vs. 6 M, Hit and Grappled!
M 11 vs. 12 T, Miss!
H 20 vs. 8 T, Hit!
T 4 vs. 3 M, Hit!
H 12 vs. 23 T, Miss!
T 5 vs. 13 H, Miss!
H 5 vs. 14 T, Miss!
T 16 vs. 11 H, Hit and Grappled!
H 16 vs. 7 T, Hit and Escaped!
T 13 vs. 16 H, Miss!
H 17 vs. 9 T, Hit!
T 16 vs. 13 H, Hit and Grappled!
H 3 vs. 8 T, Miss!
T 9 vs. 10 H, Miss!
H 17 vs. 19 T, Miss!
T 6 vs. 11 H, Miss!
H 1 vs. 15 T, Miss!
T 11 vs. 1 H, Hit and Grappled Further!
H 7 vs. 4 T, Hit and Escaped!
T 5 vs. 17 H, Miss!
H 4 vs. 23 T, Counter!

Mei-Lien quickly freed herself as Hannah continued to launch fireballs into the pit, though less quickly as before, having exhausted her excess pool of magical energy already. Still, Mei-Lien soon found herself caught in the grip of the plant's vines after they came at her from an odd angle, beating on her and hoisting her into the air. She was getting tired by now, and her efforts to escape were fruitless, though Hannah managed to blast some of the vines that held her, a little surprised at her own aim. That didn't stop them from continuing to wail on Mei-Lien, and finally she felt her strength slip away from her as she suffered one too many hits. Sensing that she was no longer a serious threat, the plant ceased paying much attention to her, only giving her an occasional slap across the back with its vines, as if reminding her not to try anything. It then focused on Hannah, who fought long and hard against the vines, blasting them with fire as she deftly dodged their return blows, though every so often she would be snatched up and beaten on. Towards the end of the fight she quite obviously ran out of steam, too tired to put up much of a fight, but she still managed a few more dodges before being thoroughly whipped and carried up towards Mei-Lien, the plant holding both exhausted girls over its pit for a moment in its triumph.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Get off me... piece of shit..." the fighter cursed, taking hold of a vine grappling her and crushing it. As she slipped away, Hannah was shooting out more fire, but that didn't stop the plant from grabbing Mei again. As she was hoisted up into the air once more, a vine smacked her to the back of the head, taking any remaining fight out from the fighter's body. As her strenght faded, the redhead could see Hannah going against the plant by herself, a few painful lashes across her back being the only thing keeping her from losing consciousness. Eventually, the mage too succumbed to the fibrous assaults, and was headed towards Mei as she witnessed the plant hold them up like some trophies. "Damn.. you..." the fighter thought, not really liking the idea of coming into contact with the plant's inner liquids. But there wasn't anything she'd be able to do now...


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"I did my best" Hannah called out weakly as she was pulled next to Mei-Lien, and the vines slowly and awkwardly began to disrobe them. "I... I didn't really... I don't want to die here" she sputtered, looking down at what she assumed to be the digestive juices of the plant, and then took a big gulp of air, as if to calm herself. "It's not all bad, though. At least I had some fun. And I got to be with you for a while" she said, managing to smile up at the fighter. When the plant had finally got all their clothes on it lowered them into the pit painfully slowly as Hannah's lips moved in silent prayer, her eyes shut tightly as she prepared herself, if there is any way to do so, to be digested alive.

When they finally came into contact with the liquid, it was warm, but not unpleasantly so. It was almost like bathwater, in fact, though it had a sickly sweet smell to it. Hannah opened her eyes, surprised that she wasn't in the process of dying, though the vines suddenly and quickly pushed them down under the liquid, holding them under it as if to drown them. Hannah thrashed around, struggling desperately to get to the surface, but her efforts were in vain, and she made a last desperate gasp for air that sucked in only the liquid, which Mei-Lien would find to be terribly sweet. At that moment, just as they thought that they really might drown, the plant pulled them up so that their heads were out of the liquid, allowing them to breathe freely. "Wha... what are you... doing... just... finish it..." Hannah muttered weakly, though soon the two of them could feel a growing arousal after drinking down the liquid, perhaps indicating to them that their lives weren't about to end prematurely. At least, not until the plant had had its fun, anyway.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Despite knowing that she wouldn't really die, the idea of being slowly consumed alive by some plant creature really made her nervous. She didn't offer any of her own thoughts back at Hannah, being too lost in her own thoughts to reply, despite hearing everything the frightened girl said to her. For some reason, the pitcher opted to take away their clothes. Mei would've wanted the thing to choke on her gauntlets, but she'd have to ignore that thought now. When the liquid was nearing her, Mei too closed her eyes, though she was perfectly calm on the outside.

The inner fluids surprised her, being strangely nice to the touch, not corrosive acid like Mei initially thought it would be. The plant took to tormenting them, pushing both girls under the surface just to hold them down long enough to make them nearly drown as a mouthful of the liquid entered the fighter. Before she did drown however, the plant pulled her head up over the surface. Coughing violently, Mei found out that the fluid might actually be yet another form of aphrodisiac as her entire body was getting warmer after consuming some. With a grim expression, the redhead waited for further torments no doubt planned by the plant to abuse them with. Maybe they might get out of this predicament alive after all...


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The plant slowly pulled the two girls completely out of the liquid, still a full body-length beneath the lip of the pit. It held them there for what seemed like forever before a vine from up above slapped both of them across their shoulders and then had them turned to face one another, another vine running underneath them and gently caressing their folds. It was apparently unhappy with the result, because it dunked them under the liquid again; this time Hannah willingly drank from it, not keen on feeling as if her lungs were going to burst again, and she was rewarded with a quick trip back above the aphrodisiac. Two more times the plant repeated the ritual, and Mei-Lien soon felt herself unbearably aroused, her love juices dripping freely into the pool beneath her. The plant finally seemed to be satisfied with that, though it poked and prodded the length of their bodies, as if looking for something. When it poked at their breasts it seemed to find what it was looking for, and a few small vines hovered about for a moment before coming down on them, whipping them hard. Hannah let out a sharp yelp, and a small quantity of milk leaked from the two of them. This seemed to please the plant, because it continued to whip at their breasts with vigor, coaxing more of the milk out into the pool. The whipping continued until painful red welts appeared on their chests, and then the vines changed tactics, closing in to wrap around their orbs and squeeze tightly, tugging outward until steady streams of milk poured forth. Hannah stared at Mei-Lien with eyes filled with pain and fear, her body limp in the vines' restraint as she accepted her situation, her will to fight gone.

Both girls were still terribly horny, their bodies seemingly on fire with arousal and yet not being touched in any way intended to satisfy them. For a moment it seemed like that was about to change, as multiple vines hovered around them, but their hopes were dashed as the vines went for their mouths and asses. Mei-Lien's mouth was forced open by one of the vines while another pressed its way in, penetrating quickly and deeply until it was almost in her stomach, not allowing her to breathe. Another vine penetrated her ass just as quickly and just as deeply; she could feel it curling around inside her, distorting her digestive tract. It was a stark contrast to her experience with the mimic not long ago, and looking over she could see that Hannah was being subjected to the same, already fighting desperately for air. The vines pulled back, just long enough to give the two a chance to gasp for air, and then slammed back in hard. The plant fucked both of them like this for a number of agonizing minutes, each thrust seeming like it might be the last they would ever feel, though the plant always pulled back at the last moment, allowing them a quick breath. The plant seemed to notice that this hampered the flow of their honey into its pool, so it added in another element. Slowly a few tiny vines moved in and wrapped almost gently around their clits, carefully squeezing and twirling around, almost making the experience bearable. After a few more minutes the two reached orgasm one after the other, the powerful aphrodisiac they had been filled with causing them to actually squirt their honey plentifully into the pool despite the pain they were going through.

Still, the plant seemed unsatisfied, and it brought more to bear on the girls. Mei-Lien suddenly felt a sharp pain in her back as the vines whipped her, and she could tell that these were tipped with small spikes. More whips rained down along much of her body, and she could see that Hannah was getting much the same treatment, and that by now the young mage was sobbing, almost wishing she had been digested as blood trickled down into the plant. For another full hour the plant brutalized them as their various fluids poured out into the pool at the bottom, and despite themselves the two came a few more times. Towards the end the vines finally stopped using their throats, and a bit after that Hannah let out a bloodcurdling scream, her eyes growing quite wide. Finally, seemingly satisfied, the plant ceased its abuse of the two, taking them up and dropping them on the ground near their clothing before sinking back into the pit.

Mei-Lien felt as if her entire body were on fire; fatigue from a long day and the severe beating and fucking she had endured had taken their toll, and she wasn't sure if she could bring herself to move. Looking over she saw Hannah slowly dragging herself towards her with her elbows, leaving a small trail of blood behind her. The mage put her hands on Mei-Lien's stomach and began to heal her, and the fighter could feel and see her wounds closing up, a bit of strength returning to her body. Hannah finally collapsed onto Mei-Lien's stomach, weakly saying "I don't... have the energy... to heal myself..." barely above a whisper. "I wonder... if it's supposed to... feel like this... it hurt... so badly... but now... now I can't feel... anything below my waist... I think I need... healing somehow... or something bad might happen..." Slowly she reached down and weakly grasped Mei-Lien's hand with her own, looking up at her and swallowing hard before saying "if I... if I die, please... take my body to my parents..." Mei-Lien was tired and beaten up, but she could still move about, and if she thought hard enough she would remember at least one being in the building who had healing abilities.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The bath-warm liquid flowed down her shapely form as Mei was lifted away from the small pool underneath. After a few slaps around her shoulders, the plant took to rubbing the fighter's womanhood to test her for something, no doubt for the drippiness of her love juices. It didn't seem to be enough as she was plunged into the aphrodisiac pool a few times afterwards, to make the fighter horny enough to start leaking properly. That was followed up by scanning pokes around her body, as if the plant wasn't quite sure where to look. The investigation yielded results fast enough though as it started whipping up some milk from the previously-drugged breasts of the fighter. The lashings made her cringe in pain, but she wouldn't give the plant enough joy by crying out from a few mere whips across the chest, the milk was enough of a gift for it. Lucky for the girls, the veggie rapist soon realised a better tactic to milking them, taking up the tried and proven method of wrapping Mei's sizeable breasts with a pair of vine-tentacles. With a hard squeeze and tug, the orbs yielded milk in much greater amounts. Much to her surprise, the redhead found herself greatly enjoying this rough milking, she would've likely wanted it even without the aphrodisiac there to push her onto more and more lewd acts of pleasure.

With a terrible arousal still heating her, Mei was sure she'd get her relief soon as a set of vine-tentacles swarmed around them. But it was not to be, as the appendages only took up roles to torment them further. With her jaw forced open, the fighter could feel a quick invasion of her mouth beginning as a thick vine thrusted inside her, pushing deep down her throat and blocking up her air supply. Another one decided to ignore her eagerly waiting womanhood, instead rushing up her asshole in an overtly rushed push, bringing an entirely new level of discomfort and pain with these combined actions. Though she knew that the vine was way too deep inside her to be taken out by struggling, Mei still tried to jiggle away in an effort to get the blockade away from her throat as she was starting to choke. Before that could happen, the offending tendril retreated for just long enough to allow the redhead a brief gasp of air before sinking down her throat again with the same overtly rough speed as previously. With this two-piece combo in action, the fighter thought she wouldn't provide enough bodily fluids for the plant as the abuse was extremely unpleasant. To make the torment somehow beneficial to itself, the thing applied a clit teaser into the game, just to make the girls drip like miniature waterfalls and somehow tolerate the severely deep penetration their orifices were subjected to.

As if that wasn't enough, the thing soon had a few of it's tendrils lash the girl's exposed bodies, with barbed vines even. By this point tears started to run down Mei's face, who was starting to wish for a quick end to this torment. "Goddamit... just... sink me into... your digestive juices..." she cursed the thing in her mind, as her struggles brought more liquids to the fore, small, slow-running trickles of blood going down her shapely body from the wounds that appeared as the lashes licked over her form. The abuse seemed to go on forever, as Mei hoped the plant would accidentally choke her to death, but such mercies were not to be found as the thing continued fucking her holes all too deeply. After the longest hour of her life, the redhead had disturbingly climaxed a few times, even as her blood was leaving her body. The plant sadist then thankfully released them both, practically leaving them to die next to their equipment.

Having been raped and brutalized for so long and hard, the fighter didn't have the strenght to move. Her entire body was covered in tiny wounds that leaked small amounts of blood still, partially painting her body the same scarlet hue as her hair was. She could also taste blood in her mouth, no doubt the abusive thrusts into her throat had dealt damage in there as well. But Hannah was there, laying into the Mei to heal her up into a condition good enough for moving. But it seemed like the mage wouldn't survive on her own, unless a capable healer took her under their care. While she still didn't like the mageling, Mei couldn't let this debt go unpaid. Hannah had healed her at the cost of her own health, and she wouldn't let the rich girl die because of that. While she was still naked, that hadn't never been an issue with the former champion. Only putting on her gauntlets from the equipment pile, she took Hannah's body on her strong arms, piling as much clothes onto her as she could before heading towards the fox girl's room. Either she or the mimic had to know healing."Don't you fucking give up on me, you're not as weak as you think...."